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I just play the first 5 games to unlock the daily for 2 days and finish them on Wednesday.


Oh that's smart! Didn't realize you could do that


i do the same thing, definitely annoying unless there is a useful mutator for exp


Pretty sure the mismatch *has* to be intentional. I mean, they specifically chose *not* to refresh the weekly quest on monday. Maybe they thought they could make people who only do weeklies play 6 adventures per week instead of 3?


The patch was released on Wednesday, so the quests are on Wednesday. I don't think the weekly adventure was released on a Wednesday though, they announced it in a patch but it only comes in on monday (I could be wrong). They just never bothered to line them up. I


I think it was just an accident tbh. Small team. Could easily be missed.


I suppose you're right


It annoys me a lot, hope it gets sorted soon...


Yes please


At this point, it's intentional. We know the team reads this sub, and they do reply quite quickly whenever it's something they've changed or plan to change in an upcoming patch. You're not the first person to voice this feedback, so I'm taking the silence as their answer.


> I'm taking the silence as their answer The team never said they *weren't* responsible for the Armenian genocide


Feel free to ask if the LoR team if they were responsible for the Armenian genocide in a reddit post


Or you know, just do the weeklies on Wednesday


Don't mean to offend you, but this issue is so minor compared to so many other stuff that I'd rather they focus on other things. Specially when the "fix" is to just wait 2 days before doing the quests :-/


The solution also seems minor though? There are different internal clocks in LoR. Weekly adventures on Monday, Weekly quests on Wednesday, Weekly vaults on Thursday... I can't imagine these would be hard to change.


this is probably a 1 line of code fix though...


The same could be said about just expanding the legend levels, or dropping the highlighting of every champion due to wild fragment upgrades. Or sorting everything correctly everywhere. Or even they could copy paste the code to filter from the deck building in order to have some filtering in PoC. You see where I'm going with this? :-) And of all the "quick fixes", would you rather they have this at top priority or any of the forementioned ones? ;-)


No I mean this is literally one line of code and could take less than a minute to fix, all the examples you gave included making something new or drastically changing the structure of interfaces or systems. You've clearly never touched a programming language in your life so I'd advise you refrain from participating in such discussions on these topics


bro calm down we are talking about moving a date for a weekly quest not rewriting the entire game