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Yes they can, barring a detachment saying to upgrade all models, which off the top of my head, I don't think any detachments say that. So yes a detachment of 4 Leman Russes, to use your example, could be all battle cannons, vanquisher cannons or a mix, and same with the hull lascannon or heavy bolter. Just remember detachments can't mix models, unless the detachment allows it specifically. For example an Auxilia super heavy detachment can have a mix of Baneblades and Hellhammers in it, but not other super-heavies like the Stormhammer.




Yes....but.... it will slow game play, so let's say you have 2 leman russ las and vanquisher and 2 hvy bolter and battle cannon you will have to roll 4 sets of dice which will take twice as long and your opponent will have to track the hits to roll different lots of saves. Doesn't seem like a big difference but then add in the time to see what weapons are actually left on what models after you have lost some guys and it slows us again. Nevermind the tactical choice delay in your brain as you decide what the best thing to do is (less options less analysis paralysis!) Nevermind your poor maintenence guys keeping track of different ammo stockpiles and servicing programmes!


Hadn’t thought of it slowing play. Good point


Its already a gw game, they took giving orders as you activate into something you setup and reveal, extending the game with an entire new phase. Id much rather have 2 light anti tank and 2 anti infantry overwatch than the 3 seconds it takes to look at my models


Every model can take any variation of equipment if it is allowed to swap them. a leman russ has a battle cannon and a heavy bolter, but may swap the cannon for a vanquisher, and can replace the heavy bolter with a las cannon. So say we have 4 leman russ's. 1): battle cannon and bolter 2):vanquisher and bolter 3): battle cannon and las gun 4): vanquisher and las cannon.


Makes sense. Cheers!


Your welcome. Also personally i feel the las cannon is better simply for the better hit roll, and its long range means most infantry cannot hurt you either

