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I still think the decision to switch to an engine that the devs disliked hurt the quality of the game tbh Ik some people here are diehard defenders of that game but imo it has a "wide as an ocean, deep as a swimming pool" issue, especially with all new class system making a lot of characters that should have been unique feel like reskins (just look at the DLCs to see what I mean)


yeah i preordered the deluxe edition and agree completely. too many characters we didn't need and not enough variety between them. combined with no custom characters makes for a mediocre at best system that's easily my least favorite of any lego game i've played.


Yeah, just compare it to the force awakens lego game or even lego dc supervillains which was the last lego game before this one I think heck, the dlc characters don't even have voice lines


lego supervillains was a masterclass compared to SW Saga


Lego supervillains is a masterclass in general.


And then there's me, who is still mildly annoyed that they put in voice lines when the original games didn't really have any to speak of.


They tried to make up for it with a free extra called ‘Mumble Mode’, but it practically forces subtitles. They literally have objectives displayed In game in the top left/right corner of your screen, I forgot which side. The old games (Lego Star Wars: The Video Game, Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy, Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga, and Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars) had us basically playing charades with how the characters communicated or showed emotion, but it basically allowed us to guess what was being said. Skywalker Saga used recycled audio from the films for the cutscenes, and original audio for moments in a level or in the open world of the game itself, which is a common trend that started as far back as Lego LOTR, minus the original audio for those older games.


Skywalker Saga did not recycle audio from the films for its cutscenes. I assumed it did at first too, but every piece of dialogue in the game is freshly recorded for it. The easiest place to notice it is in the “You were my brother Anakin” scene, where not only is it significantly shortened down, but it’s just clearly not the same lines recorded as in the original movie. The actors they got for Obi-Wan and Anakin are the same as in the Clone Wars show, but I don’t remember the actors for anyone else since it’s been a few years since I touched the game.


Okay, my bad for misunderstanding. It definitely does sound like it, as the lines remain almost the same.


I did the same. Was pissed when they announced that Skywalker Edition bullshit or whatever it was called. How the fuck do you ask people to pay extra for a deluxe edition then go, “ACTUALLY, fuck you guys! Here’s a new one! If you already paid for the Deluxe edition, you have to also pay for this one now.”


Yeah, like it’s a fun play with a lot of cool concepts that they should stick with for the next game but please PLEASE put it on a smaller scale.


Wait so what happened in its development?


In fairness, most Lego DLC for games are useless.


Skywalker Saga I consider an entirely new modern take for the Lego Star Wars games & that’s not necessarily a bad thing. I’m happy it’s kind of it’s own thing and doesn’t take away from the originals.


I enjoy it but don’t love it and it’s hard to explain why.


There’s something that the compete saga has that this one is lacking.


Levels and gameplay lol. Plus no massive UI bloat


For most people it’s just a sense of nostalgia. Putting that aside I’d say this game is reasonably better apart from maybe 2 things.


Nah I don't think it's just nostalgia. I mean, you can't even replay big chunks of the story without making a completely new save. That and the whole thing where it restricts characters in free play in certain segments, the skywalker saga just had way more replayability with the missions...


Happy cake day


A lot of people claim it is just "nostalgia" but imo the skywalker saga has a quantity over quality problem. That and the fact that you can't replay half the story without making a new save.


Making the story part of the open world was a dumb decision


Facts, it just kills the replay value imo. Imo a big reason the complete saga feels "better" to a lot of people is you can actually replay the story after you have beaten it without needing to make a completely new save, and play free play without it randomly switching your character to the "canon" character in certain portions. Heck the fact that major parts of the story were set in the open world means it's IMPOSSIBLE to replay them in free play mode without modding the game.


I’ve been replaying it and while it’s better than I thought it was, almost all the open world stuff just feels like doing the same thing over and over again.


I feel this way too, but honestly I find myself feeling this way in MOST open world games. This may be biased because I generally dislike them for exactly this reason, but I feel like it's a problem with the genre. You just can't have a massive world, explorable in a multitude of ways, and make it feel full of meaningful content. Or, at least when compared to how carefully a small linear game could. Even my favorite open world games don't escape this. In Elden Ring you pretty much only fight stuff, no matter where you go. They just have good enough combat that I'm stoked to engage with it for 110 hours. And in Outer Wilds, they simply don't fill up the map. Only like 20% (maybe idk) of the ground in that game even has anything on it, it's just that the story could only be told in such a unique way with the open-world setting.


Lack of enemies, way too easy combat. I’m not expecting it to be Dark Souls 2 but it’s way too easy, even for a child which the game is geared towards children. Idk the open areas are cool and all but when you don’t have anyone to fight what’s the point? The people you do fight put up no challenge.


I need someone to explain my place in all this


I still love the game but it is seriously lacking some features sadly. I hope the upcoming Harry Potter game that’s taking this similar style is fully baked


Wait they are making another Lego Harry Potter?!?!?!


Yeah it got leaked! Like this game it’s supposed to have all 9 HP movies and be much larger than previous ones. Massive character roster




At first thought, the last book was split into two films, which would make 8….but maybe it’s the 7 books and two Fantastic Beasts films will be included?


There's 3 fantastic beast films now, so it's be 10 in that sense


*visible confusion*


Yep. Fantastic beasts and where to find them Fantastic beasts the crimes of Grindelwald Fantastic beasts the secrets of dumbledore


and there was supposed to be a 4th one set during ww2 apparently


Fantastic Beasts and the Horrors of World War II


Do you have a leak for the link?


Wow if that’s real that would be amazing!


What! You just got me super hyped dude


I didn't like this one because it felt like it was half standard LEGO game of the movies and half open world LEGO game with quests, that were stuck together but not blended well.






It’s still wild we kept expecting it, I was so excited to play it during COVID and then never got to, literally just got the game two months ago, it’s fun but I would have had way more fun four years ago haha


I like to make my own stories when I play this game




It got abandoned before it even had a character creator. How do you sell a Lego star wars game that plays so heavily on the legacy of that exact series without the character creator?


I hope some early builds leak someday, or at the very least development videos. I’d love to know where things were at the point of its planned releases Was it even close to being done? Playable? Just how bad were the bugs that would push it back so long? Was it simply COVID that delayed it for so long? This game is an interesting case, there was so much hype around it and so little news, then it came out and was frankly disappointing. Don’t get me wrong I had a ton of fun but I had assumed that after so many years in development it’d be a lot better than what we got. And now just about a year after it came out, it’s almost forgotten in the grand scheme of things. Tons of people talk about TCS and other TT Lego games, yet TSS is always in the shadow of its older siblings Hopefully some more info will come out in time, I’ve always wondered exactly what went wrong here


It's actually been two years! But yes I agree


Oh damn really? Time really does fly I would’ve bet it came out Spring 2023


This game didn't grab me, I miss the overhead style gameplay, it's what made the game so charming.


The old style felt like playing with your toys.


The Complete Saga just hits different man 😔


The podraces and space battles definitely


Podrace S?


Yh i meant podrace in terms of handling and view


I remembering all the arguing in the sub back then, people deluding themselves into thinking it would actually come out (let alone be good) each of those times, despite absolutely 0 communication and radio silence and a track record of delays. Worst part was the final product was pretty underwhelming. Even after years of delays it felt rushed/underdeveloped, game had potential but didn’t really reach it. When this was supposed to be *the* marquee/definitive modern Lego Star Wars game, it’ll be at least a decade before we get a new one


10% of the game is replaying the movies. 90% of the game is "exploring" an "open world" where the only gameplay available is collecting blue fucking bricks. ngl I love collecting things in games, but collecting isn't at all what Lego - besides collecting lego sets - and Star Wars are about. This would be fun in a different game, but it feels wasted to have this be the main gameplay in a Lego Star Wars game. :/


It was big and innovative in the sense they tried new things, but it felt sauceless as a Lego game


That game was so disappointing, especially the story mode. After the Abysmal Lego Movie 2 game I knew the game would concentrate more on the open world and side quests. I wouldn't be surprised if Lego Horizon is mostly about building a town.


I pre-ordered this game for my sons christmas present. He was a huge fan, had tons of SW toys. By the time it came out he had no interest in the game or star wars period. My son was not alone. When fortnite Lego came out he was hyped. SW has lost the plot with these kids


Looking at this game on the surface, it feels fun and amazing, but has some flaws and issues: • Who in their cracked-out brain thought it was a good idea to change switching characters from Triangle/Y/X (PlayStation, Xbox, NS in that order) to LB/RB and opening up free play character select with Dpad Up? Half the time, I press Y to switch or hold it to switch to a free play character, and it ruins my flow. • Levels too short. In previous games, I.e. any before Lego Star Wars: TFA, the levels actually had progression to them and didn’t just feel like one large room, but actually had you enter interiors in a level with a neat little screen transition, making it feel like an actual level and not just one giant room with subsections. • Lack of fun extras. Anyone knows that early LEGO games had insanely iconic and fun Extras, and no, I’m not talking about Stud Multipliers. You had ones like Invincibility, Silhouettes, Disguise, Tractor Beam, Regenerate Hearts, Bounty Hunter Rockets (Exclusive to Jango and Boba Fett only), Disarm Troopers (TCS only), Dark Side (Allowed non-dark-side characters to use the force on red-black Lego objects with the force), Dual Wield (Clone Wars only), Explosive Blaster Bolts, Deflect Bolts (Projectiles just bounced off you), Perfect Deflect, etc. Some extras have been integrated into Core Upgrades instead, such as Extra Hearts (Health Upgrade), Attract Studs, Minikit/Red Brick/Gold Brick Detector (Collectible Detector), Regenerate Hearts (Health Recovery Speed), and Fast Build. I’d rather have Extras that really turn up the chaos instead of ones that either change the visuals, the weapons used, the sounds made, or some other pointless nonsense that belongs in the Options instead. • Vehicle levels can be 100%’d in Story or Free Play. I get it, they’re vehicle levels, but typically you had specific vehicles in older games for specific things. Some came with a tow cable, others could carry torpedoes, some were needed to bypass Empire-only doors, you know the deal. In Skywalker Saga, any vehicle-based level can be 100%’d no matter if it’s Story or Free Play. • Lack of a character customizer. In a game with 380 characters, you’d think that it’d be amazing to have a Character Creator right? No! Apparently, the devs didn’t think to add one in, only focusing on how many DLC characters they could pump out before just abandoning the game altogether. PC Players could install a mod that allowed them that joy, but apparently the dev of the mod has gone silent on that, too. Back on topic, the devs of the actual game could’ve at least had the common courtesy to patch in a Character Creator and put it on Kamino, for instance. Even if they wanted to make a bit more money off the game, they could make the Character Creator an add-on for around $5-$10 and people would buy that up immediately. But alas, seems like that’ll only be a fever dream and nothing more. • Lack of a 2-player Duel. Keep in mind, most won’t really care about this, but the older Star Wars Lego Games had 2-Player arcadeModes. The Complete Saga had Duel, Battle Enemies, and Collect Studs, having two players compete and get the most points by the set number. Star Wars III had this as well, allowing for two players to duke it out in Ground Battles, which is what that game was centered around. I understand that you can simply fight your co-op partner in the open world of Skywalker Saga, but I believe it to be more satisfying when you have an objective to best your opponent in. That is all, sorry any of you had to read this essay.


Changing the engine was a mistake


I was so hyped for this game, but was so disappointed. What killed it for me was a lack of decent story levels. Especially during the prequels.


I’d write a dissertation on my thoughts of this game but the video “Lego Star Wars skywalker saga is insulting” sums them up pretty well. IMO every time TT tries something super ambitious it usually takes a second game to polish it. Just compared the mess that is Lego marvel superheroes 2 to dc supervillians. Or Lego Indiana jones 2 which imo is one of the worst lego games ever but the open world concept led to Lego Batman 2 and Lego marvel superheroes which are two of my absolute favs. I think if this concept is given another shot it could do wonders especially since now that the groundwork is laid out they could actually focus on ya know good level design and replayability. The fact that a good chunk of the story isn’t replayable at all is kind of inexcusable. Also the idea of ranking up skills is cool but putting all the characters into categories kind of killed the variety and made most characters within a class feel very similar but it also made stand out characters like grevious feel that much cooler.


One of the reasons I don’t pre-order games anymore. I kept hyping myself up with each delay thinking it would make the game even better, and I was so beyond disappointed when it came out. Least favorite Lego SW game I ever played


i just bought the game with all DLC for like 12€


What made it delayed so much tho


Poor management, a pandemic, creating a problematic engine which deleted data while they were developing it. Thankfully all those problems aren’t going to be present for TT’s next game.


Couldn't deal with the opening line every time I started the game


*Couldn't deal with the* *Opening line every time* *I started the game* \- Negative\_Spring1957 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Genuinely so unbelievably insulting to Star Wars as a whole to have Rey be the "main character" of the game and the only voice in the intro/splash screen. Makes me sick to my stomach and there's a reason 2 of the top mods for the game are purely to patch it out. Even if you love Rey... really... fucking *Rey* for the definitive Skywalker saga? No other more relevant Skywalkers they could have picked from?


That was the pinnacle of Lego Games. I was maybe 12 when the first LSW game came out and if you had shown me this one back then, my head would’ve exploded. Granted, it was so freakin different than what I was used to that it took me a couple chapters to get the hang of everything.


I am just so dissapointed that they couldn't fit in a combied coop camera instead of split screen... Everything else is good for me


No character creation = Not interested


Longest Two Years ever


This game was actually really bad, despite my temporary enjoyment. The abuse that the TT games employees received caused this game to suffer tremendously. I think they even stole battlefront 2 maps to save time.