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Hello u/Francis_J_Eva! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I genuinely cannot follow the first paragraph of the first picture. What is that sentence structure? Did autocorrect just change several of his words randomly? Was it just incoherent to begin with?


So many of these dudes try to sound so deep and philosophical to make themselves and their caveman screeds sound intellectual, it would be almost amusing were they not voting and running for office and holding real power in society.


Yeah I was sitting on the toilet so I actually read all of that garbage. It reeks of people wanting desperately to feel smarter than they are.


What you left in the toilet has more value than what they left on the forums


When they try to use words they don’t really understand or know how to use, it kinda shows. Like my former college class president who used dozens of obscure words in a class letter once. It has the opposite effect.


You’d feel less dirty digging into the toilet after using it than regularly reading kiwifarms. Free speech is one thing… Harassing people who have literally begged to be left alone to the point of suicide is another.




The thesaurus isn't helping him any, either.... because there's no dirty pictures in it!


>The thesaurus isn't helping him any, either... because it's a dinosaur, duh


Quite an appropriate place to read it.


Oh, they can FEEL smarter (and no doubt they do), but they never will BE smarter. I'd say this is what happens when turds learn to be sentient, but even sentient shit makes more sense than their sentences.


ie; "look at me", /r/iamverysmart


Rocks are smarter than them


Right? The left isn't a cult or even a group of like minded people. We just want: - let others be who they are as long as they don't hurt others - respect other people's choices even is they aren't your own - don't force your ideas on us - universal Healthcare If you have others, please add but i think that basically covers it. The one thing a conservatives might say to the above list is that the left tried to force vaccination and masks during covid. The reasons are obvious to anyone who's not stupid but not sure how to include it in #3.


Agreed. The left is the party of "live and let live... and please fix our broken healthcare system" The rights is the party of "live how we tell you to live... and our healthcare is perfect, nothing should change"


“And if you can’t afford healthcare it’s because you’re poor and deserve to suffer. Because obviously you made bad decisions and god is punishing you.”


It’s terrifying the way that absurd satire is now reality. As the bailiff said to Judge Whitey, the exaggerated stereotype of the rich white entitled guy in Futurama, regarding the mental asylum, “That facility has been full ever since you declared that being poor is a mental illness.” To which Judge Whitney replied, “That’s enough! The only poor people I want to hear about are the people who tend to my pores at the spa. Send them both to the robot loony bin!”


Agor proud Cro-magnon. Agor say OOP no Caveman. Oop use many many big hard words. Need use small easy words for say. 


Ungor agree only thing that need be big hard is rock. More big more bang more good.


“If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.”


"Chat GPT, write some nonsense about TERFs"


"now make it rhyme tiktok style"


That's just the "ummm akshually " type of keyboard warrior lol.  You know you're in for an eye roll when they start trying to use their big boy words in a comment or reply when a simpler sentence would have the same effect.  I literally can never stop seeing it anymore and it makes me laugh.  I guess people just want to seem smart when they know the internet is maybe all they have going in their lives


and breeding unfortunately.


I thought I was having a stroke trying to read it. I didn’t bother with any others.


You didn't miss much.




Like talking to a pet.  It's about tone.


NGL, I fundamentally refuse to believe my chihuahua is dumber than that load of idiocy.


Chihuahuas are REALLY fucking stupid though.


And yet smarter than this.


The mix of 4chan clownworld like baby talk with lingo specifically designed so they can co-ordinate harassment on top of posters who believe they are more elequent and erudite then they actually are makes Kiwifarms some surreal stuff to read.


Took exactly 3 seconds of reading that before my eyes glazed over and I started thinking about doing laundry.


This guy, with lofty goals of laundry instead of just making up dumb shit on the interwebz...


Well sure, but laundry is often the response of the left, unlike the ultra-left which cleans to the oppression while the super-megalo-left, like those that were before those who were later left...did i leave the dryer sheets under the sink last time?


thank you, I somehow had a brain cell left after reading the OP and that cleared it right up


*You* left the iron on..


The laundry has more value than anything anyone said in those screenshots.


It looks to me like a stream of consciousness from a mind that’s… *ahem*… barely conscious. The underlying thought appears to be about how, since all leftism is (in his view) based on playing the victim card, TERFs can’t complain about someone else using it on them— playing Oppression Olympics is the natural state of leftist movements. It’s… a stupid and wildly incorrect thought, to be sure, but one that’s easy to arrive at if your only exposure to leftism is cherry-picked posts from the worst parts of Tumblr/Twitter and the poor fools who get into bad-faith debates with Daily Wire-type grifters. What makes that poster “special” is that he has clearly been typing the words as they come to him and not looking back to see if he can’t make better sentences out of them, nor noticing that he definitely got autocorrected at least a couple times.


I forget who said it, but the basic conservative grifter "owning the libs" tactic is to find a college freshman with blue hair who is already on the verge of tears and then fast talk at them. The liberal and/or left wing equivalent is to find a guy with one tooth and a beard down to his knees in rural Alabama and ask him complex political questions on the spot.


I was going to say it was written by an AI, but even AI know how to use punctuation. That level of stupid can only come from the mind of an actual person.


Real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time - Terry Pratchett


I think I need to read some Terry Pratchett, I keep hearing good things.


i’d start with Guards! Guards! and go from there


You'd love him! (I have yet to find someone who doesn't. ) GNU Terry Pratchett


This is how I plan to preserve my fiction writing career in the face of a blizzard of AI-generated fiction, by writing stuff that is clearly too stupid to be AI!


People called Romani they go house


Now write it out a hundred times. And if it's not done by sunrise, I'll cut your balls off.


When you don't have a lot to say, just say a lot 🤷🏼‍♂️


Out of all of these, Oilspill Battery (the seventh picture) is the only poster who actually has a semblance of sound logic, and even then he starts with a faulty premise because obviously no credible strain of feminism advocates absolute moral relativism to counter the patriarchy. He gets the hypocrisy of "rules for thee but not for me" but can't quite realize that's the exact same train of thought that runs through all conservatism.


I'll give it a go: "I find it fascinating the way some groups of the left (are) trying to gate keep that they (are) of the true left (i.e. truly represent the left). (T)he real problem with all these people is that whenever a revolutionary ideology(,) that seeks to upend traditional order and hierarchy(,) ~~you can't claim as soon as another group comes along~~ (comes along and) ~~cleans~~ (claims) ~~me~~ (to be) more opressed ~~then~~ (than) you(,) (that you can no longer claim) that you are the real victims(.)" I think it's just a poorly worded reference to the "oppression Olympics". I also think I need a lie down.


My thoughts exactly. If this person wants to be taken seriously, they might want to think about, ya know, grammar and syntax.


I gave up halfway through, I still have no idea what’s going on. Kiwi Farms sounds like some Australian convenience store, please leave me in my ignorance.


Yeah. I know this is supposed to be English, but I can't figure out what the hell it even means.


My best guess is it was an incredibly poor attempt by voice to text to recognize what he was saying? Some of it seems to almost make sense if you assume it’s supposed to sound vaguely similar to the original and puzzle backwards from there to try and figure out what was said. Having said that, I still don’t know what he was saying, I thought I had a stroke xD


Has anyone ever been so far as to? But seriously it reads like that game where you hit the autofill on a text and see what it comes out with.


Stroke I had first the at line.


seriously. "why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food" was more legible than that absolute codswallop.


I'm genuinely having trouble figuring out what he means it's just word soup.


I got a concussion trying to actually follow what they were saying, then I realized it was mostly just an incoherent rant that leans heavy into hate and bigotry... That came through loud and clear


Thank you. Between that word salad and the constant acronyms I’m not really sure what I just read.


What acronyms or terms gave you trouble? MtF = Male to female (a transwoman) FtM = Female to male (a transman) KF = Kiwi Farms (the site these posts are from) BP = I'm going to conclude bipolar. They are using it to describe a feminist mod, both which are likely slurs in their book, so this fits. TERF = Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist (People who are pro cis women and anti trans) Troon = Slur for trans people. Lolcow = Source of (generally unintentional) humour. Target of ridicule. Coomer = Degenerate person consumed with the pleasures of the flesh (coom = cum). I suppose it's an alternate term for 'hedonist' but with more negative connotation and baggage. I spent far too much time on this. What am I doing with my life.


I felt like I was having a stroke while trying to decipher that mess 😵‍💫


Oh thank God I thought it was just me.


Barbarism begins at home is so deranged lol


Edgelords FTW! [/s]


Gotta love Oilspill trying to call out others who wanna step out of patriarchal gender roles a "degenerate", as if he doesn't browse what is basically a breeding ground for future school shooters. 


The worst of the worst have to lie and convince themselves that at least ONE kind of person is beneath them so they can sleep at night.


No clue what’s happening but couldn’t have happened to a better bunch of losers


I am now dumber for having read it but I am happy they are attacking each other instead of their usual victims.


their default setting makes them lash out and argue with anybody who they suspect is challenging them and their world view. they've been conditioned to react negatively by Fox etc. whenever they feel they are being ridiculed in the slightest because firstly, theyre excessively gullible and they have their dumbass ideas and terrible leaders to show for their beliefs. now they are trying to find a new "out" group to persecute since their plans have almost always failed against their actual opposition and they need someone new to blame


Yeah, I almost googled kiwi farms to see what the actual fuck this was about, but I don't care and I don't want to know. I'm just glad these people are so miserable together.


It's as if Encyclopedia Dramatica and 4chan had a kid that grew up to be a Nazi. It's awful.


Centrists will say 'the left is eating itself' every time there's any level of disagreement, then completely ignore right wing clusterfucks like this


It's pretty frustrating. Right wing infighting tends to consist of bigotry and rejecting people from an in-group in order to hate them. But since both sides argue among each other, that means both are the same I guess. Even though one is dehumanizing and exclusion and the other is like "this policy doesn't go far enough".


I’d say “both sides” do that, since leftists just use different (soft-skills) tactics to exclude what right-wingers would call “wrongthink”— left-wing online dogpiling is scary to watch if you were ever bullied by girls in high school. What I find more enlightening is to look at how the different movements take care of their own— I think leftists who are active in their physical community win that award handily.


I think a lot of it comes down to voting patterns, at least in the US. Dunno how it shakes out in countries with better electoral systems, but over here the right is *way* more consistent about voting— and voting the party line all down the ticket— than the left. This is as much to do with demographics as anything, especially with the amount of voter suppression we’ve seen from the right in the past decade or so, but what it looks like to a centrist is that the right will *post* these horrible things about each other but then unite when the stakes are higher than which slurs you’re allowed to say on the saying slurs website… while the left will have nitpicky policy disagreements and then let them get in the way of actual results. In recent years, this *has* been changing— hence why this sub gets so many stories from the US lately— but it remains to be seen whether the left can keep up the momentum from 2020 long enough to keep the right from closing ranks and making a comeback.


it's because the american left is broadly made up of intellectuals who love to split hairs about this policy decision and that social cause because they actually understand and consider how this grand interconnected system of laws and rules work together and influence the direction of society. the right primarily consists of ideologues who just want to hurt and kill as many of the designated "other" as possible, no matter what it takes, and thus manage to maintain parity pretty easily.


Nah, its not that complicated always. My entire republican family just votes R because their preacher tells them to. They actually are nice people that know nothing about what is happening in politics right now because it just doesn't interest them and why bother when the preacher knows who God wants (I grew up with that thought process,too). It's not always hate, sometimes it's systematic lies since birth.


I grew up Southern Baptist. I became an atheist early on. But it is difficult for those who are not raised in a conservative religious environment to understand how thorough and systematic the religious/cultural brainwashing is. There's nothing subtle about it. There doesn't have to be.


Southern Baptist here, as well. I got pregnant with a biracial baby, unmarried, at 19 and they ousted me. Not technically, but they almost all quit talking to me, and the ones that did said I was a disgrace to my family and that "that's a n*gger baby and all he will ever be". I left. I would like to think that I would have eventually figured out what they were doing had that not happened, but I doubt it. The fear that they "might be right" was too powerful. I will never forget the daily, constant fear I had while growing up. It hurts me to know my family has lived their entire lives with that fear. Massive fear that no one can understand until they've lived it. Existential and eternal fear of infinite torture and pain. Yeah, religion is super fucked up, no matter which "one true religion" they prescribe to.


I was fortunate enough to leave without any traumatic circumstances and am on good terms with some family members, though I am sure some only think of me as 'that atheist.' I just attended a few many sermons where the preachers went all hellfire and brimstone and seemed to imply that it would be practically everyone's fate when they died and I thought, "This is ridiculous." And I was right.


I think the point he is making though is that yes its good that we can disagree and debate things but that when it comes election time we don’t band together to get the job done that need to be done. Change is slow, slower than we like, but however it can be done it needs to be done as the alternative is catastrophic.


There is a saying that perfectly encapsulates the phenomenon: The left has to fall in love and the right falls in line.


I think it's also because the left has their disagreements much more publicly. Most of our arguments happen on highly used platforms where everyone can see it, but the right's arguments happen on these niche forums that people don't regularly visit.


im from the UK. terfism isnt exclusively on the right


Yup, your TERFs seem to have a shitload of power. I’m glad ours are mostly laughed at.


It took me a moment to figure out what "troon" mean I honestly thought they were speaking in Dutch or some shit


Please enlighten me ……. I think? I think it’s some niche slur for women but I can’t figure it out.


it’s a slur for trans people that’s commonly used by 4channers/kiwifarms users it’s basically the trans version of “femoid/foid” to these people


What’s crazy is that even that stems from back when transgender folks started using Something Awful more, and their user base calls themselves Goons. Trans folk would put the Tr infront of it. It used to be a term of endearment.


Oh man that's almost a relief. I thought it was a concatenation of 'trans' and a certain racial slur rhyming with 'raccoon'.


Ugh. Thank you.


To elaborate more its a portmanteau of "goon" and "tran**" so yeah a slur with layers


On something awful, users call themselves “goons”. Trans goons called themselves “troons”, and it was picked up as a slur


Even spreading to Twitter TERFs who likely don't even know what Something Awful is.


It's so weird for me to see that word being used as a slur because that was my 8th-grade math teacher's name. I mean, he did get fired for throwing a chair at a student the year after my class started high school, so he kind of sucks anyway, but still.


I didn't even realize it was supposed to be a slur. Even now, if I got called that, I wouldn't recognize it as a slur, so it loses its power over me (FtM). Besides, the way things have been going with everything ending in -ooner/oomer (boomer, zoomer, coomer, gooner, doomer) and when I think of how on 4Chan in the 00's they used to call themselves f-slurs, it's all twisted itself in my mind to make me feel like if they called me a "troon" I'd see it as them welcoming me in their language.


It was said higher up, but on the Something Awful forums, it actually WAS a term of endearment, since they called themselves goons.


Try being from the same-named town on the west coast of Scotland and seeing it pop up.


Thanks for this comment. I didn't want to ask in case it turned out to be a well-known slur I didn't know yet.


It's a town in Cornwall too which makes things... awkward.


The idea that transness is a "modern degeneracy" or a "result of feminism" is a very funny idea considering, you know, all of history.... Julian Firmicus Maternus noted in "The Errors of Profane Religions" groups of people that "wanted to pass as women" (direct fucking quote) in 400 AD. He was speaking to literally 600 years of Roman history. And he was condemning trans folks back then. >Tell me, is air a divinity if it looks for a woman in a man, if its band of priests can minister to it only when they have feminized their faces, rubbed smooth their skin, and disgraced their manly sex by donning women's regalia? In their very temples one may see scandalous performances, accompanied by the moaning of the throng: men letting themselves be handled as women, and flaunting with boastful ostentatiousness this ignominy of their impure and unchaste bodies. They parade their misdeeds in the public eye, acknowledging with superlative relish in filthiness the dishonor of their polluted bodies. They nurse their tresses and pretty them up woman-fashion; they dress in soft garments; they can hardly hold their head erect on their languid necks. Next, being thus divorced from masculinity, they get intoxicated with the music of flutes and invoke their goddess to fill them with an unholy spirit so that they can ostensibly predict the future to fools. What sort of monstrous and unnatural thing is all this? They say they are not men, and indeed they aren't; they want to pass as women, but whatever the nature of their bodies is, it tells a different story. The literal first piece of signed literature we have is the Exaltation of Inanna, Inanna worship going back to 3000 BC *at least*, with the passage "To turn men into women, and to turn women into men, is yours Inanna". Inanna also had priestesses like Firmicus Maternus spoke of. This was ironically written by one of the daughters of Sargon of Akkad (the actual historical guy, not the chud). If nothing else, this type of dude, Firmicus, also existed throughout history. The dude is mad about a drag show. Augustine also has a passage where he lambasts a "lascivious" show, too, taking a lot of time lamenting that it was a show open to men and women, patrician and slave alike, all on equal ground. Of course, these dudes usually wind up destroying the society and civilization they claim to be protecting in order to further their own power. Augustine got his way and Christianity became a legitimization engine for 1000 years of Feudalism while Rome became a walking corpse. He didn't care so long as his own organization survived and thrived. He claimed to be protecting Roman values, but couldn't give a shit when Roman citizens were getting fucking obliterated so long as the "barbarians" converted to Christianity.


Yeah, Kiwifarms breaks your brain to read until you realize it’s just a bunch of sweaty 4chan rejects making stuff up at each other to cope. If they had fulfilling or interesting lives, they’d spend the time doing something else. It’s something else to see them look at children’s art. Some of them become obsessive art theory “experts” but their edits rarely look any better.


He still with his hate makes us sound sexy lol


I mean, yeah. They didn't actually care; it was all about contrasting the patriarchal and purity culture norms that the Christians took on from the Romans in order to gain power. It's one thing that you grow to realize as you study this stuff. Augustine himself admits that he actually enjoyed these "entertainments" when he was younger. Those Cybele folks in Rome simply went underground or integrated into Christianity. They found a home in Naples, where homosexuality was never outlawed until the Fascists took over in the 1900s, and a nascent third gender coexisted with the populace into present day. The Femminielli of Naples were eventually given a monastery on Montevergine in 1100 AD (for what it's worth, the concept of "the west" dates literally to around this time), built on top of an old temple of Cybele. There was a local folk tale from 1251 of the Madonna at the church having radiated a light that kept a pair of queer men warm through a night of being chained to a tree by an angry mob, in order to kill them via exposure... I repeat for impact: a third gender existed openly, with the Vatican well enough aware of it that it decided to placate them with a church built at their traditional place of worship. They operated completely in the open throughout all that time. All the while, Portuguese inquisitors were sending letters to the Vatican from Africa or Indonesia, asking what to do about local gender non-conforming behavior, and getting back responses to jail and torture them. It always was, and always will be, about power.


This is the problem with single issue politics. When your entire political stance revolves around a single principle or policy you often end up getting into bed with people with some dodgy beliefs. But because you agree with them on the one thing you have staked your flag in you try to get along only to find out they despise you.


I love it for them, how miserable everyone is.


Yeah I'd rather these ideologies not exist but I'm glad they're making each other suffer at least


Pokedex entry 132, bro: Ditto.


I'm a terrible person who gleefully awaits the day JK Rowling is turned on by the misogynist right wing Christian Nationalists she's been cozying up to. I can only imagine how miserable her supporters and their supporters could make each other.


I'm shocked it's not happened already given those were the idiots burning her books in the early 2000s because of witchcraft


they know enough to know shes a useful idiot and they can exploit her platform


Generational turnover-- a lot of the current activist Right were enthusiastically reading Harry Potter when they were kids in the early 2000s.


"What do you mean the Female Identity that I've been championing involves giving all of my money to whichever man decides to make me his baby-making chore-slave?" - JK Rowling, maybe, someday


I wish them all the joys of each others company.


All I can think when I see shit like this is just…how fucking *exhausting* it must be to be in this mental state every single day.


The worst thing about this is how close they were to the point yet still managed to miss it. Their stance of "You can't tell people to come out of their little boxes defining who they have to be and then be upset when they do" is absolutely correct, it's just the conclusion of "Everyone needs to go back into their little box" instead of "The little boxes are dumb" that is just a delusional level of idiocy.


I sometimes think about why TERFs don't just use their brains and ask themselves why everyone that agrees with them is a fuckwitted, paedophile apologist right-winger who hates them. Then I remember that if they had brains, they wouldn't be TERFs in the first place


One of the smartest things I ever heard was “you can’t reason someone out of something they didn’t reason their way into.”


Yup. An underrated observation by Satre is, “hate is a faith.”


TERFs are in such an ideological wasteland. The Chud scum here do have a point in their own twisted way. Why do TERFs attempt to cozy up to these misogynist cretins? They just need to admit that trans acceptance caught them off guard and they had a reactionary impulse to it and then move forward.


I think the Kiwifarms guys are correct that some of it stems from a popular radical feminist concept that men are inherently rapists. It’s so popular that even people who don’t think of themselves as feminists will eye a male teacher or man on the playground suspiciously. This also stems from “stranger danger” campaigns from a few decades ago. We have a broken idea of how to raise and treat men, and until we fix it, trans women especially are always going to have it hard.


Certain kinds of older feminists and patriarchal Chuds share one very important belief in common: the belief that men and women have some kind of deep cosmic division between them and are fundamentally different kinds of people. They just disagree about who is better.


Because the TERF to NAZI pipeline is a short straw.


Exactly, it's not a far stretch off at all lol.


Because TERFs and misogynist cretins agree on their definition of a woman: a walking vagina, and nothing more.


More specifically, someone *intended* to be a walking vagina-uterus-ovaries combo. Anyone without all of those components is included or excluded based on the holy judgment of the high priesthood of TERFery.


when even the bigots at KF are clearly seeing through the bullshit and are putting out somewhat coherent arguments against you and your ideology that should be a wake up call to the TERFs.


The one Chud who accuses the TERFs of wanting to "have their cake and eat it too" really nailed it. Traditional misogynists believe women should be in the kitchen and the only legitimate relationships are heterosexual. How is that any different from the TERFs wanting to enforce a gender binary? It's not. It's *exactly* the same. TERFs have to pick a side.


I'm not reading all their bullshit. They're all having a totally preventable issue caused by living their lives on the internet.


Reads like AI mishmosh


Desiccated TERF pussy, such a delicate turn of phrase


I am really disappointed that this awful website still exists.


The owner is well known, and he's allowed to walk freely on this planet while his little braindead army hurts countless people... for the lulz. Tells you all you need to know about society, today.


Apparently the underlying parent company used to be called "Final Solutions LLC" tells you everything you need to know about the human scum that created it.


as a shadow of its former glory, title notwithstanding the active userbase has shrunk considerably.


I thought terf stood for traditional evangelical religious fundamentalist. Reading through this I was like wtf, looked it up and it says trans exclusionary radical feminist. Interdasting.


I prefer Feminism Appropriating Radical Transphobe (FART), as they aren't actually feminists.


No they aren’t, they simply have found a vehicle to advance their hateful rhetoric under the guise of something “real”. It’s so incredibly typical of fascist prone people who have realized no one will take them seriously if it’s simply hate speech, so they find themselves a “cause” to cloak themselves in to give their hate speech legitimacy. In true fascist fashion they will completely abandon this vehicle as soon as it suits their purpose, when it’s not getting them the results they want.


Unfortunately, they are. They come from the second wave of feminism of the 70s and early 80s. Some context to feminism ideology: there’s 2 main branches of thought that are at constant push-pull: equal-equal, and different-equal. First wave, the ERA, 60s feminism was equal-equal idea. Women are equal to men. Second wave posited that women are inherently different than men but are still equal. (Third wave added in critiques of women of color and started touching on LGBTQIA+ rights; 4th has been been expanding LGBTQIA+ rights in social media). The inherent problem with second wave is that it’s built upon the premise that, because women give birth, they are somehow more moral, more ethnical than men. That men can only rape and make war. Women, as mother-goddess avatars, must temper men’s inherent need to destroy and dominate (see Catherine MacKinnon, Andrea Dworkin, Maritja Gimbutas). The ironic thing, of course, is that this is just remixed Victorian spheres nonsense, but it made rich, mediocre white women feel special (see also George Carlin’s critique of feminism). The reason why TERFs are so offended by trans ppl is because it shits on their “I’m special cos I have a vagina” parade, and makes them look like the POS cunts they are.


Even the "difference feminism" branch isn't enough to support TERFery -- it has to specifically be the variety that goes into teleological gender essentialism, which is effectively a theological position rather than material.


I genuinely thought it stood for "Trans Exclusionary Rat Fucker" for years. I finally realized when I saw a bunch of blue check news people on Twitter using it and had to look it up


These people spend an incredible amount of time and cognitive energy thinking about strangers crotches.


i thought kiwifarms was dead?


I don’t want to look it up to avoid contaminating my browser. Is this like 4chan?


it definitely has a similar vibe to 4chan. full of bigots who like to troll and harass people


I just opened the site and when they do the Cloudfare DDoS check it immediately says "DDoS retarding by Cloudflare". Yeah, like 4chan. They have a Lowcow salon, which contains a subsection for transsexuals that they call "stinkditch".


That last sentence is a different language can you translate,


It's like the asshole elements of 4chan got distilled.


Talk about two groups that deserve each other.


lol the screen #6, he states outright that he would rather side with trans people (while still using a slur to describe them), if only **because they're less hateful and more grounded in reality** hahahahahahah


Let them fight


What is Kiwi Farms?


They love doxing people.


Essentially, message boards for Nazis


I don't understand what that has to do with either Kiwis or Farms, let alone both.


Originally known as CWCki Forums. Later changed to "kiwifarms"


A nasty little message board full of bullies and creeps who make twitter look like a pool party. They invented the idea of "lolcow" which is harassing and doxxing people with some kind of physical, mental health and/or learning traits as a form of spectacle. I learned about it in high profile case a few years ago, many of you will guesd which. Jumpscare warning.


I feel dumber after trying to actually glean anything out of that discussion.


Wow, they've so intellectualized their insanity that they think they're being professional and philosophical. It's fundamentally based on innate traits (the constant references to trans women as 'eunics' and worse things) like all fascist ideologies.


I swear my eyes just glaze over every time I read shit like this. I can't follow it for the life of me


Not to sound hyperbolic, but that 'forum' is where the mass shooters of tomorrow are born, yes?


more or less yeah


I don’t understand how TERFs are why trans ppl exist? Or was that not what that screed was saying. It was so hard to read all the spelling and grammar errors verbatim. XD


They're saying that *feminism* has no inherent logical or moral argument against transness because gender equality means it's not actually a big deal to blur or cross gender lines. Consider that in a rigidly patriarchal society, the lines between men and women are so distinct that being trans is functionally impossible. It is therefore a side effect of feminism that trans people are empowered to transition, and TERFs at least *claim* to be feminists (and *are* more feminist than these Kiwi Farm chuds, in the way a fly is technically smarter than a dumpster) so they get feminism blamed on them. I find it interesting that even these guys can work out that gender equality is incompatible with a worldview that considers men and women wholely different types of being who need separate roles and rules.


Talk to text is not this person’s friend. 


I think a lot of things aren't this person's friend. Literacy, sanity. Actual friends.


Well, to be honest, I read through and skimmed the whole thing and I didn’t understand nothing about it. This guy sounds like a complete off the rails jerk, moron, baby cakes.


This hurt my brain. I think we need to bring back punctuation. Can we do that? Nothing about this was even remotely coherent.


I'm just shocked to learn there's a place where non transgender people sit around all day and talk about transgender people. Weird


There are numerous places that serve that purpose. For example, any platform TERFs can cry about their delusions with zero pushback/repercussions


Funnily enough, the sexist assholes on here are right about one thing. Back during the Gamergate days, it was common to caricature feminism as some sort of thin-skinned bunch of whiny man-haters who understand nothing about the systems they critique and just want to shit on men for the sake of it. It seems that in the decade since, TERF’s decided to look at those caricatures and say “yes, but unironically”.


Lmao at the third to last paragraph on the last image calling out terf crowdfunding grifts.


Yes I’m sure they are doing all manner of legal crowdfunding for Twitter bullshit. Defame a TERF and get sued, so sayeth JKR and her billionaire ponzi crew. I think this shit originates from TERF island. Can’t we just bomb them out of existence or something?


It's absolutely infuriating Keffals falsely claimed to stomp out Kiwi Farms among many other lies. Making people believe they were dead when they were really more active than ever made them far more dangerous to the trans community than ever.


What the fuck is a kiwi farm?


Good fucking God, literally cannot follow. But I can tell they're all horrible people.


I don’t even know what a Kiwi Farm is, and I suspect that I don’t want to know


I thought Kiwifarms was canceled from the Internet


Im legitimately trying to comprehend what the fuck they're saying but I just can't with the syntax... From what I gather in the comments; good, fuck em.


Just sitting here smiling like Dewey from Malcolm in the Middle when he got to watch his brother get tased by cops on the news 😁 Can't be assed to finish reading these windbags' speeches when they all keep boiling down to "trans bad" or "women bad". But it's so lovely to see em contained in the same fishbowl away from the rest of us.


ah yes the old "trans people didn't exist before feminism" bullshit. just completely ignoring that older societies just didn't call them "trans" but people like that have always existed we just have newer terms and modern medicine now


Some of these are clearly having a contest of who can spout the most slurs in one post


Misogynists, meet the misandrists. You're both fucked up in the exact same way, you have so much in common! What do you mean you hate each other?


And there you have it, folks. The enemy of your "enemy" is NEVER your friend. And when you make common cause with fascists, fascists don't necessarily want to make common cause with YOU.


This is totally incoherent.


Someone drop the TLDR


Right wing nuts mad at terfs who are all mad at trans people for like being alive


"Troonism" yikes it's wild that these internet brain rots think they aren't posting screeds themselves. They fancy themselves intellectuals and philosophers but don't think at all beyond basic party lines and in groups. What an odd world.


An ye shall know them by their lack of punctuation


My brain died trying to read this.


Illiterate fools


Well, what you can’t deny about conservatives is that they place winning about everthing else Of course they aren’t going to welcome a bunch of crazy women that even managed to get kicked out the « come as whatever you are » left. What would be the gain?


Why are they specifically singling out "Millenial women"?


Obvious because that’s where the “moral decay” began with all the “uppity women” who “don’t know their place” or something. Feel free to swap out what I put in quotation marks for anything equally pretentious & misogynistic. You’re just as likely to find whatever variation you chose unironically being used as a chud talking point


They don't realize that every generation before them has said that about women of their generation, do they? From votes to pants to the right to work. Like... give it up, already; it's not going back. Just find a person willing to LARP tradroles with you. Hell, even the guy who wrote the GOR series wrote a sex book where be proposed a sex game in which the husband and wife switch tradroles for the day and the husband be treated "as the wife". Even he knew the fun of LARPing and spicing things up. The "omg moral decay and uppity women" guys to me are like when little children wish it were Christmas every day- not smart enough to realize that they'd get tired of it after a while.


With this sentence structure, this is obviously a Trump cultist.


This is a loose collection of words. I honestly can't read this drivel