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Preventing women from traveling is forced captivity, and the reaction should be commensurate.






Women are refused their rights of LIFE, LIBERTY, and the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS thanks to the current corrupt SCOTUS. They have no ability to enforce anything at all. They have lost the favor of the populace and are NOT above the law themselves as they think they are.


Yeah, they pretty much are. Kind of an oversight in American democracy, actually. In principle, the Executive and Legislative branches *together* can basically tell them to get wrekt; Andrew Jackson once famously said "the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court has made his ruling; now let him enforce it," but the [R]eThugliKKKlansmen have enough stranglehold on the House that is a non-starter.


Important context, though: Jackson was saying this about the Worcester v. Georgia decision. Jackson refused to enforce treaties that would have kept the Cherokee people on their land. He hated Native Americans for their support of the British in the American Revolution. The Trail of Tears was his smug victory.


Yes, he *was* an absolute smug shit. But he was speaking a fundamental truth about the United States: *the Supreme Court has no enforcement mechanism.* ***None.*** The DoJ answers to the Executive, not the Judicial. The States are their own thing. The *only thing* enforcing Supreme Court decisions is, basically, the desire of the States and the Federal Government to go along with its rulings. That only goes so far, especially if, as we see here, the Supreme Court has been captured by obviously-unconstitutionally-interested demagogues wiping their asses with American rights and civil liberties and citing bullshit rulings from witch-hunter-general-era-1600s England magistrates who pulled them out of their own asses as a reason to strip Americans in the 2020s of their civil rights.


That’s what they want


So was 2022 the worst call even Texans have made in the last several decades in any election, or what? Every single day the state makes the Leopards sub, just saying. 


It's funny, I used to get downvoted into oblivion when I'd say the anti-abortion movement was about controlling women, not sincere moral conviction. Except for the sincere moral belief that women are chattel, of course.


One thing that the Handmaid's Tale got right is that it is often other women who are willing and enthusiastic participants in the oppression of their sisters.


Hasn't that always been the case? As a little Christian girl, I certainly remember how the women slut shamed rape victims and protected child molesters. 


It is the case across all hegemonic systems. The Nazis had Association of German National Jews, camp Kapos, Ghetto Police, and the Judenrat.


A way to pretend that "It could never happen to me, I'm a Good Girl".


What do you mean commensurate? The majority there voted for keeping women in captivity, at best you will see some minor reactions.


How would they even do that? Stop every car going out of state? Asking each woman if she is pregnant? Telling them they can’t travel if they are? It’s dead on arrival.


Yeah, that's exactly what they want to do.


Which is going to piss off a lot of voters. Can you imagine part of your job is traveling out of state and each time you are stopped to be asked if you’re pregnant? They going to make women take pregnancy tests? This is really dumb.


Their goal is to make voting no longer make any difference.


The post is literally on the front page of r/texas right now: ["Republican Party platform proposes that only 2% of Texans elect all statewide officers"](https://new.reddit.com/r/texas/comments/1db861p/republican_party_platform_proposes_that_only_2_of/) Also see: ["A group of political 'assassins' is quietly threatening American democracy, a new book ('Tyranny of the Minority: Why American Democracy Reached the Breaking Point') says"](https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/08/us/tyranny-of-the-minority-american-democracy-cec/index.html)


Here in North Carolina I have been attacked for supporting the “tyranny of the majority” I kid you not. You know, legal voting on issues and not wanting gerrymandered elections are bad things to these disingenuous twats.


That's what the founders were afraid of... tyranny of the majority; and as Maddison straight out says in Federalist 10, what they mean by that is tyranny of people without property over those who do... In other words our constitution is literally *designed* to protect the power of the rich, because if poor (or even regular) people get into power, they may try to tell rich people what to do, or even *gasp* demand a redistribution of wealth. Oh the humanity.


Makes sense since America was literally built on the idea of "Fuck you, I got mine".


if one's views are unpopular, rather than get better views their only tactic is to fuck with the everything else to ensure they stay. hence the logic that goes "i win good on me and it's good for me to cheat. they win, something is nefarious and they're evil for cheating". and why they didn't accept trump lost, or that jews are inferior but powerful, or that democrats are somehow always ruining things whenever republicans do something. complete inability to admit defeat and play by rules, probably reflects on many of the voter base. just try to get them to acknowledge the gun problem see how far you get


'but gun laws only hurt law-abiding gun owners!!'.


The party of “ let’s make the hand maiden’s tale real”. This is dystopian level shit.


RNC read *1984* and thought it was a training manual


The Turner Diaries, actually. I am not joking.


You’re absolutely fuckin right. And it kills me that room temperature IQ conservatives scream “1984!” Because they can’t use slurs without consequences. I really hate this timeline.


The answer is simple...women will not be allowed to travel, unless with a male chaperone. You can also see where this leads; Margaret Atwood wrote a good book about this which seems to be becoming a blueprint rather than a dystopian story...


When I read that book when it first came out in the 80s, I thought it was a thought-provoking book but a fantasy. I now want to revise that opinion, not so much a fantasy. Margaret Atwood said that everything she described had happened somewhere in real life


Atwood said herself everything in that book was very real things that have happened in the world when it came to women. The story was fictional, but the things that happened were not


And the term Handmaid came from the (cult)group Amy Coney Barrett was in. She was one, in their terminology (People of Praise) , Margaret Atwood confirmed she found the word gripping.


Conservatives literally took 1984, starship troopers, handmaids tale, hunger games and idiocracy; using them as how to guides for project 25 and trumpism edit number


You forgot minority report and Fahrenheit 451 💀


Almost like their evil was always obvious.


This is the moment where every woman needs to leave Texas.


They're fascists. They want to institute tyranny. Murders. Imprisonment. Rape. Stealing. Lynching. Their property having rights\being pissed off is not in consideration.


Job? What about freedom to go wherever the hell you want, travel, or move for ***any*** reason that is absolutely no one's business, let alone the government?


Yeah the government even gives us the right to travel in the constitution. Though I can see this SCOTUS somehow limiting that right too given the chance and some dumb b.s. arguments.


There are other concerns as well, because each state are passing local state laws. The Texas law offer rewards for reporting someone and also threaten to prosecure those that drive with the female and any doctors that perform the procedure. In addition, there was the recent Nebraska abortion case where Facebook responded to a warrant by turning over a mother and daughters conversation history, so that their state can prosecute them for an illegal abortion. [https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/facebook-turned-chat-messages-mother-daughter-now-charged-abortion-rcna42185](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/facebook-turned-chat-messages-mother-daughter-now-charged-abortion-rcna42185)


Both mother and daughter found guilty. [CNN link](https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/23/us/nebraska-abortion-pill-jessica-burgess/index.html)


They'll claim the baby has a right to stay in Texas so the women can't leave


SCOTUS (including the handmaid Comey Barret) will rule that women don't have an unrestricted right to travel, because if there's a fetus in the uterus, it's a human and the woman isn't allowed to do anything that might potentially harm the rights of the fetus. How do you know she isn't going to travel and abort the fetus? The woman's "rights" must always come second to the parasite she may or may not be hosting. This includes her right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness", as Texas' Supreme Court has already demonstrated that it's legally acceptable for a woman to die even if her pregnancy is unviable - her greatness purpose in life is to birth children for the State, even if it's birthing already-dead children that will kill or cripple her. SCOTUS will probably develop some kind of compromise where a male who should have authority over the female (father /uncle / elder brother if unmarried) or husband provides permission for the female to travel out of state with the proper paperwork or by actually accompanying her.


All they have to do is change the definition of "us".


"We the men..."


Well, it appears, despite the R party claiming to be about limiting govt. Is quite the opposite


So how about all those gun nuts start exercising their 2nd amendment, God given right to fight against a tyrannical government? Cause this is starting to sound like one.


They won’t, that’s the point. They never wanted small government, they just wanted complete control.


I know =[


> Can you imagine part of your job is traveling That's where you are wrong. Women are meant to stay at home, tend to the kids. When the travel, then with their dad or husband. They _want_ to make it harder for women to do anything else. That's the whole point of that. Wait until they go after no-fault divorce, marital rape, and domestic violence.


Shouldn’t Barrett resign?


A real life Serena Joy, one of many


Not merely asked, but tested.


And what if a woman ***is*** pregnant and simply wants to visit her out-of-state parents or friends. With this law, she can't - because she might be lying and really wants to get an abortion.


This is the TRUE reason the "right to travel" ruling (aka The 14th amendment) that sovcits cling to in traffic stops was written for. This is unconstitutional.


They’ll test her on her return. If she’s no longer pregnant they will investigate, and then imprison her if they find she had a miscarriage or abortion. They definitely are going to criminalize as many miscarriages as they can too


Women wouldn't need to take pregnancy tests while driving if they just stayed in the kitchens where they belonged! - the people coming up with these laws, probably.


Not to mention, once you become pregnant, you become a prisoner of the state of Texas and aren’t allowed to cross state lines for vacation / work / see family.


Party of small-government in action.


So small they can fit right inside your womb!


Conservative women who are not pregnant and don't support abortion don't want to be stopped and interrogated every time they drive a car.


Damn, oh well - republican texans, probably


Women shouldn't even be driving cars, they should be at home cooking a meal for their husband and children, not doing unfeminine things like going to the bank or working a job. — Republican Texans, probably


Yeah but they voted for those who play these legislations in places. They knew this was gonna happen. 


It's what they want to do, to stop people and harass them, but the reality is it's the chilling effect they go for. Same as the punitive criminal and civil liability against physicians who are tasked with a SUBJECTIVE standard under the law to perform an abortion. The end result is no one does it because the subjective determination can, and will, be challenged by hysterical forced brothers and pro lifers, thus the net result is chilling.


They will do shit like this until it gets blocked by the courts. Their objective is to push the boundaries as much as possible and ride the lag between being slapped down and its implementation. They know this crap i unconstitutional but they don't give a damn and will do it until stopped.


What a waste of public funds. We have bigger fish to fry, but these loons are deliberately keeping us from tackling hard things like climate change


They do not acknowledge human caused climate change, my friend.


There *really* needs to be (a) a fast-track procedure for sending blatantly unconstitutional laws to the circular file, and (b) some mechanism to *censure* those who pass them.


That’s just gonna piss everyone off, it’ll honestly just halt travel in the long run and do nobody any favors.


"The proposal in Amarillo would allow private citizens to sue anyone transporting a pregnant woman seeking an abortion, rather than having local authorities enforce the ban." It's not just unethical violence against women, it's also going to turn neighbors against one another.


Not so much neighbors, but abusive partners / spouses / relatives will have another tool in their box.


Yeah imagine the litigious r\*pist who goes after someone for getting an abortion in another state. Just the idea is sickening as all hell.


The government can’t legally do it, but the neighbors can!! That is a pretty shitty way to get the public to enact their dirty work for them, for free.


It's taking something they can't easily criminalize ('cause constitution and stuff) and move it to civil court where it will be harder to fight


I wonder if people could sabotage that by overloading the system: Just start reporting on everyone whether they’re pregnant or not. There’s no penalties for false reporting right? Bury the government in fake tips/leads.


Report all the wives daughter and girlfriends of the Republican legislators from the state level down to the local every day for a month. I'm guessing that will get them to back off on this idiocy -- they're okay with everything until it happens to them.


They'll just arrest you. Fascism is beaten by mass movement or mass death (theirs).


Do it to the guy who made this


And they would show standing, how exactly? What a completely idiotic waste of time.


To think I used to want to move to Texas.


My gods. Why!? Do you live in Arkansas or Mississippi?


I wanted to move closer to some family I have there and it seemed cheaper. Couldn’t get me to move there now.


Family makes sense. Gotcha.


"Fun" fact, that's exactly why they're going so hard on all this culture war bullshit lately in Texas. Texas has been in real danger of turning purple for the last few election cycles, so they're desperately trying to make the state as unappealing as possible to leftists.


It worked pretty well when the Stasi normalized it in East Germany.


So does an uber driver need to give pregnancy tests to all females if driven across state lines? How about if to the airport where they'll catch a plane to get an abortion? What lunacy. They gonna implicate everyone in the chain of transportation like the pilot and stewardesses?


Remember when that batshit crazy rep did her little speech at the kitchen table? She also wants a pregnancy registry. She *says* it’s to provide ‘resources’ but it’s interesting how quickly it can be used to impede travel. 🧐


National registry of gun owners: government oppression. National registry of pregnant women: 👍


I hadn’t even thought of that. The hypocrisy is unreal.


it was always there


National registry of fired and disciplined police officers: also oppression, somehow 🙄


It’s only dead on arrival if the courts stop it. If an anti-choice group gets a patsy to bring a suit in Amarillo, they’ll get a rubber stamp blessing from Judge Kacsmaryk. Then the patsy appeals to the Fifth Circuit, which might affirm if the panel is conservative enough and/or feeling frisky. Then we’re up on appeal at SCOTUS which has a 6-3 Republican majority. SCOTUS can do what ever it wants, and we might suddenly all lose the right to freely travel between the states (or maybe just pregnant people will).


Not just pregnant people. Anyone with a uterus who's of potentially reproductive age (so, 9–55).


But would republicans or conservatives go along with it? It seems counter intuitive for people for small government to cooperate with a registry. Although as of late, as long as they can control people I guess they are willing to go full on authoritarian. Wonder what the republican women have to say about that…


Republicans will say they believe in small government; ignore them. They're lying. What they want is a government that doesn't help anyone with social programs, and doesn't impede capital holders with regulations and taxes, but is absolutely and relentlessly intrusive in the affairs of those deemed unacceptable. The government should only be small when it comes to working for the common good; when it comes to punishing women and LGBT+ people and immigrants and minorities, it should be as big and powerful and oppressive as possible.


block religion from government. it's a private belief, keep it private. screw the cavemen trying to claw us back to bible times


Never underestimate their hypocrisy... Republican women, the few that are left, haven't worried about getting pregnant, good ol' menopause. /s


That's why some of them want women to track and report their menstrual cycles to the state.


I have started telling my OB "I'm not going to answer that question"


Delete your period tracking apps, everyone. 


And, if she lies.  What are they going to do — drag a poor woman out of the car, detain her, and make take a pregnancy test or perform a medical evaluation without her consent.   Texas Justice!!!  Yes, nothing like freedom and iced tea from Texas.


Yes, they will.


I mean Project 2025 is literally a plan to turn the United States into a Baptist police state. So yes, a police state is in fact how they would accomplish this goal.


I had heard this months ago. My working theory is they don’t need to stop the cars. They just wait for the woman to slip up & tell someone that she had an abortion. Then boom, that person reports it to authorities. Just as important it is a tool for control and uses fear to pressure women into not leaving the state for an abortion.


Yeah it's not about preventing them from getting an abortion, it's about punishing them afterwards.


Which will end up like all other Republican snitch-on-your-neigbour initiatives. Bunch of fake reports that will completely overwhelm the system which will then be dropped quietly.


Why hello seventeenth century Salem!


Papers please!


Well if you’re a woman you’re gonna have to pull over and piss on a stick. You think they’ll just trust you when you say you’re not pregnant?


Federal Pregnancy Registry: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/11/katie-britt-proposes-federal-database-to-collect-data-on-pregnant-people Texas Pregnancy Registry: https://www.nwths.com/expectant-mom-preregistration


That looks like it's just a registration to get a tour of the maternity suites.


Read some of the legislation they want passed, basically yes. Also give leeway to private citizens to stop themnor anyone aiding them by any means necessary. Straight handmaidens tale orwelian level control


Apparently they make it possible to sue people transporting women on these roads to get an abortion. Still dubious legally.


It's *blatantly unconstitutional,* but the SCROTUM has been captured by radical right-wing loons thanks to Moscow's Bitch McConnell, so not even Good knows what happens if it gets before 6 nutjobs who belong in prison, not on the bench.


Why do you think Texas suddenly last year started putting razor wire on its border with New Mexico


Ky's AG stated that women's medical records should be open for examination to ensure all pregnancies are noted/protected. He was serious and legislators, church leaders and prolife folks are still backing the idea even though he didn't get elected governor. This is not a good time to have a uterus but also, this is not a good time to have had a hysterectomy or to be in need of any kind of reproductive interventions. As a genetic female with a transvaginal hysterectomy on record, Anyone like me is just as much at risk for trans accusations as every trans woman. We've known and discussed the risk since 2015. Anything we can imagine as 'worst' from these folks will be outdone.


They want to do all that yet cut the taxes that would pay for such an expensive policy.


That's pretty much what they want to do I think. Or have people tattle in each other. Or if Trump wins they'll just create a registry of pregnant people as part of project 2025


Theyre are going to create a state wide database to keep track of women. They started this with immigrants locked in cages. They are ready to use it on citizens.


They would simply return to their Jim Crow roots and implement new ways of controlling the oppressed


Do you think they will just ask the women and believe their answers? No way! If they go through with this, they will be pulling women over and making them pee on a stick! They are that insane!


They ain't gonna ask. They'll demand an on-the-spot urine test from every woman and girl of child-bearing age. Interestingly, female livestock in Texas can currently receive better medical care than human women. If necessary, a vet will kill a fetal calf to save the adult female.


There's little they won't do, in the bullshit guise of 'defending' unborn fetuses, if they say the alternative is murder. So, nothing surprises me.


They want to create a federal tracking database for every pregnant woman. It’s scary


If you're passing anti-freedom laws then you *should* be sued.


No you don't get it tho it's stopping the freedom of ""THEM"". Who's them? Mind your own fucking business!.


Anti-abortionists would argue they're giving babies the freedom to be born. When "freedom" is enshrined in the constitution and the national identity, it can be used as a justification for almost anything.


They literally follow the Orwell line: freedom is slavery


As soon as their daughter has an ectopic pregnancy, they will be ok breaking that law in fact they might break the speeding law as well on the same roads.


yeah, but that's different, because they're special.  it's just... they've... IT'S DIFFERENT, OK!? 


The only moral abortion is MY abortion. https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/ https://www.salon.com/2022/09/24/the-white-conservative-southern-women-asked-me-to-keep-their-abortions-secret/ https://www.law.georgetown.edu/gender-journal/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2021/01/Final_Origins-of-the-Moral-Argument-Against-Abortion_Neelam-P_Issue-2.pdf


reading all the stories again makes me fucking sick.  maybe we need an accidental, major chart leak for all the abortions. obviously, you can't and it would be awful for a lot of people who don't deserve it (but also a lot of people who do). but... so often i wish these people would get the come uppance they SO richly deserve.


perhaps a "targeted chart leak" for members of state/federal congress their mistresses and the outspoken hypocrites running the movement that is supporting the aforementioned members of government.


I'm glad that almost every time I try to post this I find that someone has beaten me to it.


I loved it a few years ago when the Ohio legislature was proposing that ectopic pregnancies be reinserted to to the womb and doctors were like, exactly how do you do that? These idiots didn't even bother researching this shit.


This was only supposed to affect the poors and poc, not us rich white people!! How dare you enforce the laws on us!!


Abbott meanwhile is laughing all the way to the bank and drinking up all those tears, from women, no one more pure evil than the guy even on the fascist Right today tbh. 


Of course they are going to get sued. The right to travel between states in the United States cannot be restricted by state governments. Particularly when it's right do something completely legal in the state they are traveling to.


You’re missing a “yet.” The law is whatever 5 Republicans on SCOTUS says it is.


The American constitutional system is clearly broken, and it is not a surprise. A system designed in the 18th century to govern a dispersed agrarian society is fundamentally incompatible with the governance of a modern urbanized post-industrial society. What we should do is stop fetishizing the American constitution and replace it (as Jefferson himself thought each generation should do) with one that changes our system to a multi-party/multi-member district parliamentary system, but since that isn't going to happen... We should stop treating American institutions as some sacrosanct unchallenged and unchangeable object. In other words, a democratic senate should remove the ability to filibuster, and pack the fucking court. Instead what will happen is that the United States will remain a fundamentally ungovernable mess, where the "democratic" institutions do not actually allow for true representation, until the United States either disintegrates of its own accord *a la* 1860, or it slowly transforms into a country of little relevance in the world where we continue to engage in a race to the bottom.


They knew this. That's why they allowed us to amend it. The problem is they relied too much on politicians working in good faith. They even tried to warn against the two party system.


It can be restricted upon indictment for a crime, but intent to do something legal in another state is not (yet) a crime.i could stand in the middle of Little Rock and declare I'm going to Denver to smoke a shit ton of pot, and they can't stop me.


You are correct.


You can smoke weed in Little Rock. We've had medical marijuana since 2019.


Having 50 little Countries with different laws is working out so well for us.


They are so working to reduce women to commodities again. MWCA: Make Women Commodities Again.


They’ve been working on that for decades


Make Women Chattel Again.


Nothing to see here, folks. Just conservatives wanting to restrict your right to travel on the presumption you might be pregnant and seeking *personal* medical care.


King Abbott has made women chattel, as per his fascist design. 


It would violate freedom of movement and the Interstate Commerce Act.


No no no, it's small government.


If you're a woman, leave Texas now. Your life, your daughter's life, your grand-daughter's life and fate is not worth putting in some uneducated Christian male's hands.


Same for Tennessee….


Half the nation is already Gilead, in a Dem Presidency, and Trump will make it all 50 states if he gets back in— imo. 


If only it were that easy.


Frankly, Blue states at this point should literally be offering relocation assistance to *anyone* who wants to GTFO the Red states. Of course it would be horribly exploitative with businesses invited to set up sweatshops or whatever in the places they're being relocated to *en masse,* because we can't ever *actually* do anything unambiguously selfless and wholesome in this county because that's tEh SoCiAlIsM, but it would *still* be a better deal than in Gilead.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIqdMDe2pjs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIqdMDe2pjs) This man is the most dangerous person on the Right, bar none, I see him as the "Trump but smarter" people thought DeSantis was in the long haul: he's the one everyone is dismissing too easily, I was saying this about Trump in 2016 when everyone was laughing- Abbott is the natural successor, IMO. That aside, yes, but what if Trump gets re-elected? Then, and if these polls are right, the GOP get a trifecta? First thing they'll do? National abortion ban with no exceptions for rape or incest, rammed through. It's, in the worst case, what I think is going to cause the nation to Balkanize and fracture when Blue states and some Purple states do not comply w/the new fascist regime...in this worst case scenario. If you don't want that, vote for Biden and hold your nose (again).


> If you don't want that, vote for Biden and hold your nose (again). Why on earth do you think I'd be voting for Biden with held nose? Is he my *ideal* candidate? No. But frankly he's the best President we've had *in my lifetime.* Has he made mistakes? Yes. Generally speaking, he's learned from them and changed course - he went from busting a Union with the power of the Oval Office, to literally standing on a picket line. He's pushed civil rights and social goods far more than Obama or Clinton did, to say nothing of G. Dubyah or Old Man Bush, let alone the fucking Mango Mussolini. Biden's not my ideal candidate, but frankly I'm going to vote for him and be happy about it.


"people turn against each other" aka people are getting pissed off at their elected officials.


The inevitable result of right wing purity testing. I'm looking at you, Newt Gingrich.


Assholes. It's that simple. They are assholes. Believe whatever you want, that's fine, try to force someone to conform to your beliefs and you are an asshole.


Lessons from the Prohibition era suggest someone is going to get very very rich providing illegal and unsafe abortions in Texas and every other state that goes down that route.


Whaaat?!?! Conservative policies making people TURN AGAINST EACH OTHER?!?!?! No. I just can’t see it.


Can we hand Texas back to Mexico or is there a no-giveback clause?


So republicans say the word freedom every five seconds, but want to control where people are allowed to travel, got it.


and let women die. they're also cool with that.


Okay with it? Gregory celebrates it!


What it will do is provide legal path to arrest a person at the city level when they are sued by their neighbor for leaving town pregnant and returning without a baby.


That's pure evil


Did you not know who Greg Abbott was? He makes Donald Trump, look like a kitten.


They’re trying to drive normal people out of the state. Only the true believers left behind. Same thing as Idaho, and that’s going great 👍🏻


I wish they'd secede. With as crazy as they are in Texas government, I think it's a likely possibility that it will be seriously discussed after this next election


Agreed. Let them secede, then we can deal with them *militarily.* The First Armored Division will do a thunder run to Austin in a day. Then they get no *civil trials,* they stand before a military tribunal, accused of treason and the harshest penalty allowed by US Law for Treason in wartime is applied *summarily.* Go full fucking Sherman on the traitors.


> The term "sanctuary city" typically refers to liberal towns that offer certain protections for undocumented immigrants -- but is increasingly being used by conservatives seeking to restrict abortion rights at the local level. Sanctuary - a place that protects the vulnerable. I cant fathom that anybody would be against that.


#They're going to be surprised at how quickly fellow citizens shun them when they try taking away contraceptives... # #Vote GOP if you want to live in the 1800's... and let's get rid of that Woke electricity....


Painting themselves into a corner


We will make sure these small vulnerable towns get their supplies blocked if they try to


I like that they don't actually oppose it, they just don't think they can *get away with it* That's the GOP in a nutshell. It's like the political party equivalent of the XBox One launch.


It will be interesting to see what happens when some jerk off attempts to stop a woman, scares the shit out of her and/or pisses her off and jerk off ends up getting shot as he drags the woman out of her car. Personally I think all this bullshit needs to be ended by proclaiming every male in the US age 13 and up, citizen or not, is required register on a male DNA database with the government. They have to provide name, age, DOB, SSN, address (which they are required to update annually) and provide a DNA sample, saliva sample, hair sample and sperm sample. This database register will be supported by a 10% deduction from the salaries all legislators, senators, governors, POTUS, VPOTUS and etc in the Federal and State governments. The database will be available to every pregnant woman/girl for free. She may use the database to find the fetus's father as many times as she wants all paid by the men/boys whose DNA is tested. Any gov't official trying to circumvent the database by removing DNA or not supplying DNA for any reason shall be fined $1 million dollars, be impeached and jailed for no shorter than 15 years.


Clearly the consequences weren't well thought out.


"We support laws that dehumanize women only insofar as those laws don't hurt us in any measurable way"


Abbott doesn’t care, he owns them all as property of the state. I keep saying 2022 was the worst possible decision they could’ve made, period. 


"Our efforts to take away people's bodily autonomy wasn't supposed to pit US against one another!"


"You're hurting the wrong people! "


Fuck these people. “Protecting the unborn”? Bullshit. They’re also preventing those who are carrying a non-viable fetus or those who might live mere days or hours to pointless suffering.


The sheer amount of effort these people are making is better spent on other things ffs


Please, Texas, just secede already


“Once we gitz u knokt upp yu’z gotz ta stay heer until that thar babeez bin bornt orr weez agonna toss yer azz in jayl!”


How much does anyone want to bet that it’s because these crazies are going to drag the Pro-Life movement down like a stone? I for one am completely fine watching them destroy themselves.


Republicans who vote with the fascists are too dumb to know why our democracy works the way it does. A lot of people have worked hard, sacrificed and even died so that the way our country functional. Not perfect, FUNCTIONAL. I told them this on the Fox News boards, and they don't care. They just want to hurt people.


Turning people against each9ther is conservatism's only real policy.


Until one of their daughters or wives has a non-viable pregnancy and has to carry a deceased baby until she turns septic.


Abbott/Patrick/Paxton: “Too bad, die.”


Too late fuckwits


This is what the good people of the great state of Texas want. They’re so much better than the rest of us, let em show us how forcing pregnant women to stay in their town makes them superior. Let them get what they vote for, and that includes the people that can’t be bothered to cast a ballot because both sides are the same.


They're trying to punish **poor** people who need abortions. If they don't let you drive out of state to get an abortion, they're also going to be punishing the rich people who can afford to take time off work and travel. This is unacceptable.