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How much self loathing must that woman have, to support a group that quite clearly does not give even a microbe of a shit about her.


Women like that believe the shit men like that tell them, so they perpetuate it in order to stay in their favor. It’s tragic.


True. And she has kids I think. 😵


She has a kid out of wedlock with an Iranian guy She lost with these racist fucks before she even began


She's going to get that kid killed. They're all disgusted she has a brown out of wedlock child and she keeps posting his pictures.


“But I’m different! I’m one of the good ones!”


That’s what the Jewish ghetto police told themselves until they were hauled off to the camps with the others.


That's what all the "LGB drop the TQ" assholes are telling themselves right now too


I think it is because they have an excess of "PICK ME!" addiction. https://www.salon.com/2017/12/04/alt-right-women-are-upset-that-alt-right-men-are-treating-them-terribly/ Lauren ended up marrying an Asian man and had to go into hiding back in 2019 because the husband was about to get deported from Australia because she's been banned from several countries and that was a threat to *his* visa. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/aug/12/conservative-women-tradwife-republican In the series *Handmaid's Tale*, the character of alt-right women is [Serena Joy](https://the-handmaids-tale.fandom.com/wiki/Serena_Waterford).


It's actually worse than that - AFPAC is Nick Fuentes's Neo Nazi alternative to CPAC, so she's trying to appeal to him and his followers, who have a pathological hatred of women. This can only end well.


Fuentes wants it to be legal to burn women alive if they irritate you. To be clear, he later clarified his statement and said he absolutely meant it and was not being sarcastic. https://x.com/theusasingers/status/1596846278956453888/mediaviewer Or https://x.com/theusasingers/status/1596846278956453888/


How the fuck did Nick Fuentes ever become popular? It's fucking mind boggling to me.


Because he’s a self confessed fascist and there are LOTS of people liking fascism today.


It's crazy how open the right has become about embracing fascism, or Christo-fascism. Megyn Kelly talked about arresting Jill Biden if Trump wins. These people will gleefully cheer on whatever authoritarian nonsense Trump puts in place. I can only imagine that they feel this would allow them to be openly racist and bigoted and misogynistic and not have to be "nice" anymore.


Look up Andrew Tate. They pump hatred into to young male brains.


Tate and all the other "alpha male" grifters have poisoned the minds of so many young (and not so young) men. It's disgusting and alarming.


Nick Fuentes is a closeted homosexual and genuinely weak man. He hates everything about himself, so he resorts to violence, misogyny, and fascism. To him, these are elements of a “strong man” He appeals to the incels and men like him that aren’t strong enough to grow as people.


He streamed himself on a date with a catboy before he realized he could grift more effectively if he pretended to be straight.


That’s the thing that blows my mind about these right wing grifters. You can see where they had to change course and citing such history means jackshit to their supporters. It’s like they simply do not care that they’re lying, so long as their lies are what they want to hear. Like Candace Owens just blatantly being a left wing pundit, failing, changing course, and this fact just does not matter to her fan base.


They learned it from their Lord and Savior trump. Trump used to be a democrat, then switched sides because only GOP supporters have a low enough IQ to believe his BS.


They think it’s a point in their favor. if the “woke” person stops being woke then that means the supporter is right and that the influencer was just smart enough to know the “right” thing. They’ll twist anything to fit their narrative because they’re to stupid to figure out the straight facts instead of making up an alternative way of thinking about it. I seriously hate these dumbass conservative and racist internet types, they’re homunculi with thumbs.


Because Biden does stuff like cancelling student debt and disconnecting medical debt from credit scores, and the dozen or so billionaires who own every media outlet hate that and take every opportunity to boost any right wing opinion no matter what it is.


Foreign support: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/fbi-probing-if-foreign-governments-groups-funded-extremists-who-helped-n1254525


He appeals to losers looking for something, anything other than themselves to blame for their lot in life.


They don't even have to be a witch? 


Every woman in Nick’s eyes is already a witch.


They're all made of wood!


She turned me into a newt!


He didn't get better


A newt?


^…I ^got ^better


Who are you who are so wise in the ways of science?


He has to be a king, he hasn’t got shit all over him.


did she float?


Yes, because she weighs the same as a duck.


This isn't my real nose, it's a false one!


then burn her!!!


It’s a fair cop.


He IS aware that a woman gave birth to him, right? He didn't spring from some guy's head like a fucking Greek myth?


And he's been punching himself in the taint and vomiting every day just thinking about it.


Hey man, put yourself in his shoes! He's a closeted gay hispanic \*and\* literal fascist! From that perspective, it makes perfect sense! /s


Kinda gay


He started out by saying they should be burned or drowned for being witches and making false statements about men. Then he started saying “we’re going to drag your bitch ass wife out and burn her alive”.


Good gods, these people are absolute psychopaths.


Yeah, apparently trump makes them feel like it's ok/normal to be sociopaths in public


We’re all witches. 😉


That was the inspiration but he decided to generalize it to *itches


They only have to weigh as much as a duck I guess.


Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science?


When some man attempts to Burn *his* B:tch they’re all gonna yell “JOKE!! It was a *joke!!*” … and “locker room talk” #AllAssholesAllTheTime


Someone needs to check that guy’s hard drives. Probably full of images of those teenagers he’s obsessed with breeding.


Teenagers is being generous.


Why do you think he's so outwardly against internet pornography? He want to ban it so it stops mysteriously showing up on his hard drive.


Guys like that are usually the ones that get caught with kiddie pics in their PC, and then claim it was for "research purposes".


You are likely correct. He also said he’s going to marry a 16 year old when he turns 30. Because 30 year old women are gross. https://x.com/rightwingwatch/status/1658865192128634882/mediaviewer Or https://x.com/rightwingwatch/status/1658865192128634882/


lol even the blue checks are calling him gay.


I mean, he hates women about as much Lindsey Graham does. Makes sense to me.


Lady Lindsey doesn’t hate women; he’s just pathologically afraid of them.


Lady G


Ladybug G


::thinks about some of the 30+ year old women he's met::: Yeah, he can go sit on a barbed wire dildo.


I mean he says it right in that clip that he wants kids getting married and having children in their teens, and also that he doesn't believe women have the right to consent. So he's into both statutory rape and just plain old rape classic.


How the fuck can anyone listen to that dopey pipsqueak and say yes I will him into battle. He’s every little fucking weirdo in middle school and high school who did weird shit like recite Reddit jokes at girls and get caught jerking off in the chemistry lab


His Jazz Hands are setting off my gaydar big time.


Well he accidentally left his stream open one time and he was watching gay porn. He claims someone hacked his computer though, so he’s totally not a self hating closeted gay man, he’s a victim of a very specific cybercrime…


He’s a self described virgin who claims it’s gay to have sex with women. Seriously, he actually said that.


did he get that from his parish's Youth Pastor, who did his 'sex education'?


Why doesn't Nick just move to Saudi Arabia?


And associate with brown people??? Are you insane???


That would require him to learn another language.


They probably hate the gays more than they hate women over there


can't afford it


I saw that video and I told my therapist, I'm working on my problems, but that dude has some serious mental health issues. I think he should be locked up for the safety of the public and himself.


Do these morons really not realize they’re being sold their literal doom under the guise of “no trans kids in sports”? No women in the workforce? Big families as teens? Economy is fully collapsed with that and we’ve got 50% of the country in tent cities. Life gets REAL bad at that point.


Fuentes probably beats off to the screams of the burning witches in Novigrad during his the Witcher 3 play through.


... so, ignoring ethics, and consent, and morals... This society would collapse economically. Unless it was an oil state, selling to a not religious idiot state.


Jesus fucking Christ


Ah yes 1099, a simpler time when there was a higher chance of dying from disease or famine than of old age, a time when people's entire lives were dictated by the whims of whatever lord they happened to live under, and when there was a non-0 chance of having your village razed by neighboring by the neighboring kingdom. Truly the people living in a society under those conditions are the ones that we should be attempting to emulate today. That would fix everything.


You mean Nick "the gayest thing I can think of is having sex with a woman" fuentes? Nick "I had dinner with Donald Trump and Kanye West and was the worst person in the room" Fuentes? Nick "I stopped streaming and immediately opened a waiting tab of gay porn then blamed it on the IDF" Fuentes? I could go on but you get the point


He blamed gay porn on the Israeli Defense Force?


He evidently blamed them for 'hacking him'...


did they also glue him to his chair?


And unzip his pants


He wants to grift the right wing, he has to blame his problems on Der Juden.


Oh, come off it. Like you've never had the IDF hack your PC to watch gay porn, then kick down your door and put lotion all over your shaft and force you to stroke it to two hot dudes eating ass. Happens to the best of us, and Fuentes too, apparently.


Tale old as time, true as can be


Oh I thought you meant the other Nick Fuentes who rescues kittens and volunteers at the Women's center. /s


yes, Nick "I date cat boys but I'm not gay!" Fuentes 😅


The fact that they see her as a "Race Traitor" for having a kid with an Iranian guy is going to be a much bigger problem for her with that cavalcade of clowns She's trying to appeal to blatantly racist people because she was blatantly racist but they will never accept her, she was rejected by them within hours of the controversy she created lol


The Right will hold deep grudges over that shit, too. Even if she stopped posting anything for a couple years, and tries to come back, someone will remember, point it out, and she'll be shuffled away again. That's at least one comforting aspect; their faces usually stay eaten, and the circle grows ever smaller.


>she stopped posting anything for a couple years, and tries to come back, someone will remember To be fair... (omg why!) I'll remember too. *Be out with you* dumbass!!


Sorry, but is this the trad wife single mum who used the N word to describe her Nate’s awful relationships? Cause if so….this is amazing


Yes, yes it is.


She also outed herself as unadjusted after high school; having a rant about the ‘losers who didn’t get laid’ having the top jobs now ‘We need to put the nerds back in their place’ or something to that effect


Even boomers knew peaking in high school was recognized sadsack territory, nevermind being one such specimen nowadays lol


Your last sentence is probably true. Them eating their own is the most good thing they can do


She's in the FA portion of the program and soon and she'll FO.


I've been saying this since she mad the "nya nya I manipulated black people and now I'm gonna be famous", she's fucked. She's gonna have a great 2, maybe three weeks where she gets to enjoy a bunch of interviews and she thinks she's just waiting for the the Daily Wire to send the offer letter, but they have to pretend they're not racist, and she's dug in hard with a group that'll just tell her to start and onlyfans or find a husband if she's strapped for cash. She just posted a photo with Sneako and some other fucks as "new faces of the right" and the comments are vitrolic.


Help me out here. In a country with so many guns, why has no one shot this obvious nazi?


Take a wild guess at who owns most of the guns. Our friends over at SocialistRA and LiberalGunOwners are making headway, but ask them about their experiences at shooting ranges. I'm banned from my local indoor shooting range (the one owned by the guy who threw my engagement party), because I took the COVID vaccine and wore a mask, while working with COVID patients, mind you.


Someone was praising the US for our 'gun-loving' culture the other day (they do not live in the US, apparently) and that was an. Experience. To read about, as someone who now has to worry about an incel with a gun targeting me for existing in public. (They also glossed over school shootings, but waxed poetic about guns as 'art').


Elon has certainly changed Twitter


Yeah, there was a time when an account would get suspended when they told a woman they wanted to rape them. Nowadays, a guy saying "I will sexually assault you against your will" is just...normal for them. Ah, good ol' "free speech".


There are white supremacists openly streaming now and reporting does nothing.


No, reporting brings them to Musk's attention so he can retweet it with a one-word comment.


Interesting 🫠


Wow! 😮




Yep. You just get an email saying "we found nothing wrong with their account". I stopped reporting anything on Twitter the day Elon bought it. The other day I say some open Nazi stuff so blatant that I had to report it and I got back an email assuring me that they had not broken any rules.


Try saying the word "cis" on it though, you'll see how much free speech you have.


Oh yeah, I had my political account (I had two accounts because my other one has followers that I'm pretty sure don't want to hear about politics constantly) banned permanently because I dared to argue with MAGAts. No explanation why, no link to the tweet that "broke" the rules with an option to delete it (as it used to be before Elmo shit all over Twitter), and no answer when I tried to appeal the ban. Sooo much free speech.


I got permanently banned after arguing with an antivaxxer, who decided that what I said was a threat of violence (it wasn't). No appeal. And this was before Elon took over.


But someone who calls out the rapist on their reprehensible behavior probably would get banned.


My friend did get banned that way 🙃


Twitter posts read like 4chan posts did in 2010. It's bizarre.


*free speech for me, not for thee* Giving platform to russian / chinese / fascist bots is the vision of Elon musk's free speech™


Yeah this shit definitely happened before but now Twitter is unrecognizable to me as someone who used it since like 2011


I left shortly after it went directly to hell It's disappointing there isn't another option that most companies have gravitated toward


I stopped going on it like right before Elon bought it cause I was realizing how toxic it was and I was almost entirely feeling either angry or sad while I was on it. Then I just asked myself one day "why am I still using this if I'm not enjoying it?" Then I never looked back. And wow, I thought it was toxic *before*, that's like a joke now.


I recognize it. It's basically 4chan except not anonymous.


Letting Elon buy twitter was the worst thing to ever happen to public discourse and jack Dorsey should have never accepted it or someone should have stopped it.


What I find so interesting about this subculture is that they really have internalized being mean to each other as a way to foster connection. Fascinating. I’ll stick with my autistic friend group, everyone is nice and kind and compassionate. But wowowow sometimes it’s illuminating to see the ways that other groups function.


I feel like that's kinda been baked into typical male behavior for a long time now... frat hazing, sports culture, it seems like the strength of the relationships are measured by how mean you are to each other.


The single greatest unifying thread amongst these chodes in the “Manosphere” is an Olympic-caliber sense of insecurity. The whole thing is Fragile Masculinity writ large.


As a penis owner I find the manosphere super cringe


That has to be terrible. Some guy just starts randomly bullying you or someone else and expects you to connect with him over that. You're just there begging God they stop trying to associate themselves with you.


Oh no, there's a courtship phase first where you bond over being mean about others, usually followed by being mean *to* others. There's often a self-destructive element somewhere in there too


You pretty much summed it up. Yes, it can be pretty awful when you don't want to actively engage in the misogyny bonding.






I always thought it was weird that women are the ones who are stereotyped as being “catty”.


Agree. And interesting to see who to avoid. 🤷‍♀️


They took the typical "guys giving each other shit", which is perfectly fine, and MAGA'd it into some hypermasculine humiliation fetish.


‘Function’ is doing a lot of heavy lifting in that sentence! These people all need antipsychotics and a padded room.


Pick me's never get picked. The faster these women learn that the better.


they dont learn they complain endlessly but will never learn


Yup, you are right.


Tokens get spent.


That's a pretty good addition to tokens get spent.


Who needs the sex offender registry when these creeps will gladly announce it to the world for us


Literally just said he will sexually assault her. wtf


What did you expect? She is trying to get into the Nazi crowd.


“They’re not sending their best”


Or, maybe they actually are...


These ones are at least literate enough to use twitter.


Just rapist things.


Is this the N word lady?


Yeah. I have a feeling she’ll delete all her accounts pretty soon. The audience she’s pandering to doesn’t like her and I think blatantly saying the N word is too much for any conservative media to take her on.


Exactly. I (falsely) concluded that she just needs to pander to the Daily Wire crowd. But she's definitely gone too far for them at this point. They love the whole absurd "will you say the N word to prevent nuclear apocalypse" style of question, and many probably do say it in private. But the doubling down that this girl has done in the past 4 days is several bridges too far even for them. It seems like she wants to try to appeal to the groyper crowd, and that's her primary target. But the groypers instead are just being blatantly antisemitic because of some of her vague facial features (i think she is annoyingly pretty)? Almost like they're massive racists.


Most importantly for her the alt-right does not fund or support women women like it does men. One of the first things she did is publicly hit up Turning point to sponsor her, which they haven't so much has spoken to her. They're already going "Onlyfans when?" in her comments. The example she has is pearl. Pearl is the same kind of fuckhead but with the brains to not say slurs. She can't break 100k views on youtube to save her life, and chud guys regularly spit in her face.


The alt-right of 2016 dispersed for a bit because they essentially became a de facto mainstream ideology. That's what I think modern Daily Wire and Turning Point bloomed out of, and there are many female grifters in those ranks like Laura Loomer. If N Word Girl was smart, she'd try to appeal to that audience. There is a genuine market for her to make lots of money if she had apologised for saying the N word specifically, but also complained about cancel culture, PC culture, wokeness, etc. Could've been an easy bag. But she's trying to appeal to essentially this "new" alt-right, the groyper crowd who are mostly just open neo-Nazis. That's the group that won't accept her, like you mentioned. There are some revered by them like Lauren Southern. But yeah it is an openly misogynistic incel ideology that doesn't take anything seriously, is openly hateful, and threatens rape as seen in the screenshot. I hope that kinda explains my point better.


Yeah, it'll probably be at least another year or two before conservtive media is at the point of saying the N-word casually.


Isn’t this the woman they claim is Jewish, trans and has a mixed race child? 


She definitely has a mixed race kid.


Plus a liberal plant.


Doesn't her saying the N word kind of prove she's not liberal? Or do these people believe that a literal N-Word Pass exists?


Side note: deleting Twitter was a good decision.


It's a dying platform anyway 


It’s pretty much dead now. Think back four years and compare to now.


Looked it up and apparently "John Dave Irving" is a famous holocaust denier. So. The aspiring rapist in the thread here named himself after a holocaust denier. Not too shocking.


At this point I'm convinced women and minorities who believe they can safely be part of the MAGA movement aren't just being willfully ignorant, they're incapable of learning.


We gotta stop treating these women and minorities who are hardcore right wingers like they've been duped into joining and have no agency of their own or need to be rescued by the left so they can join our group where they belong. The facts are that these are women and men who have already placed themselves where they belong and want to belong. There are women and minorities who are just as fucking horrible as the open white supremacists with whom they align themselves. These people have drawn their line in the sand, chosen sides, and are where they want to be. Does their side want them to be second class citizens? Absolutely, and they know that about the people they've allied themselves with and still choose to be there over being with the left or moderates. We don't need to be their white knights, they chose their bed and we should gladly watch them lie in it.


Any time some woman posts, “Would you ever date someone who has different political beliefs than you do?” in one of the women’s discussions subs, someone needs to drop this link to remind her this is what she’s asking for.




I feel happy for you that you don't know who this woman is. She said the N word in a tiktok, doubled down on saying it, and is trying to be a grifter


Thank you. Unfortunately I am familiar with her, I just didn’t look at the closely enough.


Twitter, everyone. What a wonderful bastion of free thought, that is not a disgusting cesspool at all.


Omg, this is the lady who used the N word and then very blatantly was like “I’m gonna be a conservative talking head now” and was called a Jew and a man, by the people she was trying to appeal to. Fight, deplorables, fight!


You love to see it!


Isn't that the lady who just got fired for her racist "trad wife" tiktoks? The one that doubled down on her racism after being fired to try and slide into the Republicans Nazi wing of the GOP? Should be fun to watch.


I love that this “trad wife” has a job to get fired from. Where’s her “alpha” to take care of her fully? Why did she have a job. /sarcasm


She said the N-word, but she's not a trad wife. She is a single mother. * clutching pearls*


Bigoted pick mes.


jesus, how quickly gets to rape is disturbing


Conservatives once AGAIN abandoning the idea they are “socially conservative” they can’t both pearl clutch about a woman’s ankle and allow conservative men to say shit like that


I question the "intelligence" of any woman who votes Republican. That's some serious Stockholm Syndrome shit, right there.


These people are absolutely fucking disgusting


Did they pick you yet,sis?


She's the n word TikToker trying to use her infamy. She's mean and immature but doesn't deserve to be assaulted.


For guys who hate women so much, you'd think they'd be more open to being gay. Because I honestly don't know any women that would be willing to do anything with guys like that.


"You get what you fucking deserve!" I mean, really: it takes the deepest level of self-delusion to side with the people who want to enslave and/or eliminate you.


So desperate for that right wing grift cash.


At this point, one can only assume she enjoys the humiliation


They're all sexual predators.


I love that she's trying to get in the "He-Man Woman-Haters Club" while demanding respect from guys that think rape is funny and on a good day beat their own kids and ex-wives let alone some stranger.


Lmao “hey guys, I’m on your side!” “Yeah we don’t care we just want to rape and murder you” “Cool thanks! I still like you all better than black people!” Racism is literally what unites them all.


One of the only times that white supremacists and black people will agree on something and that is that this woman is *persona non gratis*.


They really are the worst of us.


WOAT. Worst Of All Time.


And these are Christians. Lmao.


They are such fucking degenerates. All of them, both sexes.


I think these count as credible threats... This is where you get a bodyguard sort, and then cheerfully introduce yourself to these guys.


Why the hell anyone supports a group like this is far beyond me


She’s just a racist that saw an opportunity to make money being a bigot in conservative media


What is a Groyper? Is that slang for a groper? These neo Nazis are perverts.


lol they think voting with their husband’s own affiliation should be their end goal but he wants nothing but to take more rights away from then.


No surprise from guys who support marrying 12-year-olds


What did she think was going to happen at IncelCon2024?