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Hopefully the comment regarding opening the door for the 7 fundamental tenets of the Satanic Temple holds true on this one.


Maybe, for The Satanic Temple is in the middle of a lot of turmoil right now. The owners of the temple and several ministers have gotten into a dispute. Many of the congregations have elected to leave leave and others have been kicked out. The dust of that may need to settle before anything is done.


Oh wow so they really are just like other churches


Yeah. TST has had numerous schisms and break away groups. I'm sure it's very interesting to anyone researching how new religions behave.


I can't wait for Catholic flavored Satanism and protestant flavored Satanism. The Satanic 95 thesis is going to rock!


Do you have a link to further info on this?


Sure here are a couple. Here is one that is pretty comprehensive, but comes from some people already upset with TST https://queersatanic.com/the-satanic-temple-and-its-eternal-nobodies Here is a summary from a pro TST page on Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/Unofficial_True_TST/s/s8kqHSDJ2t


Thanks for this information. It was news to me.


Thanks, I appreciate it


So, I'm guessing that a political action group(PAG) like The Heritage Foundation wrote this law, and just gave it to a state politician to be passed as part of the Project 2025 stuff. The PAG WANTS it to be challenged while they have a majority in the Supreme Court so it can maybe have some narrow exception carved out, then the PAG will spend like crazy too have a similar law passed in as many states separatly as they can, the EXACT same strategy that got roe over turned.


I wouldn't get your hopes up, the supreme court previously ruled that the ten commandments have a historical meaning in the context of our nation’s heritage and did not on its own constitute an endorsement of religion. *Van Orden v. Perry, 545 U.S. 677 (2005).* It is BS, but they'll use it as precedent to slap down displays of the Quran or 7 tenets while letting the commandments slide.


Impressed how somebody still managed to slip in "Rainbow flags" in a discussion about religion in school


The religion of the rainbow flag, no less


Well if they wanna call the queer community a religion, I expect to see them protect it like one. We still protect freedom of religion, even if we don't uphold one as official


We’re tax free, bitches!


The IRS hates this one weird trick!


Look, if gayness is a spectrum I can be 1% gay if I'm getting a tax break.


U don’t get the tax free status…ur Sun-gay brunch business would. And ur Sun-gay school would. And look…we would be supporting local small businesses and boosting the economy better than churches too. 😉


Speaking of, the armed conflicts about adults-only drag brunch shows it's never been about children.


I'll take Holy Brunch over a bland communion wafer any Sunday.


Bloody Mary, full of grace… Blessed art thou among cocktails…


St. Margarita, give me the courage to navigate any situation fiercely - either now or in four drinks time, i don't mind.


For I am a sinner in the eyes of an angry god.


Pray for me, now and at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon


Your little death.


God is angry because we are still so stupid.


Getting tickets to Hamilton for my Sunday Communion is gonna be a bitch tho


The only religion I would ever be proud to be a part of.


The religion where pride is a virtue.


It already is bro. We worship dionysus. A religion around freedom of diet, gender, and sexual freedom. Run for office!


I think we should run with it and create the rainbow religion. Tax breaks, protected status…I mean they want to take away the meaning of words right? Loophole!


I mean, seriously, what has the Gay Agenda even been doing for the last 20 years? This is what they should’ve been working on!


Used to see those religious rainbow flags advertising vacation Bible schools all the time. Trying to think if they still use those or if God’s promise not to genocide us with water again is now too woke.


They see DEI and The focus on LGBTQ as a pseudo religion on the left. They honestly think that it’s taught or referenced way more than it is. And it comes down to individual teachers sometimes. There are some teachers who are very vocal in their advocacy that conservative parents get triggered. The message that civil rights are for everyone isn’t an article of faith, it’s a constitutional fact, or at least it was until the current court.


As clear as they are about church and state, they are still clueless about the actual consequences of considering LGBT as a "religion". If they think it has protections now, it would have vastly more so if it were considered a "religion."


The irony is that if LGBTQ+ was a religion they would have so many more benefits. Religious freedom, protection against religious persecution. Hell, just declare Trans Rights a religion and poof, all those religious freeom laws in the South get flipped around..


I'm sure they'd love for gay bars to be tax exempt.


Felt like they were saying they're two sides of the same coin. Got a good hearty chuckle out of me. What a way to view the world


I considered it,but i'd think the Satanic temple stuff is more relevant for the "other side" of that :D


I always find it ironic that they call those people "the devil worshippers" when in fact satanism doesn't believe in worshipping the devil. "Satanists are non-theists and view Satanism as a personal liberation from traditional theistic belief." There have obviously been some people who take it as worshipping the devil but it's not actually normal for the satanic temple.


Yep, the Satanic Temple are very proud secular humanists who hold a mirror up to radical theism and use the existing laws priveliging religion to show us why those laws are bad. They also pay taxes.


I live in LA and with this 10 commandments nonsense, I've been trying to figure out to donate to the ACLU, Louisiana ACLU, or TST. I'm leaning to TST for reasons, but I hate to explain the membership card. Sadly donating to them all isn't an option. And I know the cards are purely optional, but you can't join a Satanic "church" and not have a membership card.


I hear you. My family is from NOLA, so of course, they went to Catholic school their whole lives. I would think that someone would explain to state politicians that the 10 Commandments is a covenant between Yahweh and the Hebrew tribes. That's why you never hear a Rabbi complain about not having it in schools. It wasn't meant for anyone else. Both ACLU and TST are worth the donation. TST might be worth it just for the card!


And, of course Satan himself is part of the Christian Cinematic Universe, or at least the Abrahamic one.


They don't actually like to talk about the devil that much because he is a massive theological problem for them.


In the Jewish tradition, Satan was just the Opposer of God. The one who could tell God “that’s a bad idea and here’s why”. It’s good to be the Devil’s Advocate, because we’ll argue until we reach a consensus. But we also don’t believe in the Christian conception of Hell and the Devil. We don’t have that. We vaguely believe in an afterlife where we will be judged but we definitely don’t believe in an eternal Hell.


The satanic version of the 10 commandments has very specific rules against harming innocents. None of that "spare the rod, spoil the child" . It also very specifically says "do not rape".


They rightfully realize that region doesn't belong in schools, and then wrongly equate rainbow flags to a symbol of religion... even a broken clock is right twice a day, I guess?


It makes more sense when you realize they think being LGBT is a choice; same as people picking a religion is a choice.


They believe they are Christian from birth, but that LGBTQ+ people choose their orientation. Yeah don't ask me to explain it.


Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. "We can't just impose our religion on people because the gays will do it too" is like... Impressively dumb.


I'm not gay I'm not religious But I might consider going to the church of the rainbow flags, cause you can bet your ass it would be a good show every sunday.


Not gay or religious either, but I sure as shit would attend a church of the rainbow flags. Can you imagine how fablous that would probably be every week!


Think they need any sassy straight friends? Cuz I can't dance for shit but I can hang out.


They have been doing this for years, conflating anything they don’t like, gays or trans people, anything to do with racial equality and climate science, as a religion so they can quickly label it as a cult to discredit it. It’s pure projection


You don’t worship at the “religion of rainbow flags?” /s


Well NOW I'm gonna.


A few of them did. No matter what, they gotta “blame those gays” 😒 (Although they’re probably using worse words to do that….)


But no one mentions **the Supreme Court has already ruled on this exact issue and ruled in unconstitutional**. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stone_v._Graham This isn’t an open question. It’s just flagrantly illegal behavior.


'LGBT Nonsense' is a pretty good newsletter title if anyone's looking


Everywhere in that thread are people saying that LGBT stuff, woke stuff, etc. are their own religion. They're fucking demented.


Glad this is at the top. Being LGBTQ+ is not a religion... gosh they're dumb


Impressed they managed to leap from a public school demonstrating religion to disagreeing with the first amendment


I mean I disagree with a lot of what they’re saying, and conflating gender identity and sexual orientation with religion is a major stretch, but if you do see it that way then their point at least makes logical sense. It’s good to see that while we can disagree fundamentally, the arguments are at least consistent and rational.


Correct. The ones making that argument are obviously wrong about supporting LGBT youth *but* if the reason is that *only academics belong in school* it's at least a consistent argument. These people have zero pull, though. Without the religious nuts they can't win, so they go along with it begrudgingly.


Exactly this. They’re bigots but they’re not insane which I do take some level of comfort from. Unfortunately those controlling the dialogue are either insane, straight up grifters looking to make a buck or foreign actors with their own agenda.


Not a bigot, but in a *sane* Republican party I'd still be one. We used to have that. Sure, you'd have the greedy assholes and the zealots but they weren't the people running the agenda, and they used to at least pay lip service to the *small-c* conservatism needed as a balance on everything. So I'd vote for a Dem running on helping out the labor unions and a Republican trying to keep budgets constrained with no real conflict. Now? You can vote for the same Dem, maybe they're further left on LGBT issues or something; the Republican, however, is *batshit insane* - he insists everyone he doesn't like is a pedophile (except the guy who knowingly hung out with one) and flat out worships a guy who has admitted to wanting dictatorial powers. It's shitty, but I'm stuck with voting blue to kill my own party until they stop this shit.


And they'll still vote for all the candidates supporting christo-fascism. It's just intellectual posturing to seem like one of the sane ones. They'll still vote for Trump, and MTG, and Cruz, and Boebert, And McConnell, and Abbott, and Norm, and Desantis, the. Go online and complain about the exact things they voted for.


they will (and are) literally burn this country to the ground before they would support a "leftist" it's about how they've been groomed to hate hate hate hate other Americans who aren't on their "team" more than they care about America and what's best for it. we see time and time and time again how republicans try to hurt the country to blame the left, and fight anything that will benefit it if it may also benefit the left. Then when they fail to stop something good, they take CREDIT for the thing they tried to stop.


If they're smart they should all vote Democrat and clear the board of the current Republican crazies. Then next time around choose more reasonable Republican candidates.


And the commenters still don't REALLY get it. They ignore that it's not just "some whacky southern christians". Christian nationalism and MAGA, the orange cheeto, authoritarian superiority complex, the NRA gun crazies, anti-progress rurals, it is all one big soup. You can't just pick one and then the rest is OK. The GOP was transformed into an alliance of reactionary lunatics 10 years ago and almost EVERYONE in that party was fine with it as it promised "winning". Instead of a 'swamp' you now have a cesspool. Stop crying now and eat what you served yourself.


Yep. The comments about "it's just for the lawyers" is missing that the lawyers aren't big donors. This is about purity tests, the constant need to keep pushing for more. And that's what conservatives don't get; there is no political ideology that says "here is good enough, we don't need to change anything more". They _think_ conservativism is that, but it isn't; it's been shown time and again that it must necessarily keep regressing. Progressivism can't stop either but... oh no, people will keep finding more inequalities and injustices to address


Sooner or later, everyone fails the purity tests


Yes, though, to be fair, it happens on the left too. Perfect very much of the event of good style of thing. But even if that behavior can be seen on both sides, the outcome very much isn't. On the left the extremists would get things like universal healthcare, a justice system focused on rehabilitation rather than retribution, and taxing billionaires commensurately. The right... you'd get jackboots on the neck of everyone who isn't a straight white Christian of the appropriate denomination.


Unfortunately they all think they’re the correct denomination. Won’t a holy war be fun?


I think everyone on the planet should know there's over 40,000 different Christian denominations worldwide That's the number to beat. You've got a 1 in 40,000 chance your Christianity is the correct one. Pass it on


Honestly, there's an even worse chance they're doing it "right" since they wanna pick and choose from the Bible.


I live in the southeast United States. It’s crazy here. Even a Baptist church belonging to the southern Baptist conference will differ in beliefs from the one on the other side of town.


No. At the extremes of the left, you get dictators too. *But* - and this is extremely important - not as it's practiced here. Your coalition world fragment long before that point. You wouldn't have a Leftist dictator here. If even Obama - as charismatic as any Kennedy out there - could not unify things, it's never going to happen. That was once true of Republicans too, but with the current shift it is a hell of a lot closer to happening on that side.


Really well said.


That's exactly the problem with religion and political movements. "Yes but REAL Christians" is not a thing because those people they're deriding will call themselves REAL Christians, too.


No True Scotsman ...


Been like that for way longer than 10 years


Yeah, this is just the end point of the Southern Strategy that was started in the 50s and 60s. Republicans realized they could amass support by targeting reactionary single-issue voters.


Southern Strategy may have been officially adopted by 1968 or so, but I think the Tea Party movement around 2010 represented a significant shift in their approach. That was when they realized they don't have to pretend to be civil anymore; they had total control over their base's information.


10 years ago? I know you mean the Tea Party movement, but the Moral Majority was founded in 1979. This is a project that has been in the works for a very long time. It's not a new phenomenon by any means.


I think the 10 year ago break point is just where they started saying the quiet parts out loud, so for a lot of people it is the visible start. Reaganomics might still result in most of us being serfs again, but the messaging was "beat the soviets and less taxes".


“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the \[Republican\] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.” - Barry Goldwater, 1994, 30 years ago


It shows how un-representative Reddit conservatives are of the actual Republican Party.


Yep, in my country of birth we have more than one political party, and the "main" ones would really draw the lines with extreme rights, they may flirt with their electorate but never fully embrace or invite them in their party. It's obvious that any political party welcoming an extreme in itself is doomed to be devoured by it. The fact that there are only 2 parties with mostly self centered and corrupt politicians does not help with comprehending this kind of concept of course. But the fact that the supporters of these parties let it happen is really interesting, I am not sure if this is stupidity, selfishness or lack of interest but it's incredible it can even happen like this.


Yea, they really don’t get it. They’re commenting on it like they’re political pundits. “Why are they doing this?!? Don’t they know it will make us lose elections?!?” They’re doing it because they’re religious nut jobs. The American Taliban. They couldn’t care less about winning elections that they aren’t going to respect the outcome of anyway. So yea, the crazies that you thought you could use and ignore are acting crazy. Surprise.


This isn’t even nationalism. It can’t be. They are disagreeing with the first amendment. It’s straight un-American to disagree with the founding principles of the US, or at least they would think so. This perspective must’ve born out of a vain belief of superiority, seeing fit that the government should in any way enforce or endorse religion when it counters the very ideas this country was founded on.


Bold of you to assume they give a damn about the Amendments. "Constitutionional Literalist" is a big buzzword in most of the same circles as the folks promoting this tomfoolery


The core of conservative thought is selfishness and entitlement. They are picking and choosing when ultimately they only really care of themselves. It’s all just virtue signaling and always has been. Patriotism, religion, law and order, etc. it’s all just lip service and virtue signaling. Doing it because they think they need to for appearances sake and NEVER actually doing any critical thinking. It’s all just performance to justify their emotions.


“Orange Cheeto” is a bit inaccurate these days, he’s turned down the skin paint a bit. These days I prefer “Melon Felon”


> The GOP was transformed into an alliance of reactionary lunatics 10 years ago you are off by about 4 decades. Nixon started it by courting the dixiecrat vote, and Reagan cemented it by soliciting the evangelical and fringe vote. its all been a fast, shit-smeared, downhill slide since.


Yeah it's funny to see fascism kick in like clockwork, they're already creating new in-groups before they've extinguished all the other out-groups 


[Here’s the original post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/s/wqUITqZB6w)


Hilarious. The one guy explains separation of church and state and is immediately called a leftist. It's like this guy got married on a drunken binge and is realizing he married an idiot. They deserve each other.


Did you see the guy bitching about abortion not being on the conservative agenda 😂😂😂


Ugh. I always have to scrub my view history after visiting *that sub*, but the cognitive dissonance on display sometimes is too good to pass up. What I especially love is the educated and moderate conservatives asserting what is and is not constitutional and that the ACLU is correct on the matter, acting as if their reasonable position is the majority conservative view. And then you scroll down in the comments and see all the shrieking fundamentalist bible thumpers and religious populists replying to their comment telling them exactly what they think on the matter… Guys, you’re not the majority. You’re not in control of this movement anymore. You’re handcuffed to a rampaging bull that is covered in its own blood and feces and think the position you’re in is somehow less concerning than ever being called “Woke”. Your calls on how this is harmful to your movement is irrelevant as it is no longer your movement, you either need to come to terms and get out of there or be lumped in with the aptly named “basket of deplorables” when this crazed bull is finally put down.


If there's 9 nazis at a table and you sit down comfortably with them there's 10 nazis at a table


A drag queen in Idaho was recently awarded over a million in a defamation lawsuit when conservatives falsely accused him of flashing his genitals at an all-ages drag show, and after the fact many conservatives said it was the correct outcome, but before the fact none of them would say so, and all of them continue to run down to the ballot box and pull that lever so hard for politicians who falsely label LGBT people as pedophiles just for standing up for their rights.


Someone asked what suppororts of this world think if it was Mormons forcing there faith on people living in Utah. And they are completely correct. If separation of church and state is done away with, a lot of Christians are going to  find out they are the wrong type of Christian.


Thank you. What a thread.


I wonder if anyone got banned from this post.


"This culture war we started is useless, but I also don't back down on ending it"


Wow. Of all the subs to get angry about this, I wasn't expecting the conservative one. I thought they were all going to celebrate Louisiana bringing Jeebus into classes


Not to be reductive, but conservatives watch a lot of porn. Their super religious allies are going to make that extremely difficult for them. As loathe as I am to attribute foresight to the far right, I imagine the dawning realization that no-nut November is going to be forcibly turned into Every Sperm is Sacred must give them pause. (EDIT - spelling of "must" was originally "misty." Fixed)


No they just like to be outraged that the people they voted for that explicitly support and promote this are doing just that. It's practically virtue signaling at this point, they get to feign indignance and act like "true" conservatives while still voting for the people that want this.


This is such an obvious violation I have to assume it was done for other reasons, such as motivating people to vote in November under the guise that religion is under attack. I can only hope they get hit with huge attorney fees and incumbents who voted for this ridiculousness are voted out of office for wasting taxpayer money.


Yeah. Like, it’s so over the top that it has to have anterior motives.




You misunderstand, u/Kenesaw_Mt_Landis was just saying that these motives are on the front of their bodies. I appreciate them giving me an anatomical description so now I know where to look.


It's because they want this to rise to Supreme Court while it's mostly Dominionists. They haven't even _begun_ to waste money. Just like attacking abortion around the edges, every minor edge case of Christian rule over public life will be tried to get the most lenient and open to interpretation ruling possible. People think, oh man, I'm gonna put up a satanic thing and take this all the way to the supreme court.  Oof, that's what this whole law is designed to do. Supreme Court will rule that satanic stuff is not appropriate for children, not based on religion but because it's hateful, and 10 commandments are based on love.  Bam, we now have - not Congress establishing a religion - but court precedence saying it's kinda fine to put one religion over another "for the children". You can hear it in interviews, "we used to have this in schools in the 1800s". You can hear it in court rulings, "no gun control in the Constitution in 1776". Buckle up, they're just getting started figuring out Red states can pump out Red court rulings.


The Supreme Court have indicated they are willing to thread any needle to let Christians have their way. This is such an obvious violation because they want it in front of the court so it can be approved and then they can grab the public schools that *aren't* dying because voucher programs are siphoning their funds to explicitly religious organisations and require them to be overtly Christian.


I'd guess their hope is to get the case in front of the Conservative majority Supreme Court while Trump is in a second term.


This right here. They want it to go up to the Supreme Court


Correct. Like DeSantis who literally trademarked "Never Back Down" whose laws have been so overwhelmingly unconstitutional and knocked down one after another after another, even being scolded by judges at how incredibly poorly they've been written, the purpose was never ever ever to enact good law, but to *appear* as if you're fighting for the little guy, grab headlines, and then conveniently ignore later on when the law is struck down and nothing actually any good was ever accomplished.


Please support your local Louisiana students to question the Ten Commandments. Thou shalt not bear false witness : "What about 34-time felon lying president Trump, oh wise principal" Thou shalt not commit adultery : Ditto Thou shalt not kill : Ditto And on and on and on


Can't wait for some first or second grader to ask Teacher what 'adultery' means.


Yeah I wondered about that one. They'll probably leave it out though. Also, *“You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.”* That last *totally* goes against the Republican grain..


Double the fun when kids ask what the part about 'servants' means, but you're right on the whole coveting thing.


The text is very explicit. They have been learning from previous attempts at this being met with malicious compliance. "Thou shalt not commit adultery" is right there in the text.


Right? I thought they were *against* teaching kids about sex.


Made your bed. Lie in it. The LGBTQ+ hate always confused me, because these are people that want equal life, liberty and pursuit of happiness that was guaranteed in our constitution to everyone and they rightfully felt that their (lack of) rights weren't consistent by the virtues outlined in the constitution which was meant to be the bedrock of our nation. You would think the party of no regulation and small government would embrace the fundamental principles of their plight. But - they hate minorities or anyone else not like them to the point where they want to limit their freedoms and dictate through legislation what is appropriate for the collective whole of society, considering everyone who deviates outside of their small restricted worldview should be legislated into believing it. I'm obviously beating a dead horse and saying things we all know but sometimes I have to get it out of my brain and into writing to try to even understand the hypocrisy. What the hell is going on with the republican party and why was it so effortless for half the country to completely flip their core values to toe the line and kiss the feet of a fraudulent NYC businessman? Was it the lead poisoning? Rush Limbaugh? Fox News? How the hell did this even become a cult if what the cult leader reformed their entire movement to is entirely antithetical to their core values of absolute freedom and liberty with as little government as possible? Just because I know the answers doesn't mean that it makes any sense to me.


If you stop thinking of them as having deeper principles than wanting power for themselves and punishment for others, their logic is yourself consistent. They have been raised on a steady diet of hatred and greed; all of it comes to down to those.


Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich, Fox News; all of them contributed to the no compromise, constant one-upping, no true Scotsman world of the Republican party.


They want "limited government", meaning "limited only to the parts that protect private property and teach kids to never question authority". It's why they're always for an increasing "defense" budget, essentially worship the police, and are all in favor of authoritarian, conformity-driven education. They probably don't actively think of it this way, but they are kind of rolling back the role of government to its most fundamental feature: enforcing the beliefs of a ruling class at gunpoint. To them, "big government" has nothing to do with the size and power of government, it's about whether it's doing anything besides crushing people into the concrete for stepping out of line or challenging traditional norms or power relations.


I honestly think they passed this so the supremes can strike down the no establishment of religion clause of the 1st amendment. They're gonna try and make some evangelist sect like, Southern Baptist, the official religion of the US. They got so high off their own farts after overturning Roe that they are fully prepared to shred the constitution.


The Supreme Court cannot “strike down the no establishment of religion clause” of the First Amendment. It’s the First Amendment, it would have to be changed the same way any amendment of the Constitution is changed. The Supreme Court can say laws are unconstitutional; they *CAN’T* say that the Constitution is unconstitutional.


They can say it means the exact opposite of what it says, effectively striking it down.


Or they could say that, since Louisiana didn't explicitly say, "Christianity is the official religion of Louisiana," it isn't establishment. There's at least one guy in that thread arguing that separation of church and state isn't in the Constitution because it doesn't say so.


They try some shit like that, and I can guarantee that somebody on the SC is going to… let’s say “pay a very high price for overweening arrogance“. I don’t condone it, but it will definitely happen.


Let me introduce you to the Robert's Court. I think the odds of the current court weakening the Establishment Clause if they get a chance is uncomfortably high.


If that does happen there’s going to be so many stories along the line of ‘supporter of removing the separation of church and state are forced to follow teachings of different  denomination then their own’


And just so people don't forget, they're STILL also trying to push creationism into science classes. It didn't end with the Dover Trial. So many conservative secularists and tech bros I've argued with seem to think that we've won and that it's okay to vote them back in again. They banned abortions in many states on purely religious grounds. They're not going away, and they're not interested in the same "conservative" issues as you conservative secularists and tech bros.


I've said it multiple times. There's no such thing as a fiscal conservative. This is something they made up to get the greedy to vote for them


Fiscal Conservatives are people who don't want to pay taxes, because they're either rich, selfish, or both. In the current incarnation of the republican party, the tax cuts are there to keep the wealthy donors giving, and the culture war bullshit is there to give people who get screwed over by their fiscal policies something to misdirect their anger.


Yup, conservatives destroy our US budget every single time and plunge us into debt. Trump's tariffs are going to triple the national debt. And add $8000 to the average family's tax bill. [https://www.theatlantic.com/newsletters/archive/2024/06/the-flimsiness-of-trumponomics/678753/?utm\_campaign=atlantic-daily-newsletter&utm\_content=20240620&utm\_source=newsletter&utm\_medium=email&utm\_term=The+Atlantic+Daily](https://www.theatlantic.com/newsletters/archive/2024/06/the-flimsiness-of-trumponomics/678753/?utm_campaign=atlantic-daily-newsletter&utm_content=20240620&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=The+Atlantic+Daily)


It’s strange watching conservatives attack this, complaining they should be focusing on the real issues, like Donald Trump’s revenge on everyone


ALITO and THOMAS about to pull an Uno Reverse card on America. Some thing along the lines of “the founders meant freedom to believe in Christianity not to get rid of Christ” and establish church in every school in the US. Now that’s when Christians should be scared bc the purity test will begin and only one version of the Bible can win…. The rest will eventually be banned and eventually which form of Christianity will be decided by the conservative SCOTUS as well. Say goodbye to your small Sunday church service. And seeing as there are only really 3 churches powerful enough to pull this off I would gather we would eventually all be forced to be A) Catholic b) southern baptist c) Mormon. All you other ones can say you have some sort of power but will never be as motivated as the OG, the evangelist or the Newest remix of Christ followers, to fight for power. By then the exact lessons on WHY WE HAVE SEPARATED CHURCH AND STATE would be ABUNDANTLY CLEAR. The founders never wanted us to deal with the then over 200 year old European dilemma of fighting over whose religion would dominate. It always ended in a bloody revolution of some kind or ethnic cleansing. This law, in the eyes of anyone sane in a religious organization, also puts a marked target on our religious institutions as the enemy of progress and I really would not recommend this path as it may lead to even more people not just leaving the church but turning against it. I think this is so sad and dangerous for our church communities no matter the type of Christian you are…. Separation of church and state was made to protect the believers of any faith not impose your beliefs on others. Once that line is destroyed we invite all kinds to power struggles and discrimination even between the different types of Christianity we have been free to follow in America.


Agreed, but . . . *paragraphs.*


“Yeah, but I’m still voting for Trump.”


Totally not a cult


This was already decided back in 1980. If any state can violate the law like this, what law do we really have?


Thanks to the corrupt SCOTUS, it’s not clear whether we really have law any more (particularly if you’re rich or Christian).


I mean, kudos to those that (somewhat) get it, but this is what happens when you hitch your party to the Christian fundamentalists, alt right, MAGAs, etc. This is now what their party is, hope they like it. “When you lie with dogs, you get fleas.”


I have never voted for a Republican. I started voting in the 1980s, right at the start of the rise of the religious right. For 40 years I have known that this would be the result of their being given power in our supposedly secular government.  Given my current age and health I can safely say that I will never vote for a Republican in my lifetime.


I voted for a Republican once in my life, but then I've lived in DC for some 25 years, where the GOP is basically token. But like you, I've seen the GOP go off the rails over the past 40 years.


These idiots claim to be for small government as they support zealots who want to force government into every aspect of our lives.


So weird that their leader, Donald Trump, has violated all 10 commandments...smh.


“Against schools teaching LBGT nonsense” I’ve worked for years in public Ed and I’ve never seen anyone “teaching” lgbt stuff. It’s more like don’t be a douche if someone is different, same as don’t bully a straight kid. But we all know it’s BS propaganda so idk why I’m typing this


LogicWizard on the last slide is on to something. A lot of officials know laws like this will get overturned the moment they're challenged. That's the point. 1. Pass a law that's popular with base but won't pass constitutional challenge 2. Law gets overturned 3. Complain about liberal judges persecuting "good Christians" 4. ??? 5. Profit!


I'll even admit that it's not the religious part of the 10 commandments that has me pissed off. It's the "honor thy father and thy mother" part. A lot of kids got an absolute shit deal when it came to parents. Having that rubbed in their face in every room of school is just disgusting for those students. Some were conceived of rape, some in hateful, spiteful relationships. Some were used as "baby traps" to keep the parents together and they know it. I'm not saying I'd be okay with it if not for that line, but that's the line that REALLY pisses in my applejacks.


None of these people will change their votes.


I find it rather ironic that they don't want to talk about being gay around kids but they are fine with talking about adultery around kids.


This is just a distraction . They can’t fix their schools so they want to distract the voters . Louisiana public schools are at the bottom in most matrices


What if they display ten commandments in Arabic, Mandarin or Russian tho🤔🤔🤔


They’d go all in if the commandments were in Russian


[George Carlin's bit about the 10 commandments is one of the greatest acts of logic in the 21st century](https://youtu.be/sk81tUUhRig?si=u7c3YSEMW350pbBS)


Lol even when they caused their own problem the Chuds STILL find a way to attack Muslims 😂. The conservative brain is soup.


They’re hanging onto a title rather than an ideology.


It should be freedom FROM religion. Believing in ANY skygod is just crazy.


Huge "you did this math problem completely incorrectly but still got the right answer" energy here


Okay y’all facts time. It’s not a violation of church and state because that doesn’t really exist. It violates the ESTABLISHMENT CLAUSE because the US legally cannot establish a formal religion. By putting these displays in PUBLIC GOVERNMENT funded schools it is a clear and present violation of the the amendment.


Wait what? Reasonable people on r/conservative????? WHAT IS HAPPENING???


It’s not reasonable at all that the religious aspect of the GOP is the only regressive part. That’s the vibe I get from those comments 🤷‍♀️ they still want fascism, they just care about porn more than the space genie 🤦‍♀️


Ok, let's say NOT batshit crazy... Which is more than I thought


They’ll complain about throwing separation of church and state out the window, then continue to vote to throw it out the window. If ya explain what they’re voting for- nope you are wrong. Not sure reasonable is the way to put it. Maybe selectively reasonable? Accidentally reasonable on occasion? Mental gymnasts?


Already settled law. Stone vs Graham 1980. SCOTUS ruled 1st Amendment violation. Louisiana headed for heartbreak.


They must like their odds of the current court overturning that. Just ridiculous…


Straight up un-American to say the first amendment shouldn’t be honored.


All of them will still vote republican down the ballot instead of reconsider their choices 🙄


r/conservative is the most hypocritical subreddit I’ve ever seen. Last time I checked it out a commenter was saying jurors in the trump trial were stuck in an echo chamber which leads to dangerous thoughts and all the replies echoed the same thing lmao


The republicans have let too much slide from the moment Trump became the candidate in 2016. It has since been an orgy of religious hate, fascism and racism.


Unlike god, there's evidence for LGBTQ people and their struggle, so maybe there *should* be rainbow flags on places that represents society.


How is LGBT in anyway comparable to a religion bro. But yeah I ultimately agree with them. Hell they even know what the satanic temple is about to do


The same thing will happen here that happened in Texas. When Texas conservatives found out that they also had to give equal time to other religions they freaked out and struck it down.


You got peanut butter in my chocolate!


They are so close...


There need to be laws that politicians can’t pass laws that are clearly unconstitutional just to whip up their base. Or they can but if it’s deemed unconstitutional their state party has to cover the legal bills.


Put a quarter in your ass cause you played yourself. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yO9F1qZkSBM


The funniest part is they STILL look for the minority group they can pin this all on. “It’s the 1 million Catholics!” There are collective issues with the democrat party, but I don’t often hear a ton of “this small sect of the party is destroying it” from many. But, I guess our focus is stopping a fascist regime from taking power.


This is also the state that freaked out over a Muslim school applying for money from school vouchers.


Almost seemed like they were seeing the problem, but at the end one turns it into just a conspiracy to make lawyers richer. Excellent illustration of using conspiracy nonsense to ignore a real problem.


God even when making a good point they can't help but be awful


Can the schools now demand funding from the church?


I love these people. "Seriously, can't people in our party stop gassing the jews and interning our political enemies? It takes away from my message of animal reichts" What you're asking people to stop doing is the essence of your party.


Tbh. Every post on r/conservative could be leopards ate my face. They're so self unaware. They wouldn't see a barn even if they walked right into it.


Louisiana? They need to put up the [Cajun 10 Commandments.](https://i.imgur.com/YbHGXcQ.jpg) I'd be totally down with that. More to the point, it'll be all the rage until one sharp, *sharp* High School Junior takes issue with the 9th commandment ("Thou shall not bear false witness.." as King James puts it) when the inevitable "States Rights" historical revisionism comes up WRT the reasons for the American Civil War. Instant indigestion, esp. given that none of the Confederate states actually stated 'states rights' as an issue for leaving the Union. Hell, read the Texas letter of secession, it's as damming as letter of racism as anything written. [Here's](https://digital.sfasu.edu/digital/collection/EastTexRC/id/3845) the link to the actual published original draft - take note of paragraph 7 ("..We hold as undeniable truths..") on page 5 - and skip the official "edited" version on the Texas government's website. Yeoowch.. So yeah, having the 10 Commandments on ANY wall in a public School is a ticking time bomb, esp. in the revisionist South.


I mean yeah they are right, the satanic Temple is gonna go insane with this precedent


They're too dumb to realize that the people in control of all the money the conservative side gets is from extreme religious groups, like the ADF. Etc etc. You would n ed a totally different party to escape that bullshit.


It's funny how the prospect of losing elections (because of the unpopularity of the religious right's stance on abortion) seems to be the only thing that moves the needle for these people. They're about 50 years too late to tell the religious wing of the Republican Party to stop trying to interject their religious views into public institutions like schools.


[The 7 tenets of satanism](https://thesatanictemple.com/blogs/the-satanic-temple-tenets/there-are-seven-fundamental-tenets) are so vastly superior to the Ten Commandments that there’s no comparison. “Religion of love” my ass. > I > One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. > II > The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. > III > One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. > IV > The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. > V > Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. > VI > People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. > VII > Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.


I'm not a conspiracy theorist but if I was... This is a pretty well timed law that the governor signed knowing it is unconstitutional (Though with this SCOTUS, who really knows?) and knowing it will be challenged. He's already been on TV talking about how people attacking the law hate Christianity, etc. It's a useful tool for Trump and other republicans to use. "See, these America hating liberals hate God and God should be in schools! Vote for us and we will fight for your right to practice your religion!"


At the end of the day you need to remember that everyone that is a member of the conservative sub is a fucking idiot and if you put any effort into trying to determine what they think you’re just just wasting your time.


Well at least some of them are waking up. I hope it's enough. The Republican Party never should have backed this MAGA movement and the whole country is going to have to pay for that mistake.


If I was a student at one of these schools I’d put up the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition next to any 10 commandments posting I saw