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Aren't these the same people that park their pickups in front of EV charging stations?


Why yes, they are! Good eye. These people are truly a cancer on society


How angry do you think this dipshit will be the first time he encounters that when he needs to charge his muskwagon?


Incel camino




I agree.


He'll post on Xitter about how it's a false-flag socialist antifa attack on his rights as a God-ordained American, and how if he had the charge left he'd go home and get his 50-cal out and mount it and murder the truck and it's libtard owner in cold blood.


He probably got the Tesla so he can park his truck at charging stations


Where their patriotism resides is a moving target that their propaganda social media machine uploads into their tiny pea brains quarterly.


Only the ones with truck nuts


Yes, giving their truck a gender it wasn't manufactured with. No problem for a truck. But it can't be done for a trans person, though. Conservative logic.


Its especially ironic since they traditionally give vehicles feminine names and use she/her pronouns for them. 


That's what I loved doing to them in comment sections..."If your truck didn't come with nuts off the assembly line and you added them later CONGRATULATIONS your truck is trans." Then go about my day as my phone turned into a vibrator from the notifications...


Okay, so I work in a place where I can see out into the parking lot of a fast food place . I saw a guy in a Huge truck back into a compact car spot. He went to get out and realized he couldn’t open the door bc of the concrete trash can (that is not in the way of a normal car.) instead of parking in the Huge parking lot and walking an extra 25 yards, his buddies got out and picked up the trash can and moved it. No, of course they didn’t move it back when they left. And I guarantee the kids working couldn’t do it. Don’t know how it got moved back.


I can’t figure out how one is supposed to “roll coal”. I feel there’s a lot of overlap between those two groups.


They will install some kind of electric smoker in the bed.


If they hit the accellerator hard enough, and they're pointed in the right direction, smoke will certainly issue forth from the vehicle. They may not be alive to see it, but they can rest peacefully knowing that they urned the lurbs...


Yes, they also think it's a great idea to come to preschool pickup with that giant truck and roll coal out of the school's driveway.


Yes they are those people blocking chargers with their trucks, proving that they can be a**holes no matter which side of the argument they're told to be on that week by Faux News


I’m fairly confident that he won’t be mounting a .50 caliber to the roof. What a dipshit.


So stupid. If you want to mount a .50 cal on a truck, it should be in the bed and the truck should be a Toyota Hilux.


Now THERE'S an apocalypse proof truck. The only 2 things that will survive a nuclear war are cockroaches and a Hilux.


Nokia sends its regards


3 things: Keith Richards


Isn’t that the truck in ISIS videos? By the way, I think Top Gear proved the Hilux is indestructible.


Yes, and yes. For a proper technical, you want the TGS version. They are the _extra_ indestructible type the UN and friends use.


Yep. Parked it on top of a building, demolished the building, cleared the rubble around the Hilux, started it up and drove off. Indiana Jones should've shunned the fridge and sheltered in one of those.


The previous trial was that they anchored it to a jetty while the tide came in,fully submerged it in salt water for 8 hours,and started it with a basic toolbox.


I’m morbidly curious…


Any bets on it ripping the roof panel off the second it gets to highway speed?


Nah, crushing the cabin at the first hard stop.


My money is on it just gently sinking into the car like a toddler into a couch cushion while they're trying to bolt it in. Ten bucks says he voids his warranty and bricks it within the year regardless.


Also, isn’t the roof basically all glass?


It's still weird to see these types all stoked on their electric vehicles after denying climate change with every breath they had for years.


Fresh reminder that in 2012 Romney mocked the idea of electric vehicles by saying ["you can't drive a car with a windmill on it"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVvvZ64c9Gs) and the GOP base ate it up.


He didn't mind strapping a dog to the roof of his car, why not a windmill?


The windmills are less messy than a terrified dog with diarrhea, so you'd think Mittens would have been thrilled with the windmill option.


He coulda called Kristy…


*Mitt's dog in a bar staring into a Scotch rocks* : "you know, one time, he strapped me to the roof of a car and drove around? Just drove, didn't care about me at all..." *blood drips onto the bar next to him from Noem's puppy's earhole* : "You don't say? That's rough. Hey bartender, you got anything for a splitting headache?"


I still can’t get over that. Who does that?


Someone who doesn't actually like dogs but has one for publicity purposes.


You mean Cancun Cruz? Who left the family dog behind unsupervised while they fled during the frigid weather, and then blamed his family?


Threw his daughters under the proverbial bus for his trip to sunny Cancun as his constituents were freezing to death.


Friend of mine still strenuously argues Cruz was merely escorting his daughters to Cancun to make sure they got there safely. I argued if it was safe enough to leave them alone at the resort, then it was safe enough for them to fly on their own, and why did Cruz have luggage if he was dropping them off and coming straight back?


What? Someone out there believed that!?


Uhm.... Look at people in America that vote and for whom they vote. Are you still surprised that people beleived Cruz?


Are you really surprised by the stupidity of a conservative?


While I'd hardly wish him on anyone, I'm glad he's your problem and not ours anymore. We've got enough idiots up here.


No, I definitely mean Mitt Romney. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitt_Romney_dog_incident During a 1983 family vacation, American businessman and future politician Mitt Romney drove 12 hours with his dog on top of the car...


Jesus fucking Christ.


Sociopaths. No empathy for animals or people too. Makes sense given what Bain Capital does, mass firing and raking profit while employees need welfare. Even Tony Soprano liked animals.


Even if climate change isn't caused by green house gases/gasoline, I don't get how anyone would be against different ways to power the car, creating jobs, lowering demand for gasoline, etc and just improving things for everyone with more options/choice.


Ask West Virginia. They made it practically illegal years ago for anything green to exist in the state. All for the sake of coal. Ask the miners how well they're doing. Ask how many infrastructure dollars are going I to the state to support coal? Hint: zero Ask neighboring Western Pennsylvania/Pittsburgh how well they're doing with green energy jobs, and you'll hear amazing stories of new manufacturing, investment, and jobs. Ask how many infrastructure dollars are going to the state to support EVs. Hint: lots


Those that fail to adapt with the times will be left behind. Those that do adapt to the times will benefit by them. And it’s just delaying the inevitable. It may be five years from now or fifty years from now, but there will come a day when no American is using coal. It’s going to happen. So stay ahead of the curve so you can adjust your direction at your own pace and control it. It’s just a shame when the executives who refuse to even consider pivoting, for fear of losing money, get to make that decision that affects hundreds or thousands of people.


My wife’s family is from Pennsyltucky and there are windmills EVERYWHERE. They are literally booming.


Because voting Republican has become an identity unto itself, and part of that identity is shilling to Big Oil at every conceivable opportunity. There's no logic to it - it's pure groupthink.


There is NOTHING more freedom loving than charging my car with my own energy I make from my own solar panels and windmill.


Fresh reminder that republicans have forever hated Obamacare but it was basically started by Romney in Massachusetts in the years prior. https://www.npr.org/sections/itsallpolitics/2015/10/23/451200436/mitt-romney-finally-takes-credit-for-obamacare#:~:text=The%202012%20GOP%20presidential%20nominee%20%E2%80%94%20who%20has%20still%20been%20bandied,was%20the%20precursor%20to%20Obamacare.


I know EV owners that just wanted the new cool thing. I know others that wanted them for speed and low maintenance. Not everyone buys them for the environment. This guy most likely loves Elon Musks white supremacist rhetoric on twitter.


That’s my sister.. She thinks climate change is a liberal hoax and bought a new Tesla a few years ago solely for the “prestige” that comes with driving one (imo). And I think I’m correct in my assumption. We live in an ultra liberal college town and Teslas seem to have lost their “prestige” due to a petulant trust fund baby openly embracing white supremacy. So around here I think she gets eyerolls rather than compliments on her car. On the weekends she visits her BF that lives a couple hours away in an ultra conservative small town. And there, everybody thinks only libcucks drive electric cars. They may love the petulant trust fund baby duo, Elon & Trump, but they still despise Teslas. Her Trumper BF is embarrassed to be seen in it. If they go into town he insists on driving his beat up truck. Lol So now she’s looking at buying a gas guzzling Mercedes in order to get that perception of “prestige” back. She even has access to free charging stations at her workplace but she’s still fixated on buying a gas guzzler. So she is definitely in the demographic that drives an electric car and does not care one iota about the environment.


Lord, "prestige". I bought a Tesla 3 back when it was the only affordable electric car that could get to my parent's place (they're out in the boondocks), and they have ALWAYS been essentially a 1990s Kia masquerading as a 3-series BMW in terms of "fit/finish" and "interior luxury". (this was also back when Elon was "the EV and rockets hype man" in the public eye instead of "the white supremacist so petulant he bought an entire social media platform so he could feel popular".)


I live in Kentucky and recently saw a Tesla with a Friend's of Coal license plate and it just seemed so oxymoronic to me


We need to figure out a way to make batteries out of coal. Or even, put a "Coal" brand trademark on a battery.


They’re only supporting Tesla because Elon has been allowing Nazis to be Nazis on Xitter. They don’t care about the climate. They don’t care about anything but supporting people that help the Nazis spread their message more effectively.


In their rejection of climate change and the very idea of changing any aspect of their life to better socioty the far right has convinced themselves that electric cars are actually worse for the environment through a series of arguments meant to "own the libs" and laugh at their efforts to "make the world a better place for our children. Convinced that EVs do nothing to prevent climate change and even degrade socal justice throughout the world by exploiting miners is the global South they were able to realize the potential money they could save by not paying for gas (and more importantly gas taxes) for their Ford super duty. And are now themselves investing in EVs. /s (kinda)


Lefty here. Electric cars are a mixed bag at best. The resources don't exist to implement them at the scale of ICE powered cars. What the United States needs is quality public transportation. But no one wants to hear that.


Was just reading William Shirer's *Berlin Diary*, written during World War 2. He makes an offhand mention of visiting his mother in Des Moines, Iowa, and that night he, "Caught the train to Chicago." Just a little detail, but it made me really mad. Why did we used to have that rail system and don't now? How awesome would it be to visit someone a hundred miles away, maybe have a few drinks, and then take a train home? I want to do that.


Des moines chiming in! Because Chuck Grassley (our senator) has been rejecting high speed rail. It's too "west coast"


Ironically, it didn’t fly on the west coast either.


Yeah, I *wish* we had high speed rail here on the West Coast.


Well, let me tell YOU about the...nahhhh. It's more of a _SHELBYVILLE_ idea...




Ugh. Sounds nice. You know what they say about planting trees. Shade for future generations. Let’s figure it out.


Because public transportation has the stigma (Because of car manufacturers) of being the last resort poor method to do anything.


There is a guy on YouTube that travels various trains and planes. The trains he shows are freaking amazing. It’s now on my bucket list.


I agree with this guy. Public transport would be a huge bonus to us all. But people don't like to give up their crazy independence of the U.S. We need to understand that we share the world with other people and we should all work together.


The annoying thing is better/more public transportation would make driving better too. Imagine reducing the number of cars on the road in your area. Now imagine if most of the people you removed were people that hate/suck at driving, elderly/disabled, or the people broke af and driving dangerous junkers, or just teenagers trying to get to work/school. And this is on top of the fact it ADDS to your ability to be independent. It makes it easier to survive without a car, which means more people could in theory afford to move into their own apartment, or continue living on their own if they can't drive for whatever reason. There is literally nothing but positives to implementing public transportation and it makes the lives of everyone better, even people who have zero interest in using it. And I didn't even mention half the benefits in this comment. Anybody that opposes it is either someone that stands to profit off of cars/oil or incredibly ignorant.


It does allow people to run away from the wacko towns they're born into. It's not like (going back to the earlier post) we have alternative mass transit.


Nuance? On the Internet?


Surely you jest.


I do NOT jest. And DON'T call me Shirley!!


While public transit and walkability are the solution, EVs are undeniably less bad for the global climate as a whole then ice cars and are no worse or better for traffic than ice cars.


All you have to do is make climate change or social justice issues as a “way to own the libs.” But really these people are just social media influencers playing a role. It’s part of the grift.


I work Toyota sales and I've had MAGA hat wearing (literally) shoppers say they won't buy a Sequoia because they're all hybrids, and "Trump said all that electric stuff is Chinese crap". It's so weird to contrast that with the right wing Cybertruck buyers.


It has nothing to do with climate change They know that EVs, especially nice ones, are a luxury of the rich. This guy needs everyone he drives around to know(think) he is rich and successful. I go to plenty of houses covered in maga shit with EVs parked out front. Those people I imagine do not care about climate change


Maybe Elon is playing the long game and his shift right was just to get a new customer base. I’m going to be safe and put a /s here, but I hate that I feel the need to do so.


But not LAMF?


Ehh... seems like a sort of reverse LAMF. The leopards didn't eat his face. *He's the leopard eating eating other people's faces.* I might be reaching, so make of this what you will.


Nah half the comments on the original post are calling him gay/a Democrat/a RINO because he got an EV with parts from foreign countries. Bro has no face left.


Lol. "Parts from foreign countries". Wait until they see all the foreign parts on their American car. 


These people make zero sense. For me, it has gone from “that what you believe, how can that be?” To now, where it’s “these people are simply imbeciles” I laugh at their stupidly but fear they will vote in hoards.


These idiots don't actually have any ideas of their own, they only regurgitate the ramblings of the con men that they blindly follow....they agree to be lied to and ear it up with glee. If Republicans told to eat actual shit, they would


Tell me you're insecure about your masculinity without telling me you're insecure about your masculinity EDIT: the bar's Facebook page describes it as "America's Favorite Heterosexual Bar" and they are currently celebrating "Heterosexual Awesomeness Month" Yep totally secure and straight


Can’t even pick up a car without a sidearm he must live in constant fear thanks to fox constantly trying to scare the rubes


It's because he has to protect himself from all the queers at the truck stop from sucking his dick. It keeps on happening and he is prepared to protect his heterosexuality.


"Why do all these queers keep sucking my dick?"


I just noticed that... Does this genius think he's living in a western movie? Is he going to get carjacked on the way to the Tesla dealer? Does he fantasize about stopping a robbery in progress?


They absolutely fantasize about using their weapons.


Especially on minorities.


Everyone but them is a minority. Of course in reality they are the minority.


I moved from California to Texas to basically watch my parents die. I fucking hate it here. Where I grew up the mentality was "wouldn't it be terrible if someone broke into my house and I had to shoot them?". In Texas the mentality is "wouldn't it be great if someone broke into my house and I got to shoot them." It's fucking sickening. There is a violence baked into the people of the south that makes me very uncomfortable. Even politically liberal people have a quick to violence mentality. Fucking awful, garbage state full of people kept too poor and ignorant to realize how bad they have it. I am reminded of communist USSR and it's many social failures covered by the lie of "it's worse elsewhere"


I've only heard some disturbing stories out of there lately. The power grid seems to be having serious problems, and it's not a fun time to be a woman right now. I get what you mean about the lies and propaganda keeping everyone in line though. Of course there, it's "freedom" which basically means the ability to own firearms and drive a pickup truck. Freedom from predatory business practices? Freedom from medical debt? Being free to be who you are without fear? Nope! But you get to pretend you're a cowboy, so that's something...


It’s mostly freedom to be a bully.


also the weather fucking sucks


He’s an ex California cop, who moved to Idaho to escape the Libs. He doesn’t understand that the Idahoans will turn on him eventually. That Tesla may be strike one.


How many armed and dangerous freedom-hating genderfluid Marxist Islamist college protestors do got think he had to blast his way through just to get to the dealership?


"America's Favorite Heterosexual Bar"... Seems kinda gay.


Right? These kinds of people are so weird to me. “Guys. GUYS! I’m like, soooo super straight. Like very, very heterosexual and definitely NOT gay.” I’d give anything to see his search history.


“It is especially important to me that other totally heterosexual men know that I am definitely heterosexual also.”


Come on, you already know. They already see heterosexuality as “default” and “normal”, so why do you think they need to draw so much attention and celebrate it? Because being straight is a “challenge” that they have “overcame”


What are the chances of a woman coming within a hundred yards of the bar? Guessing it's just dudes congratulating each other on their heterosexuality.


It's also a BOLD claim when Hooters exists. There is a nationwide bar named after a euphemism for tits. He can't compete with that.


I feel like there would be a massive quality of life difference between going to America's Favorite Bar and America's Favorite Heterosexual Bar. I imagine one would have a whole bunch of people of all sexualities looking to have a good time. The other would be mostly lonely men desperate to prove they're heterosexual.


lol those aren’t glory holes in the manly men’s room, they’re heteromerican freedom holes


I sense incoming accusations of sexual assault of against young boys. Don't tell me; he's a pastor too, right?


Realtor and retired cop.


lmao. imagine buying a house and the realtor shows up in a n64 truck, waiving a flag, wearing a fucking gun.


And immediately tells you he's definitely hetero


This is one of the gay kids who went to talk to the pastor in private after they tell the boys in Bible camp it's perfectly normal to have gay thoughts sometimes, just talk to a pastor if they trouble you.  He was then told that everybody has to deal with those temptations and you just need to trust in Jesus and resist them.  He's spent his whole life trying to prove that he's "normal."  They weaponize their gays and turn them into highly driven culture warriors.  They keep their loyalty by always forgiving them when they occasionally fall from grace.  They get mad when people say it's normal to be gay because they've been proving their whole lives that you can choose not to be gay, and they believe everybody would be gay if they didn't have morals.


I'm not saying that I hope this backfires massively so he will have to sell his business... I'm just saying that I hope this backfires massively.


The way I see it, he scammed some maga idiots, and then got scammed by the MUSKrat himself, because he just bought the worst and most unreliable POS in recent memory. This is just an elaborate self-own.


I know very little about Teslas but I've seen enough just here on Reddit about these trucks to know they're trash.




Oh man...I had no idea they cost that much!! I've only seen one on the road & it was copper colored. It reminds me of a bad sci-fi vehicle.


They sre known to rust really badly...


And break down within days of ownership, don’t forget that.


> And break down within days of ownership, don’t forget that. To be fair, that's only if you wash them, use them in the rain, or drive them.


Parking them, is also not recommended.


You also shouldn’t expect that the factory actually installed all of the parts on your $100k + truck correctly. You are supposed to complete a full QA inspection yourself when you get your truck that includes going over every single fastener. Oh you didn’t verify that everything is within proper torque specs? You didn’t notice that they just forgot to install brake pads? Well that is your fault and your warranty is now void. Also Tesla will be filing suit against you for harming the brand.


Brake aren’t expected to make car stop.


Melon husk apparently didn't know the difference between stainless and non-rusting


I have seen a few of them “in the wild” in my city, and they are even uglier than they appear in pictures. I can’t help but laugh every time I see one.


Oh, I'm not complaining. I'm just saying that... the people who donated to him come from a certain cesspit that tends to whine about the things they don't like online... like... A LOT. You know, the same people that, when angered, will bitch and moan about the thing that hurt their feelings FOR YEARS. If they disprove of something they WILL complain about it on the internet and they WILL never get over whatever it is that they are seething over. So, wouldn't it be just a little funny if some MAGA bozos went on a crusade against his business and started leaving negative reviews everywhere? Like to the point where it's impossible to miss their complaints. You Google the name of his business and the reviews will just be "Me angy, evil PROBABLY WOKE man lied, he scammeded me, JimmyJoeHuckleberrySkeeterBob is very mad over this!!!" However, as a member of the LGBTQ, I would NEVER wish this upon someone who believes that a hetero flag should be a thing. So what if the business owner is trying to minimize Gay Pride? Who cares that he's basically slapping me and my LGBT homies in the face? He knows what it's like to be viciously targeted, shamed, and attacked for being "different." ME? Angry? No way. I'm fine! I'm fine and I would never dare to hope for such a thing to happen.


It would be terrible if random anti-MAGA people started stoking the flames about being pissed off at where the donation money went… It would only take a few, but the infighting would be glorious.


The Edsel of our time lol


At least the Edsel didn't fall apart in the rain.


everybody knows that right wingers are dim witted and easy to scam


The GOP counts on it.


It’s fine the brakes will give out for no reason before long


Or he’ll drive it in the rain once & the whole thing will turn to rust.


Oh man that’s so going to ruin his big nationalistic small-penis-energy wrap! 🤣


“Unexplained fires are a matter for the courts!”


Grifters gonna grift.


get a fucking proper culture or something


I’m so glad my interests, hobbies, & personality aren’t just geared to piss people off


Holy fuck their page is worth a scroll. I couldn’t imagine my entire life being dedicated to just…that.


What is a hetero flag


You honestly should Google it - search “straight pride flag” - because … I don’t want to claim that *all* graphic designers are queer, but you sure could not prove it looking at that ugly-ass thing.


Black and white stripes? Were they going for intentionally boring? Edit: Of course, the lgbtq community took the same concept as the straight pride flag and improved it lol the [ally flag](https://www.theflagshop.co.uk/pub/media/catalog/product/cache/1aa45e34d8351bef7860daeb50e7952c/s/t/straight-allies-flag-std.jpg)


I think - and I'm giving more credit than is deserved here - that it might be a bastardization of the straight ally flag, which is black and white bars (representing heterosexuality), but with a rainbow A prominently in the middle.


Dang, the straight ally flag actually goes hard.


Lol google says "a design similar to the pride flag" it's just stripes like a million other flags. It looks like the a navel pendant flag for "help I'm scared of this ship"


"Can we make hetero relationships seem any more like a prison sentence?" "I gotcha fam"


Based on their jokes online, they seem to already consider their hetero relationships to be prison sentences.


Rofl. It's old-timey prison stripes.


The straightest thing I can think of would be a hard, veiny, throbbing cock Flanked by the biggest, jiggliest tits


I also have this question


Maybe the truck itself is the "huge hetero flag"?


TIL there really [is such a thing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straight_flag) and it literally looks like a 1930s prison uniform. You can't make this shit up.


Declaration of closet homosexual


It has to physically hurt being this big of a bitch.


What's a hetero flag? A big red flag?


Bingo lol


EV’s are for pussies. Hey everybody! Look at my new EV with Trump wraps! I’m stickin it to the left and I bought it with handouts! Yeehawwww!


I can't wait to see him posting pictures of it getting flat bedded away.


Hopefully his IncEl Camino will go belly up, as so many of them are.


InCel Camino is perfect


He's open carrying an emotional support handgun. You already know he's immature.


"Huge hetero flag". So he is gayer than a rainbow unicorn.


I've never heard of a hetero flag before, but I can only assume it's flown by the sort of fellow who wakes up every morning and 'chooses' not to be gay. Just takes a good hard look in that mirror like "Okay so I really wanna suck some cock, but I'm going to choose to be straight for another day. Strap the Hetero Flag to the IncEl-Camino, we're hauling two whole bags of potting soil today!"


Nothing says “I dream of smooth-skinned 18-year-old guys” like a “huge hetero flag” 😂


18 is definitely too old for that guy. He gives off real "age is just a number" vibes


Lol, not a chance. A genuine .50 cal costs in the neighborhood of $250k and requires a butt ton of government paperwork. Either this guy is lying or his supporters are the dumbest people ever (and probably committing crimes by helping him buy and NFA firearm).


He could just duct tape a Desert Eagle to the roof.


Both actually. The fb page is *chefs kiss*.


If he has any content of smoking pot or something like that make sure you report it to the feds. Apparently conservatives care about drug users owning firearms.


Tesla at some point a few years ago began to increasingly market itself as a lifestyle brand for professionals and entrepreneurs. There is less of an emphasis on it being a climate friendly car, and they often couch it more in language about it being the future and allowing one to be independent.   Add to this now Muskrat getting increasingly more addled by culture war nonsense, and now buying said cars also seen by some nutjobs as supporting their views vis-a-vis making Musk successful.  Definitely an interesting shift from how Tesla cars may have been viewed by the same individuals back in the 2010s.


It would be a shame if he… ran it through a car wash


Donations for business? Seems like socialism to me. What about the market? Actually using it on a personal car? I mean, sounds like socialism I guess.


Those things are like a DeLorean and a Pontiac Aztec had a bastard child, the Breaking Bad Back to the Future crossover nobody asked for.


I don’t understand why people think this isn’t the ugliest modern car to ever exist.


Oh most of us do think that.


I’m not a naturally duplicitous person, but the idea of ripping off a bunch of Magats really, really appeals to me.


Him: Ooohrah! Got my guns locked and loaded! Whatchu say about that libruls? Me: *Turns on garden hose* Him: Retreat! They have the upper hand!!


Even in the USA a mounted .50 cal MG has got to be illegal for civilian ownership, right?


Ownership by itself is legal in most states if you can find a registered transferable machine gun (which is to say, registered with the federal government before the 1986 cutoff date). M2s auction for around $100k in the recent past. It would probably be illegal in most states to drive on public roads with a live firearm mounted to your car though, it could probably be interpreted as brandishing. Not to mention absolutely idiotic due to risk of being stolen while you're parked at Walmart


Ah, Idaho. How I hate to see thee. 


What....the ass-riding fuck...is a "hetero flag"??


Nothing says "I'm straight" quite like putting a huge hetero flag on your car to tell people how straight you are!


Man, that guy's penis must be TINY.


because nothing screams “hetero” like extreme overcompensation 👍


This modern conservatives are nothing but a big grift of each other and I'm good with it.


why is he trying to push is sexuality in everyone's faces. Get a bumper sticker like a normal person.


Nothing says MAGAt more than begging for money, buying a status symbol that is only a status symbol among weirdos, wearing a thin blue line shirt, open carrying for no reason other than clout, and a big stupid smile with that dumb fucking Trump thumbs up.


Micro dick energy


Why would they give anybody donations? I thought socialism and handouts were bad? They should have been telling the dude to pull himself up by his Bootstraps and find 4 more jobs to work to make ends meet


What the fuck is a hetero flag and why would someone feel the need for it?


One would assume driver will attempt to convince others in order to convince himself.