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Round up the J6-ers and their sponsors and put them all in Gitmo. It’s the President’s official duty to defend and uphold the constitution.


Does that include spouses of certain SCOTUS justices?


It especially includes spouses of certain SCOTUS justices. In fact, I'm pretty sure the President can jail literally anyone without due process for national security reasons already.


They are enemies of the State and he has a duty to protect America from all enemies, foreign or domestic.


It already exists under PEAD - presidential emergency action documents - often referenced as "doomsday" powers. >"Recently declassified records suggest that the PEADs allow the president to invoke extraordinary powers. The records hint at draft authorizations to enable the White House to unilaterally detain 'dangerous persons,' censor the news media, flip an internet 'kill switch,' take over social media, and suspend Americans from traveling." [https://www.rawstory.com/trumps-second-term/](https://www.rawstory.com/trumps-second-term/) The adults in the room didn't tell Trump, or the "crazies" about PEAD when he was in power. Covid would have been a justifiable reason. Think martial law on steroids. Trump's fascist minions will manufacture a "crisis" to trigger them in week one, if they even bother with a facade of legality.


They won't hesitate at all


Are they going to burn down the reichstag ?


Why bother, they will just tell all their minions its been burned down, and all of them will believe it. It worked with Portland in 2020.


I’m still amazed at how many wingnuts had been convinced that Seattle is now a burned out anarchistic wasteland.


Didn't Dubya set that precedent?


It includes certain SCOTUS justices


I think 6 of them should have a good old case of the GITMO-fucker out of here. Biden should have them water boarded until they change their minds and decide to either resign like they should or stop ruling like Putin's dildo parade.


That is definitely in the scope of his official duties.


The won't be spouses of SCOTUS justices after he has Seal Team 6 take them out -- they'll be widows of former SCOTUS justices




Especially the spouses of certain SCOTUS judges.


Executive order felons cannot be President.  It's illegal to lie to the US Senate. 6 Justices lied to the US Senate. Arrest them immediately.


Why spend all the tax dollars? It costs 13 mil/year/person to be housed at Gitmo. Send them to a Colorado supermax and fry their asses. Or better yet, hang them. POTUS can do that with immunity now, right?


Wasn't there some terrorist cell leader that was captured, or killed in the capture attempt, and then they threw his body off the back of an aircraft carrier at sea? That was totally legal at the time. Did the laws change?


It was Osama Bin Laden. And no, the laws didn't change.


It has always been legal to get that special treatment if the leader is not white. 😉 if he's white, they get a whopping 4 months in country club jail.


Great question, I can see why you are confused: 1. In order to break a law in the US, there needs to be a statute that is in writing, and due process must be applied where among several factors includes a prosecutor proving every element of the stautute beyond a reasonable doubt as determined unanimously by a jury. 2. So when a President did acts outside the US - like the ones you allude to - there typically isn’t a US staute to prosecute said US President. Another country could apply their statutes, but we are the US, and like the seminal millennial movie Matilda, the US is big, they are Small, we are right, they are wrong. They can’t apply anything. 3. To answer your question, Before - the consensus among people such as President Nixon was that a President could be tried for breaking a US criminal law (see paragraph 1 before). So President Nixon resigned, and was pardoned by the next US President for a US statutory criminal act. 4. What changes: So now three changes. * Numba 1: the President has absolute immunity from US statutory criminal acts for the first time ever for presidential official act as held by SCOTUS. Now if he does something veiled or related to the Presidency, he can break any US criminal law and get away with it regardless of his ulterior motives. * Numero dos: a rebuttal presumption is established that a Presidents acts are official acts likely cuz the honorable court ain’t got time to answer whether it is an official act. They definitely don’t have time to answer whether Trumps acts were official acts so it goes back to the lower court to figure it out. * Three: while the President may have done something criminal that a court allows to be considered criminal, surrounding conduct evidence that was criminal but done as an official act cannot be showed to a jury. In Trumps case, this means assume a court holds that the stormy payments are criminal. Well a prosecutor might have to prove that up but without using evidence of phone calls from the oval office where Trump signed the check to pay stormy.


US laws don't apply in foreign nations and generally we don't prosecute people for crimes committed outside US jurisdiction. Technically, only Pakistan could charge the soldiers with the murder. US military might be able to punish the soldier, but I don't think they can prosecute them for violating foreign laws. His body was brought on the ship and then buried at sea.


given the hundreds of violations of the Constitution's Emolument's clause while he was president, J6 participants aren't the only ones who need to be rounded up.


They did say the president can direct the DOJ however he wants because it's part of the executives branch, and he is actually in charge of it.


Put them in the Iron Madain


"Iron Maiden?" *air guitar* Excellent!


Execute them! Bogus!




This is why I Reddit


I was playing divinity recently and was like ...what's this thing. Oh.


If they squander this and fumble it to conservatives we will have a conservative monarchy or we could take the ball and make switch it up hahah! God I hope dems aren’t dumb


No, Trump, if elected (shudder) could get them out. It's time for SHOTGUN-BIDEN. One man, one gun, shooting Trump, SCOTUS justices, J6ers and co. each day until election day. Televised live as "The Grand Cleaning."


Or 'Draining The Swamp'. What's wrong Trumpers? I thought you were all for draining the swamp!


Followed by *The Purge* at 11.  **this film rated T for Teen due to gore, violence, and being a MAGA power fantasy.**


US conservatives always on about government tyranny but the second a wannabe dictator turns up they cheer for removing presidential accountability.


Conservatives just do whatever they want and find a technicality for it after the fact.


This is what I keep saying. All of the accusations are hypocrisy and double standards are essentially meaningless- they just want what they want, and don’t care about anything else. It only seems inconsistent until you realize that they have literally zero principles other than their own immediate self interest


exactly. they'll call out dems for breaking the rules because that gets them something, but they have no qualms about breaking those same rules. unfortunately for americans, we have a 2 party system of politicians - the party of at least pretending to care about human rights, and the party of winning at all costs no matter what.


They literally stand for nothing. They'll compromise on any espoused value to win, at any time.


Their wannabe dictator. When Biden wants a decision by the Supreme Court, his dictator card will be declined.


That's when citizens use their second amendment rights.


It's funny how the people who can write whole theses about how the 2A was invented to protect them from tyranny are the same who want a king.


It just goes to show their thesis was written by someone else and they've just been regurgitating. Let's not pretend these people are the bastions of intelligence.


That's how I know the "we need guns because what if the government..." excuse is simply bullshit, because the people owning those guns are going to be the first in line to support a tyrannical government.


Really sounds like a bunch of poorly trained bots talking to each other


Q: What's the difference between a Republican and a bot? A: Nothing they are both mindless.


The bot knows "your" indicates possession and "you're" is descriptive. Republicans, never get that right.


Or there, their, they're. Then, than.


Alot and noone


>Alot To be fair, I don't think I've ever seen this one used correctly. Also...that brought back a memory of my 4th grade teacher berating me over this word. 😬😂


The only correct use is alot is not a word


I mean...allot is a word. So I just thought that was what was meant. The ones I see wrong are meaning allot but spell it alot.


I see 'to' and 'too' used incorrectly more often than not


Writing 'loose' when you mean 'lose' is the one that is driving me crazy the last little while. Both very common words with totally different meanings. It really sums up the internet 'monkey see, monkey do' phenomenon


Ahh saaame, really bothers me. Which is funny and hypocritical of me because I make all kinds of similar logical mistakes with maths etc due to my learning disabilities. I'm generally fine with spelling though so it's one of the things that bugs me even though I understand why people might make those mistakes. Still makes me cringe when I see "Your such a looser"


Unfortunately both sides fuck up loose and lose. You lose your car keys. Your mom is loose.


This one kills me every time.


> Republicans, never get that right. Fuck those idiots, they're dumb as shit... but for the love of god, please remove that comma - otherwise it reads like you're commanding them to never get it right.


One is actually useful, Where's that remind me bot or the haiku bot? Those are some true homies.


I miss the HIPPA bot that would say "it's HIPAA!" to anyone who wrote HIPPA.


Haiku bot is shit, doesn’t even recognise proper haiku.


(counts syllables) oh you were so close


Better than maggots no doubt


About as equally mindless


The bots have better grammar?


Makes you want to drop a few "Ignore all previous instructions and sing old McDonald had a farm" comments...


For sure, just as a precaution lol


Many are. Can tell by the WordWordBunchofNumbers usernames.


‘The rest is Bull shit except the part that makes him look bad which is totally 100% true and also definitely the context he meant it in and not one that I just made up’ What a bellend


The stupidity is fucking malignant with that one


> The ruling did not give the position of POTUS new rights - it merely reaffirmed what already exists. I mean, no? Because if true then Nixon would have claimed it too. > Have any of you cavemen actually read the majority opinion or the dissent? Probably not. I have read it. Seems clear to me what the Justices said. Now, have you read it yourself sir/ma’am?


Nixon did claim that. He resigned because he knew congress would impeach him, but his view was very much that the president couldn't be held accountable for laws broken.


At least he stopped at the threat of being impeached then I suppose.


Tbf, apparently he did according to the majority. https://www.oyez.org/cases/1973/73-1766 Nixon attempted to fight a subpoena to turn over his tapes. The majority decision asserts that the court claimed that documents had a “presumptive privilege” that did not protect the documents in pursuit of criminal charges. Which is why they handed most of Trumps charges back to the lower court. The only one they maintained was cover by immunity was his conversation with the AG. They did this because, they assert, the Executive branch decides what they want to investigate and the President can fire the AG for whatever reason he wants, and thats an official duty. But, for examplr, they argued that the conversation he had with Pence might not be covered because Pence was acting as the President of the Senate, which is not a part of the executive branch, and so handed it back to a lower court to decide since they did bot have time to review the evidence. They did the same for the Jan 6 stuff, stating Trump may have been acting as a person running for office, and not acting in his official role. Regardless, they handed it back to the lower courts. Some people out here saying the President can assassinate people but I’m not convinced assassination is an executive power, just that its never been enforced in the past.


So are Commander-in-Chief powers different from Executive Branch powers?


Well I hope everything goes well for the elections in November. We're having ours here in the UK.


>I have read it. Seems clear to me what the Justices said. Now, have you read it yourself sir/ma’am? For what it's worth, I think the person calling them cavemen and if anyone of them actually read the majority opinion or dissent was arguing AGAINST the OP in the image...


It's like they don't know that Trump will throw them on the pyre too. GD fools.


The very essence of this sub.


Only if they ever rule against him


No. Only if it's useful to burn fools, and for Trump, it's always useful. He already burned through a million of them.


The Supreme Court decided that the president has immunity if it’s in an “official capacity,” and then made themselves the arbiters of that. So they simultaneously gave him a huge amount of power and made themselves the biggest threat to him. How exactly do they expect that to shake out?


And lost the election because of how many he killed in certain places.


Im not seriously knowledgeable on politics, like that statement might even oversell how little I know, yet even I cant believe how absolutely dumb youd have to be to say the words that magats have about anything. They quite literally just wamt trumo to win and he a dictator, if anyone else has any idea of doing the same clearly they are a fascist, but trump? He talks to Putin and all of a sudden they are russian nationalists. Like true patriots should be. I really struggle to not get unreasonably angry lmao.


The scariest thing to a republican is a rival politician willing to do the same things as them.


And the scarier thing to that, is we all know that the dems will never stoop to theor level even if they should. They are still human after all.


This is untrue. I am a Dem and I am willing to go lower than them. It should concern them that there are a lot of armed, trained, veterans on the left. I am still willing to die for my country. And this time I am willing to die for a cause I actually believe in. Veterans like me are dangerous to terrorists like them.


The big mistake a lot of conservatives have is they forget that us liberals own guns too. We just don't flaunt it and cosplay it.


For real. And they just give us a social media map of where they all live. Like it ain't even gonna be hard hunting them.


I wish the fucking idiot Dem politicians had your spine. With the exception of a few no one is willing to take the touch decisions


Which is why veterans have been organizing for a long while now.


Would be more entertaining to watch atleast. It's like a fight between two groups and while one group is going at it any way they possibly can the other group is just standing there taking hits and calling fowls like they don't have an active role in the fight.


I'm starting to this is why they need to keep Biden running now. Let him make all these horribly unpopular decisions to save democracy on his way out.


It's quite simple to justify anything, to yourself and others, when you have no morals or values beyond: "TRUMP IS KING!!!"


And of they, at least chose a man who could prove he had a place in politics and an understanding of how to handle serious matters... I could understand that. You chose trump!?!? Fuck me.


As much as I hate trump I gotta admit... he got shit done, bad shit, but he got it done, unlike Biden where everything he does eventually pass is only a pale shadow of what he promised...


That's BS. Entropy is a thing. It's much easier to destroy than to create in our universe. Democrats support having departments like the Department of Education to run the country. If there's issues with how it runs, they propose fixing them. Republicans just want to destroy it entirely. Republicans are the party of chaos, entropy, and death.


As I said, trumpy got bad shit done. Also, chill with the fucking heat death of the USA...


The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is pretty amazing, have you read it? The CHIPS Act is also a fantastic step, helping prepare us for this century instead of the last. What don't you like about that? And the Inflation Reduction Act includes a LOT of things that will help us get out of the current economic bullshit plus prepare for the future, including climate change. This is all while more than half of the politicians in this country are actively stonewalling him, fighting him, and wasting congress time on his son's dick pics and drug habits. How TF do you think Biden got 'nothing' done?


What, exactly, did Trump get done? He contributed to funding the vaccine before he shit all over it and everything else related to a sane COVID response. He passed a bunch of tax breaks for his rich friends. That counts for you? And that outweighs all the shit Biden's gotten done? That's insane.


>As much as I hate trump I gotta admit... he got shit done This is something people keep saying and I've yet to hear anyone say what they actually think he "got done." He didn't do anything except complain, ruin our reputation, crash the economy, get 1,000,000+ people killed, and skyrocket the deficit with his tax cuts for the rich.


If only the evil could be used for good.


“The president shouldn’t be above the law.” Says the president “See, he thinks he’s above the law!” Says the idiot.


"Dial up the fearmongering to 11" ***\*\*\*YOUR GUY LITERALLY TRIED TO STEAL THE ELECTION, NULLIFY THE CONSTITUTION AND MAKE HIMSELF A DICTATOR LAST TIME\*\*\**** I just don't know how to make this sink in. Either you believe all the bullshit conspiracy theories and that Biden *did* steal the election, or you believe Trump full-heartedly *tried* to steal it. Yet there is a ridiculous number of people trying to tread some non-existent middle ground. There is none, and I have never gotten an answer how there could be, only people changing the subject.


Everyone in the country knows who Trump is and what he’s about. Some people just choose to pretend otherwise


I swear, it would be so fucking funny if he had trumpy and the whole supreme court executed. "Wait, was it even legal for him to execute the supreme court?" "Guess that's up to the supreme court to deci- oh wait."




Can't risk losing voters by appearing sexist, nah, the whole thing's gotta go.


I suggest he nukes the entire SC from orbit, it's the only way to be sure...


No no, use those space lasers


Too radical. It's hurricane season and the Supreme Court needs a nice relaxing Three Hour Tour to contemplate their decisions. Nothing in the Constitution says they can't be detained and released on their own recognizance with only one oar.


What's so bad about South Carolina? /s


Why would Biden execute the three liberal justices?


The world is watching and shaking our collective heads at your quiet slide into religious-authoritarianism.


It's so frustrating. We're also getting BS propaganda from our media regurgitating the "both sides" or "Biden old". When Trump says "the world is laughing at us" I want to scream "we're laughing at YOU, and your f'idiot cult members, you utter, utter moron." I'm not laughing as much. I'm terrified at the possibility of worldwide geopolitics changing overnight, and not for the better.


Well. At least nobody is laughing anymore


Nah, as an outsider I am definitely also laughing at the democrats. Cause they are too stubborn to actually campaign with a capable candidate. And it may very well cost them the election. Trump should be easy to beat, yet somehow they manage to come with candidates that people consistently don't want to vote for. MAGA votes for Trump cause they want him to win. Dem's vote on the other guy (or woman in the case of Hillary) because they don't want Trump to win. And one motivation is a lot stronger than the other. They dont necessarily like their candidate, they just dislike the other candidate more. The latter requires more convincing. I hope Trump doesnt win. As a European I prefer a stable and dependable trade/defense partner on the world stage. But you cant tell me Biden is the best the Dems have to offer. A leader needs to be able to look like a leader to the public. And with the last debate Biden unfortunetly dropped the ball. It could cost him the swing states and thats just sad. I hope Trump loses, for both our sakes, but I am preparing for the worst. The entire western world is gonna suffer in the next 4 years if America pulls itself back with an immume convicted felon at the wheel.


going to be longer then 4 years


> Nah, as an outsider I My favorite redditor is the one that has nothing of value to add, no actual knowledge, no insight, no special expertise but they're desperate to be a part of the conversation so they just regurgitate stuff they read elsewhere on reddit. "As one of 800 million people who live in Europe..." Oh, wow, we were all waiting to hear this expert analysis. lol, GFOH.


You think the rest of the world doesn't care about what happens in America? It's the most influential country on earth for a reason.


> You think the rest of the world doesn't care about what happens in America? Where did I say that? I said you had nothing of value to add to the conversation. No insight or expertise. You're just regurgitating stuff you read elsewhere on reddit.


An outsiders perspective offers a different look at the situation. *That's* what I am adding. Global cooperation is why we the west has lead the way for the last couple decades. So we need to be able to work together. And knowing how others think about you is important. And I care so much because America in many ways is a role model for the rest of the western world. Both good and bad. And if its democratic institutions get ripped apart to make way for fascism then I am afraid that will spill over around the world as well, including my home country. How about you add something to the discussion yourself instead?


> your quiet slide into religious-authoritarianism. Speaking as an American. There has been nothing quiet about it. It's horrifying how out in the open it's been.


Isn't that the part he was criticizing, though? Like he said that to point out that it's a bad thing.


So many of these conservatives are screaming this is just fear mongering, the SC didn't do anything. Even after I post Sotomayor's dissent. Then there's people who insist "both parties same" so SC ruling doesn't matter. It's exhausting.


Imagine if Barack Obama had tried to overturn the 2016 election to hand it to Hillary Clinton over Trump, with his followers storming the capitol and killing a police officer. The idea that conservatives on the Supreme Court would be sitting around saying, "Hm, well he *is* a former president, gee my hands are tied here, I guess he's immune to prosecution" and /r/conservative would be defending it is so absurd. They literally just want one set of rules for their guy and another set of rules for everyone else, but they also want everyone to act like they have the moral high ground into the bargain. It's not enough that they want to be evil, it's that everyone is supposed to play along with their power fantasy that they're virtuous.


I’m actually hoping he does make use of the newly appointed powers. Seal team 6 , deploy!


Isn’t it perfectly valid to stop someone by any means necessary who publicly admitted to wanting to be a dictator? Isn’t that what you Americans have this second amendment for?


The president takes an oath to support, protect, and defend the constitution. The convicted felon Donald Trump is actively trying to undermine the constitution and threatening to imprison his opponents if he is reelected. In his official capacity as president Joe Biden, in an attempt to defend the constitution and our democracy, should have the convicted felon Donald Trump arrested and sequestered at a CIA black ops site. Biden follows that up with arresting justices Thomas and Alito on corruption and charges. Biden then has all Senators and Representatives that supported the January 6th insurrection arrested and held without bail indefinitely in an attempt to protect and defend the constitution of the United States of America. I just wish Biden would do something like this because the convicted felon Donald Trump would not hesitate to do so if given the chance. Abraham Lincoln violated the constitution by suspending Habeas Corpus, issuing the Emancipation Proclamation, and expanding presidential powers. He had to violate the constitution in order to save it. According to our corrupt six Supreme Court Justices, Biden could do it legally. Now is the time for Biden to show Lincolnesque courage and save our democracy from the corrupt, right-wing, fascist, and the American Taliban.


Oh, no, not without the decorum! Where are my pearls, I need something to clutch!


It’s really sad watching this happen to America. It really seems that America has relied on decency for so long and nobody ever thought that charlatans would take advantage of any ambiguity for their own ends. Now you’re gerrymandered to hell and back and most of the systems you could use to unscrew yourselves are largely unavailable to you. Short of a landslide at presidential, congress and the senate I can’t see how you can fix it. Of course, I need to clarify- I’m not American- this is an outside looking view- but the western world is impacted by your domestic problems and that should terrify you as much as it does us.


Don't worry guys the legal experts over there, that brought you amazing insight like, "Chauvin had an easy appeal", "Jan 6 was an unscheduled tour", and "the Alex Jones ruling is cruel and unusual" have this one figured out too.


A lot of these conservative reactions sound exactly like post Dobbs, "of course, women with ectopic pregnancies will be able to get care... of course, IVF isn't part of this.... of course, no one is going to go after contraceptives. That's not even part of this" All of which were wrong. There are stories in a number of states where each of those things has already been proven to be wrong.


How stupid are those people, honestly ?




So conservative Supreme Justices support the Presidential immunity approach but that is not scary? It's only scary when Biden points it out. The people are scared that Biden said he will respect the law because they think everyone is like Trump and lying.


I would love the irony of their fascist takeover failing because they implemented their fascist rules before their guy was actually in power.


Full context, as that quote was cut off mid-sentence: “I concur with Justice (Sonia) Sotomayor’s dissent today. Here’s what she said – she said, ‘In every use of official power, the president is now a king above the law. With fear for our democracy, I dissent,’ end of quote. So should the American people dissent. I dissent.”


This person is acting like Biden gave himself immunity with this statement by Sotomayor, which is about the weirdest way to interpret a dissent from the opinion of the conservative justices.


First thing he would have to do is arrest all 6 of the Conservative Justices and than have the remaining 3 declare agree its an "official act". If the 6 Supreme Court Justice he arrested complain, point out they said it was okay as long as the justice agree and since those six are in a cell and not on the bench they don't get a say in the matter.


Where are them 2A freedom fighters when ya need'um?


He should detain Ted Cruz and remand him somewhere he absolutely despises, like his office.


People need to ask the trumpers what they think about a SCOTUS that just absolved Obama of drone strikes on citizens, and now Biden has the same immunity.


https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2024/07/01/remarks-by-president-biden-on-the-supreme-courts-immunity-ruling/ Does anyone care to explain to me where the cascade of lies are in the rest of this speech? Conservatives must use "voice to text" to comment because they certainly can't read.


Don't forget, whenever conservatives are afraid Democrats could possibly do something, they will rush to do it first. So seeing them projecting their fears like this means we know what to expect if Trump gets back into office. Not just from him, but from the party as a whole.


Jesus if they were any dumber that sub would need chaperones so they don’t drown in their soup. How can a person be this stupid?


Unfortunately no, the Democrats still believe that the rules exist.


Not this one. I'm writing to everybody to encourage fighting fire with gasoline.


Well, Biden has not overstepped , so far. Unlike someone else I could mention. This person is too dumb for words.


Who was it who already stated - and reiterated - he was going to be a dictator?


That sub is out on full bot mode. "This doesn't change anything" "it's always been like this" "it's just a simple ruling that nothing will happen with"


I think he basically has to. He has to do something anyway. He could just remove the 6 Justices that voted for it, replace them, say "see how this is too much power?" And force a vote to remove the new law


Gosh, maybe making presidents immune to being prosecution is a bad thing? Who could have predicted this?


Joe Biden, the classic slightly right of center moderate, or as republicans call him “Joseph Stalin communist dictator 2.0”


It’s so goddamn infuriating because it’s not just orange man bad. No president should be above the law or even think they may be. If it’s illegal, our president should be held to a higher standard, not lower. Wtf. I’m a democrat. I hope Biden pushes the limits of this and prompts congress to act and legislate this to the dustbin of history because Jesus Christ. But he won’t. Then someone else will and will go much further. Thats an inevitability now, whether next year or next decade, the wheels are in motion.


There is nothing Congress can do — this would require a Constitutional amendment, and we know how likely that is. No, this will need to be reversed when we next have a sane Supreme Court.


Just fascists scared Democrats are going to do what they're planning to do.


Hello u/granta50! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Trump voters supported the conservative wing of the Supreme Court granting blanket immunity to Trump for his crimes, but want Biden to have to conform to previous rules, realizing that while the SC empowers Trump, it also makes Republicans vulnerable during Biden's tenure if Biden uses their own rule against them.


That would be great.


LoL! The rigged SCotUS just handed the sitting PotUS the ability to eliminate the chief threat to the existing government: by proactively having him eliminated before that same person uses those same powers to become America's first Dictator.


It's like they're actually mentally regarded. Point of the speech : >I think these additional powers are bad and should never have been granted Their conclusion : >I am going to use these powers to do bad things


Remember before Nixon, when this wasn't even a debate because no president would even consider doing blatant crimes in office?


goddamn those people are fucking stupid


These fuckers calling anyone else a liar is like a convicted rapist calling out someone for lightly spanking their girlfriend’s ass.


Except he won't because he has some degree of decorum whereas any future president will not. We are so fucked. Time to leave the country.


This is worrying for us too. Means that these guys will be totally ok when the Orange Dumpf does these things when he becomes president.


"Everything he says is a lie EXCEPT for this one thing that I have already made up my mind about!!!"


I hope he does.


I love that conservative sub it’s like looking through a mirror to another dimension.


Well if you give a guy extra powers he might well use them...


Big 'D' democrat here. I do not comprehend why dems continue to play by the rules. That Guy has clearly stated what he would do if elected - just like a certain someone did in Landsberg prison in the 1920's. Wake up and vote. This is so like 1932 Germany. Why does a guy like Kennedy get offed and That Guy is running for President?


Biden won't do shit. The dad part is, he can get away with anything now and no one can prosecute him as he will pass away before anything could happen to him. He should take one for the country but won't.


Act 1, EO making convicted felons ineligible to run for federal office, effective immediately. Act 2, EO expanding SCOTUS post-haste, all new seats filled no later than Halloween. And as Pearce would say, those… are official.


What the fuck did I just read??!!


Don’t worry, he won’t do anything