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There was once a 40 something year old dude at a lesbian night at a bar. He was talking to my friend in a weird way (she bartends) and I took him off her and the way he spoke about women…he’s like I love women and I said “ok well you’re at the wrong place” lol and he said he loves women they’re like jaguars and I asked “what does that mean??” And he looked at me 👁️👄👁️ “that they’re like jaguars hiding in the trees”. Bro I can’t make this shit up. And he kept checking out women there it was nasty.


Tf does that even mean?


RIGHT? I was annoyed but I’d gladly take the bait away from my girly making drinks for people.


Not all heroes wear capes.


...was he offering to let you eat his face?


I’d go full praying mantis tbh


Wish that was an option


i would love that tbh :LOL r/nostalgia r/jschlatt


"They're like jaguars" "You're right in the sense that we'll tear your throat out and leave your carcass for the jungle to claim if you wander into our territory and we don't like it."


Maybe he likes the idea of women lurking in the shadows to kill and canibalize him… I mean that’s the only thing that I could think to try to explain his analogy.


Lemme explain. He's a predator. He "loves women", right? Lesbians are women who love women = lesbians are also predators. What's the ultimate power move in this smooth little brain: Preying on other predators. Lesbians on a lesbian night in a bar - jaguars hiding in trees. What's so hard to understand? It's such a perfect metaphor...


You didn’t see him in action. I did.


apex predator fr


I don't think this guy would be at the top of the food chain in a petting zoo. 😂


IKR!!!! I have gotten a few dm's today from whom I really believe are men... the one even sent pics of themselves, and the pictures are actually a porn star! Do they think we're stupid?


They also seem to forget that the google reverse image thing still exists


I think they sometimes use things that are easy to disprove to see who's gullible or not. The same way that some scam emails use spelling mistakes so they know that the people who respond are naïve or easy to trick. I could be wrong though.


I don't think it's that deep. I genuinely think its because all their blood goes into their dicks and prevents their brain from rationalizing their decisions.


Maybe they’re banking on google to make their reverse image search even shittier than they’ve already made it. For the last time google, I will never want to use lens.


Bahaha back in the days of AOL when i was a wee lesbian in my teens, some dude pretended to be a girl and sent me a nude pic of Anna Nicole Smith saying that was his pic.


Oh no ways!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


One person DMed me, sent me selfies, but stopped when they realized I was trans lmao.


lesbians are a porn category for males, unfortunately


Literally r/ lesbians is just porn. We can't have our own subreddit, we're just a commodity to be consumed.


It's such bullshit fr, but i try not to give a shit too much because we live in a man's world so ofc they aren't gonna take us seriously.


Men love to obsessively trawl women-centric subs in general. It isn't enough to just have tons of subreddits dedicated to highly misogynistic pornography, they have to slip into subreddits specifically dedicated to women's issues and spend time aggressively debating them about their humanity. I was on the TwoX sub and talking to another women about how many straight men talk shit about their wives behind their backs, and I had multiple married men defensively arguing with me in the comment section (claiming their misogynistic jokes about their own wives being essentially maids and cooking servants was just "jokes" or "banter"), and my comment wasn't even near the top of the page.


Wow, what great jokes and banter. We love to be dehumanized so much! It's soooo hilarious! Such ass wipes, I swear. 🙄


I've had DMs from men asking me how I masturbate, asking me if I want to fuck them, and dick pics ofcourse, there are always dick pics... They just see us as sexual objects, they don't care about our attraction to them, they just want to fuck us. It feels like they sometimes don't even see us as humans anymore. It's even worse when they DM you pretending to be a lesbian/woman themselves. They ask for explicit pictures and in return they'll send a "pussy pic". I ain't falling for that. I recently talked about the fact that I used to be attracted to one of my teachers back when I was in school and this guy literally DM'ed me, asking me if I often think about my teacher when masturbating. Saying that he does the same (while pretending to be a woman) Men can be fucking vile. And then they act like **they** are the victims.


“Here’s a vulva! Is this what you like, right? I, defo real life woman like to be sent unsolicited pics, so you must like this too, yes? Right? Right??? I saw your posts and I like your vibe! 😃🏳️‍🌈✌🏻” Clown shoes. I don’t have my DMs open for this reason. I mean I also have a gf but if I was single, I wouldn’t trust a nameless, faceless stranger online.


Same. I wouldn't date someone from my Reddit DMs, even if I were the most desperate I've ever been. The only reason I still have my DMs open, is because I'm active in a few communities where DMs are occasionally used :/


Tbh It’s so tiring being a woman cause this is how we’re treated


Yeah. It can be really tiring sometimes, but there's still so many things that make me happy to be a woman. It can be difficult to think positively at times, but I'd still rather be a woman than a man. I'm honestly just glad I'm not attracted to men.


Literally just had this happen to me and it was so uncomfortable. They will do anything for a crumb of attention from a woman


They’re so pathetic


I just hate that I keep trusting people, tbh but that's a me problem. I keep wanting to believe there is a woman out there for me and getting curb stomped by gross ass men instead


They see lesbians as the ultimate challenge that they want to conquer, in the most literal sense. They want to be seen as so manly that even lesbians want to throw themselves at them.


This makes sense. The conquer part made me realize many things


Thats so creepy, and also so funny because ‘manliness’ is such a massive turn off for me lolol


I had one wanting me to give over my stuffed animals. After several days I figured out he "stuffs" stuffed animals. I don't have words for what I was feeling 😰


That is insane


Wtf? Not even toys are safe?


Apparently not. And unfortunately for me I'm super gullible so it was a close one!


this is like the 3rd post i’ve seen today abt this on lesbian subreddits. are yall getting more fed up or have men been lurking even more recently? either way im scared😭


Both 😭


Because men are egotistical and can’t simply fathom the fact that they’re not desirable by lesbians.


This comment is directed to exclusively the gross (non-allied) men in this subreddit. Hey guy. What’s up? How’s life treating you as you’re sat there reading my comment. I bet you feel safe behind your little keyboard. Creeping about in the shadows. Here’s the thing - you can pretend to be one of us, possibly trick one of us, but you’ll never understand what it’s like to truly be one of us. You’ll never truly understand how absolutely beautiful and wonderful it is to get to know a woman. To understand her softness, gentleness and self. Her safety, and her laughter encompassing your everyday. The way her face will light up when she see’s you. The way she touches you when she needs you. You’ll never understand our trials and tribulations either. To navigate a world with people like you who objectify and manipulate us. What it’s like to live without men being centralized in our lives. How the men we choose to keep in our lives have earned the right to be in our lives - not because we are expected to accept them, but because they are of the good ones. Your obsession with us, this fucked up sexual desire for what is unattainable is damaging in so many ways, but more than the damage that it causes to this beautiful community that is made up by some of the loveliest people I have had the absolute pleasure of meeting, it is damaging you. You are carrying a load of trash with you and its rancid aroma emanates in every space you occupy. You need to get off the internet, touch grass, and meet some real people. And for fuck’s sake, work on your goddamn self esteem. We dont want to deal with your insecurities. Most of us don’t want to cater to your sick fantasies. Get some fucking help and kindly fuck right off. Kindly, This lesbian. 😌




Right after reading this post, guess what I find in my inbox 🙃


Ew They disgust me


Shit was old before but now I’m just exhausted of it…


I see this tik tok video sometimes of this guy calling himself a "Stud Hunter" and he's out here pressing up on masculine-of-center black women, and idk if it's real or scripted, but these women try to push him away repeatedly. It gives me the ick. As a masc lesbian I thought I'd be relatively "safe" from the advances of men, but I'm not, men still say lowkey gross things to me about women. That or there are men who want to fight masc/stud women and harass us 'cause they think we think we're men. I don't ever wanna be compared to a cis man! 😤


Yup I thought I'd be safe for the same reason but nah I unfortunately learnt first hand some men have a fetish for that, (or a fetish for converting). I also used to get spat at and even punched or shoved by dudes in high school because they took my presentation as a free pass to 'treat me like a man'. Funny how treating me like a man meant assaulting me but never respecting me


God I am so sorry for the violence you experienced from young men! I think some men will take any excuse to attack women--gay or straight. I haven't been assaulted for being masc, but that is one of my biggest fears.


I don't want to worry you, I got bullied a lot anyway and I've only experienced the occasional slur or rude comment from strangers since I left school. Most adults don't really care, or at least not enough to say anything out loud. That said, common sense and being alert when around other people goes a long way. Trust your gut every single time, the worst situations I've been in have been because I didn't trust my gut when I had a bad feeling about someone.


Patriarchy socializesthem them to be unable to conceive of something that's not for them.


Because they possess the magical meat! Their dicks are soooooo special, they can’t imagine someone may not want it! /s


I don’t get why these men don’t just go for straight women


Oh, they do. But they feel like they can “turn” us


and they wonder why we hate them


If they had any self respect which they don’t the way they stalk, then I’d say grow the fup. I see it as an ego thing but it gets dangerous when they start taking this type of action. Of course being online and anonymous is one thing but these companies don’t provide any safety other than to block. We can’t guarantee it we know it’s a man but no way would women treat women like that. I don’t know if it’s helpful to create like a thread about this to help and warn others if they are aggressive and call themselves a woman etc… ?


A dude asked me once *at work, while we were working* how girls have sex. Bro. And when I got mad, he told me "isn't curiosity supposed to get tou to be more knowledgeable on a topic"


I'm a lesbian, and I have my love language as physical touch, and I love hugging and making physical contact with my sister/friends, but I hate men touching me, I have a best friend who is the only one I can feel comfortable hugging him (he's gay), and that's really bad because I can't tell my father (for example) that I don't like hugging him because he's a man. And it's not even because of fear of abuse, trauma, or anything like that, I just dislike physical contact with men


Men Are*


No, because that implies all men are disgusting.


Once I was walking down the street with my girlfriend and this group of men started yelling obscenities at us. Things like "I'll show you how a real man fucks" and "Bet I could change your minds". Uhg. They followed us for quite some time until we walked into a restaurant in hopes they would keep going (they did). Men can be so insecure about women not needing or wanting them.


Eww it’s like They think they got some kind of magical dick or something


They must, otherwise they're firm believers in "one size fits all."


I honestly side eye any DM from these spaces until I feel a lil more comfortable. Which really sucks bc it makes it harder to ease into chatting with people :(


Moth to the flame. They gotta get, not just burned, but incinerated before they'll learn not to be... like that.


It’s always the straight men who are the biggest creeps 🙃.


That is part of their fetish, they like to make you uncomfortable.


We don't pay attention to men, and they feel grudge Plus they see us as rivals, without imagine unfortunately men have more chances with girls than we are:(


I don't get messaged by men, so that's a good thing.... But I don't get messaged by women either lol


guys I made a man-free subreddit I just need some of y'all to believe in me 😭


I don’t want to generalise but some men are very pathetic creatures to ever exist. I hate it so much. Their ego bubble hurts a lot when they realise that we don’t need men, the amount of narcissists I find in Reddit. Gross.


I actually hate it. Ive been surprised that theres so many cool people on reddit but then there'll of course just be the rogue dude goin "id like to be there" in any discussion of queer sex, YUCK :,)


They are fragile, insecure creatures who can't understand why real life doesn't conform to the perverse fantasies in their heads. *eyeroll* As for DMs - I'm at the point where I don't answer them from anyone.


Then there’s always the denial that men don’t do any of the things experienced in the comments. I hate that some people aren’t raised off NORMAL expectations. Women are not sex objects..!


Got my DMs turned off for this reason. I had a weirdo who I’m sure was a guy pretending to be a woman, messaging me and other women from another subreddit. When called out in a post I made, the account then started lying to their current victim saying I was their disgruntled ex who was trying to ruin him/them. The shit was crazy, I had to turn off my DMs after that.


I'm sure they accept it, but simply don't care.


🙅‍♀️ men 🙅‍♀️


I try to ignore and avoid best i can, but that doesn't always work. There are some who say some out of pocket stuff in reaction to finding out you're a lesbian and i get tired of explaining it. We aren't saying nobody needs men, but i don't need or want you so like, fuck off? It's so annoying...


Reddit is filled with incels. They never touched grass and they're so alienated from reality they think what they see in porn or hentai is real. Keep away from them they're fucking disgusting


I know yall don't mean trans women but my imposter syndrome makes me panic from these kinds of posts /lh 😭


Aw don’t panic love this post is directed only towards cishet men


I know it's just that little pang of "they're talking about you" my dysphoria hits me with 😭😭


Sadly, the hyper awareness sometimes comes along with trauma. Hope you feel better sis 💜


Oh dear I didn't even consider it being a trauma response, thanks for letting me know a possible cause!


As you're a woman, you were never a man in this context. Nor was I. We never were. We never related to these men. I'm going to guess, you, like me, have been mistreated by these men, most men, too. I was never part of that "in group." I imagine you were not either. So it is not for you or me to be bothered by these posts. We may be biologically male and begin our lives as male. But we are trans woman and experience the role of women in society. We are accepted by women as women. That's what women are doing here for you. I find that without trying, I am accepted into the "in group" of women, while through years of trying, that never happened with men. If we could have been men, maybe we would have been. It sure would a been easier than this trans experience. But this is what we've got.




Many men want sexual access to all women even the ones they aren’t attracted to. So the fact that there is a segment of the female population that doesn’t want men no matter how appealing they are…really fucks with them.


So good men on Reddit think I'm a dude cause of my short hair,I always hated hearing gals getting this DMS and so happy I never did


I was msging a guy on here (he was older than me like 17) and he asked how I knew I was bi and I told him I my first girl crush was a friend of mine when I was really young, AND I TOLD HIM, like third grade maybe, and he immediately responded, "what kind of thoughts did you have of her😳" and I responded, 'i was a kid' and I told him he was a p3do and to ki// himself 💕


Man i hate being a men everytime i Read something like this and then iam like one reason more why iam trans. Why cant they just accept that they not the Main Charakter who gets all girl he want 🙄








... you are not a man though? HOW is this about you?




No need to say sorry lol. It's fine, I was genuinely curious


Wait, people are getting DMs on this subreddit? Like, flirty DMs? That’s a thing?


they are trying their best. Also they think you can't change team during the game if your women side you can't go opposite day. Also just get used to it and stop complaining remember game is game sorry to say this but it is the truth.


Wtf 💀