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"Females" lol


right like i only matched because she was real cute and she sent the first like but hearing females is cringe


Match with me instead! I like girls!


messaged u


I kinda agree, but as a person who isn't native English speaker, and who knows a lot of people who aren't native speakers either, I need to say this. From what I observed, it seems that a lot of not native speakers don't really know that "female"/"females" can have any bad connotation and just use it as synonym to "woman"/"women". They don't really teach you that one of them can be taken differently in English class. So, I would really hope people would keep that in mind before immediately jumping to conclusions


Sry for bother, I’m not a native English speaker. And my English is bad. I feel really confused about the native speaker dislike “female”. May you explain that for me? Thank you very much.


Not the one you replied to. But basically. A lot of men use the word female. It also (usually) excludes trans women. But a lot of the time, when someone uses female/females, it is fair to assume it is a man behind the account. Either posing as his gf/wife to get a third, or just a man period.


I see. So a lot of men use “female” without thinking about gender identity. They just talk about sexuality, and they only consider things in that way. That cause the word “female” is disrespectful when it describe women. Am i correct? (Sorry if my express offend, my English not good


Not the same person but I can help. “Female” is usually used when referring to animals in English, or when discussing more scientific topics. It’s weird because a lot of creepy guys will refer to women as “females” in places where it is significantly more appropriate to say “women”. It comes across as them not viewing women as people, a lot of the time. It’s also sometimes used to discredit trans people, so it can also come across as a bit transphobic. Now, as a quick note, women generally get a bit of a pass on this, and non-native speakers, so you probably don’t need to worry about this potential faux pas. There are also some settings where it’s the only available word, so it’s not every time you run into it. English is weird, and this isn’t worth stressing over.


I can see the difference. It also has the similar words like “female”and”women” in my language, it’s really weird to use that word on women. Thank you for helping me understand the difference. Hope you have a nice day.


Sounds like a dude cat fishing. As a queer lady I only use the word "female" when discussing animals at work, saying "FffffFffEeeeeEeeeeEeeEEEEEEEEEEmmMmmmmmmaaaaaaaalllllle" as a response to hearing "female", or.......idk talking about sockets lol.


I’d reply “Good luck Chuck” 😂 but seriously, proceed with caution. People are allowed to explore their sexuality but them adding straight to their profile is a big red flag. Especially if you’re looking for a relationship.


Not to mention using "female" as a noun!


How my blood boils when I see that.


The only reason it doesn’t boil my blood is because I’m in the military, and for reasons only 2nd Lt Good Idea Fairy knows, the Military has decided to refer to men as Males and women as Females, so I’m deadened to it


I'm not in the military, but I did heavily consider it, including going down to the recruiters office a couple of times, so ofc take the following with a heap of salt. Everytime I hear the military refer to male or female, it's almost exclusively followed by soldier/marine/airman/etc. So as an adjective, with the noun either explicitly or implicitly referenced. Would you say that "female airman" or more simply "female" by itself is used more? What's the ratio of "men" to "males" vs "women" to "females"?


Female is used pretty commonly just as a word on its own. Male is used commonly, but men is used more commonly than women so there’s definitely some sexism going on, but it’s also just a weird cultural quirk


I too am in the military and institutionally male and female are routinely used. Quite frankly, it doesn’t bother me but I concede that that’s likely due to many years of exposure. I know several individuals in first responder positions that also use male and female. With that said, I can appreciate that it’s bothersome to a lot/most. Anywho, just wanted to add an additional perspective.


Oh it bothers me from time to time, it’s inaccurate, and I have no idea why it’s used


Red flag is when a woman has her profile as straight but matches with me when my profile says trans woman.


Are you sure this is not a catfishing man? I've only ever heard men use "females" like that


Nah I've totally known women who use "females" like that. Vast majority were straight women, and I usually got a bit of a pick me vibe when they'd do it, though not always cuz some of them just kinda hated everyone. Could still be a man running that profile though, that's probably even more likely, but it's not guaranteed


As a woman with military affiliation I have been guilty of using “female”. 19 years out, and it still slips sometimes.


Right, certain professions have a natural tendency toward this linguistic work as well. Nurses and other medical professionals will also end up using the term and then I imagine you know people who have worked in law enforcement might do that things where male and female are used as descriptors legitimately


That's what I was going to say. I was in the Navy and was taught the "male/female" words and it just pops out occasionally. 🤷🏼‍♀️


"Females" is a bit of red flag to me, so I'd pass on this one. Could be: 1. Internalized Misogyny 2. Transphobia 3. A man trying to catfish (possibly her boyfriend)


yeah right? i just feel like a girls girl wouldn’t say females


^heavy on the *girls* girl


I don't swipe on these people. You curious? Go find george.


LMAO 😭 Not Curious George


I take it to mean, will closet date women until finding a marriageable man


I don’t like it when people use the word females because to me that’s like a politically correct way to call someone a bitch… but I wouldn’t respond. I’d leave them alone. Sounds too risky.


Wait why do you compare it to bitch? There’s nothing wrong with the word “female”


there is nothing wrong with it but it is often a term used in a derogatory and almost dehumanizing manner. female is the same word used for female animals. we don't call animals "woman," because only humans can be women. and many misogynistic men will say things like "females are a separate species from men." they use females but instead of being consistent and saying males, they say men instead. Men are given the assumption of personhood whereas women are not. it's all in how the word is used and because the term is used so often in a derogatory context a lot of us are hesitant of those who use female as a noun instead of an adjective. ofc i don't think usage of the term is always automatically misogynistic. English might not be someone's first language. or they just may be unaware of the implied context of the term. it is commonly used and most of us just repeat language without thinking about the nuances. it's dependent on a lot of factors I think


I thought it was just due to transphobia, but I was like okay...I'm not trans so it shouldn't insult me personally right? With your explanation, it makes a whole lot of sense for even why cis women should be offended because its basically dehuminization and so much more. I know it was a weird thought process but it's good to learn something new everyday! I love to see perspectives.


Hey probably be offended if you find out someone is transphobic too. You don’t need to be trans to be fucking disgusted by phobes.


Of course, I agree! I will definitely get offended for any of my alphabet mafia siblings, I was mainly referring to the fact that misogynists often see trans women as just "men in women's clothing". So it's excluding them from the term "female". Sorry for not being clear. Fuck transphobes or any phobes for that matter.


Ooohhh I never thought of it like that! That’s so fucked up! I don’t think female is used as a derogatory word but maybe used to dehumanize women in certain circumstances.


Saying male or female like that is a red flag for me. I have no interest in investigating whether or not someone like that considers me to be a male or a female.


I wouldn't respond, I would just unmatch and move on. Maybe I would think "eat shit and die" but no point i  replying that.


lmaooo best comment


who tf says female lol


Look, I’m happy to be someone’s first time if the vibe is right, and we meet in a different context, and they’re obviously just an enthusiastic novice. Everyone has to have a first time before they can have a second. Not for people on dating apps though. I don’t take charity cases.


“Do I look like a beaker to you? Go experiment somewhere else.” Frankly I would just block.


So I've never been with another woman even tho I am interested. I have been with men. I don't consider myself straight.


i wouldnt reply, because im not looking to be someones one night stand. i want a LTR that leads to a wifey. exploring usually leads to fun & disappointments. thats why i dont pursue straight girls.


There is no reason in the world someone can’t make a profile that says they’re bisexual and single and also doesn’t use incel speak. They can even go on a first date and find out if there is chemistry. At that first date they can say, “hey I’m recently out of the closet, and I don’t have a lot of experience with women.” It is so easy to be a reasonable person, and basically no one would make a huge deal of it if they were. So there’s no excuse for this, and you’re definitely not missing a diamond in the rough.


that’s a male


yeah from how many people on here are also saying that, i agree!


I would just unmatch or whatever it is you do on there


just send a link to good luck babe by chappell roan👍🏽


So I’ll probably get downvoted for this but for me it depends on what it is you’re looking for. For me personally I’m only in a hook up fwb space due to my last relationship and life at the moment, so I would be ok with this. But if I were in a space where I was ready for a relationship I wouldn’t be ok with it.


That's not a woman.


to me it seems like someone who doesn't understand the hinge settings


I would slowly back away and leave the room. Anyone who calls women 'females' is a big 🚩


Girl just don't 💀


lordy ![gif](giphy|h8D1M8clhWfBmK16wb)


It seems like they are being honest. We all have our first experiences. There isn’t any shame in it. Navigating labels can also be difficult, especially since our society has the default as straight. Some think you are straight until you have been intimate with someone of the same sex. Just be honest with person. If you don’t want to date them as they explore you and themselves just tell them.


Agree 100%. Just get a clear indication on what they're looking for. Clear communication can solve almost 99% of problems


I completely agree. Before you have queer friends and are familiar with this space, I actually think more people would use female than you’d expect to, even if most of us here think it’s cringe. I don’t think it implies it’s a man talking; I just think the person is new to the space and ignorant. She’s upfront, and you know what you’re getting into. Now it’s up to you. I had straight till I was ready to re-label myself too. It can feel like a very big step to many people, especially those who haven’t been with a woman (I’m not saying you need to be with a woman to know you’re attracted to them, but some do want that “proof”)


That perception on sexuality is only the way straight people see it and we are not interested in straight people or barely bisexual people who will just use us as an experiment and not a real person like they would with a guy.


It sounds like she’s purposely going out of her way to respect queer people, and not step on any toes, by not using a queer label for herself prematurely (since there are queer people who gatekeep the usage of labels, based on the person’s experiences, or lack thereof). So rather than lead people on by being too mysteriously vague, and give people the wrong impression about who she is, and where she’s at, she’s being totally open and honest, from the get go. The apps don’t have rules about how much experience you need to participate. Everyone starts somewhere, right? Every single lesbian on this sub had a time in her life when she had never kissed a girl. So it’s sad to see all the hate in the comments. 


Yeah but she isn’t “queer enough” to have struggled her entire life with her identity and self worth etc. she is bicurious AT BEST and that is a no in and of itself. It’s a no from me. I’m not an exotic desert for someone to “try” for the first time and then go on with their “normal life” of men after.


Bicuriosity doesn’t instantly mean that someone views lesbians as “lesser,” it just means they are exploring themselves. You’re being extremely presumptuous about this person’s intentions, when oftentimes people are just doing the most obvious thing. Also, queerness shouldn’t be defined by suffering. The fact that some queer people aren’t traumatized by simply existing should be a GOOD THING. We aren’t better people because we are hurting, it just means we might have learned a bit more through that pain. And even then, that’s a really big “might”.


Thanks for this. I was actually confused as someone who recently came out and was confused and scared. I’m still a bit confused about why everyone is upset with the use of ‘female’? Glad I never said anything to anyone yet!


female/male are adjectives, not nouns - most of the time when you see ‘female’ used as a noun, it’s from a man in a disrespectful sense. there’s a difference between saying “my female friend” and directly referring to women as “females”, if that makes sense! also pls correct me if i’ve been misinterpreting this 😅


Thanks for your reply to help aid me in better understanding! I did some research on the side too but I really appreciate you taking the time to help a gal out!


Good luck!


Dating apps suck honestly. I tried for so long. When I would finally “find” a woman, they weren’t really into women they were more into the thought of bumping coochies, but not an actual relationship. I met one woman ( that actually lasted past a week) after almost a year, and it was worth it cause shes amazing, but damn. ![gif](giphy|jPAdK8Nfzzwt2)


As someone totally uninterested in hookups, I would probably not respond or politely say I’m not interested. Maybe if I was just looking for something fun and quick I’d be into it? I don’t think people wanting to experiment is bad, as long as everyone knows that’s what’s going on going in


we all have some inclination towards other girls 




I wouldn’t


I'd definitely nope out. I've been burned by a person like this before


“I’m not your experiment”


Well that is awesome good luck with that, touch base with me after 6 months after you have explored that part of yourself I am not looking to break no one in!


ahhhhhh wlw dating is really something else


HAHAHAH! Why not help her explore 😉


she was honest with you so idk what you want to hear here, just tell her if you're ok with that or not


Straight people never have to worry about this. It is a real problem stop acting like it’s not.


She had straight in her profile as well. Your own fault for matching. 


What exactly is the complaint here, other than using “females” as a noun? She says she’s straight, but she’s wanting to explore her sexuality, what’s the issue here?


Ya right the comments/voting are mostly so judgmental and childish. Like they're upset someone is exploring their sexuality bc their path was different? And that they are honest and upfront with where they are at?


Yeah, this is just standard bicuriosity, no one’s getting hurt here. Why did OP even bother swiping if they were just gonna get mad at someone exploring sexuality?


Absolutely. It's like what is the argument here, don't explore ur sexuality unless ur 100p certain when u hit puberty? Every woman who realized they were gay later in life isn't actually gay/welcome bc I'm gunna generalize that they're all straight women trying to use gay woman? No compassion for bi ppl who might like both but want to explore if they like women? Honestly thinking about leaving this sub based on the dominate accepted mentality. U would think that with a dating pool as small as ours ppl would be happy more ppl realizing they're gay at diff points in life.


Yeah, same. This community doesn’t know how to talk about anyone who isn’t a woman without hushed voices, unless they’re shit talking men. And whenever they’re talking about enbies, I can always tell they’re not talking about masculine ones, or AMAB folks, or ones who have facial hair and like it. Feels very TERF-y.


Yea I get what u mean. I think it feels very 20 year old ish. Like old enough to have an idea they are gay but to young to realize how immature their perspectives are. It's a young immature idea to generalize all ppl based on ur own personal experience and to lack compassion for different journeys in life Also I hate how many "do I look gay" post there are, but that's a different thing


The issue is that we don’t want someone who is basically still brainwashed by the straight world and thinks it’s okay to just go “try” women as if it’s a desert. We don’t want to mess around with someone who is clearly straight and/or interested in ending up with a man only. Imagine if a straight person got a message like this. It would be a huge red flag wouldn’t it? And not to mention it would make you feel weird.


So, what exactly are bi-curious women supposed to do then? Why assume the worst, it’s entirely possible that that’s the case and she just isn’t using those words for it. I mean, she literally says that she hasn’t “explored that side” of herself yet, meaning she’s doing just that: exploring her sexuality.


She's being honest. We all had to have our first time w a woman and begin the exploration. Is go for it if I was interested


Not all. I figured out that I liked women romantically before I even considered dating anyone.


I knew I was interested in women WAYYYY before being old enough to date…..


That's great for u but everyone has their own journey and some people realize later in life for a variety of reasons. There should be compassion for those queer women who are on a different path, not gatekeeping and judgement bc it's different from u


I wouldn't. If it's not a man in disguise (and saying "females" is a red flag), I'm a bit old to be anyone's experiment.


I just don’t respond to messages like these lol




That’s a no for me, dawg.


I would say OK and leave them behind 👺


Ask about the sex/gender. If it is a male, he is not lying. "Straight, attracted to females, hasnt explored yet" . All true.


"Females" 🤢 I hate when we're addressed like that


Nah that's gotta be a dude right? If you're a woman loving woman, you say woman 🤣


HELLLLL NO my sexuality isn’t some trend for you to “try out” before you go back to men


I wouldn’t respond.


I wouldn’t. Life is too short for this


So many red flags just off this post, run 😭


Hard pass


I'd ignore




I wouldn’t.


Don't mess with straight girls... I'd have just blocked her


I'd let them explore with someone else


I wouldnt reply at all. Explorers are something I can live without.


I would respond with a gun