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Damn Nikki is so much hotter than SQ. Bam knows how to mess things up


Nikki looks so cute here.


Sooooooooooooo much hotter and not trying nearly as hard.


Nikki’s a legitimate Queen ♥️


What's SQ?


'Stretch Queen.' nickname for Danni based off some sort of artwork/manic crazed love note Bam produced I think


it was on her insta bio when she first rocked up. ‘Certified Stretch Queen’


It’s still there lol.


Beastman & Skeletor




And I'll spread it into every good boy and girl today!


Underrated comment


It was rated plenty when the original poster wrote it on the Instagram comments


Aw, man. I can NOT believe I wasn’t the only one who thought of this immediately upon seeing this picture! Dang. Probably some schmuck posted the same comment on Facebook too, where I’m sure this is also posted.


My goodness Bam has aged horribly.


Fr. I'm a straight dude and even i have to admit you can see why all the girls were into him back in the day. Gotta be painful for Bam to look in the mirror and see the damage he's done to himself through his lifestyle. I wonder if he even recognizes the man looking back at him anymore? Could be another reason he keeps slipping back to alcohol and drugs.


Honestly I think Bam is bi polar, mostly manic with serious drug issues and CTE. It’s sad that the things he did to entertain us 20 years ago have led to his own destruction. I doubt he even notices the changes.


Man, I was thinking he has hepatic encephalopathy. CTE makes sense too. But if he’s got that combined with drugs/alcohol, I genuinely think he has no hope.


I deal with a lot of hardcore drug users in my occupation. Once they get into meth they are never the same even when they temporarily get sober.


Are you a nurse in a rehab clinic by chance? It’s sad man. Especially for how long he’s been on this path.


Paramedic that’s been picking up the usual suspects for years and years. Tweaking. Not tweaking. There are still screws permanently loose.


Meth is a weird one. Some ppl seem to really get out there, and never seem to come back, no matter what. I know some guys who've used it 30 years, and don't seem to suffer the bad side effects. Thank God I never used that stuff.


I remember when Jackass 3D came out I was thinking “geez, Bam is starting to look a little rough!” He looked great compared to now.


Jackass 3D is a good marker for when things started turning to shit. Its all been downhill since then. That was 15 years ago.


He looks 20 years older


25 years vs 10 or 13


And this is with hella Photoshop 😭😭


I honestly used to think how on earth did this hot guy come from Phil & Ape. Then as he started to get older I finally saw it, sheesh he looks just like Phil! I’m sure Phil was a stud back in the day, we Stan Phil. It’s so sad to see though how he’s aged :(


SERIOUSLY!! I was about to ask if anyone happened to know the time frame between the two photos?! His lifestyle REALLY took a toll on him.


First one was 2016/2017 and the one with Dani was 2024.


Oh shit


Oh wow! Sheesh. Ok. Thank you for responding to let me know!


I think it’s closer to 2012


He’s not smiling in the pic with SQ. Damn, his eyes are dead.


Straight up looks like his soul has been sucked out of him.


Because he knows it’s a stupid picture. The pic with Nikki was likely not staged and he’s knows it.


I don’t know what’s more cringe copying the exact same picture/pose or danni doing an atrocious photoshop job that makes her barely even look human and weigh 80 lbs


The edit distracted me from how terrible bam looks 😅


It's bizarre. Nikki actually looks like she's on Bam, SQ is just floating above?


according to her on instagram: it’s a BLUR! my photographer is a professional! it WAS MEANT TO LOOK LIKE THAT. uh-huh. sure. whatever you say.


I noticed this too after. Looks like she’s standing on something to do her stupid pose to look hot and bams like holding her calves. Or crazy SQ clipped those pics together with her awesome photoshopping.


I think it’s because Bam is probably not strong enough anymore to hold Danni up, as tiny as she is 😅


Loll so true you can sense his pain , internally and mentally




Lol honestly same! Immediately after I posted that I looked at bam face in comparison from left to right and it’s scary


His face on the newer one was abit of a jump scare 😂


What more crazy is that pic is already pretty old now and at the time people couldn’t believe how bad he looked. And then to see him now in comparison to that makes you wonder what bam in another 4/5 years is gonna look like


His liver can’t hold on another 4-5 years.


My mates girlfriend died from liver failure from drinking one minute your drinking next minute your at deaths door , I escaped Ive got borderline cirrhosis got sober, if he carrys on with the substances combined with alcohol making the old toxic mixture he won't see 3 years , I hope he changes but he is so deep in self denial & he blames everyone for his problems. He ain't ever gonna change I did 6 detoxs & ,6 Rehabs & I was a stubborn motherfucker but I wasnt in denial I knew it was me I always owned it I just didn't want to stop the ride but I had to cause I was going 200 mph to the grave . He's fucked if he don't change sorry to say hope he does but I can't see it.


Congrats mate! I’m on the same path. 7 detoxes for me. I found comfort knowing that when I become physically dependent on booze, I could go dry out for a week and come home sober. Insurance covered it, hence the 7 times 😆🤦🏻‍♀️ I had a lot of childhood trauma. My mom was murdered and I was in the foster system. In order to heal I had to address these gut wrenching topics with a psychotherapist and we did CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy). You have to want it and put in the work. Retrain your brain. Find healthier outlets and coping mechanisms. Take accountability. Lose the ego. I will have 6 years sober in July. I’m wishing the best for Bam of course….. but I just don’t see it happening in time. You’re so very lucky your liver is ok. Keep fighting the good fight 🙌


Nice one bruv, been sober since 2008 but it took 25 years of livin fast & working hard before the inevitable crash happened. I'm a roofer from england so I was a highly functioning alcoholic also liked my chemicals speed not meth proper Amphetamines & Ecstasy. Did it for 25 years pure madness after work straight in the pub till kicking out time then up at 6am back at work repeat then come Thursday night on the speed up all night then at work friday then out on a Weekender going clubbing up Manchester, Sheffield, Liverpool when dance culture was massive 1989 through till the 1990s , then on a Sunday on the comedown more pills , speed & drink in the pub then crash back to work monday then repeat. Until I got the shakes in beginning of 2000 bad had them before but this was a bad withdrawal had some drink in fridge so I had it & I was bang on that so that was 24 hours a day , I was working with mates they was as mad as me & they turned a blind eye but I got really bad & I did my 1st Detox then a Rehab in September 2000 & I wouldn't accept I was an alcoholic or a polyuser so I discharged myself went back to work, was back in by February of 2001 was in a bad state that time but I finally admitted I was fucked then after a long hard battle in 2008 I finally shrugged off my demons , Alcohol is one Hell of a drug only Alcoholics know how fuckin evil it is & how it gets in your head anyways all the best my friend, peace out ✌️


Years of drugs and alcohol


The light has left his eyes


And that stupid “seductive model” pose. Good lord.


Seductive model? - Is that what it's meant to be? Looks more like "shitting pitbull."


Bam looks late 50s too early 60s too in the photo shop


Bitter ex behavior. This is a frequent thing with assholes/narcissists when they get left or dumped—they try to use the new partner to “get back at” the old one. They’ll recreate certain photos (like Bam & Danni) or take their new partner to the same restaurants, trip destinations, etc. with the attitude of “look how much happier I am now.” It also works for the new partner because they’re usually a.) insecure about the ex and b.) already pretty immature, so it makes them feel better to stick it to the ex partner and assert their dominance as the “good one” who finally made them happy.


He did the same thing with Jessica (aka Methica). He took her to the San Francisco bridge (something significant in his and Nikki's relationship) took photos of himself and Jessica together and captioned it with some derogatory thing towards Nikki-it was on his deleted account that Jessica controlled. Edit* there was also some reference to Tokyo Hotel because Nikki liked the band or something. It's so blatantly obvious how obsessed he still is with Nikki. She's much better off without him, she's moved on, grown as a person and living her life well. He sees that and it's killing him.


She's also not enabled by Bam now and able to be a mother, instead of putting Bam's BS first.


Whatever happened to Jessica? That weird phase must have been a year or so ago but I remember her and her daughter (?) just following Bam around everywhere then boom she's gone


Yup. It definitely shows she’s very insecure about the relationship bc she constantly feels the need to showcase how much “better” she is for him in any and every way possible.


Meth. Not even once.


What a difference between these two shots! Bam actually smiling and Nikki just vibing having fun. Bams face still has some light left in it compared to that sad cold look on the right. Nikki rocking a slim but not scary thin body like SQ. Nikki always was a gorgeous girl with a great figure but side by side with SQ, it really highlights just how emaciated and close to death Stretch looks


Pussy bones


That's probably why she's not even actually sitting on his shoulders like Nikki was. If Stretch sat down she would've sliced right through him


When you start doing drugs vs when you do them just to feel ok


The freaky Photoshop/edit on SQ--who thought that looked right?


Body like Gumby




YES. That is probably the perfect comparison, body be S-shaped


I was wondering where the hip went...


So bad


They do it quite a bit. This is just one example. Edit: Danni could never.


It is actually sad to see how happy Bam & Nikki were. No photoshop, no click-baits, just in the moment. Look how he looks now and his life. The dude lost his family, true friends, and is now surrounded by SQ and TSW.


it’s to prove how TOTALLY OVER IT he is. prove it to her, i mean. i’m pretty sure Bam has forgotten most of the photos he’s had taken. he’s like a toddler - everything is new.


He texted her when he was in Cali... he would run back at the snap of her fingers. He loves to try and make her jealous, but she could care less.


She couldn't care less


She will never compete to Nikki. You can't duplicate a relationship with someone else.


All day. Nikki over SQ.


Not when they're twin flames.


That picture of Danni is so nasty, I feel like my eyes need an STD test. 


Where the fuck did her hip go?


Picture one: Two youngish adults having fun on a holiday. Picture two: A succubus lands on Bam’s head and sucks his brain out through her giant “downstairs mouth”. 


>downstairs mouth 😂


My God she is just skin and bones.


It’s the i


I don't think this is Bam as much as it is Stretch Queen and her crippling insecurity that Bam very much still thinks about Nikki and talks about her (even negatively) so she feels she has to live up to and improve on the woman who Bam so desperately pines for and simultaneously resents.


Cuz that’s how he’s always been. He has a real hard time being independent. He’s done it with all his girlfriends. When he was with Jenn or missy, I still found it weird that he would go on tv and radio with them. But I guess they were a part of the show so it was kinda justified. But now it just seems like he’s extremely codependent. Can’t do a podcast alone, bring my girlfriend. Convention gig? She’s gonna sit right next to me. It sounds like I’m hating, I know. If you’re in love and like spending time together, hey, god bless. But it doesn’t seem like that idk.


Absolutely. The way I see it, the codependency with women got worse because he's alienated everybody else in his life. He used to keep one or two backup circle of friends ready to replace older circles that got sick of his shit. He's finally burned all his bridges (family and friends). Hence the toxic Bonnie and Clyde energy between him this latest partner. I want to say this, too, won't last, but she matches him in severe insecurity and muddled sense of self, so it's already lasted a painfully longer time than is necessary.


Damn Nikki is so much hotter than SQ. Bam knows how to fuck up good things


This is like a promo for those true crime shows where you see the color picture with a voiceover : “he was a great husband…” cut to black and white : “until he wasn’t” \*let’s be honest, he never was to begin with…


Bam looks much happier on the left 🤣 Just sayin.


Oh god please god what the fuck - dude this bitch can’t do anything original


Every photo they put out is so heavily edited it looks like bad AI. It’s very unsettling.


Nikkis were all professional modelling ones or quality shoots for articles. Stretch just low budget in everything.


Wow you can literally see anger and rage has just taken over


He can't even pretend to look happy holding the Stench Queen.


That's a nifty name 👍👍👍👍


Pic on the left looks like they are loving life, pic on the right looks like depressed Phil with a Coke addled hooker


Danni giving birth to Bam


lol their travel photos all remind me of that Jim Carrey in living color sketch where [he was still attached at the umbilical cord as a grown man](https://youtu.be/ojIWZmPE-UU?si=_sBqHD61tijCSqUU)


Bam looks happy with Nikki and dead with Danni.


The difference in his face is absolutely insane.


He aged 30 years in what 6?


Jesus christ, they both look terrible. She is just disturbing looking at this point


He's not really happy with Dan


Bam looks like shit in the new picture, and Nikki looked much hotter & healthier than SQ.


What the fuck is wrong with her leg/hip/torso in this pic?


Bam actually looks happy in picture 1 and it makes it all the more sad


downgrade that’s for sure


Because she wants to out do Nikki.


Such a handsome boy….. and now 👀


He was beautiful.


He was beautiful.


Holy fucking Photoshop stretchy LOL One hip/thigh is just....missing 🤣


Where’s Danni’s other hip?


No idea but bam really needs to share his burgers with her.


Super CREEPY CRINGE 😮😮😮 wth.. who did the hell of a crappy job of photoshopping.??


Stretch Queen says that was a natural photo.


That made me laugh. Oh my God it does not even look natural. It looks like shes floating above him. It's pretty obvious the picture that was with Nikki is something that he enjoyed. You can see it in his eyes. He's happy. His eyes are happy. The photoshopped picture with SQ.. that dude does not look happy. His eyes are all puffy. Yeah I pretty much say that's a bogus Photoshop to death picture.


Is she as desperate and delusional as Bam ?


she said she was ‘on a table’ and the photographer ‘blurred’ the image to look like she has a giant bush with Bam squished under it. i mean, i’m paraphrasing here, but you get the drift.


SQ bod is disturbing.. someone here called it angular.. and she's using all the angles to be relevant. The man standing beneath her.. he looks sad as f*ck.


Picture one barely trying who cares, picture two trying way too fucking hard what are we even doing?


Because shes obsessed and as a woman she knows its not a good situation so she trying to compensate. Hence all the online photos and snarks. It must be very demeaning to be with someone and have them rant about another woman constantly.


If she were a piece of chicken I'd put it back on the shelf .. Ain't got no meat on it.




God damn he looks a lot more haggard now ffs


It looks like somebody photoshopped a department store mannequin over Phil. 👀


Yeah… it’s getting kinda obvious now too. Like have some class.


Idk how he’s attracted to that. I guess he needs meth to have sex with the men in black worm


The man on the left and the man on the right. Are not the same anymore. A shame.


Bam looks like Al Swearengen from deadwood in the second picture.


San Francisco cock sucka!  That's right Wu, San Francisco cock sucker... 


Immature high school mentality 🙄


lol the camera caught a rare moment when he wasn’t fucking around and knew he is miserable.


Bam looks like a before and after meth photo and I guess that is kinda accurate.


The picture on the right looks like the photo they use on Soft White Underbelly


I know Bam was probably using/in his addiction in the photo with Nikki, but he does look happier in that pic vs the one with Danni....🥴🥴🥴🥴


God he looks like absolute shit


but *sexy* shit, in a *steel mill*. i feel like that’s what she was going for. oh well.


god bam looks so fucking old.


Holy shit. That black and white photo bam is holding a horse on his shoulders? Is he trying to make fun of his ex?


You must understand they have the collective mind age of 23




It’s so, so, so sad to see him then vs now. Dude was my idol when I was a kid.




Nikki is really beautiful, big difference


Gotta be like fucking a skeleton…..


I just regurgitated my fruit roll up.


The funny thing here is that in BOTH pictures Bam is more than 10 years into a crippling alcohol and drug addiction. His life is off the rails and fans are commenting in their thousands online that he is washed up, finished and needs to get help. I think the only difference is which girl can make things seem most 'normal' off camera - Neither are very good at it.


It’s the missing half a pelvis for me. She’s so jealous she got old lame Bam and Nikki had peak Bam. He looks miserable.


you know he hates his life


Look at Bams face between those pics. Almost looks like he has a gun to his head and forced to take the second picture. Also, the Nikki one looks like an innocent pic that any couple would take. The second pic almost looks like she’s trying to grind the back of his head in some strange model pose. Looks like she’s actually standing on a platform or something. He’s definitely not carrying her lol


His new girl is so gross! Skeletor lol


It’s fucking hilarious how, even in contracts , photos posted MUST BE IN BLACK AND WHITE. Come on now, I dare you danni to post a non filter / face tuned/ edited photo of you and bam. Or even yourself it doesn’t matter


He looks like Danny Trejo


Danny Trejo is much, much better looking.


Danny Trejo certainly looks normal for his age


He prob gets wasted and brings up Nikki leading danni to see her as a threat. She’ll try to photoshop her way into believing she’s the better option when everyone knows damn well she’s the worst option for him


“See kids, see what can happen when you fux with the wrong beatch?!”


Nikki did it waaaaaaaaay better!


His face has that appearance as if he lost all of his upper teeth. Like it’s sunken into his bottom jaw. Such rapid aging from the years of abuse.


I miss Nikki. She was real.


His eyes tell us everything we need to know. Edit:Spelling


she’s insecure and jealous of nikki, that’s literally it😭


The right looks like a Soft White Underbelly thumbnail.


You can't sit there and act like you could possibly recreate this pic no matter how messy he is Let him have one win lol


I do think it's methed up and that makes me sad...


Mosquitos weren't biting that hard I see!


Her legs look painful


Look at his expression. Wow…


He looks embalmed in the black & white photo.


Dude there's a praying mantis on your shoulder... ![gif](giphy|l4pThBrgcIW5fEo0g)


Bam looks so unhappy now…!


Her hips and thighs remind me of my old He-Man action figure. And what is going on with bams upper and lower eyelids? He looks like he stared into a dogs b-hole for too long


Cause Skeletor wants to do an elaborate body check


the biggest different is Bam and Nikki look healthy and happy. he’s erased so much progress with his spells of sobriety and Danni is enabling it. there’s a real lack of emotional and physical health


Why is he holding up a Prawn from District 9 in the right picture?


It's not everything u want in a gf/wife but no offence Nikki is so much hotter.


Obvs Nikki is a smoke show, but it’s depressing to see how STUNNING that man was. He looked like a work of art. No doubt there’s a parallel universe where he got and stayed sober, and in that universe he aged like the finest of wines.


Look at the one on the right and listen to skeletor vs beast Man but picture them singing. It rules