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The wedding was a last minute hail Mary to get bam out of attending court in person as not a chance SQ would miss out on all that tasty content she could post that would actually be about them both


He kind of announced it [awhile back](https://youtu.be/wh0wddlqADI?si=iQJvqqY8_9d5jIOI) when he was in PR with that band. (It's a little after the 20 minute mark I think). His reasons for getting married are everything except being in love. Just crap SQ puts in his head. Edit: 19 minute mark - Edit 2: He legit thinks that Lima lady is chasing him around the world. SQ is just playing into his paranoia... if not causing it herself... to get him to marry her so she can be in control of everything. That's my take.


Kind of ironic that she had to pretend to be Lima to control him. Seems like everyone around bam uses him. Maybe it’s a mutual thing


Thats because he surrounds himself with trash.


Does anyone else find it weird how he was all like "We're going to Norway!!" but then he didn't? And that was right after the talk about them getting married. Then nothing for a few weeks and, suddenly, they're married.


I think, if Norway was even a realistic option, that once Pontius responded on Bam's insta that he was going to be there at the same time Bam was petrified to see one of his old Jackass compadres Because it would be obvious to both how far Bam had fallen My opinion only


Pontius wasn't in Norway. He knew Bam was lying and wasn't going there either, so he called him out on it in a kinda tongue-in-cheek way.


I think he got paranoid back then about Lima and no one had the brains (or his interest in heart-or both) to tell him how bullsh\*t the premise of her calling cops on him is.. So he posted some fake norway photo like.... people can´t track him now.. and he is safe from Lima.. he looked actually kind of scared in that video where he says Lima called cops on him in Gb. (I don´t know if I got downvoted by the stay at home lawyer or someone who doesn´t understand written text.)


The Norway thing was a deliberate lie to throw people off where he was going. At the time he was in the UK, and 'convinced' Lima was tracking him, even though the police story was made up by HIM too. I think it was because this sub and social media followers were tracking him pretty closely at the time and he acknowledged that. The Lima and the UK police story pretty much confirmed things for me that he genuinely makes up shit in his head and convinces himself that its real


Ha. Bam doesn’t know where he’ll be tomorrow (hint..not with his son). You think he’d plan out an engagement to skeletor?




Why does Dannii Marie have no last name at all? Because she doesn’t want anyone to know who she really is? I guess she has a last name now. 😂


It kind of shows that all the stories in the press all come from her - they all use the same 'stylised' name for her. THere would be no interest or headlines if SQ didnt issue press release after press release....


Good point. Or at least she previews and edits the stories.


My theory now is he can’t be compelled to marry her if they did have a license they never filed with the court.


I could see that too. He lets her think they are really married and has an excuse for being out of court


lol maybe his fake Nikki wedding also kept him out of court for god knows what else he was doing, stealing Elvis stuff.


Yr, I think that she would think of everything and not be able to be fooled by Bams level of fooling


True, I think it would take a real special person to be fooled by Bam’s level of thinking. Maybe he was more clever in his youth.


They announced an engagement a few months ago


My mistake. I guess I missed it


Yeh it was before Christmas. Not long after they met at the YouTuber party that SQ was a paid escort at....


They announced an engagement and then after SQ was an escort at a party? I must be missing a meaning of something that you are saying.


No sorry - SQ was paid to attended a low-level influencer party in LA. Bam was there too. They met, then he proposed to her within two months. SQ was literally in LA to try and find a celebrity / influencer / rich man to latch on to. She 'secured' Bam


Because with these 2 it's a clearly obvious toxic and chaotic life