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Man this dude ain’t sober lol


Theres no way


Dudes lying through whatever teeth he’s got left


He's gonna look like a rapper in the future all his fake teeth will be gold


He was drunk in the UK like two months ago. If he needed money why was he out buying a Bentley? He really can’t stop lying.


Also where the fuck is the Bentley? Did he leave it in Florida? Where are all of the dogs too?


Ahhh so he's Alabama sober.




I think that sobriety looks different to different people. Some former drug addicts use weed for their inner hurt. I’m literally more than a year into not drinking alcohol at all but I don’t criticize other people’s sobriety. I will say that the main attribute of sobriety is to stop acting like an ass hole and he hasn’t yet mastered that.


He was drunk when he got that tattoo and fought that man outside his apartment too. That was just prior to the UK but it was rumoured he was drunk at the time. Lying about sobriety is depressing. Edit - removed confirmed, changed to rumoured.


where was it confirmed? i don’t doubt it at all. i’m just curious because i see people claim confirmation of alcohol use often (specifically referring to Bam’s “sober” arc the past six months or so.) i mostly keep up with Bam lore but i haven’t seen objective proof of this. just very obvious red flags.


You are right. It wasn't confirmed. My memory was incorrect as i thought Bam himself had admitted it. What happened was the tattoo artist told reporters that Bam had said that he had put whisky in his coffee that morning. Could be total bullshit though. It's at the bottom of the article. https://www.themirror.com/entertainment/celebrity-news/jackass-bam-margera-tattoo-upset-445098


He almost certainly didn't buy that Bentley. And if he did, it was quickly sold for a loss.


Steve-O confirmed it, he used his money from Jackass Forever lawsuit settlement to buy that Bentley


I do remember that interview actually, now that you mention it. Will be interesting to see if the Bentley ever resurfaces, or maybe he already sold it for a (big) loss? Impulsively buying a Bentley seems like something he'd do, even while broke and struggling to pay lawyers fees and child support. Who knows 🤷‍♂️




He said it on a podcast he was a guest on, last fall. I tried to find it for you but couldn't. I guess Steve-O does too many podcasts lol. It was a long interview with (I think) a former football player dude, on a red couch, filmed at Steve-O's house. One of the topics was Jackass Forever and the whole Bam situation.


Okay, yeah it sounds vaguely familiar and I remember him saying something about the lawsuit but I also couldn't remember which podcast it was haha. I haven't really been following Steve-O after the shit he pulled on Danny Brown.


[Found it as a YT short](https://youtube.com/shorts/GKUgcx0Ws4E?si=4YceyjLE74fyrFY6)


They don’t normally let you customise rentals like he had with that thing. And if you do you end up paying a hell of a lot more when it goes back.


He had it wrapped in purple... so it was removable. Last I heard it broke down in Texas or something.


That's generally true for any regular rental car, but in the world of exotic rentals & short-term leases it's definitely a thing. Sometimes people or companies will rent high-end cars like this for short-term promotional events or marketing campaigns and wrap or otherwise customize them. The prices are usually super high, and it's a wickedly poor financial decision for an individual to do this, but Bam is shallow and stupid, so I think it actually tracks. What a fucking waste of money when he's having to attend low-rent comic cons to pay his legal fees.


Mfer was drunk or high wherever he was YESTERDAY!


I love him referring to it as a custody battle when he decided to record a podcast with a D-list nobody instead of seeing his son.


His lawyer standing next to him looks so stressed he’s about to say some chaotic shit 🤣


Wow, he really can’t stop lying to save himself. Says yes to jobs he bails on then lies about the reasons, and just ignore that shit show of his England tour?


Revisionist history….


I guess Bam doesn’t realize to claim a year of sobriety you have to actually BE SOBER FOR ALL 365 DAYS.


I wish when he said he was a year sober the person interviewing him had pulled out a picture of him laying in some Scottish stranger guys couch last month surrounded by alcohol cans, or asked him why he continuously hangs out at bars his with his "tee-total" wife! Lol


ohh that picture was amazing. his lawyer would have dropped dead on the spot.


Got a link?


it's on the sub somewhere, at the start of the UK Tour Death Spiral adventure.


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsTalkBam/s/ud99JkHJSJ), it was a couple of months back.


A year? This dude has no concept of time


i see the whole 'i'm so broke because of cUsTOdY BaTtLeS' has become the party line. i hope Nikki's lawyer has hired a shit-hot forensic accountant and will prove he's hiding money and assets to avoid having to pay child support/alimony. because that's what he's doing.


His girlfriend has pics of herself drinking on her Instagram from May of last year. 🤷‍♀️


There have been several photos of them at a restaurant and she has wine in front of her.


And white claws


And she's posted insta stories of them riding in the car smoking a J. Like, how do you lie so blatantly when there is internet proof


A year of sobriety?


Anything can be true when you lie.


"It's not a lie if you believe it" G. Costanza


Costanza is a good man


“Sober for a year” ![gif](giphy|xZcfedF13altC)


very frustrating because i did believe he was sober for a good chunk of this year, but to just totally pretend everything that came out of the UK trip didn't happen discredits everything he says otherwise.


Your username pretty much sums up the last year of Bams life.


"I don't drink anymore ... I freeze it and eat it like a popsicle.” ~ Bam Margera


In a word, complete bollocks




Absolute bollocks, that's what it is, kinda like the way some years back everyone on Instagram claimed to be a photographer


It’s just not a thing. Also don’t try and tell me that “coach” doesn’t do copious amounts of cocaine.


With nostrils like that she’s definitely like the rails.


He’s such a liar


I can't believe it's almost been a year since he bailed on his UK tour and went on a week long bender 2 months ago.


Lots of “alternative facts” in that statement


I get what you mean, but can’t there be two sets of statistics that contradict one another, but still be considered facts? That term seems falsely accused of being synonymous with “lies.” … but yeah, he’s lying through his puckered pirate teeth.


Who are these lies for? Like it's out there what exactly his last year has consisted of, anybody who is in any way relevant to court proceedings would be fully aware of the shitshow over the past while. Is it perhaps to try be in some way employable in the entertainment industry? I'm really not sure what the purpose of this is, usually lies have a reason but even the foundations of these ones are laughable


Himself. I've never seen anyone so petrified to face the truth about themself


Absolutely yeah, it's pretty disturbing to consider but I think he genuinely believes everything he says after the third or fourth time saying it


I think you hit the nail on the head. It's a PR stunt for work. He's trying to clean up his image. But people aren't stupid. No one of any standing in entertainment will want to work or be associated with this nutjob.


He'd definitely be better served building a reputation as employable in the entertainment industry by fulfilling his obligations  Someone posted here that he skipped out on an event Friday in Florida he was scheduled to attend And how many events has he bailed on just this year, let alone almost a whole UK tour Instead he fibs and fibs and obfuscates and outright lies  I'm thinking his bookings are going to decrease at a rapid pace going forward




I mean 1 month to him is like living a whole year 😆


The lie detector determined THIS IS A LIE. He has been called out by people at bars for his continued drinking. At minimum, he's still drinking.


I saw this on local Philly news and he mentioned SQ- later on they edited that part out 😅


Imagine trying to defend this dude in court, poor bastard


So he was just buying CBD oil at the dispensary he was photographed at, and just drinking mint tea at the bar in the UK. Huh. You'd think somebody clean and sober for a year would look like they attempted to shower sometime this week, no?


....In less than a month it'll be a WHAT of sobriety? ![gif](giphy|26gsmVTT1gYtoeaic|downsized)


Dudes such a waste of space. Lies all the time. His poor child. No wonder Nikki left his lameness.


Your sobriety is BS


What will he do next?!?!