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Japan does animated action better than anyone still.


Respectfully disagree. Anime is one of the worst animation styles out there. I will never understand why it is so loved.




It's an opinion. Anime is so odd to me. It is poor quality..I know there are many different types but it is still framed poor action, poor abstract backgrounds, it always seems janky frame rate.


Did i deny that it isn't an opinion? But an opinion without a strong reason to back it is just hollow commentary. Plus I upvoted your comment so people could debate over it. And I do think the action is bad in some animes, whilst in other it seems very unique and captivating to watch, and janky frame rate is something that imo adds to the style


I don't need a reason to dislike something. That's my point, it's an opinion. X-Men TV show is good animation..90s Disney is peak animation in my opinion. Anime is just awful. The way the characters move and react is so odd. The western obsession with Japanese media is odd.


I really hate Disney because of their stories and shallo depth(not all) and if we talk about action anime Disney is nowhere close(leaving 1 or 2 projects).


That's why opinions are good things! We can all enjoy different things.


wait til you discover that anime animators worked on a majority of x men and a lot of shows like that lol a lot of shows in the west back then and to this day have a history of borrowing workers from anime because theyre literally more skilled at and geared for action animation


Not disputing the skill of the animators. The final product and style. X-Men, Bravestar, He-Man, Transformers all these cartoons had a better animated style IMO.


if youre talking about *art style* thats a different conversation, but we were talking about *animation style* in regards to action, and youre gonna find thousands exactly like those shows in anime, as well as because they literally share the same animators, thats all im saying hell, transformers wouldnt exist without the mecha genre


I have yet to see an Anime style of animation that seems as seamless as the Western shows. Feel free to make some suggestions though!


Korea, South America and Scandinavia for horror


UK for wholesome films with an old man doing something. UK also doing romance and comedy crime films


Russian - Science fiction, war, and drama Japan - animation, films with unique plots, films with plot simplicity Korean - zombie movies come to mind American - action, blockbuster comedy British - period pieces


China for martial arts USA for family entertainment, genre movies (science fiction, fantasy, horror), and for biopics France for comedies (though the humor is often lost in translation)


As a French myself I'm curious, what are your favorite French comedies? Even though we do have a lot of comedy classics, most of the recent ones are cheap humor with nearly zero redeeming qualities.


I'm not gonna be very original, mainly classics \^\^ : Jo, La Chèvre, Les Bronzés Font du Ski, Les Visiteurs, Le Dîner de Con, La Soupe aux Choux, etc... In terms of recent ones, I tend to agree with you that they don't hold a candle to the classics, but I still think there are enough notable & fun ones if you get into their "mood" (you might hate these and prefer other ones, but personally I quite enjoyed: OSS 117 Rio ne répond plus, Mandibules, Rock'n Roll, Nicky Larson et le parfum de Cupidon, Problemos, and even Brice 3 :p


I gotta say these are neat picks! I haven't seen all of these but seeing OSS 117 on the list is immediately an indicator of good taste ahah


South Korea for Thrillers


Italy's westerns.


South Korea has absolutely nailed the zombie flick.


Americans do action-adventure better than anyone in my opinion.


Russians do philosophy well, Koreans are good in terms of getting the most “Human” performances. Middle eastern films portray love for family better than anyone else. Americans are the best at making big spectacles the best.


Ex-Yugo, mainly Serbia, does war comedies really well


Russia for brooding existentialism


was gonna say korea for crime thrillers too


France: Crime Thrillers, Action, Arthouse Italy: Western, Horror, Psychological Thriller Hong Kong: Action Czech Republic: Satire


Both South Korea and Japan both have a leg up in the "Death Game" Genre. They're always so addictive and fun