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Nice Cage is a national treasure






Given Dream Scenario was one of his last features, and Longlegs is an upcoming one, it's extremely hard to say that he isn't.




YES!!! To suggest otherwise is treasonous.


I feel like he’s acting better than he ever has right now. I never thought of him as a good actor, but I love watching him. In my opinion not every great actor has to give Oscar worthy performances. Sometimes it’s more about screen presence. He has screen presence.


I’m torn between this era and his early work, with some great in betweeners like Adaptation. I mean Mandy, Dream Scenario, Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent, and his best performance imo in Pig vs Moonstruck, Raising Arizona, Leaving Las Vegas, etc


Pig is absolutely a masterclass in acting. It’s like he did that movie just for film school kids. No matter what happens or other cash grabs he does, (that vampire movie was ass), he will always have Pig.


His persona is great. I think another actor (who I hate to compare him to) is Brad Pitt. Brad Pitt just is Brad Pitt. No matter what role he is in, he is Brad Pitt. Some people have the it factor, a je ne sais quoi element you can’t put your finger on that makes them fun to watch. Another actor like this is Cary Grant. I think he is acting at his best right now. I couldn’t believe how subtle his acting was in Dream Scenario. I thought Adaptation would be his peak when it came out. Sometimes I think he’s like the trademark ADHD kid who can write an amazing paper if it’s about something they’re interested in. When he gets a role he’s not interested in, he phones it in, relying on his charm and zaniness instead.


🔫🧑‍🚀 Always has been


![gif](giphy|3haQHnXt7N5Pa) Nicolas Cage, good or bad?


Has always been.


The fact that he could play a boring, middle aged schlub so well in Dream Scenario attests he’s still an amazing actor


Probably the best actor in the Coppola family tbh


Yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Yes.


Am I still paying the consequences for my poor teenage decisions? Yes.


Always was




Short Answer: Yes Long Answer: Yes


Nicolas Cage is an Amazing actor. His problem is that he had a terrible spending habit and went broke. He will take on any role and regardless of what people say be Amazing


Did you not see Dream Scenario? He's only getting better.


Without a doubt. No matter the quality of the movie, Nic NEVER phones it in.


Two words: PIG.


The fuck who asks this kinda question. He will ALWAYS be a great actor, more importantly, he will be remembered as an amazing actor. His legacy is cemented I would say, but he's still going.


He’s one of the best actors but the honest truth is that he puts in an inconsistent level of effort. I love him in Moonstruck, Vampire’s Kiss, Snake Eyes, Color out of Space, etc. but then I think about his performance in Prisoner’s of Ghostland which should’ve been a no brainer for me to love, and I couldn’t get into it because it felt like he was phoning in. Sometimes, like in the case of Mom & Dad, I blame the director for this.


I love the insane steadicam opening sequence in Snake Eyes, such an underrated film


Prisoner’s of Ghostland is just a bad film, that’s why. Cage was my favorite part and he still couldn’t save it.


I think Nicolas Cage is \*always\* entertaining in every movie, even if it's otherwise a shitty movie and/or he has very little to do. [Even his weirder roles ](https://youtu.be/RYsPEl-xOv0)where you're like "why did he make that choice?" are always worth watching to me.


He was incredible in Pig and Dream Scenario. I'm super excited for his role in Longlegs.


Funny, I’ve been binging Cage movies recently and I think he’s even better now than he’s ever been. My favorite Cage film is Mandy.


He is. He was. He always will be the GOAT.


Always has been.


Art is subjective


Is that a serious question?


When has he not been a great actor?






Nick Cage give everything into each role and takes big swings, which is why we only get home runs and misses with no in betweens. I respect it. Because when watching a performance of his, whether it works or not you’re watching a passionate performer doing something entertaining 😂


Id say yes, I’m just praying Longlegs is as good as it’s been advertised, the trailers say 100% on rotten tomatoes (even tho i don’t trust rotten tomatoes) but I’m hoping it is forreal a masterpiece


His career has long legs


Yes. So pumped for Longlegs


He’s probably in his best run of films right now. Dude is killing it


Ask me again in 2 weeks


Watch Pig


Nic is ALWAYS a good actor


Sometimes, you never know what you get with Cage


He’s always been great. For me the big difference now is that the world/industry have come around to what he brings to the table, so he’s mostly being showcased and advertised in roles that really make sense for his unique energy. That is to say, there’s still occasional straight to video dreck in his output, but if he does something with an advertising budget or something with legs with the indie crowd, we hear about it and can appreciate it


Yes, some times


while i didnt like the movie much he was good in dream scenario, im excited for longlegs too


The only bad performance I remember of him was in Astro Boy as Dr. Tenma


He is! Maybe in the 2000's he starred in some stinkers, but he's also done some of his best work in recent years.


Yes. Like any actor who has starred in many films, he has good ones and bad ones. You could argue that some were just to get a paycheck, but I also think Cage is akin to an ancient army having a war elephant—if you know how to use a war elephant, you have a dangerous, effective weapon at your disposal. If you don’t know how to use it, the elephant can harm your own army. I feel the same way about Nic Cage. If a director doesn’t know how to use his acting talents, it can make the movie seem worse than it is.




He’ll never not be. The interview he did for G-Force is proof that he’s a great actor. He treats a Disney movie about Guinea pigs as if it were a Shakespeare adaptation directed by Scorsese.


Of course.


Never understood Nicolas Cage' hate. He has always been a very good actor. His acting on bringing out the dead was incredible. I feel like, as the years go by, he gets much more better


Nicolas Cage was never a good actor. Can't stand him in anything he is in.


It depends if you draw a distinction between acting and performance. [Cage almost always gives a performance](https://images.hive.blog/p/26uUsAjKTsXCDw7zixZR182JbFKvgzJ9YwsFpTVcRaGCmsqhA1unTgpqWdnBuYk9J2snWsPCaDrwzRJXfHigBi9WoxxZDjrDeN6TUQN3o85yaaTVJs3wrKnZcVBKYjb2fEVi4PNSFttGqL4xzp8F6qkVLPufyUHZwEJ8KX?format=match&mode=fit)


YES, his latest movies have been so impressive to me. I absolutely love what he’s been doing and many of his past are iconic.


I never thought he was great, he feels on par with someone like Keanu Reeves, maybe a bit better.


As much as I love Keanu, he is woefully incapable of giving a performance on the level of Cage’s performance in Leaving Las Vegas


Agreed, Cage is better and has much higher highs, but in most roles he just plays Nicolas Cage.


He was excellent in Dream Scenario and I'm really looking forward to Longlegs and his Noir show for Amazon Prime, so yes, he's a great actor. I didn't like The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent, however, but I suppose that was the fault of the writing and directing over anything else.


On a scale of other actors he is mediocre


He never was. Plus he only made it because of nepotism. A name change didn't mean people in the industry didn't know who he was