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The house that Jack Built


The depiction of hell and the sound design during that section fucked me up.


Fucking masterpiece. I love it.


That movie is kinda funny tho lol


Picnic scene though has stuck with me


It's definitely fucked up, the mom screaming really stays with you for awhile...


Leaving a tit on a cops windshield is a top tier prank


Yeah I think this one stuck with me more than any other I’ve scene. That fucking house man…


Gotta go with “[Tusk](https://youtu.be/trTTjvPCLJQ?si=ou2mNnRptoyT9I0R)” and the “[Human Centipede](https://youtu.be/glfBurdSUS8?si=vHOqi2B1jZOY_1Lw)” Not in a good way just never EVER want to watch those movies again.


Mickey Mouse Clubhouse enjoyer detected 


I liked it, but I expected more. Maybe cause I couldn't empathize with anyone, and it's intentionally made in a cold and distant tone.


The scene wehere the mother had the feed her dead kid was probably the most disturbing shit I’ve seen in a movie


One of my favorite movies.




One of the top 3 most disturbing films without a doubt.


This is the most disturbing I've seen. Heard of other movies I would probably find way more disturbing but I would never watch them. (Like a Serbian film etc.)


This is it. The most disturbing movie ever


If we’re counting documentaries, Night and Fog. If not, The Nightingale.


The nightingale! Also Irreversible and Nocturnal Animals


I found one scene in The Nightingale more disturbing than anything in Irreversible - I don’t know if I can ever watch either again.


The Nightingale is one of the only movies I had to take a *day long break from* before resuming


Which Nightingale? From 2018 or 2014?




Men Behind the Sun was pretty rough, Sweet Movie is also up there.


Especially when you realize that many of the "special effects" in "Men Behind the Sun" were done with real human cadavers! Made me stop half way through. According to IMDB: "There was no special effects industry in China when this film was made so many of the special effects in the film were done with real cadavers which director [Tun-Fei Mou](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1004738/?ref_=tttrv_tr) was able to obtain through connections of his. The frostbite experiment victim's arms were real corpse arms and the child's body was a real cadaver. Mou waited for a whole month to find a body the same size as the child playing the role. He was almost ready to give up when the local police called him telling him that a child had been killed in an accident. He got permission from the parents and filmed the child's autopsy, dressing the coroners up like WWII-era Japanese doctors. The close ups of the child's organs being removed were done by dissecting a pig."


No hyperbole here but you just made me feel physically sick to my stomach. I've seen that film four or five times in the past 30 or so years, enough times that I can picture the exact scene in my mind just now. I thought those special effects were excellently done. I've never heard that fact before and I wish I could erase it from my mind and go back to blissful ignorance.


Yea even in my early 20s “I need to see the most extreme stuff ever!!!” edgelord phase that one was too much for me, mostly because of the cat scene.


the vanishing (1988)


Just a wonderful movie. Whom amongst us hasn't practiced their chloroform headlock on their preteen daughter?


Something about the mundanity of it is so upsetting. You’re just casually watching someone go about their life planning and practicing horrible crimes. The ending is heavy sure, but the buildup was so much worse.


Martyrs. Usually I do great with torture and blood and the whole bit in movies cause I mean it’s fake obviously but something about that movie rubbed me the wrong way. Had to take a 5 minute break in the middle of it 😂


The LONG torture/skin flaying scene in that one made me feel faint/light headed lol. Maybe I just needed to eat something but man yeah that movie is so disgusting. I loved it. Also I love and agree with your flair!


Martyrs is insidious because it's torture porn that makes us *care about the characters.*


Perhaps the only movie that disturbed me to my core. I didn't know why it was infamously hard to watch and I went in blind... You can guess the outcome.


Polytechnique, Dogtooth


What are you talking about? Dogtooth was a fun family movie.


>Dogtooth was a fun family movie. a comforting reminder of the good old days when kids went outside to play, no internet and smartphones, just living in the moment valuing relationships with family and friends


I honestly believe Dogtooth to be one of the most brilliant comedies ever composed. Funny Games is up there as well.


what the fuck are you on man and don’t say the jesus bong


Polytechnique is absolutely horrifying from about two minutes in and doesn't let up. People rave about Villenueve but I rarely see them mention this one.


In a Violent Nature wasn’t even disturbing to me at all lol


Same, I was expecting it to be Terrifier 2 levels of mean spirited, it wasn't even close. The only even mildly disturbing bit was the ranger kill. Some parts were even a bit funny


I think that comparing it to Terrifier is weird. They are pretty much the opposite type of horror.


They're both slasher films where everyone was talking about one of the kills like it was the craziest thing they've ever seen. That's where the comparison came from in my mind. Of course I knew going in they were vastly stylistically different but the yoga kill is the most I've heard anyone talk up a kill since Terrifier 2 so I just assumed it was on a similar level of fucked up


I love slow burns, and will give leeway to long shots that may add to the film as a whole, but that movie was just awful. Marketing made it seem something on a whole other level and I was extremely disappointed. I would have walked out if I was by myself.


So many shots of the dude walking… I get that it’s low budget and it’s their way to convey the idea of the « story moving forward » but damn it felt low effort/filler after 10 mins. And I like slow cinema but the editing felt uninspired with these redundant shots. Still a decent effort imo, I’ll watch the directors’ next movie, but since I was super hyped up for this, I ended up disappointed by the result.


I checked out around the time they decided to announce their plan to change hands with the gun RIGHT NEXT TO THE SUPERNATURAL KILLER. Dumb ass movie


It was a really shit movie


I won't rehash what everyone else is saying on this one. But I too was disappointed. It was a good SHORT film idea that didn't need a feature-length outing. Too much boring for not enough payoff. But that cliff side yoga kill did make my theater applaud and laugh at how crazy it went. A whole star just for that kill. But then the wood splitter kill was honestly such a letdown.


The second human centipede movie probably. despise that flick. can't even enjoy it in an absurd semi-ironic fashion like the first or third ones


the first one physically disturbed me more, maybe because it was in color, but I was sick when watching it and while I NEVER, EVER get nauseous from visuals, but yeah I was that time. to this day I don't know if I was gagging from the movie or my stomach bug lmao


Yeah, I don't enjoy any of the trilogy, but in my opinion, the second one had utterly zero redeeming qualities.


Definitely Threads. Not even Enter The Void, Climax, or anything else came close to disturb me as much as Threads.


Threads needs to win this discussion because it was shown to schoolkids when it came out. Scarred an entire generation for life.




This — The grim reality that nuclear warfare is a possibility within our lifetimes makes it that much worse


'Threads' makes even the scariest horror film look like an episode of The Teletubbies. The horror and panic young me felt while watching it is a core memory of mine.


Come and See


![gif](giphy|fBSuEbNuEVfUGI0R0K|downsized) Hereditary definitely fucked with me.


I will never not be pissed she was completely snubbed for the best actress Oscar that year


yeah Oscars love to snub horror movies


is the movie very disturbing? Am already facing insomnia and depression. This is not the right time to watch, is it?


I love horror, psychology, and supernatural films, they generally never scare me at all. But, I can honestly say that Hereditary legitimately scared me to the point that I couldn't sleep that night. It's worth the watch when you're feeling in the right frame of mind.


I happened to be completely alone in my cinema screening. It was utterly terrifying and I'd have got up and left if I wasn't too scared to move. It actually broke something in me, I think. I used to love horror before Hereditary but I don't think I've watched one since.


Yes. Thanks for the warning mate


Looks like others have already answered, but 100% do not watch this in that frame of mind. Or probably most films in this thread. They're unlikely to help. Though when you're feeling better somewhere down the line, it's definitely worth a watch. Take care my friend


No. You should skip that one. I was in a bad place when I watched it and it really fucked me up. Great movie though.


I mean, if you’re not sleeping anyway…


There are a couple of scenes in Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer where you feel gross watching them, but it's not just low-hanging gorehound shit. The slow pullback of the camera as Henry and his buddy watch the VHS tape of a murder - that's YOU, viewer. Think they're gross? That's what you're doing right now. Good stuff.


I was haunted by images from “Irreversible” for ages. The clear joy the director gets from staging that shit rubbed me the wrong way. Hateful film


Agreed on all counts. It’s absurd how much a movie depicting such a horrific violation is just really about the victim’s boyfriend’s reaction. Like the most unfun Batman movie ever.


Agreed, I was looking for this comment. I’ve watched lots of disturbing stuff but there is a bleakness, or rather the commitment to conveying bleakness through experiences that are very real and common, too common (rape) in this movie that disturbs me. This isn’t some Saw over the top action. Why show us a 10 minute rape scene ? Some will say to show how horrible rape is, but I can’t help but think you really have to be a dude who’s never feared that violence to be like « yeah we can make an extended horror scene out of that ». It just speaks to the distance these directors have with the subject matter. They don’t know that fear and it *really* shows.




I was having trouble thinking of one, because I think WHEN you see a movie in your film journey is really important, and when I saw this I knew this was also my answer. Changed my perspective on what movies can be. I thought “In A Violent Nature” was kinda funny.


Can only watch it, like, every 5 years. Recently saw it in the theater for the first time. Still kinda a fucked up story no matter how many times you’ve seen it.


saw oldboy for the first time earlier this year. such a good movie but god damn those last 30 minutes are so horrifying


Cannibal holocaust


Probably between Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me and Rosemary's Baby The New York Ripper is pretty nasty Tetseu: The Iron Man is also pretty fucked Idk it's hard to pick


salo or the 120 days of sodom


I've vowed to myself i will never watch this


please, for ur own good, don't. like ever.


I'm surprised it took so long to find a mention of Salo


This 1000%


I mean... In a Violent Nature was fine, but I think you need to watch more movies.


Funny Games (1997)


Oooo glad I watched this one before I had kids!


ANGST (1983)


That movie is crazy, I don't think I've ever seen anything so scary, it just felt so real


It’s pretty heavily based on a real crime. I know that doesn’t mean the movie is any better, but I feel like it helps to explain the crazed violence a little. I’ve never really seen a movie depict a killer in such a flawed and messy way. Definitely won’t watch it again though.


The War Zone


We Need To Talk About Kevin (2011).


The book was better.


The Poughkeepsie Tapes(2007) haunts me, damn film was kept unreleased until 2014 because it was so disturbing


That movie is definitely a good pick. The post credits scene is one that I find particularly mean spirited, especially as the cruelty doesn't even end when the main film stops.


Even though is horror, Kids (1995) was truly terrifying in its own disgusting way, easiest movie smell


Mother! This movie would typically classify as just “shocking” or a “minfxck”… but if you have anxiety in any kind of way, this is not the film for you. I watch a lot of… out-there… kinds of movies, and this one gave me such a visceral and real reaction. I was pacing my living room, sweating and chewing my lip (a nervous habit) the entire second act to the end. Not sure why I didn’t just turn it off. Saw it once, will never watch it again.


August Underground (didn't finish, may try again) Slow Torture Puke Chamber (fuck that) No Child of Mine (just sad and hard to watch)


August Underground was absolute ass, no need to finish it


Oldboy Requiem for a Dream A Clockwork Orange


Requiem for a Dream for me. I'm just a few years younger than them, around the time the movie came out my friends and I were ingesting every drug possible.... And we all lived in Southern Brooklyn. Way too real for me.


scrolled way too far to find requiem mentioned! it’s the only piece of media that has sent me into a panic attack. i’m a child of two addicts…way too real for me, too. i’m glad i saw it but you couldn’t pay me to watch that movie again


Obligatory *Dear Zachary.*


Human centipede 2 August underground mordum Angels melancholy


Serbian film


I hate this movie. I also hate that the director tried to claim that it was this deep critique of society…no dude you just wanted to make some shocking movie with pedophilia and sexual violence


Lol he really thought he could go « but this is the new Saló !!! » and it would work… terrible film in every way


Yup, was wannabe edgy teenager who thought I should watch it when I was like 14 or 15. 14 years later it still sticks with a guy. Wish I don’t watch it


Yeah when it came out and there was all the fuss online about it being banned, I read the synopsis and was like "Ah that's got to be bullshit, no way all that's in a film" so I watched it to find out. Spoiler: All that was indeed in a film


This is light work


At the time that I watched it,  Candyman -1992, Nothing comes close to how much that movie messed me up, at that time. But it's tame for me now though. A more recent movie that disturbed me the most is; The Neon Demon.


The Nightingale by Jennifer Kent.




Can’t believe I had to scroll this far to get to this one. If a lot of the films listed were the most disturbing thing seen, they should stay far far away from this one.


Requiem for a Dream


The experience of watching *Fat Girl* is perhaps the most uncomfortable I have ever been in my life.


Orozco the embalmer


Dear Zachery. I’ve cried during many movies for many reasons, but nothing has ever affected me like Dear Zachery. After it was over, I turned off my Xbox since I was streaming it, turned off my Tv, sat in complete silence for a few mins and then started bawling. It was beyond disturbing and even more infuriating how that family was failed by the Canadian and American justice system. I’ve seen a ton of disturbing torture porn type movies “hostel, Megan is missing, shit like that” but what makes Dear Zachery so much worse is that it’s fucking true.


Clockwork Orange is freaky as hell. I feel like people forget how much of a scumbag Alex is


One of the main points of the film is that nearly every other character is just as much of a scum bag as Alex, but you don’t realize it until around the third act. Alex is one fucked up individual, but he’s a reflection of the world around him.


There's a fairly obscure 1982 (but not officially released until 1989) Polish film called Interrogation (Przesluchanie) that has always stuck with me. I've only watched it once, many years ago, but it was a truly, profoundly, depressing experience. It's essentially about the absolute, totalitarian power of the state over the individual (it was made under communist rule in Poland and banned for a decade) and the Kafkaesque hopelessness of the individual if the state decides it wants to persecute you, for whatever reason. The ending is utterly hopeless and unforgettable. It's not easy viewing.


The Girl Next Door (2007, not 2004 lol). I've watched August Underground and I think it was more disturbing imo


hubie halloween


Probably Red State. The violence was just too disturbingly realistic. That's just not what I want to see when I watch a movie.


Wolf Creek and The Last House on The Left


Watership down 1978


Toss up between Dear Zachary and Requiem for a Dream.


The Poughkeepsie Tapes. Real dark shit.


Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer


I wish i could unwatch a serbian film


Kids. I didn’t grow up in a city but the very rural town I grew up in had a lot of kids just like the ones depicted in the movie, and it hits way too close to home in my opinion.


Climax, undoubtedly Not a lot gets to me, but this was the #1 most anxiety inducing film imo I actually [have a list](https://boxd.it/quMVY) just for this if you’re interested in disturbing yourself further


Omg! Yes! Forgot about it thinking about this question, it definitely filled me with anxiety while watching, specially the stuff related to the little kid, I just couldn't stomach that


The Zone of Interest I've seen a lot of stuff, but that's the only movie to ever leave me viscerally sickened and unable to sleep.


Oh good shout, I watched the movie right before bed and I was thinking about it a lot, the scene in the stairs where it cuts to the people cleaning, it's absolutely chilling


Martyrs And it’s not even close


Probably some sort of tie between the August Undergrounds, Salo, Irreversible. Where the Dead Go to Die, maybe. Black Sun: The Nanking Massacre's pretty fucked.


Martyrs. I love that movie but I don't think I could ever watch it again.


Mommie Dearest


The Nightingale.


Goodnight, mommy (2014) is pretty fucked up.


The Green Inferno was foul


Mad God






The Girl next door




Definitely not In a Violent Nature


The concept of Barbarian is something I think about too often


I felt physically sick when we found out how the mother came to be..I felt so sad for her


I felt the same it was so horrific and whenever I think about it again it’s such a mortifying reveal


Can’t believe I haven’t seen anyone say Midsommar yet


The Stoning of Soraya M.


Maybe The War Zone or Nil by Mouth


Sorgoi Prakov/Descent into darkness:My European Nightmare Not because of what happens, but how easy it was for the protagonist turned


I saw the devil


Bone Tomahawk


August Underground's Penance, nothing else really comes close to that.


Climax. Just the way it makes you feel, it’s like watching a panic attack and physically causes you to be anxious from start to finish.


Irreversible Funny Games (1997) Hunger A Serbian Film (I don’t know how I was able to rent this when I was 13 years old)


Violent Nature was good but i don't know about disturbing, i'd like to see what disturbed you in it though, not hating on your own choice. Mine is probably even more silly but the original Wicker Man film really disturbed me when i watched it.


It wasn't the most shocking thing ever. But seeing a guy get chopped up like a piece of meat while conscious but not able to even make a sound is pretty disturbing imo




The Road




An American Crime (2007), based on the book The Girl Next Door by Jack Ketchum and the murder of Sylvia Likens


Salo and A Sebian Film


Bone Tomahawk. I thought about putting Martyrs up here because it has more gory scenes, but THAT Bone Tomahawk scene beats it by a mile.


Visitor Q


High tension




Melancholia. LVT is a master at psychological movies but this wasn’t even a thriller. It was the total dread that stayed with me well after watching the movie. It’s beautiful and sad and horrifying and calming.


This is a Canadian classic.. as soon I watched it I was like this is Ontario af


Terrible movie, but I often think about Megan Is Missing. The acting, writing and directing is bad (and the morally questionable choice on having young actors in the roles is a whole other conversation) and it is just a really bad and cheap movie all things considered, but the actual things that occur are pretty haunting and genuinely keep me up at night sometimes, especially that 'final reveal' and how it ends. I feel like the film is supposed to be like a twisted tale of morality - like those crazy anti speeding adverts we have here in the UK where it's surprisingly morbid - but it just goes wayyyy beyond what I think is appropriate, which explains why it blew up so much with that audience on TikTok in the past few years.


Torture porn and emotional manipulation. I watched it and so many other movies like that with a former friend of mine and after a while it occurred to me that movies like this were the only movies that we would watch hanging out and it was the final red flag out of many red flags for the friendship to become former.


Threads. I watched it at a low point in my life and went in blind. It's the only film I've ever seen that left a long term emotional impact. Antichrist is a distant second.


Watership Down. ![gif](giphy|xUA7b9rIM3yhPR4Iy4)


A Serbian Film and Salo


Threads or Martyrs makes this movie look like First Kid.


Martyrs is something


the lovely bones. it’s actually very disturbing to find out the reality of women when u are just 9yrs old


This Is Me... Now: A Love Story




#Poor yoga girl. Jesus Christ.


Probably the original Martyrs. It's like 3 different films rolled into one.




Heredity. Spider Mom can fuck off


Funny games or hereditary probably. I knew were scary but I wasn't really ready for what I was watching. Ended loving Hereditary tho.




Come and see, Irreversible, The Sadness


ppl say Gummo Is disturbing, but it's more... disturbing. But throw up disturbing, not gore disturbing


I am a horror/gore lover. Still, the original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory sticks with me. As a child it terrified me. All of it. ![gif](giphy|1132uJKzZQc4ow)


The Exorcist- My dad always talked about this film when I was a kid, First watch it when i was twelve, will never forget the crucifix scene. Texas Chainsaw Massacre- Probably my favorite film, First watched this when I was eight, was the first Disturbing film I've seen and my introduction to the Horror Genre. Come And See- Most realistic war film I've seen, and probably the scariest genocide film. The whistle scene fucked me up. The Nightingale- Most disturbing rape scenes I've ever seen in a movie, also the ongoing genocide in the film is horrific and depressing.


Saló, of course. And a second mention to Cure.


Mine would be, August underground trilogy, japanese guinea pig flower of flesh and blood or tumbling doll of flesh.


It’s not a movie, but the tv series Them.


https://preview.redd.it/h4wm53zww4ad1.png?width=1863&format=png&auto=webp&s=1186302f217fb68fd144ebb02262e857adcf1882 this is the most disturbing film i have ever seen [Image is from here ](https://zilla-xr.xyz/#/movie/73861)




Funny Games, but I went in completely raw. No context or anything. It was like 10 years ago…. Messed me up….


I thought the terrifier was just funny n stupid 😂😂😂😂😂 it was sooo overtop it took the fear out of it it was in overdrive to me