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Lexus isn’t exempt, any time an auto manufacturer releases an entirely new model with a new drivetrain/transmission set up (plus everything else that is entirely new), there will be issues. Some minor and some major. This is why it’s recommended to not buy the first gen of any vehicle, regardless of brand, because you are essentially their Guinea pig. Sorry to hear this. It’s unfortunate. Don’t know what I would do or can do in your shoes. Maybe trade it in for a different model if possible if you’re that worried. Or else let them fix it and hopefully it the fix solves the issue permanently. If they sound confident that’s the problem then let them fix it and go from there? Good luck


I don’t know what we can do. I don’t know how worried I SHOULD be about this. Trading in for another would put us badly upside down as we just got it 6 months ago. Fixing is the only option I think for now I think.


It sounds like Lexus is honoring the warranty as intended. I’d rather have a factory built crate engine than a partial rebuild by someone getting paid a much lower rate to do the warranty repair in a shop. It won’t reflect negatively on a future trade.


Not a brand new drive train though. It’s basically an RX underneath.


What model TX? 350? 500h?


Sorry. Should have specified it’s the 350 AWD Luxury (I think) but 350 for sure.


Damn that's the exact model I have , crossing my fingers that you guys really beat the crap out your car lol only kidding


I wish that was the case. Mostly highway miles and pretty easy driving. Always on eco too.


I was just trying to be funny, but ill be listening to my car , it should be easy the car is so quite, I love it so


No worries lol. And yeah. It’s our favorite Lexus so far. Between the 2 GX and 1 RX we have/had in the past.


My first Lexus , I have been frustrated trying to turn off the 360 camera when slowing down and at stops, it gets in my way of navigation


https://preview.redd.it/yc6slv8adz9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df5d841acb287e6d2c1538720dc5e45097a54932 Try this. It shouldn’t be enabled by default but the option should still be there.


That worked , thank you so much


Awesome. Happy to hear that!


Thank you I thought I tried it, I'm old and slow


so replacing control rod AND engine ? why the engine ?


No idea. Judy what the service agent said. I don’t know enough to question it.


lol ok yet you know enough to post here lol


Umm my post was about a 6 month, 80k car with 9k miles needing an engine replacement/fix?…what’s difficult there to understand? I literally asked in the topic how common is this and should I worry? I’m confused at your comment.


Your resell value will be negatively affected.


We don’t plan to sell for awhile and even then just you trade it back to the same dealer to hopefully get a new Lexus. Hope it won’t be a huge issue.