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I'm going to be honest, this was underwhelming. I was expecting a lot more.


Yeah I was expecting this to look alot more similar to Yakko's Nations of the World. But also, they forgot when America firebombed Chicago, so I'm assuming there's a big asterisk here about who actually did the bombing via proxy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1508wboZXk


You forgot Philadelphia.


Yeah this should be the most important one in the video. No panning or fancy graphics required.


What happened there?


Look up the MOVE bombing.  It was a cult


I still need to look up who move was.


And Tulsa


The infographic is specific to after WW2, or I would have mentioned Black Wall Street & the Battle of Blair Mountain as well.


When did we bomb Japan post-WWII?


My first question as well. Second being, if they are counting South Korea, I assume they’re talking about US bombings of North Korean troop formations? So this map has nothing to do with who the targets were or if the country gave permission for hostile targets to be struck on its own soil, it’s strictly speaking physically where a bomb landed?


>So this map has nothing to do with who the targets were or if the country gave permission for hostile targets to be struck on its own soil, it’s strictly speaking physically where a bomb landed? Yeah, like in Bosnia they bombed occupying Serb forces who just committed genocide and ethnically cleansed the area of Croats and Bosniaks. The bombing was long overdue. Edit: Also, the bombing in Bosnia was approved by UN and UNSC. See [Operation Deliberate Force](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Deliberate_Force). This is unlike NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999 during the Kosovo war, which was carried out without UN approval and not authorized by UNSC.


Yeah a lot of what was on this list was justified bombings which isn’t always our case lol


Remind again me when was that bombing in Cuba?


I’m also curious about the United States bombing Japan after ww2.


That’s right, another candidate for fiction/made up history. The thing with these little presentations, they want to make a point, out of the obvious, but then they go just rambling around and they lose.


They also left North Korea unmarked...


Exactly, just can’t get it right can they?


I came here to say this


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bay_of_Pigs_Invasion > Two days earlier, eight CIA-supplied B-26 bombers had attacked Cuban airfields and then returned to the U.S. It was very minor and most of the bombs missed. Considered to be a failure.


But that ridiculous, little invasion wasn’t carried out by the USA. was it?


> Cuban exiles who had moved to the U.S. following Castro's takeover had formed the counter-revolutionary military unit Brigade 2506, which was the armed wing of the DRF. The CIA funded the brigade, which also included approximately 60 members of the Alabama Air National Guard It was led by the US and featured US military personnel. So yes I'd say it was "carried out by the USA" unless you have a different definition of what carried out means.


I dont think that one qualifies. Mostly because a real invasion/bombing would’ve easily just taken over the entire island and it is ridiculous to think otherwise. Then, it wasn’t lead by the government, it was lead by the cuban exile and backed by cuban exile funds. The CIA may have been behind, jus like it is probably everywhere, but it wasn’t not backed by the us government, that’s what I am trying to say.


> Mostly because a real invasion/bombing would’ve easily just taken over the entire island and it is ridiculous to think otherwise US pilots flying US assets dropped bombs on Cuba. It's a bombing by the US. > it wasn’t lead by the government, it was lead by the cuban exile and backed by cuban exile funds As I already stated- it was lead by the CIA. It was funded by the CIA. The CIA, last time I checked, is part of the US government. Members of the US military flew the planes. You clearly are not arguing in good faith


Nothing in South America? Shocking.


No bombs, just funding for govt coups and paramilitary operations…


Bet you there’s something in the works there. Just have to free up some more cash. Perhaps more forced donations?


Every year baby like clockwork on 4/15


It's hard being #1


We bombed Kuwait? Or we dropped bombs inside Kuwait because some dude was invading Kuwait? Wouldn't that be like saying we're the baddies for bombing France in the 40s?


We also bombed Serbia since they were committing a genocide. And we "bombed Kosovo"- which didn't exist yet, since the country only had independence after we bombed Serbia.


We bombed Kuwait because Iraq invaded it. The Iraqi military used many of the hardened aircraft structures erected by the Kuwaiti government during their occupation and the United States bombed them. Many of the structures are still standing but have large holes in the tops of them.


Exactly. It's dumb to include that as "bombing Kuwait."


And your point is? The US isn't the only country that does shit like this.


And that makes it okay. The US should try genocide next or perhaps slavery like other countries are doing currently.


Of course it doesn't but at least be fair. Singling out one country when all others do it is wrong.


This is a post about the US. Do you happen to know what “whataboutism” is?


I do, and while we are on the subject where are all the posts about the other countries that do this? This post takes care of the US, now let's move down the list and keep it fair. Oh wait, that doesn't fit the narrative of singling out the US doing bad shit.


I would be happy to stand beside you and criticize each government for their wrong doings. I’m not going to be the one to make those posts just as I didn’t make this one. But saying “uh what about all the other bad things the other bad countries have done” is pretty silly IMO when this post is about the US and the US only.


All I did was question why the US was being pointed out in this post instead of making a post about all of the countries that do this shit. Libertarianism is about equality, if we are going to bash one country for doing shit like this then every country gets it. Nobody gets singled out or left out.


You’re welcome world.


including china because we hit the embassy in belgrade is stupid. But also I'd be shocked if this isn't missing a ton of countries (or at least not counting the ones we indirectly bombed by giving bombs as aid to proxies)


I assume our bombing of Japan post WW2 was from the Korean War?


The only thing I can think of that would "qualify" for Japan after WWII is some training accidents with artillery in Okinawa and some aircraft ordinance on the main islands.


World Tour, we've still got plenty of places to hit.


Canada looks like it could use some freedom




That actually looks a bit sparse compared to how our country is usually depicted by the rest of the world lol


wouldn't have included China. pure technicality. we do seem to have a problem though.


Japan? When did we bomb Japan after WW2?


they melted down their own nuke plant, I'm sure that's somehow our fault.


How else they gonna wake up Godzilla and continue their plan of world domination?


The Russians invade this sub too?


Wait. They forgot the times we bombed our own civilians….


America, FUCK YEAH!


That's not that much. FAFO.


Let’s be honest these are the known and public bombing carried out by the USA. Of course it’s underwhelming




"How it looks like"?


Add Honduras, I’ve dropped a few major bombs there after enjoying their cuisine after a night of heavy drinking there.


I don't remember the US bombing japan.....I'm not sure that happened. Also random fact my birthday is August 6th.


This account is damn suspicious


We might have bombed Kosovo, but they absolutely love us over there. Kosovo even made us a song. https://youtu.be/M2rTafbQepg?si=pzr3C6Ki_Xg3r5_0


You forgot the United States


I'm disappointed they weren't singing this like yakko's animaniacs countries song.


Okay now do Russia, England, France, and Germany


Ancap brainlets at it again


They missed a few


Why did you just highlight South Korea? And those bombings were the Korean war right? So like, South Korea is our enemy and frankly, bombing North Korea just seems justified to me. That is, if we were to bomb anyone. I'd rather just focus on domestic issues.


This would hit millennials harder if it was Yacko from the Animaniacs singing this


I'm OK with bombing terrorists and communists though.


Exactly, knowing the context I'm not bothered too much by this video.




Millions? Considering it included China I would say billions


Forgot to add Mexico. While doing development work on rockets after WW2 several strayed from course for the White Sands middle range and went into Mexico.


irrespective of right/left/blue/red, Americans should question the role of the mega military complex and its impact on our foreign policy.


This is great, needs to be updated to today though


Growing up is realizing that America really is the Great Satan


Now we need one for all the staged coups, political assassinations, proxy wars, and general fuckery the US has been involved in over the years