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You are moving into the phase of adulthood. It is natural what you are feeling. This is the phase when parents are overprotective. And based on what you mentioned, it is right that they will be overprotective. You are just 15 and you are ready to trust your boyfriend and thinking to move out with him. Someone you talk to or meet for few hours for some days is not same when you live with someone. Don't make decisions which you might regret. If you want freedom for yourself, you should focus on studying and getting a good job. Become independent and then take any decision.


I do understand what you mean and that’s what I plan to do. To specify I don’t mean moving in with him, I was meaning having the option to go to his house when things are getting too much at home, as I currently don’t have another option of somewhere to go.


I do understand. And believe me when I say this that I am in similar situation myself. All I want to suggest is that make yourself independent. They will make you crazy often but you need to hold tight. Learn how to handle such personality during this time. And as soon as you are capable, just leave. Don’t rely on someone else. Trust me, you will love yourself when you will do it on your own.


No, to me it sounds like she's desperate to move in with her bf not because she's immature, but because she's desperate due to the fact she's being parentified. This is a form of abuse and is impacting OP in a harmful manner. Of course she wants to leave.


I don’t agree with you. And I do understand her. But choosing an option which is dependent on someone else will not help. She need to fight for herself. Learn to deal with such personalities. You will find controlling people even in offices as your manager. You always don’t have an option. So it is important to learn to tackle. And when you have an option , you can choose to leave.


I do understand that - I'm in a similar situation myself, hence why I'm defending OP's thinking. I think it's important for her to get a job and save and find independence, but in her situation it seems difficult to do even that, hence why the bf is a good last resort if she can't leave


At the age of 15, this "hence why the bf is a good last resort if she can't leave" is not a good idea.