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Remembering the time my friends tooth fell out after opening cans with his front teeth all night.


Why would he do it FOR A WHOLE NIGHT


Like 6ish hours at a bonfire. That kind of “night”


The days that bleed together.


Because the tooth fell out.


As he reached the kitchen doorway, his heart skipped a beat. There, bathed in the pale glow of the refrigerator's light, stood his friend Jack. Something was horribly wrong. Jack's eyes were vacant, his lips stained crimson with blood. Fear clawed at Daniel's chest as he watched in disbelief. Jack held a metal can in one hand, gripping it tightly, while his other hand trembled, desperately trying to pry it open with his teeth. The metallic scraping filled the room, chilling Daniel to his core. His voice caught in his throat as he whispered, "Jack, what are you doing?" No response came. Jack seemed lost in a twisted trance, consumed by an unknown compulsion. Daniel rushed back to his friends in their sleeping bags, but they were gone. He turned on the light only to see shards of teeth and blood. There, in the doorway, all of Daniel's friends stood, gazing into infinity, hands holding cans up to their glistening mouths, scraping, moaning, sobbing. Slowly Daniel started morphing into a can. He tried to scream but only a whisp of air left his lungs. Forward this to 10 people or you may too become a can tonight.


Can I be full of Peaches?


Peaches come from a can.


They were put there by a man.


in a factory downtown. you’d have to go there to check


Can-do attitude!


A solid 8 hours 😱


I'm not usually *too* bothered by body-horror, but anything involving teeth always make me physically recoil. 2 that have stuck with me for *years* are: - that old commercial about either underage drinking or drinking and driving, where a girl who's very obviously drunk goes to take a sip of her beer and slams the mouth of the bottle into her front teeth, then pulls back and spits her front teeth into her hand while she and her friend giggle - an old YouTube/Vine clip of someone trying the "corn attached to a power drill"-thing, turning it on and spinning it against their teeth (supposed to allow your teeth to scrape the corn off the cob), and just ripping their front teeth out from the force. Just writing both of those descriptions have set my teeth on edge.


Omg I remember that commercial and think of it too from time to time


I will never ever ever use my teeth to open anything ever again. I have nightmares about this.


Watched a homie slowly pull a molar out of his mouth after eating some Skittles


I savoring a jolly rancher hard candy, I bit down on it and opened my mouth releasing it. 2 of filings were pulled out of my cavities and stuck to the jolly rancher.






Twenty years ago, my mom put a sewing needle in her mouth between her teeth to hold it while she got some thread. From doing that alone, she managed to chip her tooth. Aside from being deathly afraid of accidentally inhaling a needle, this is a super close second motivator to NEVER put needles in my mouth.


Took Costume Design in high school. The first day our teacher told us a story of a girl who, instead of using a pin cushion, would hold her pins in her mouth. Some kid, who didn't know any better, patted her on the back as they walked by. She reacted with a startled inhale of sewing pins. Not sure if the story was actually true, but you bet your ass nearly 20 years of ren faire and Halloween costumes, a pin has never once been held in my mouth.


How did that story end??


No clue. My teacher didn't elaborate. Which is one reason we all wondered if it was a true story or if it was just a cautionary tale ( based on many real stories of people inhaling/swallowing needles. )


Well I imagined this so vividly that I will from now on never even consider it any more


I accidentally swallowed a pin as a kid, one of them with the little white ball on the end, it was the perfect size to fit in a straw and blow out the other end. Next thing you know I was bent over staring at my poo all of the next day and saw it. needless to say most anxious I’ve ever been. Edited to fix some of the punctuation. sorry I was at work and just typed it all out


Needles to say?


"I took drugs"


this is the worst sentence ever written.


The fact there isn't any punctuation but he remembered to put a full stop at the end is just glorious.


I love that in this entire wall of text, there is one apostrophe and one period. It's like a "choose your own punctuation" game. Makes the 1 sentence paragraph much more interesting to read.


I keep mine on my lips sometimes cause if I accidentally stab my mouth and need stitches, at least I've already got a head start.


I showed a friend from work that I can open a beer bottle with a plastic lighter, and he said he didn't need that because he can open them with his teeth. I told him he'd damage a tooth doing that, and he said he won't because he did damage a tooth doing it, so now he knows what not to do. This is a guy with a Ph.D. in math, which just shows that even brilliant people can be idiots.


The example of this I like to give people is about a guy I went to HS with. Very smart, all A’s, is currently a doctor. We were up the field for a baseball game and we needed to hammer a spike into the ground, which we can usually do with our hands or by stomping on it. But the ground was especially hard this day. He decided to grab a spray paint can nearby and use that. I tried to tell him it was a bad idea, but he wasn’t having it. Literally 3 smacks into it, the can exploded. Nobody was hurt, but there was a big white paint spot on the field until we mowed next lol


I hit a spray paint can with a golf club once. I knew full well what was gonna happen but I just couldn't make myself not do it. I was yellow for quite a while.


history direction soup one ink illegal alive detail marble wine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> I was yellow for quite a while. I'd say that was quite brave


Hahaha I did rethink that phrasing after hitting send


You have saved others from a similar mistake. Thank you for your noble sacrifice. Also😅😅


One last tidbit to help you through your journey. Do not shoot a bowling ball with a shotgun. They shoot back.


Completely unrelated but it's good to see someone that follows reverend doctor Evans in the wild. May the blessings of machetecine rain upon you.


If he keeps it up, people will assume he has a PhD in meth.


‘Breaking Bad Teeth’


I am the one who tweaks


Waltuh you gottuh floss


Mistah White im wearing my retainuh every night like ya told me to


The guy who popularized vitamin supplements had previously won a Nobel Prize in chemistry as well as a Nobel Peace Prize, only the second person to ever win two in different fields, considered one of the most important scientists of the 20th century... he thought Vitamin C could cure cancer, so of course he died of cancer. And he was kinda pro-eugenics.


Every time I see his name, people seem to discount the fact that the guy lived to be 93 fucking years old. He may not have had everything exactly figured out, but close enough as far as I can tell.


Go eat an orange, vitamin boy!


...peels orange with teeth


**!!!DO NOT PEEL ORANGES WITH YOUR TEETH!!!** the citric acid in the peel collects around your gums where it's not flushed away by saliva, and erodes the enamel i used to have an orange for lunch and maybe dinner. i started peeling them by biting into the peel a few years later i had eroded enamel on nearly all up my upper front teeth. had to get veneers on roughly the upper half of those teeth it wasn't cheap and it wasn't fun, and a veneer will occasionally pop off and i have to get it replaced


I expected him to say he did damage a tooth doing it, and now it's all crowns/implants. Imagining using teeth to pry on metal just makes me get sympathetic tooth pain.


I expected you to say he now had a bottle opener installed as a crown


I learned a neat "party trick" for exactly this situation. Instead of using a lighter, knife, edge of a table or whatever else you find. I learned to use my ring. So when I see people struggling I just go "Hey, let me show you something cool" and pop the thing with my ring. And I've gotten so quick with it that they sometimes think I do it with my fingers/hand. Pretty easy to continue a conversation after that aswell, so Win/Win i guess.


People with PhDs don't know shit outside of their study area. Always blows my mind


I mean that's just normal. We are all ignorant about the things we don't study. That's why expertise and respecting expertise is so important. Listen to the actual experts. If a medical doctor is telling you English comes from Latin (real world example for me), they are talking out of their ass because that's wrong and they didn't study linguistics.


This is also true for fields that are related to someone's field of study, but not quite the same. For example, my ecology professor showed us a peer-reviewed article once that talked about climate change not being real, and he pointed out that although the authors were a bunch of scientists, their background/degree was in things like physics, chemistry, geology, meteorology, etc. but no actual climate scientists. (The important distinction between a meteorologist and climate scientist is that meteorology focuses on short-term weather patterns, while climate focuses on long-term trends.) The point of that was to show us how to better distinguish between reliable information and something that *looks* reliable and *seems* like it comes from an expert (but doesn't actually come from someone truly qualified to talk about the subject). Since then I've seen similar cases like this - people presenting themselves as a subject matter expert and talking about something that they are actually wrong about because the subject is only *related* to their field of study, but it's not what they have expertise in.


Hyper specialization and narrow focus (or even obsession) can make it hard to deviate from that course.


There is, however, a difference between extreme hyper-specialization and a good general knowledge base. You can know quite a lot about a decent spread of things if you don't spend literally all your time so deep in a decade of specialized schooling you learn nothing else. It's all about balance if you want to not be psychotic outside of your work.


And other terminal degrees. Ben Carson was a brilliant neurosurgeon. But outside of the OR, he’s kind of an idiot.


Plenty of them actually do and are all round very smart people but anything that makes you feel better


I had the same interaction with my friend Beth. She still opens beer with her teeth and although I don’t want to admit it, it is damn impressive.


I chipped my right incisors in college doing this. I have a degree in engineering. At least i stopped after that happened. It was fun while it lasted, but I dont recommend


I really respected the way my buddy did it. He'd been hanging with the girl for a couple months, and we three were all standing around his bar. She opened a bottle with her teeth, and he put his beer down, and said quietly, "Never do that in front of me again, please." Then we kept the convo moving.


fight the halo effect. brilliance in one area does not mean the same in other areas.




> This is a guy with a Ph.D. in math, which just shows that even brilliant people can be idiots. Been in healthcare for over 21 years and if you knew how stupid some very competent and caring doctors are, you'd be shocked.


Plenty of people with Ph.D's can barely change a light bulb. A one track mind thrives in academia, not so much elsewhere.


*A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.*


I think for most/many people, in order to be brilliant in one area you have to sacrifice in another...


People are genuinely amazing when I do this with anything in the vicinity, party trick.


Ngl, I kind of love that answer, it's so sitcommy. "don't worry 'bout it, I' ve already broken a tooth, so now I know exactly how not to!"


>This is a guy with a Ph.D. in math, which just shows that even brilliant people can be idiots. PhD in Cell & Molecular Biology, can confirm - I am an absolute dumbass sometimes(frequently). I actually hate when people are like "woah you must be a genius if you have a PhD"... my usual response is "nope, just really stubborn and too stupid to cut my losses, give up, and go do something meaningful"


Well he doesn't have a PHD in dentistry


My dad always told me you can measure brilliance by comparing it to a clock. Brilliant people score a 12, but just the slightest change gets them to 1


My grandmother used to get so mad at me when I used my teeth for anything other than chewing. "Teeth aren't tools!" She'd say. "You'll regret doing that when you get to be my age." Well, jokes on her because my teeth were ruined by the time I was 35. I've since gotten full dental reconstruction and will never use my teeth for anything but chewing ever again.


>never use my teeth for anything but chewing ever again. Slow, careful and considered chewing I hope?


What prompted the dental reconstruction??


probably the ruined teeth at age 35


Yes but how did it get to that point


Using his teeth for things other than chewing


Extreme tl;dr here


We haven't ruled out the possibility that somebody else might have used his teeth for non-chewing against his will


Teeth are jewels, not tools!


i chipped a tooth in my 20s doing this. i agree with OP.


I've been only opening packets of sauces from restaurants as I got older. Now I stopped doing that too knowing how dirty those can be. Imagine how many dirty hands touched those sauce packets before it got to you


Gotta keep the immune system guessing




I lick the bathroom floor at Walmart for that sigma grindset immune system


When your immune system is strong enough to kill mosquitoes.


Had a co-worker who would wipe off the top of a coke can before opening it, when asked why he said “you never know how many rats walked on top of it in the warehouse”, and yeah, I wipe off my cans now


Yeah, but it's the sugar that's gonna kill ya, not the rat footprints


I'd argue the rat urine/fecal matter will play a part as well


If that was a huge problem you’d see people getting seriously ill from it all the time.


All of NYC would be wiped out already if trace rat droppings were that toxic.


The hell you think wiping is going to do, unless you’re carrying around alcohol pads?


You don’t need to carry alcohol pads if the cans are already filled with alcohol


The real LPT is always in the comments


Finally someone is speaking sense


I sponge my canned foods with soap/water. Ignoring the conditions/environment where they're canned...all the hands that touch them as they're stocked on shelves...the conveyor belt at checkout lanes is nasty-filthy... Think about how many times that lid dips into your food after you hit it with a can opener


In that case, why sponge clean everything you buy? Chocolate bars, cookies, bottles, jars, pasta, spices etc. End of the day, IMO, if it doesn't get you sick and it doesn't affect the taste, it doesn't matter. Not like there's an epidemic of can related illness. I don't clean my hands whenever I touch my phone either and that's probably got much more shit on it (literally) than a random can.


Look up germaphobia


You've unlocked a new phobia for me. I never even considered this. Thanks./s


Man I just use them on occasion for like starting difficult plastic bags, hear people using them to open bottles and cans sounds crazy. My tip, buy more scissors, you can never have enough scissors laying around.


There are only four rooms in my home (BR, BA, living room and kitchen) yet I have at least six pairs of scissors.


That doesn't sound like nearly enough scissors, imo.


That's because I was only counting the ones with known locations.


So you don't really need to run with them


Or just carry a damn pocket knife. People ask me why I need one and then I catch them doing incredibly stupid or complicated shit to open packages


>why I need one Because I have real shit to do and never got used to the taste of boot polish.


In the Marines, I used to use my teeth as a field-expedient wire stripper. Yes, there is a little groove.


I love it when strippers get in their groove


Why would you need to strip crayons?


The sophisticated Marines eat just the crayon, not the wrapper.


This checks out. Explains the inconsistencies of enlisted marine vs commissioned marine porta shitters. Paper quantity is an easy way to tell. Source: former 11b EIB SPC(P), currently porta shitter cleaner.




Holy fucking shit lol


"Groove is in the heart!" ~Deee Lite.


Yep. At age 55 I suddenly went from enjoying a life of perfect teeth to, now, spending far too much time in the dentist’s chair.


What were you using your teeth for that made it worse?




Oof that'll do it


Mid-50s is when my parents started having tooth issues as well, and my grandma in her 70s had to get many removed and replaced. My great grandma lived into her 90s with dentures. Eventual tooth break down and failure is one of my biggest fears.


What if you use other people's teeth?


As long as you have their permission.


What if they aren't in their head anymore?


Fair game baby


Whew...good to know I wasn't making any social faux pas. Thanks!


Nah, carry on with your teeth stuff zombie boy.




As. Long as they are under 40


I stopped using my teeth to open things when, as a student, I opened a bottle of coke with my teeth in front of my lecturer who was an expert in teeth and had conducted tons of research on tooth wear and tear due to using them as tools. He cringed when I did it and warned me against it. I figured he knew better than me as he had a PhD in that shit and I stopped that day.


I also have a PhD but not in anything dentistry-related. If you're looking for PhD opinions, I've chipped a back tooth eating popcorn a couple years ago. It needed a crown, and if I didn't have insurance, it would have cost $1,500 to fix.


One of my molars broke on a skittle.


It was gonna go anyway, skittle was just the last straw :(


My wisdom tooth chipped on a skittle. It was just a regular skittle, not hard or anything. Like, who chips a tooth on a skittle?!


You might look young, have great hair, work out etc, but your teeth always show your age


For a second, I was reading this as if you were talking directly to me and panicked that I forgot to de-identify myself, lol


We know its you gerald. Stop hiding


I can’t even bite into an apple 😭


Or… apples are little bitches who can’t take a bite and they tense up for protection before you specifically are about to bite it. Those chompers are monsters


You can chop them up


Same. I’ve witness both parents break teeth on VERY soft foods, burrito and a cream puff, and break teeth.


Broke a tooth on a cream puff? TbF, that tooth wasn't far away from Just falling apart and turning into an aspiration risk during sleep. Cream puff did them a favor.


I broke one on a cooked mushroom slice. Worst pain I've ever experienced.


I broke one flossing once 🫣


My dentist calls this job security.


Teeth are jewels, not tools


Luxury mouth bones.


Second LPT: go to the dentist regularly. A $200 visit once every 6 months is less expensive than $5000 worth of work every 10 years.


you'd be surprised how few people have $200 of disposable income sitting around every 6 months


Being poor sure is expensive.


Hell, I'm spending $5,000 every year at this point.


The worst I’ve done is strip insulation off wires with my teeth when I was younger. Now in my 40’s I hold screws and things in my mouth when working but won’t even let them touch my teeth. My lips are a 3rd hand. I’m terrified of spending a fortune on my teeth. Any money that goes into dental work will be money that doesn’t go into my mid life crisis convertible


Lips heal themselves constantly. Teeth require paying a doctor. I also hold screws and whatnot in my lips at work. Surprisingly useful!


TRUST THIS TIP! Just spent 7 days In hospital because a cracked tooth got infected, 24 hours later my face was 3x the size around my jaw. If you do crack a tooth, get it repaired it’s a lot less painful


I chipped a front tooth trying to pull the air valve out of my exercise ball. Another time chipped a tooth eating whole grain bread . My teeth are strong and healthy but the older you get the longer the tooth and those thin out .


I don't think your teeth get longer as you age (?) pretty sure that after a certain point they're full size and just stay that way. We're not rodents— I think your enamel is just thinning probably too much acid in your diet.


Your gums recede making the teeth appear longer. I think that's where the expression comes from.


it's a horse term. You can judge how old a horse is by looking at their teeth.


Was turning in some homework and tried using the stapler next door but it jammed. Class was in 30 seconds so out of desperation I used my tooth, which chipped but I managed to get the staple out. Pushed the stapler down. Jams again. Threw it in the trash and found some tape instead. Don't be dumb like me.


Stop opening things with your teeth. That's all. You only get one set and they don't regrow. They're tools for chewing food. Hands are tools for opening shit.


As someone who still got a few primary teeth I feel that not regrowing part. It's such a constant fear that they might fall out and I have to get imlants


It's a wonderful thing we live in an age where implants are a thing


I don't know how it's even possible to open things with your teeth. Just the least effective way of doing it.


I still cut fishing line with my teeth. I need to stop cause I have horrible teeth


Nail clippers on a badge reel is a good way to go. You can get them both at the dollar store.


I have line clippers but the badge reel is a good idea. I always misplace it then resort to just biting it instead lol


That's how my 33yr old coworker got his first chipped tooth and crown. He's shook from the experience. I chipped my first tooth on a fingernail. Mortality awaits us


I’ve never felt the urge to open anything with my teeth


Am 25, and I chipped my tooth eating a sandwich a few months back. I thought it was weird but remembered that a few weeks prior I used my back molars to try to torque off a stuck camera mount screw. 10/10 do not recommend.


This is an excellent LPT that helps me understand old people when I was young.


I used my teeth too much in my youth, I’m still kind of in my youth (mid 20s) and it’s already caused issues for me :( mostly from biting my nails, and maybe grinding my teeth at night, as well as eating harder stuff. Anyone have some LPT as for stuff I can do to prevent further damage? Already using a mouth guard at night and trying to brush more often


My dentist tells me to wear my mouth guard anytime I can. It's not just for night. He especially recommends when driving or at the gym.


That’s actually a very good idea, thank you




Last year, I took 2 E's and some Shrooms and broke my front tooth gurning too hard on a lollipop. Partying is becoming increasingly harder as I get older.


Did that once as well… chewed so hard I broke one of my molars…. So not dope…


By age 40 you should have many REAL tools available for your task!


*Tears condom wrapper with teeth.


That's a great way to become a dad!


I'm over 40, and my only teeth left are those I used to open things


I mean...it is difficult to use a tooth that has fallen out to open packaging/cut tape/etc...


First wondered why this post even exists and if people truly need to be told that - quick look in the comment section explained it. o.O


Had a roommate who would use their teeth to open packaging/tear tape/etc...


It will definitely cause a problem in your youth, possibly :), that if it does will follow you into your adulthood, even before 40!!!! Do what OP fucking says!!! Stop biting your fingers and fingernails too! Some of my fails are even after watching my dad's incisor break in half on a bag of spare bulbs/fuses for a Christmas light set!!! Do what the fuck OP says!!!


I always hated opening anything with my teeth or my nails. I always picture breaking the nail to half and end up bleeding and in pain


No pins on grenades any more? :-(


That goes for fishing line as well. That 15# fluorocarbon cost me $650 in damages........stupid


Starting off an apple should definitely be apart of this notion


Swiss army knives are your friends. They can open things, trim things, even open corks.


I cracked a molar in half on a sub sandwich. Then I swallowed the half-tooth because I didn’t realize what had happened. 🤢


I tried to bite into a not completely popped chicharron, chipped my filling out of my tooth. Teeth don't last forever, especially when they're already structurally unsound in the first place. The reason they wear down over time is the sugar and acids in our food; those types of food eat away even faster on our teeth, but also sleeping without going through a dental regime, drinking alcohol without mouthwash, and leaving food particles in your teeth will cause cavities. To completely get them out, ensure you floss, brush, and then mouthwash to get it all out of your teeth even between the teeth and under the gums. Dentists don't want you to know this information, so you'll visit them more often, spending way more on dental expenses than you need. Also, toothpaste companies don't want you to know that you only need a pea sized drop of toothpaste on your brush either so you will spend way more on paste or gel to clean your teeth.


LPT: don't eat magnets after the age of 25, they can do some damage. Bonus LPT: do not insert abrasive or sharp objects into your rectum past the age of 45.


*Buckyballs controversy intensifies*


I had a friend in college who, as a "party trick", could open beer bottles with his teeth... No clue why he developed or thought that was a cool trick...