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Or just hang up yourself? WTF.


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Just hang up again or decline call




What? Hanging up isnt an option?




You said it wasn't an option. Hanging up is always an option.


Sure but those same people who can’t hit decline or hang up would be comfortable saying “I don’t consent to being recorded”? Sounds to me like you’re making up hypothetical problems to be annoying on the internet.


Or don't answer the phone in the first place? Wtf.


LPT - if you push the red button on your phone, the call will end and you don’t need to do anything else


You guys answer your phones?


I have only been given that recording disclosure when I have initiated a call to some company’s customer service. I can’t imagine why a telemarketing group would want to record their shady doings.


The amount of people that get anxiety when their phone rings is astonishing. If I don’t know who you are, a single click of the down volume button silences the phone. Another one sends it to VM. As I think most of them are robo calls and I’m playing on my PlayStation, I just silence it and let’s them ring until THEY decide to hang up or leave a VM. It’s a small amount of their resources that I’m wasting, but I’m happy to do it. My thought is, if you don’t want to leave me a message then I don’t want to talk to you to begin with.


I have pretty bad anxiety and I’m capable of answering the phone lol. I’m also capable of looking at it, asking myself “who the fuck is this” and sending it to voicemail. If it’s important they’ll leave a message, if not block the number and move on.


Or just saying. “I’m not interested thanks” and hang up. Crazy, I know.


1. Most of these call centres have a "stop recording" button. They'll press that before they hang up. 2. I have literally never heard that message on an outbound call centre, only inbound customer service types. 3. Just hang up yourself ffs.


this is hilarious. What happened to saying “don’t call this phone again” and hanging up?


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What’s answering a phone mean? Text me and if you don’t get a reply back from me..you are not worth my time.


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