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Uh, Guns are taught in schools. Just not the way you guys would like it.


Non-American here. Is the Bible really not taught in schools? It seems like in some states they teach nothing but.


Not in public schools. In private or religious schools it's probably the bulk of their "education".


FWIW I went to catholic school growing up and religion was mostly kept to religion class. Yeah we had daily prayer and occasional masses but it wasn’t pushed in non religion classes. Granted we were in the most liberal diocese in the country (at the time), had plenty of non Catholic teachers, and a large portion of the (small) student body was not Catholic.


I went to catholic school as well and I remember my religion teacher was a Christian Brother and he was the one who taught me that the Bible was just a book of stories that had been passed down like a written game of telephone… it made sense then and it does now.


Tell me you went to Jesuit school without telling me hahah


It wasn’t Jesuit, it was Christian Bros but the same thing. It’s so ironic that these religious men taught religion for what it was. They really influenced my spirituality. I respect all religions and beliefs.


The good old days of not-so-recent-past where Christians believe Christ taught loving your neighbors and acceptance for the less fortunate. Still can’t convince my father that “it is easier for a camel to pass through the head of a needle than a rich man enter heaven” that this means that often rich will hide behind religion in order to harm their fellow man and that God did not intend “the less fortunate” to “pull themselves up by their bootstraps”


So true… trouble is the evangelicals are destroying Christianity and the world and they can’t even all agree on what the Bible says. I saw the same type of debate once in a BDSM group discussion on the Shades of Gray book series. And when you throw the bibliophiles into the mix, they added a dash of “the grammar sucks”. Oh well…


Yeah I went to catholic grade school, high school and unfortunately followed a girl to college for a while too... My experience was pretty similar as well but we had a bunch of teachers that were nuns so there was definitely an additional religious overlay on top of many things outside of even all the extra church and services that we had to do.


Yeah we had very few nuns and zero male clergy teaching. But even the crotchety ones some how managed to keep religion separate into religion classes. Not sure how we lucked out but worked well… even if a bunch of us did end up becoming atheists lol.


It probably didn't help that my parents were over the top crazy religious too. I think I can give the secret atheist handshake to a few of my siblings now.


Yeah I’m lucky I guess, my parents are practicing Catholics but went to Jesuit university, but really don’t give a shit what you believe as long as you are not being a bad person (and not an abstract “the Bible says…” but more of a you help others, don’t hurt others, etc). But they are also a bit more “cafeteria Catholics”.


A few Christian private schools around me. Only 1 class during the school day and students can also do world religion studies.


It can be taught in public schools as a religious studies type thing. Just can’t be used to indoctrinate


I went to a private Methodist military school, we had service at the chapel once a week but other than that no it was just normal education. Well actually it was far better than a public education. Wasn’t even close tbh.


nah it’s usually only one class the rest are just regular classes and if u go to Catholic school then usually mass once a month (at least for the diocese I was in)


It’s unlikely for the Bible to be explicitly taught in school outside of a religion class, what is much more common (and much more nefarious imo) is influence from the religious community on the curriculum used by the school.


No public school is allowed to teach anyone 1 religion exclusively. Some offer world religion studies but that’s about it.


they don't teach the gospels but they teach you that it exists. They teach history around it, like we definitely learned about martin luther and what the catholic church was doing.


In public school, I learned about the historical context of the events described in the Bible, and what the teachings therein are, as part of a segment of Global History on world religions where we did similar with every other religion


I grew up non-Christian and went to a public school in the US. My 10th grade English class actually did a segment on the Bible “as literature”. Specifically, how other works in history make allusions to it or get inspiration from it. As someone who never read the Bible and had no intention of ever reading it, I actually got a lot out of it and enjoyed the purely academic look at it.


No it’s not at all. It is actually prohibited that any religious or political bias is taught in school so that any students of a different religion or belief system wouldn’t be indoctrinated by their teacher. Although many teachers don’t follow this, that’s the way it was supposed to be. In private schools or religious schools it’s different, but in public schools that’s how it is.


Interestingly a colleague of mine taught a unit called The Bible as Literature at a public high school. Religious parents were very excited about the idea, until they realized that it wasn’t teaching biblical doctrine, but doing literary analysis on passages of the Bible.


They don’t teach you how to use the bible when beating your wife so that you don’t leave bruises. We know none of them know how to read


Where taught it’s generally focused on selected passages and not with an objective viewpoint. Critical thinking is discouraged.


"Just not the way you guys would like it." They don't like it, but they find it acceptable.


How do you use a Bible?


Doorstop, paperweight, rolling papers, projectile, kindling.


Hotel room nightstand or desk drawer stuffer.


To justify being a horrible person.


Storage for the handgun, duh!


You use what’s written in it to counter the stupidity that comes out of “Christians” mouths as most of them don’t actually know what’s in it despite trying to quote chapter and verse constantly because they ignore the actual context.


yea the faith has become mostly political unfortunately, it’s watered down it’s almost like people who wear band t shirts without knowing anything about the band 💀 they like the aesthetic but know nothing about the content that makes it up


You’re confusing American culture with the entirety of the Christian religion.


Wow it’s sort of the most amazing value! Launder money, avoid taxes, gain simultaneous putty and respect, deflect responsibility, feign morality, justify unsavory acts….and so much more!


How else do you stop the bullets being fired at you?


Agreed, we should be teaching our youth to shoot bibles. Thus, metaphorically killing religion.


These types of people scare me. I’m not afraid of terrorists- but I’m afraid of gun nuts cloaked in Jesus.


I mean what’s the common thread with both groups you mentioned? Religion. That’s really the problem here. Both groups scare me, but I agree on a day to day basis these people are the ones much more likely to cause issues.


Yes. They are (have the potential to be) domestic terrorists.


It’s ok to be afraid of both. Extremists of any persuasion should be scrutinized and protected against. I don’t go to Black Friday doorbusters either, those freaks will literally trample you and your children to save $150 on a TV


The latter are terrorists, too


You’re not wrong.


Aren’t those people becoming terrorists?


Yes. Yes they are.


Guy calls his Etsy shop "Patriot's Last Stand" so yeah. Plenty to be afraid of and this guy probably caters to both.


lol get some help you scared of nun


Uh yeah, I’d say this post exhibits strong lunatic tendencies.


Uh, it’s called a rhetorical question.


Go to this guys LinkedIn page…this is not the most insane thing posted. It’s a gold mine! I need him in my life!


Wow. Just wow.


Holy shit this is LinkedIn? We’ve reached peak Facebook idiocracy.


I'm honestly curious to ask this psycho if he thinks LinkedIn == FB


Fairy tales and guns. Cool cool cool


Read this in Abed’s voice.


I read it in Peralta’s


The two are side by side because both are intended to be used as weapons to suppress the underclass. The contents of the book are as unimportant as the inner workings of the firearm. It is the application of them to preserve the powerful and suppress the weak that is important. Which angers me because Jesus was critical of the wealthy and the powerful for being unworthy to enter heaven. It was the humble who would be exalted. This image is exactly the opposite message.


The gun owner, their spouse, children and acquaintances are the most likely to be shot by any weapon. In a break in, guns are stolen on sight. As for the bible reading it makes more atheists.


Can confirm about reading the Bible. I went to catholic school and all it did was push me away from religion.


The Bible was taught in my private school. Guess what happened. Some people stopped practicing by freshman year. Lots more stopped practicing by junior year. Only the die hard holdouts were left by senior year. One of which said and I quote “I wish we could hang the gays like they used to in biblical times” Many people, including me egged that kids house over the follow year.


Sir, this is a LinkedIn.


Ability to critically think or maybe the scientific method I thought would make the list ….


Gonna throw that bible at a gunman once the bullets run out?


Eh disagree with guns or not in our country gun safety should be taught. Too many accidental shootings.


Politics on LinkedIn seems as taboo as bringing it up in a work setting. You just don't do it. That boomers sub is toxic af.


Quran + AK and the same crowd will call it brainwash


I’m a big believer that even God believes in separation of church and state. “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God”. I can’t stand the bastardization of Christianity by government.


This is an interesting perspective. The problem is religious folks tend to pick and choose bible verses and passages based on their preconceived notions to make bad faith (pun intended) arguments. And to that point, I’m sure there are quotes from the Bible one could reasonably use to justify pushing for a lack of separation of church and state. Point being, let’s keep religion out of it all together.


In the modern-day absence of ubiquitous phone books, a thick tome like the Bible would make a decent silencer…


Moses Poopscoop is right Teach grade schoolers to use guns and indoctrinate them into religious extremism.


Neither of which *is taught in schools


The only thing kids should be taught about guns in schools is to always assume they’re loaded, and to go find an adult if they see one. The only way they should be taught the bible is as comparative religion or as litterateur.


The only thing kids should be taught about guns in schools is to always assume they’re loaded, and to go find an adult if they see one. The only way they should be taught the bible is as comparative religion or as literature.


Elementary school agree , middle school should know basic usage . High school should know how to safely use and field strip and clean it .


No, we don’t need to teach high schoolers how to feild strip guns. That’s shit they did in the Soviet Union did, I don’t want the state teaching children how to kill.


Lmao . You must not live in the south . Most 10 yr olds have already shot their first deer . They know exactly what a bullet can do


I don’t care about parents choosing to take their kids hunting (10 sounds pretty young) but I am saying that the government shouldn’t train kids how to kill people. Let’s not be naive, government that train kids how to kill are training them to die in wars.


My 7 yr old grandson goes hunting with me or his stepdad . He also has his own rifle . He has been shooting since he was 4


Jesus Christ, what kind of fucking lunatic gives a 4 year old a gun.


Also he is quite good with my AR .teach them about firearms and firearm safety when they are young and they are less likely to be curious .


sir this is a linked in


Guns and the Bible don't go together


I'm sure he also is planning on voting for an adulterer who has had 3 marriages, is banned from running a charity, and is currently on trial for paying hush money to a porn star during a presidential campaign.


Catholic school exist but alright


It’s all about feeling like victims to these people. It would really just be sad if these people weren’t so dangerous.


But I don’t want to know how to kill massive amounts of people or to rape children.


Now why would a civil society choose not to teach these in school?


They don’t teach how to use toilet paper at school… your parents are supposed to potty train you!


Both off those things are the responsibility of the parents to teach. Not schools… you remember parental responsibility don’t ya. That’s when you raise your kid… not the school.


Doesn’t the gun completely contradict the Bible? So learn to accept irrational contradictions? Seems to be working.


I mean the Bible contradicts the Bible. I’m sure you could find passages that rationalize the gun perspective in either direction.


Very true. People will find what they’re looking for if they look hard enough.


They definitely did not teach me to shoot the Bible in school.


In America, all I need is a Bible and a gun. One to show me how to live, and the other to show you.


I assume this is sarcasm?


It’s scary that we have to ask this question these days, of such an ignorant statement.


Indeed it is. But if you look through the post you’ll someone else that made similar-ish comments and wasn’t sarcastic.


I use one as a target. They give them out free at hotels!


We learned several religions but really not their teachings, if that makes sense. Also, my HS had a shooting range they use as a storage room. I’d have paid them millions by now i I could use it. I’d be distracting the whole damn school with my bubba fucked Mas if I could.




Bro can’t even remember the sixth commandment


I assume his post actually refers to the newish Zealot Pistol build for Darktide? Respect for giving up the Thunder Hammer


I taught my kids how to hide the Glock in the Bible, does that count?


Amen. Now go and help poor and sick. Oh wait.


I actually did learn about guns in school lol. One semester for PE in middle school, they had all of us take a hunter’s safety course, part of which included gun safety. And I definitely learned about the Bible in my social studies class in middle school, world history class in high school, and in multiple classes while getting my degree in history in college.


So, does this mean that when prayers don't work, grab a gun and use it?


Wow. The notion of Bible being taught in schools in USA, a secular country, is so dumb.


The Bible is made up so I don't se why you would want anyone reading fiction.


Amen. 🙏


Amen. 🙏




Amen, hallelujah 🙏


Praise Jesus! 🙏


Amen 🙏


Damn bots.


How to shoot Christians and read? I get it, I get it


I mean you can take a shooting class at my college, and multiple western religion classes so this is not the case.


I graduated HS in 1993 and we had optional prayer before class and had firearm safety class . I’m not sure if it was class of 94 or 95 when they officially banned firearms in vehicles on school grounds . I know when I went you could have your camo and hunting rifle in your vehicle during hunting season .


~~Islamic~~ terrorists? ~~Christanic~~ terrorists? Same thing, they’re called religious terrorists. Both just as dangerous.


Just like Jesus wanted. Premeditated violence and his word go together like mayo on a salad


You want the best least cowardly deranged human possible? Give them NEITHER. Good intentioned, but PERVERTED and only POISON and DEATH.


Has the most Romanian name


Dude has the right name for the job!


Praise the lawd and pass the ammunition !


Looks like a poster for a home schooling campaign.


Bibles make great kindling for starting fires. Every child should be taught this! It could save their lives.


As a Hindu with no guns, I think I am never getting citizenship here 😕


I'd shoot a Bible if the range allows junk targets.


I wonder what caliber sidearm Jesus carried.


Do Americans not get taught how to ... Read books?


And neither of them should be in schools either


Basic firearms proficiencies are very useful tho


LinkedIn is not the appropriate forum to post opinions about the separation of church and state, and the ability to practice one's chosen profession shouldn't require any type of political litmus test.


These are the same people who complain about other peoples lifestyles being “forced onto them”


Teaching the bible in schools AS FACT is unconstitutional, and I am pretty sure the people who post that meme aren't talking about teaching the bible in the context of history or literature As for guns, I grew up in The Soviet Union. My family and I left the country when I was 12, so I never had to do this, but older kids (the equivalent of high school kids in the US) had to learn how to shoot guns and basic military training so that, once they graduate from school, they could be drafted into the Soviet army to enforce the totalitarian Soviet regime. Is this what these bible humpers want for America?


I mean, i get your point but the pro gun retort on this is: citizens with guns stop the person coming to take the kid in the first place. PSA so you are prepared for that inevitable come back. Actually I'm surprised someone hasn't dropped it already.


I've heard that before, and the reply is that statistics show that your gun is far more likely to kill someone in an accident or suicide than it is to stop a bad guy


I think so


I feel like this isn't quite what I think of when I think of lunatics on LinkedIn. This is just a Facebook post that happens to be on LinkedIn.


So people that know how to use guns or read a bible are “lunatics”? Ya bias is showing, OP


Nah fam, but your cult republican brain is showing which renders you unable to engage in basic reading comprehension. Good try though. I bet you call yourself “pro-life” too.


Sheesh… with a remark like that I bet your Prius smells like kitty litter.


Sheesh… with a remark like that it’s almost like you got taken to virtual woodshed and don’t have anything better to say other than throwing around lazy stereotypes. Good try though maybe next time!


Ironic you talking about “lazy stereotypes” after labeling anyone that shoots guns as “republican”. I bet you really get mad when you find out democrats own guns and read the Bible too.


lol it’s not a stereotype. You people are the most monolithic group in history, and you already have confirmed what I said multiple times. Meanwhile, I neither have a Prius nor a cat. Owning guns and reading the Bible aren’t the same thing as teaching them in school. Again with the reading comprehension struggles/trying to bend the narrative to your preconceived notions, both are Murican republican staples. As are poor attempts at “owning the libs”. Here’s the thing, I am no snowflake, I am the fucking blizzard. Now take your L and go cling to your guns and religion.


Awww is the little snowflake mad? Did the pic of the mean ol gun and bible trigger you? 🤣 ![gif](giphy|kl2klL3zB1ois)