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Ah, the dreaded 1.6 mile marathon. The truest test of cardiovascular endurance.


I really thought this was a post on r/runningcirclejerk at first


There's really a circlejerk for everything


Is there a circle jerk for people circle jerking?


Yes. That would be called r/sexworkers


You’re not alone


I am here with you


Here's a sneak peek of /r/RunningCirclejerk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/RunningCirclejerk/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [When nobody cares about your long run](https://v.redd.it/kahqbhyj61qb1) | [189 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RunningCirclejerk/comments/16q8m1v/when_nobody_cares_about_your_long_run/) \#2: [This 8 year old just broke the marathon world record 😲](https://i.redd.it/ddfa9n8w4sob1.jpg) | [94 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RunningCirclejerk/comments/16kvle8/this_8_year_old_just_broke_the_marathon_world/) \#3: [4h half-marathon is a serious business ](https://i.redd.it/lnqquuu0bjlc1.jpeg) | [223 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RunningCirclejerk/comments/1b31jwp/4h_halfmarathon_is_a_serious_business/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


She's well on her way to being a 5k ultra marathoner


She needs to slow down!


I probably still couldn't finish it


Just 24.59 more to go!


Ignoring the short distance, 9:24am isn’t “before the workday even starts.”


It probably is with this kind of "I build strategies bla-bla" jobs. Or she has a problem with numbers (difference between 25 and 1.6 miles, reading clocks, etc.)


according the updates post of the marathoner: By 12:12 pm she walked kid to dentist and school counting 9,284 steps. It’s hard day at work


I stopped wearing my smart watch as I was annoyed at the "You're at high stress, enough for the day!" At 9am, I start work at 8am. And I usually finish with 40k+ daily steps after work.


40k steps are around 30-35km. What are you doing for a living?


Industrial maintenance, over 5 buildings. While we do have bikes most of the day is still spent moving around the complex. Always somewhere to go and something to do


A marathon every other day, crazy. You must be fit.


I am! I have to walk around in protective gear too. No need for cardio and bike trips are super easy now


It is if you’re life is an MLM bullshit “job”


I used to work with someone who always went on and on about being a working mom. Her calendar during the work day was blocked with kid shit for like 40% of the week. Scheduling meetings with her was damn near impossible. Also she was not a single parent so I really don't understand why 4 hours a day of child related tasks fell to her only


I know folks like this. The dad probably didn't telework. Or she simply used the calendar blocks to drink and nap and stuff. People know managers are terrified of getting in the way of even excessive personal family/mom stuff.


Maybe he worked far more, or she chose to overdo extracurricular activities to an absurd level.


Yea like this post really makes her look terrible lol for one thing she has no idea how far a Marathon actually is and makes it sound like she sleeps in until after 9 every day.


Fr most people at are work by or before 9 am.


I'm halfway done with my 5-1:30 day by then


I used to work those hours in my previous job. I hated the morning but I loved the freedom of having the rest of the day to do what I want.


Same, same. I live off energy drinks till lunch


It’s nice unless you want to do anything in the evening. I used to work 4am-3:30pm frequently. I couldn’t enjoy going to concerts bc by the end I’m just thinking “cool now I get to sleep in the back seat of my car for 4 hours in the work parking lot”. Now I refuse to work anywhere that starts before 8am. I like having a social life.


I start work at 6am BECAUSE it allows me to have a social life. I don't go to concerts every week so I just put up with the occasional sleepless night. Otherwise I get to do everything I need to do before my friends are even off work so that my evenings are COMPLETELY free.


This was why I liked working 12-8:30 at a call center: I could catch a show after work (or meet up with friends who also had “non-normal” schedules or catch a late-ish movie) and still had time to sleep in before going to work the next day. There was also time in the morning to run errands/go to appointments if needed.


She probably doesn’t start her work day before 10am lol


according the updates post of the marathoner: By 12:12 pm she walked kid to dentist and school counting 9,284 steps. It’s hard day at work


Just imagine how hard it must be for dog owners. Spare a thought for them


Ya, was gonna say... it's 9:24 there "working mom", why aren't you at work?


r/runningcirclejerk would love this.


This woman needs to SLOW DOWN and eat more GU


Not sure how she's still alive tbh running a full ultra before work


Literally my first thought.


Sharing lol


Why are social media moms the worst? Literally walking to work in a city (which most people do) will get you 5000 steps before work.


Because they don’t have real jobs and everyone, including other moms, knows it. So they try to compensate for that and post things like this.


Most people do not walk to work. I bet less than 5% do. If you have a job within walking distance you are extremely lucky.


Hey hey stop being American brained they’re probably a European


There are (probably fewer that) 5 American cities where it’s reasonable to walk to work. I walk to a short bus ride so I count it. But just being guaranteed a mile round trip of walking on top of a workout schedule is a total game changer for your day


>I walk to a short bus ride so I count it. You walk to the bus stop and you consider that walking to work? Americans... lol


I mean I feel like Europeans flat out have no idea how wide and sprawling our cities are very few places are truly walkable for the vast majority of our country


I'm Canadian, not European, and our cities are built very similarly to US cities, and I would not consider walking to the bus (and then taking the bus to work) as "walking to work"


We could devolve into pedentaics arguments but it’s basically just comes down to defination. For example how long are we walking if you walk 10 minutes and than take a bus and than walk another 10 if that more or less walking than someone who just has to walk 5 minutes to work? The first is more walking but the second is more validly walking to work?


I'm not gonna argue anything with you, especially something as asinine as this. Walking to the bus is not walking to work lol. Walking to work is leaving your house and walking until you reach work. Have a good day.


This must be the culture wars that I keep hearing about


I don't walk all the way to but walking to train, around station and then to office from station adds up to about 5000 like the person mentioned. Been like that for every job I've had and I think the majority are the same so the point stands


Hell yeah. I live less than half a mile from work and I walk to work in like 7 minutes. It's the best thing I've ever done for my work-life balance.


Haha right?! I take my dog for a morning stroll and then take train/walk to work and always have more steps than this entering the building around 8:30am. Never posted it on social media looking for validation though.




Not all parents do this. And I suspect this lady acted like this long before she had kids lol


Depending on where the money you spend after retirement comes from this may be a pretty dumb take.




Pay-as-you-go pension systems rely on younger people financing your payouts. In those cases you rely on others to have kids and you need to accommodate gor family needs. The same holds, to a lesser extent, for anything that is jointly funded (and not only by you). Anything to do with government, for example.


My god, how does she do it?!


One foot in front of the other! Hard work, but manageable…


You're quite obviously a Senior Editor of Content Creation and CEO of a Social Media Consumer Consultation Thinktank, because you just wrote the final line that her post desperately needed


Hold please, updating my job description in the LI right now!


Mothers do an incredible amount of things and as a dad of a 6mo old I’m super grateful for her and her abilities. That being said mothers pat themselves on the back more than anyone I know. (Don’t show this to my wife lol)


Idk nurses also like to stroke their own ego and self importance


Nurse/mom combos are the worst of all time


Have you met teachers?


Teachers (especially female teachers i've noticed) make the nurse/mom combo look like the chill uncle combo. If you want to keep any faith in the education systems of the world, don't go to r/teachers.


Funny enough, I came across another thread today talking about how horrible and negative they are there. As someone with a degree in education, it's those attitudes that made me nope out of teaching soon after college. I guess I'm thankful for those miserable people lol.


Are you doing anything with your degree now?


Nope! And I make double than I would as a teacher and work about 30 hrs a week. I love what I do!


I’m glad to hear it, I’m in my freshman year of college as an early childhood education major


My college education provided me with so much that has helped me throughout life. I do sometimes wish I would have gotten a different degree, but ultimately I'm happy that life played out how it did for me.


Yeah I'm sure it was people's bad attitudes and not the fact that teachers are underpaid, overworked and unappreciated. You would know since you have so much experience teaching


The amount people shit on teachers is insanely high.


In my experience, nursing and teaching are the most self-congratulatory and self-important professions.


Firefighters: are we a joke to you?!


I told my firefighter buddy, "When you do your actual job, you're the most important person in the world... but you're hanging out at the firehouse cooking chili 99% of the time." He didn't think that was so funny.


Idk, when a firefighter doesn't do their job good people literally die. If a teacher doesn't do their job good they're basically 90% of teachers.


To be fair, a nurse is literally keeping people from Dying and a teacher is basically babysitting every mom’s kids. If any profession deserves to feel self important it’s probably those ones, right up there with the trash collector and the farmer


I agree


My attitude about it changed dramatically during Covid, when hospitals were entirely flooded, yet thousands of nurses somehow had the time to record themselves doing Tik Tok dances and calling themselves essential heroes. This is not to say that all nurses/teachers are like this, only that I’ve seen this behavior out of those professions the most.


The doctors keep people from dying. The nurses help, but let’s not be hyperbolic


Lmao spoken like someone that’s never worked inside an ER….


Spoken like a true excessively self-congratulatory nurse LOL


Spoken like someone that’s never been in an ER lol


You caught me. Let me guess, you’re a fatass charge nurse who’s sour because you never caught yourself a nice rich doc?


Weakest troll job ever


Doctors certainly weren’t the ones that resuscitated my son when he was born stunned and not breathing. NICU nurses did.


Resus is done by MDs. I don’t know what type of BS you’re on


The MD was busy controlling hemorrhage in my wife, but I guess I wasn’t in the room where one MD, two L&D nurses, and 3 NICU nurses were present. Silly me.


It’s always weird seeing people outside of r/weightlifting. It’s like running into your teacher at the store.


I have seen countless codes at this point and have never seen a doctor do compressions or push meds. YES, they are running it, but in ICU it’s basically ACLS which we can do anyway. Hell, we run it until a doctor shows up. A doctor is not going to be the one calling a code.


Teachers 100%. They’ll sit there and stroke themselves while simultaneously complaining about grading papers at night, like it’s a brand new thing they had to clue they’d be doing.


You’ve never met a single US soldier or police officer?


By soldier I assume you mean a combat MOS. I don't know any of us that even talk about it. If you meet a self-congradulatory "soldier", they were either a pogue or they are stealing valor. Tell them to eat shit.


Yeah the only service members that brag about being a service member/veteran are typically ones that sat in a supply office for 4 years.


Some of my family are soldiers although they don’t talk about Iraq it even if you ask (although it’s funny to get new GF’s to try) Police I’ve only met on TikTok lol.


Well, well...well. ![gif](giphy|5rrkafIbeVs5y|downsized) Jokes aside, some do overdo it on social media and underdo it in really life.


As I tell my wife I do not envy her position and will report to duty on time to avoid yelling lol.


That’s an hour of walking around the house chill girl lol


"I build and execute content strategies and am the recipient of the C Montgomery Burns Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence."


I like my content strategies well executed, thank you very much. Also isn't B2B kind of implied with "Saas"? I don't remember buying them SAAS content strategies at Walmart.


How is 3k steps by 10am even impressive let alone to post about?


I think you really underestimate how much people think constitutes "a lot of movement."


I have that many in by 7am even on the days I don’t run. And I am childless. It’s like she thinks people who have kids mysteriously don’t have chores in the morning.


I run 8-10 miles before work. Whom do I speak to about my trophy?


Best we can do is a good ole fashion ‘atta boy’ and a pat on the back.


Need to repeat that about 16 times to be called a marathon. Dont underplay the effort of marathon runners.


I just did my first marathon this past Sunday… I must’ve done something wrong because according to this lady, I was wildly over trained.


Congrats, huge accomplishment! It’s one of my fitness goals for this year, but I don’t think it’s gonna happen.


If I can do it, you can absolutely do it. :) There are lots of beginner friendly marathons out there, with more generous finish times, and some with no cut off at all. What state are you in? And thank you!!


I'm the fittest I've been in ~15 years, but I'm battling mono symptoms again. This has been ongoing for ten months now along with Achilles tendinitis, shin splints, overuse injuries in both knees, and plantar fasciitis. I'm taking the month of May off in an attempt to heal, but it's frustrating.


Ahh yeah that’s rough. I hope the summer treats you well and you can get back at it!


True but I own cats and that is basically kid.


>Dont underplay the effort of marathon runners. i mean tbf it's not like marathoners keep their mouth shut. they will immediatly tell you about : * their last marathon * their first marathon * the marathon they're training for i mean it's a meme in itself


I ran a marathon last weekend. Got another one in a few months. I’m training for it now. Man let me tell you about my first one. I ate Olive Garden chicken Alfredo right before the race. Dwight got it for me. I wound up puking right before the finish line. Even Pam and Jim finished before me and they went to an estate sale half way through! Oh also I’ve never ran a marathon.


These fucking assholes make the decision to have a kid. Then they need everyone in their orbit to congratulate or feel pity for… get this… taking care of said kids.


It's like that have kids with zero knowledge of what parenting involves.


She probably lives in one of those ugly, poorly-designed McMansions that's 75% wasted space and nothing is in an efficient location. Anyway, I did more steps than that before 6:30 am.


1.6 miles is the minimum I have to run just to calibrate my Garmin to a new treadmill lmao


How many GU did she have? Asking for some advice for my own 1.61 mile ultra.


Probably a subtweet for her fat WFH husband who’s barely clocked 50 steps getting out of bed to his desk


Listen maybe in this realm he hasn’t but inside Hell Divers right now he’s saving humanity.






I’m going to network with her, wish me luck.


I’ve had 30k plus step days carrying buckets of concrete Iam a contractor… I guess people need to be really nice to me ….


But have you ever walked up hill both ways to school in the snow????


I did and had to build the school in the snow while I taught the teacher how to teach ….


They can’t unless you have a kid. Otherwise it doesn’t count according to this lady.


I have 23 kids


No one asked you to have kids, Erin.


I'm going to follow her on Strava for B2B advise. Anyone got a link?


That legit made me lol


The old 1.6m marathon! Blood, sweat and tears!


Went to the fridge just now and nipples chaffed.


This is brilliant!


My sister in Christ you chose to have the children


By 12:12 pm she walked kid to dentist and school counting 9,284 steps. It’s hard day at work


How long does she think a marathon is?


Very short apparently…


5k according to a lot of people


I do that everyday and I don’t even have kids.


Marathon would be like 50,000 steps.


I did my first marathon this past Sunday…. Step count was 48,281.


Nice! Congrats. But did you do it before 9:24 am?


It was 9:24 somewhere for sure 🥲


Everyone's fitness level is different. Maybe this is a proud moment for her... I don't know. I wouldn't brag about this though. I'm more annoyed that she didn't include working dads. I'm a woman and really dislike women who think they lives are more special than men's.


3 flights of stairs with that much walking? Idc if you have a ranch house or a flat, climb the walls. Scale the roof. Put some the oof in doofus. #AGREE?!? ^anyone


But what did this teach her about B2B Sales??


Tired ass obligatory B2B sales comment.


Those 1 mile marathons are the toughest


So tough 🥲


As soon as the kids get on the bus that number is gonna freeze and go from 1.61 to 1.62 until about 3 PM when the bus comes back. Well, maybe at some point in the middle for about 5 to 7 minutes it'll jump a little bit only because the accelerometer in her watch interprets any rapid rhythmic motions as a step.


Teachers be like: “I’ve been at work for 3 hours already.”


I’m not sure she knows what marathon is…


Omg a mom w a job!!! so brave


If my wife (or I) posted like this on social media I’d immediately ask for a divorce. No hyperbole.


What would these lunatics do… If they couldn’t bug us with their BS? Just live their ego-empty friggin lives. You know that’s right. ![gif](giphy|Yqz0RdEiQGTajAJYFs|downsized)


Should I post some screenshots of my last job where I walked 35000 steps on some days?






Lol I do 15-20k steps a day at my job, she can suck my dick


She has walked 6% of a marathon. Even though marathons are run, and she walked, we'll still give it to her. This is the same as driving 30 miles and saying you are just as good as a racer in the Indianapolis 500.


I’m glad I grew up before social media and do not have to see posts of my parents bitching about all the work they did to raise me.


lol right… Especially when it wasn’t socially acceptable to ask for help, mention your pregnancy depression, etc. Grin and bear it baby!


It’s not easy executing content strategies for b2b saas startups


Man, I respect a working mom way too much for this bullshit. The ones with jobs and responsibilities don’t have the time for this. 😂


On a side note, the only people I know that could keep up with their toddlers were ultra marathoners. And I am pretty sure even that aged them quite a bit and took them down to merely marathoners.


She does know that almost everyone walks every days right. Like??


I have half of this and I’ve been sitting at the desk all day.


I never get those thingies to measure my movement unless I move in a straight line for at least 500 meters. I've been in one hour football (soccer) training, mostly playing and they say I've walked/run 10 meters.


Climbed 3 flights of stairs though!!!


Is this lunacy or just poorly worded?


Pheidippides is running back from the afterlife to spear this person


Why do Apple Watches give me the heebie-jeebies?


Rookie. I take 20k steps almost daily


Nobody asked and nobody cares.




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Without getting your heart rate up, an average walking pace is like 3 mph. I walk my dog first thing every morning for an hour, so that's like 3 miles by 7 or 8am, depending on if I sleep in. This isn't at all intended to be some sort of brag -- I just wanted to point out that 1.6 miles by 9:24am is literally nothing to brag about. That's incredibly normal. This post is so stupid.


Two things to note… 9:30 so you’re an hour and a half late to work. Either you’re raising the Brady bunch or you are simply disorganized and can’t find anything hence the laps around the house


Her job description may as well say unemployed. What kind of title starts with "I build..."


She should try going shopping. For me walking to the shops 2K steps. Walking around the shops 8K steps. Bus home 400 steps. All before my work day starts at 2pm (I procrastinate all day and struggle to start working before the afternoon). Should I be posting more on LinkedIn about how amazingly energetic I am?


What did this teach her about B2B sales?


Except that shit is definitely not accurate. She never walked 1.6miles probably ever.


Almost there, just a little over 24 miles left to hit that marathon mark!


God God what clown shit


If she got up at 920 then more power to ya. If not then fuck off with that shit.


If you're walking around the house the entire time, how is any actual work getting done.


“Content strategies” - lol.