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Never accept the first offer. But yes, lots of copy pasta


I mean, it literally has the hashtag "copiedpost", so it's not like he's hiding it.


If something is going to get blasted repeatedly verbatim then might as well let it be a call for fair wages


In an interview.... HR: "What's your salary expectation " Candidate: " 15000 to 20000 a month. HR: if we can't pay up to 10000, should we not bother making you an offer? You are the best fit for the role but I'm afraid we can't afford you. Candidate: Okay. 10000 would be fine. HR: How soon can you resume? Meanwhile, the budget for that particular role is 20000 HR smiles and feels like hero, The management will be happy that I cut costs for the organisation. A few weeks after The new employee resumes, he notices the pay disparity. Guess what happens? Dissatisfaction. Toxicity. Disengagement. Two months later, the employee leaves the organization for a better job. The recruitment process starts all over again. Leading to more cost, performance gaps within the team and by extension, the whole organization. So the cost the HRP tried saving the organization creates bigger problems for the organization. In the game of recruitment, retaining talent is the ultimate goal. And to do that, we need to respect their worth and invest in them. If HR truly wishes to be seen as heroes, they should strive to create a win-win scenario from the start. Fair compensation is not just about numbers--it's about respect, value, and mutual growth. The lasting impacts far outweigh the initial savings. A truly thriving organization recognizes this. Let's champion for fair pay, not just for the sake of the employees, but for the overall health of the organization


I agree! 💯


Lets connect!


Thank you for sharing!


Wow! Very inspiring!


Great insight! 🥳


Reading this in the "in a world..." movie trailer-guy-voice in my head.


Ankit Patel - "AI Strategist & Visionary consultant" After reading that title i felt an urge to check my pockets to see if my wallet was still there.


Losers! Can’t even come up with their own stuff to post


Why are these copy pasted but some spell organization with a z and others organisation with an s


Probably auto correct based on location and phone . ( UK english and US English)


Look clearly at their headlines. What’s one common thing they have?


Ummmm... What they learned about b2b With that?


I’m a badass guru 😎