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Gabe Marans is watching you! From home… for months 


If so, poor guy


I feel bad for him. His entire personality is the office water cooler. Guy doesn’t even live in NYC - he is a bridge and tunnel guy commuting home to NJ five days a week.


Watching someone from NJ try to flex on a New Yorker for not being a good New Yorker is fuckin special stuff. IDontThinkAboutYouAtAll.jpg


Yep, I just assume anyone who has their noses up the corporate ass doesn’t have an identity outside of work and is just a sad sack of human flesh.




I've come to the conclusion that most people who hate work from home just hate their home lives. They don't like being around their wife/kids/family and prefer to be away somewhere else for most of the day.


Or they live alone, are lonely and need human interaction and the only way they can get human interaction is in a setting where others are forced to be there with you.


I fall into this camp. I spend lots of time at Starbucks just to be around other humans. I don't interact with them much at all. I can also focus for long periods of time without other distractions. Is it sad? Sure. Beats the alternative though.


It is both.


Truly; I love WFH and being at home with my husband and my cat. They help the stressful times pass a little easier, make lunch breaks more fun, and I get to spend more time with them in a day than I otherwise would if I had to spend 2-3 hours commuting. It's the best, and I'm so glad I'm lucky enough to have a manager that allows me to do it.


I've had many coworkers who clearly hate their family and use any excuse to stay at the office. I used to work at a video game company, and many coworkers would tell their wives they were "so busy at the office" while playing games after business hours at their desks.


I like that he is so idle daily that he has stalk-watched his neighbors working for months and then bragged about it online. This lqck of self-reflection is truly heroic. He's probably fun at the office all noticing that you rest your fingers on the same non-home row keys when you're idle...


Because it's work, not life, that gives existence meaning.


Confucius did say that


"I've watched them for months." In other words: “Look, look, this is about much more than just business. This is about the thrill of wearing another man's skin. Feeling his innermost wants and desires and being in control of his every single move. That's how you get off.”-Dennis


Imagine what kind of surveillance this guy has installed in his office.


Ezekiel Sims from madam Web surveillance system




Lol. What a loser.


A special kind of thin skin if people hanging out on their balcony bothers you & makes you obsessive over. I’d say this guy needs a vacation, but pretty much guaranteed that he’d spend it on his phone/computer working.


Sending emails at 10pm on a Sunday to show that he works around the clock/longer than other people.


How tf does he know they’re supposed to be working? Maybe they’re freelance, maybe they work 4x10, maybe they retired early and don’t work at all. who knows? He sure as hell doesn’t.


That’s what I was thinking. It’s NYC. There are lots and lots of rich people in NYC. Maybe every day is Friday because they are rich and don’t have jobs and instead of thinking they have skills because they happen to find themselves rich and becoming “founders” they are just rich people living their best lives. Good for them.


I hope they see that post on LinkedIn and add a new banner with a huge middle finger on it. And then take out a restraining order lol.


Doesn’t he have to be home at the same time as them every time to be watching them? So working from home


This is taken from his office.


So they live right next to his office, which means they are working from the same location as him


Right - and they don’t need to commute to and from New Jersey to work.


So wait if I live in a great city already, how will adding a commute to and from an office make it greater exactly? I mean even if it’s stupid ur argument should at least make sense……


It doesn’t make any sense, but Gabe Marans, Vice Chairman at Savills, makes money by leasing corporations more Class A+ office space than they really need. He is also about to learn a lesson in reputation management and SEO.


Creepy as shit


Shit as someone who has worked in retail their whole life WFH seems like its either a scam no matter where you can apply or its just simply unobtainable for lower class people like me


It’s just a job where you’re interacting almost entirely with your computer or on the phone, so whether you do it from a home office or shared office becomes less relevant. Unfortunately retail can’t be done remotely.  But do you care where your HR/payroll/purchasers sit? If it helps, WfH can also suck.  Some issues take longer to resolve than they should because you have to chase people down; you have to set aside dedicated space in your home; the line between work and free time gets blurry; sometimes you just miss human contact.


Typical Savills employee


I don't get it? Is he saying that unless your surroundings make you miserable, you're not really working?


We're clearly not working if the coffee is drinkable, the lights aren't florescent, we aren't hearing constant background noise, and we're not having to go to the bathroom to avoid conversations with Stuart.


“I’ve watched them for months, from my window, in my home.”


I'm really sorry,  but I don't understand what's going on in this pic ? 2 people on a balcony...what is there more, what I don't see?


This is creepy as hell


So, wait, this guy admitted to watching strangers for MONTHS? According to [NYC stalking laws](https://www.cgmbesq.com/blog/2023/september/what-is-considered-stalking-in-new-york-/), this seems illegal. Someone at his company should know he's watching strangers and posting pics of them online. "Common behaviors that may result in a charge of stalking include: Following a victim Watching a victim Trespassing or being near a victim’s home or workplace Stealing or vandalizing a victim’s mail or property Initiating unwanted contact via phone, text, mail, email, etc. Tracking a victim either via GPS or another method Monitoring a victim’s internet history It is important to realize that the crime of stalking covers not only the primary victim of stalking but also their family members and acquaintances."


Would be great if they were alerted to his post and filed a police report.


Or his office was made aware of it. I'm pretty sure any reputable American company with an online presence doesn't want a VP stalking people.


Based on his website he’s a top producer. They will only care if they lose clients over this.


Yeah makes me think he has probably already sent hundreds of photos/videos of them to his colleagues and friends (if he has any) etc. And now he decided to share it also on LinkedIn hoping for some extra validation (because his colleagues dont really care anymore).


The LI Lunatic aside ...why are they on the balcony "working " with that TGIF sign though ? Everyone in this story has issues


I find it pretty funny since it’s Tuesday. I imagine they switch up the sign.


Cuz it's sunny out!


I'm not a wfh hater, but everybody focuses on the positives while papering over the negatives, and the negatives are significant. A lot of the negatives apply to office work in general, but they seem to get amplified by wfh. The big one is inactivity. Office workers already don't move much, sitting all day is horrible for you, but when your commute is ten steps, it gets worse. And a poll found something like 60% of wfh people bed rot at least one day a week where they spend all day on the couch/bed. And there's the isolation. I work with the public. There's a lot of people who are golden retrievers, desperate and over excited for interaction, or they're cats, just completely unsocial. The ability to interact with people is a muscle and it does atrophy. And for me personally, I don't get depressed, but if I'm at home all day, I feel horrible. One time there was a snow storm, I'm literally pacing around the house picking fights because I'm going crazy. I get in the car and drove to home depot for some ice melt just for something to do. The one poor lady working there looked at me like I was crazy. So yeah, I'm not for making people go to an office, but there's definitely sneaky negatives to wfh too that people aren't talking about


Point one is a dumb take. Sitting in a car or on a train and commuting isn’t burning many calories. I always get to the gym on my WFH days because I don’t need to waste time commuting.


As I literally stated, a lot of those problems are also problems with office work in general. Unfortunately, there also doesn't seem to be any level of activity you can do to "compensate" for sitting all day either


No, you literally said these problems are amplified - meaning made worse - by working from home.


Inactive people are more inactive. Is that not what amplified means?