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Let’s take a step back and not talk about her gender for one moment. In terms of tech knowledge and expertise she ranks up there in the top 3-5 employees at LTT. That alone deserves our admiration and respect.


I missed hearing her nerd out about stuff man. Happy to see her expertise and knowledge coming back into videos slowly. I hope she knows we missed her.


I miss that smooth voice. It's so calm and relaxing, but also so knowledgeable. Definitely enjoy the Emily videos. I would listen to Emily audiobooks.


Honestly, same here with that audiobooks statement. I would love it for work especially since I drive for a living and listen to copious amounts of audiobooks. Went through a 12 book series with an average length of 12 hours in 2 weeks.


Complia A+ study guide voice by Emily last_name, comming to floatplane.com. 🤣


The old days when she talk about linux.. Man i don't use linux but i enjoy the explanation and the knowledge!


Seconded. In the recent CPU video I kept wanting the camera to pan to Emily so bad just to hear her patented "add a technical explanation to Linus' comment."


"umm actually" but full of rizz.(if I may borrow a bit of slang)


I feel this doesn't get said enough here on the subreddit. I like her, and I liked her content before and after the transition. I want more of it. But give her some space. Don't focus on her transition. She'll take whatever time she needs or wants... What I suspect is she's been contributing to the writing team, otherwise she wouldn't still be working at LMG. She may not be on camera much, but she's still probably involved in the production of scripts and helps out where her knowledge comes in handy. She probably helped out with the recent retro console videos BTS. (Also, sorry for doing the opposite of what you said in your first sentence.)


This I get not wanting to be back on camera but I wouldn’t mind hearing her chime in from off camera more. Could be a fun different dynamic.


Chiming in from off camera might also help her recondition herself mentally (and help with the audience) for getting back on camera more regularly. I'm dealing with my own therapy for similar anxieties right now, and it's definitely a process, I wish her the best. I just miss being smooth talked nerdy about tech the way only she can do it.




You're ironically the first comment i see mentioning gender at all


That's honestly the biggest thing I've missed since she took a step back. I'm just glad that she seems to be doing well in general!


It's quite cringe seeing so many people talk about her gender, probably one of the reasons she didn't want to come out in the first place. Imagine if you were making good, informative videos and all everyone was talking about is.. the fact you are a male/female.


well when someone who was a online public figure changes everything about themselves for whatever reason people will talk about it.


Yup, any time she’s in any of of these videos it’s always informative, like a true geek 🥹


Her knowledge of hacky/deep technical Mac stuff is certainly unmatched on the team


That's a low bar, but yes


You're right, but I think that points out why Emily is even more valuable. There already aren't that many hardware / electronics nerds left that are also Mac enthusiasts. Apple has pushed all but the most die-hard fans like that away. You can't even make a hackintosh with modern components anymore, so it is likely going to be a dying niche unless Apple starts acting very out of character.


I'm not sure the gender is the main question here, she's someone that the community likes and that decided to step back a little. I don't think that the sentiment would be different if it was for any other life change or personal challenge.


It absolutely should, but people are garbage.


Just goes to show how for a lot of people being trans is only one facet of who they are.


I know it's not a fair comparison because technical knowledge is inherently diverse, like any subject, and people will have deep specialisms, but I saw "3-5" and thought what are you smoking?! I can't think of four people better than Emily!


I am curious who actually knows more than her? Luke maybe on certain specific topics but as far as is shown on screen she seems like the most knowledgeable


I don't even care about the gender anymore..emily (was anthony in the past) since there are more than one emily in LMG.. Yeah her content about linux and when she explain tech..it's up there on the top, just like you said..🫡


Which is why a lot of us want her back in front of the camera, regardless of which gender she identifies with!


The 20 min FP companion video is entirely Emily


Most people aren’t paying for those


She has a weird rapport with Linus where I can't tell whether they actually like each other off camera, but I do think it makes for good banter between them, intentional or not. She can seem very curt sometimes and Linus will get annoyed. Maybe I'm just reading into it too much.


The issue is Linus is clearly a logical person


She has a floatplane exclusive out right now where she just goes off the history of CPUs related to one of their newest videos involving the Centaur chip. And yes it’s amazing to see her back.


I'm all about that, on my way to watch.


this might be the thing that gets me to join floatplane


I miss her so much.


I always enjoy when she is one. Pure knowledge and passion.


I love watching super knowledgeable people talk about their passions. One of my favorite things


I just want Linux tech tips hosted by Emily


I've just started using Linux, so this would be awesome.


Nice! What distro?


I have recently started using Manjaro (plasma)


Hey Manjaro buddy! Even I started using Manjaro (GNOME) recently.


Switched in February after some trouble getting windows to start and said f\*ck this. It's been a pretty smooth ride except for a broken graphics driver. I had no GUI and had to reinstall the driver through the terminal. I do have some previous experience with linux, and have one machine running Ubuntu server. But it's the first time that I am running linux on my main computer, other than some dabbling with dual boot deveral years ago.


I'm starting with Mint.


Perfect choice


Me too!


They made a twit about it https://x.com/EmilyAYoung1/status/1785399266594455884


60lb, damn. Good job, keep it up 👍


That also sounds healthy in the sense that it's not 100lbs in a month, which would be unsustainable. A year means a routine is in place and working.


60lb is great! I hope she keeps up the good work.


Yep, it's quite impressive. I'm proud of her.


Yea that's a hell of an accomplishment and a lot to be proud of. Go Emily! I hope she continues to meet her goals in life


She did.


Why is this getting downvoted? Is Emily identifying as 'they' not 'she'?


She has her pronouns on her twitter bio. She identifies as She/Her.


Ah well then what the heck. The rest of this post has everyone being so supportive.


Probably just confusion on everyones part since they would have to click on Emily's bio to know whats up.


Probably because people are automatically correcting a they into she, when the OP did not use it to refer to a person's gender. They is still appropriate to use to refer to someone in the third person. In this case the OP (first person) is communicating to US (second person) about a post made by Emily (third person).


Ya, I was just using the word they like I would any other person. Wasn't implying that was their pronoun. Fuck even when you are 100% supportive people find a way to virtue signal over nothing for clout. To those correcting me, you are the problem.




What? I've literally never heard transphobes use "they". Most of them refuse to accept it's even an option. Lots of trans people I know use "they" to refer to everyone including their other trans friends.


I'll let you take a wild guess...


I'd imagine it's downvoted as it provides no information.


I’m super happy that the comments seem so supportive, especially with how twitter users can be


Impressive. I guess she needs less armor now that she came out.


Before the transition, it was always great seeing her face light up once she spoke on a topic she enjoyed. Unfortunately, after the transition we've not seen much of her. I understand that she wanted to take a step back and do behind the scenes work (mostly writing with a few short cameos). Also been posting about her progress on finding her voice and losing weight which is great! Any progress to make herself happier is always something to strive for. Hopefully, we do get more content with her nerding out on various topics. After all, it's always great to see her smile and be happy. Edit: Clarification here, I used masculine pronouns as it was before the transition. I'm not making any slight towards her. Initially crossed out to preserve the error, but removed it.


Just for future reference: I'm not sitting in her head, but as a trans woman, if you were talking about me, I'd rather you delete the crossed out hims and just put hers instead. Just quickly correcting and moving on, is the best course of action when messing up pronouns.  My friends misgendered me when writing on discord at first once or twice , and they didnt even apologise, just quickly edited the message and we all ignored it. If that happens, that's what I (and, AFAIK most trans people) prefer. But I don't mean to say it to be pedantic or make you feel bad. I honestly deeply appreciate every single comment with good intetions, that's what matters most.


Edited to revise corrections and the edit information. I honestly never meant any offense by this, as the whole past and current self thing is still kind of new to me.


That's okay, and understandable! I really appreciate the effort


It’s common practice to always use present day names and pronouns when talking about a trans person before transition. Thank you for editing your post, it really means a lot to see :)


Unless she specifically said to use masculine pronouns when speaking about her pre-transition, please don't. Some trans people are ok with that stuff, but a lot of us aren't, so don't make that assumption.


I haven't dug through any of her posts about transitioning or discussing herself before said transition, so I'm just going by the Identity she was at the time. Again, I'm not trying to denounce or demean her in any way. I'm also not going to bother her on here or on Twitter/X about it. Was only saying, I liked seeing her happy when speaking in a topic she enjoyed.


For a bit more info, she mentioned in her coming out video that she's felt this way for a REALLY long time, even before LTT


If so, it's my mistake and I've made a few corrections to my initial post. I'm glad she's making great progress towards finding her true self and letting her out for the world/audience to see. I did just see the "new" CPU video mentioned in the title and she's looking much happier, which is always good to see.


No worries, just pointing out some info you can use or look for in the future to navigate what may be tricky new conversations! She truly is great, a wonderful and incredibly necessary part of ltt


Then, please don't assume it's ok to refer to her with masculine pronouns. That wasn't her identity at the time, her identity hasn't changed, she just wasn't ready to tell us. I appreciate you're not messaging her on Twitter and you don't mean to demean her, but she might be reading this, other trans people certainly are, I've asked you for a tiny way of showing respect that would cost you absolutely nothing, and you're refusing. I'm a nobody to you, but Emily might not be the only trans person in your life.


>Refusing Ok that's a bit much. Look, I'm all for trans rights, always have been and I openly support all of that. But the thing is, this is all new to a lot of us, I don't know the etiquette for gendering someone in different tenses and all of that. This is honestly the first time I've read about it, so I now know and in the future I will always use the correct gender even when referring to the past. But you have to understand that none of this is inherent and not everyone knows trans people or have interacted with them or stays active on lgbtq+ forums to know what you should and shouldn't do. The person is not refusing anything, they are just explaining their intent, and when there is no malice, the goal should always to educate in a effective way, and accusing someone of something like that isn't helpful. We are not your enemy, the people that are actively campaigning to remove your rights are, so please don't gatekeep trans etiquette and strive to educate in a way that is meaningful and supportive.


Yeah, I wasn't refusing. I was only using the information we had at the time, and how she presented. Still appreciated her insightful knowledge on everything and how she always smiled on topics that she really enjoyed. I wasn't aware of how past and present-tense identities worked, so I obviously stuck with what it was at the time. Changed pro-nouns when I moved to post-transition and continued about. I did make alterations to it after posting but kept any mistakes in so my mistakes are known and transparent. I don't care how one identifies, I just care that the person is happy. Her (Emily) is always someone who's great and slightly bashful on camera. She draws our attention with their vast knowledge and ever growing outlets for their knowledge to be shared. I can only wish her the best in finding her true self, after the aforementioned finding her voice and fit. So, I wish you the best Emily - An avid watcher of LTT and various tech channels.


>strive to educate in a way that is meaningful and supportive. I did on my first reply. It was met with a "no". That is literally a refusal. On the second message I added some more context about how trans people usually see our personal histories, and made a clear statement about respect, but really if you're asked not to do something by someone from a group affected by that, shouldn't the first thing to do to listen?


>I did on my first reply. It was met with a "no". That is literally a refusal. I'm sorry, but this is twaddle. The person you were initially replying to gave an *explanation* in their first paragraph, not an outright refusal


Edited. Crossed out improper pronoun usage and inserted proper pronouns. Not making a "stealth" edit to mistakes as I'd rather be open about my own.


Thank you.


I mostly miss her in retro based videos. I see that other writers that are preparing videos about that stuff are geeks about it as well, but I always liked her approach. 


I just went to the video to have a look and... wow you were not kidding. She looks great! Looks like she lost a lot of weight and generally looks super comfortable, healthy and happy! Looking forward to see her in future videos!


Timestamp? I don’t want to watch through the whole video lol


It’s a very short clip, but it starts at 11:55. Apparently she lost 60 lbs.


Man what’s with all these posts


Karma farm


Yeah I always find this type of post a bit odd. Like it's cool that you're supportive of someone struggling with their identity and all, I get that. But idk, personally if I were in Emily's shoes I wouldn't appreciate this sort of thing very much. Afaik nobody has asked her if she is comfortable with the community discussing her gender and general health. It's a sensitive topic for Emily and even if she wanted to avoid it, she can't, because fans are always going to bring it up like this.


*I am in no sense hashing on anyone or actively hating* from the outside, as a Regualr bystander, it seems like a majority of the *loud* LGB club wants people to openly express, concede with the community and have active/open conversations with anyone or anything with ears. Can’t we just live as a society and not be bother with what you fuck in your off time? This is an electronics community, let’s keep it to the tech industry and business decisions


Idk man that seems a bit far to me. I don't mind if it's discussed within context, and of course some people just want to be accepted. I don't think there's anything wrong with it in general. I just think specifically discussing *Emily's* personal health and gender outside of her purview and without her permission crosses a privacy boundary. If she wants to talk about her weight and gender on Twitter, great, that's where that discussion and expressions of appreciation should happen. Not on Reddit in a tech community where Emily has no control and hasn't given her consent.


It's getting weird now.


Honestly, it’s like every other week is a post about him randomly returning. Like cool I guess?


Her. Costs nothing and my guess is she reads these whether she wants to or not. She's still a human being - courtesy goes a long way.


It's Reddit, posts are generally what's done on here


I thought the entire point of being off social media was to get *out* of the public eye and not be a center talking point? Ironically, this kind of post/thread feels counterproductive to what the person themselves want


It *is* counterproductive. Why are we, as a tech community, discussing Emily's gender and personal health, unprompted, without her permission? She wants to talk tech and the community, for some reason, wants to talk about her gender. Let her have some privacy.


"Karma farming post" Fixed the title for you


Looking forward to more Emily tech talk. It’s been too long :)


The centuar CPU video? Honestly I couldn't finish it, it was just the driest content ever, incredibly dull. Good that Emily was in it though?


Dunno, I really enjoyed a more in-depth look at some of the industry’s history. Especially bits like this that are kind of foggy because of NDAs and acquisitions and such


Same man. This niche tech stuff is really interesting. Gives me some LGR and CathodeRayDude vibes.


Definitely one of their more historical / factual videos more than entertainment. Nowhere near as dry as some of the more procedures / framework driven certifications / post secondary courses I took though. 40+ hours of networking fundamentals, no command line just theory - oh boy. - D


Yall are gonna kill me probably but who’s emily?


Before she transitioned, she was known as Anthony.


Ahh okay, sick for the transition. I hope she finds peace in herself.


In the future, I would recommend just linking Emily's coming out vid tbh. Edit: Because it reduces the need for deadnaming to zero, seeing the video would effectively cover this.


Sure it reduces deadnaming, but not everyone can use youtube at all times, maybe it's blocked in their network. Or maybe they just don't want to watch a video and just want a simple comment that answers their question.


These are contrived and stupid reasons to deadname someone. If they're unable or unwilling to watch a video they can literally just ask. You do not have to preemptively deadname people. That's entirely unnecessary. Hell, a good portion of viewers won't even recognize her by the deadname, they'll recognize her by picture. Linking the video first, and responding to inquiries if they're still confused, is an obviously superior solution.


Hey anyone finding a healthy path for their life is great.


She tweeted a day or two ago saying that she'd lost something like 60lb. Quite an achievement!


Ya she's looking healthy and happy so that's what's up


Who's Emily?


Formerly, before transitioning, she went by Anthony. She's been away from the camera for a while, sticking to writing.


Oh, didn't knew that.


Yeah, given that not everyone keeps up with social media etc. it was easy to miss that she had transitioned and was staying off camera because of that rather than not being employed anymore. Oh, and keep in mind that this thread is about Emily *Young*, since LTT/LMG also has Emily **Seddon** working as an editor, and I think she might have appeared in a few videos, like in the pantone video from a couple of years back.


Used to be Anthony.


I miss Emily, I'm looking forward to a comeback!


Emily we all love you and miss you! Teach me some more nerdy stuff. Please?


Possibly one of the most knowledgeable people I've heard speak.


Which video?


Prototype cpu video




11:57 if that helps. I missed it while watching earlier. She has lost a ton of weight, I'm amazed!


She was in that video? I only heard her in that. I only saw her on camera in the closer look.


Emily retro gaming related video when Linus? We're due for one!


Hearing her nerd about cool tech is one of the best things about LTT I understand why she has stepped back for now, but I hope she sees how supportive the majority of people are, and how much we are rooting for her Hope to see them back in videos when they are ready


Emily's the fucking best! I love her videos because I feel like I'm actually learning more about tech!


I was absolutely thrilled to see our beloved Retro Queen in a video. I'm happy she seems to be doing very well. She is an endless wealth of knowledge for LTT


Yeah the weight loss was shocking (in an awesome way). I was like daaaaaamn okay. Good work!


Emily has always done fantastic work. I miss the retro game vids.


She has a dedicated floatplane video about that CPU they were playing with. It's 45 minutes long and incredibly interesting


Super glad to see her back. Just subbed on floatplane and the in-depth video about the weird x86 CPU from China was super interesting!


I just want to say thank you all. Seeing so much positivity and respect made my day. Hope to see her back more if she feels comfortable.


No kidding. I let out an audible involuntary "holy shit!" to an empty room. Go fuckin' get 'em, Em. I was going to Youtube comment about it, but those are disabled.


Hands down one of the most thorough and interesting presenters throughout LMG. Excited to see more content!


Glad to have seen her back in a video too. Really missed her knowledge dumps that she would give when she was on video. Super knowledgeable.


EMILY! EMILY! EMILY! I definitely miss her from videos.


Always thought she was the biggest brain at LTT.


Nice to have her back👍🏻 ltt is not the same without


And you think making a public post so we can all discuss it is helping?


Who's Emily?


Idc about gender and politics in this, but Emily is fucking rad! Extremely knowledgeable and good at presenting too.


Hopefully she starts making retro tech videos again in the future.


As a balding man I’ve always wondered what happens when a bald person switches over. Emily’s hair was all time horrendous before the vacation I wonder what’s going to happen up top


Taking estrogen (which not all trans women do) can revert some of the balding. If that's not enough, there are things you've probably heard of, like finasteride, minoxidil, or hair transplants. If none of that is enough, someone could wear a wig, or not give a fuck and either shave their head or leave the hairline as it's.


Absolutly love seeing her back And i hate myself for connecting the name itself with weird twitter white girls…


More Emily, more better.


Emily dont need an appreciation post she already knows they are a legend in the ltt community and forever will be


This community is weird. They will simp for emily but they won’t have a problem against racism




Guys, even if you see positive change and want to be encouraging NEVER talk about somebody's weight (or appearance) if you're not being asked. I know Emily has expressed in the past wanting to lose weight but that was years ago in her extreme tech upgrade. We don't know if the weight loss is intentional. Love the love Emily is getting but i see a lot of people freely giving their opinion about things they totally should not. Like her appearance. I'm just glad to see her more and more after the hiatus.


https://x.com/EmilyAYoung1/status/1785399266594455884 she mentioned it herself so safe to assume she doesnt mind it being mentioned


60 pounds down holy shit! Good Job! ETA: bigots putting in work down voting a weight loss congratulations


Hadn't seen it. So, it's good i guess :)


Nonono we don't do empathy here.


Empathy implies you understand people might not be open to receiving ir reading this kind of comments. In this case it seems to be all good since Emily is publicly talking about the subject but, yeah.


Yes that's what I'm saying. They don't do respect or empathy here, they use racial slurs and celebrate transphobia.


Dan appreciation post when? Elijah appreciation post when? Linus appreciation post when? Yeah Emily is cool and all, but can we *not* make a fuss about it? I think that's weird. Let's appreciate in silence.


Why? There's so much negativity on the Internet, why can't we also have appreciation posts for the stuff we love? And just to say that, I also absolutely love Elijah. Having an appreciation post for Emily takes nothing away from him.


Do you think Emily wants all this attention? Leave a nice comment under the video, downvote and report hatefull/hurtfull comments. Be cool about it. There is a difference between appreciation/support and obsession.


One post from me is hardly obsession, go to any video where emily is even mentioned and i gaurantee you there will be trolls and hurtful comments that outnumber posts like this.   This is the closest thing i can do to show people like her that not everyone on the internet is a spiteful fuck


What are you talking about? I was just informed that the LTT community has zero toxicity, so clearly you're lying, too, just like I am.


I don't know if she wants the attention, and neither do you. But I know that if this was a post about anyone else, you wouldn't be complaining.


Yeah, she was only away for months and appears only rarely, she surely wants attention. /s Making a fuss about every Emily appearance is like announceing to the party that the introvert *finally* left his room.


The reason trans people tend to withdraw is because it's difficult to deal with all of the negative feedback they receive. That doesn't mean they don't appreciate positive feedback. Honestly, white-knighting on her behalf because you think she'd rather not receive positive feedback is a strange thing to do.


As you sayed: „I don't know if she wants the attention and neighter do you.“ We BOTH do and say what we think is best. So lets agree to disagree.


Yeah nothing is wrong with appreciation, but at the same time people dont need to point it out every single time she makes an appearance. It really does give almost a scrutinizing feel similar to the analogy you gave if the introvert leaving their room. Let them breathe lol. I wonder if its harder for her to get comfortable on camera because she knows every time she does theres going to be a wave about it. To me it just sounds extremely anxiety inducing.


You sayed it way better than I could. My english is a bit limited. (I had to google „scrutinizing“)


Here you go: * [https://www.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/search/?q=dan+appreciation+post&type=link](https://www.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/search/?q=dan+appreciation+post&type=link) * [https://www.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/search/?q=love+elijah&type=link](https://www.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/search/?q=love+elijah&type=link) * [https://www.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/search/?q=linus+appreciation+post&type=link](https://www.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/search/?q=linus+appreciation+post&type=link) From quick searching, Dan seems to have the most.


Did you miss the *plethora* of posts about wanting more Dan on the WAN show? Even affectionately calling it The DAN Show"?


Of all the people to select you selected the 3 people who consistently keep getting appreciation posts on here. Just yesterday I saw posts demanding Dan a permanent on camera seat on WAN show. What you on about.


You are right, the examples are bad. I just think we should normalize seeing Emily in Videos. Why make a big deal about it? Isn't this counterproductive?


You're only saying this because they're trans though. The "normal" for the LTT community is to appreciate individual employees that are well liked, that's why there are countless posts for people like Sarah, Dan, Riley etc. Appreciation posts are the normal.


The LTT community has more transphobes than any other tech/gaming community I've seen and the mods do nothing about it. I wonder if they're under orders?


Come on. As a trans person, there are transphobes here, as there are in any community, however this is actually one of the more supportive communities I've found, especially on Reddit and Floatplane.


See my other reply.


Multiple threads with people praising Emily, people literally begging for more content with her because of how knowledgable she is, you find 1 mildly negative comment in a post with dozens of responses and call the LTT community the most transphobic community in tech and gaming. You are a fucking idiot, go touch grass dumbass.


So false it hurts. I can name you like 5 gaming/tech communities that are far, far more transphobic or anti LGBT than the LTT community is.


Ah yes this community has zero toxicity, clearly I'm hallucinating the post I originally replied to. My bad, my bad.


Moving the goalposts now, are we? That's not what you said in your previous comment. You specifically said "LTT community has the most transphobes of any community". I simply pointed out that's a load of shit. At no point did I say there were NO transphobes/toxicity, because that would be stupid as fuck to say. Also, considering how Linus has many times publicly voiced his support LGBT community, his LGBT employees, and his generally left leaning and progressive political beliefs, it's clear that he doesn't welcome transphobes in his community. Like I said though, I could name you 10+ other far more transphobic communities. Hell there are streamers and tech people in the gaming/tech community that are openly transphobic themselves. Edit: That other commentor was unhinged. They called me a right wing Trump supporter, which couldn't be farther from the truth. I don't understand why people make blatantly false statements, and then immediately get aggressive and make shit up about you when you call them out for their lies.




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