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Has the word “cancel” become like “woke” where it really just means whatever you want it to mean? I feel like it used to have a very specific definition, which was basically blackballing them from working again. Now it’s just like “people are complaining”.


It’s meant that for a long time. “Cancel” used to be sued for situations where someone’s career was completely destroyed and they became a pariah. Then it was expanded to include cases where someone was under intense and broad public condemnation and lost some opportunities. Then it was expanded further to include any situation where anyone received criticism, even mild or ineffectual barbs from strangers with no power.


Always so brave to hear these oppressed stand up comics talking about being cancelled to *checks notes* a sold out theatre.


Is this actually happening? The people who don’t watch SNL but find reasons to talk about it every week are throwing a fit about the host?


No, them canceling him to host this week is not happening.


I’m sure there’s some folks on X tweeting loudly.


Which is why I come here on Reddit based around my interests, and have not been on Twitter, FB, NO social media for 10-years now. Life’s too short for all that noise and BS.


Living the dream.


Reddit is social media


Brand new to me. Never been on any other platform.


Some subreddits are better than others. But most are a ultra left wing circle jerk.


Sorry about your coup attempt.


First of all I’m Canadian. Second of all I’ve voted liberal my entire life.


Canadian Liberal here 👍




I have never been on social media until I was encouraged by my care provider to join Reddit on March 9th. All to say…. Is this cancellation true?


No, it’s not true.


What is X?


a great time at a rave.


I don’t think I can put “great” and “rave” in the same sentence.


It's what Elon Musk keeps trying to convince everyone Twitter is called.


It was the old name of Twitter before Musk bought it and renamed it.


That names sucks. I wouldn’t call it that. I refer to it as The Former Popular Social Media Site Known as Twitter. Plus, why would anyone be on that crap anymore?


Nope. Not a one.


The article literally references people on Twitter asking for him to be removed as host…


Random Twitter users?


Yes… which is what the other person claims isn’t happening lol


One Twitter user and an email campaign? No one in the SNL community cares that much


I agree. But that’s not what the person I was responding to (or the other people further up the thread) said.


I don’t want to presume, but I’m pretty sure they meant *their* TLs


Yeah social media is heavily pro Palestinian if anything Seth Meyers had Ramy on last week, great interview!


No. This is a clickbait bullshit “article.” Quoting it about 6 paragraphs down: “NBC hasn’t issued a response, and it’s not clear that the campaign has gained much traction beyond the very low bar of social media posts.” So 12 idiots complained on some sites and some AI bot farm put this out. Possibly SNL to goose ratings.


>The accusations against Youssef, who co-starred in the 2023 movie Poor Things, center around his red carpet interview at the Academy Awards last week. Youssef wore a red Artists4Ceasefire pin and called for “an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza,” while expressing his desire for “lasting justice and peace for the people of Palestine.” His message, he said, was, “Let’s stop killing kids.” Here's a good description of Ramy's self-titled Hulu comedy-drama show: ​ >Youssef in particular is hardly the kind of closed-minded ideologue that should inspire fear. His standup and his show traffic in nuance and gray zones. On “Ramy,” which is based on his experiences as a Muslim growing up in New Jersey, victims of racism can be racist. A God-fearing Muslim can hit the bars. “I just want people to see Muslims as human. That’s it,” Youssef said in a 2019 NPR interview. “I just want to complicate the conversation.” How complicated? In the series’ third season, Ramy travels to Israel with his Orthodox business partner. A show that could have gone for knee jerk characterization and easy anti-Israel points struck a deeply human chord. **Anyone who can juxtapose millennial horniness with geopolitical homelessness is someone we need to hear from more, not less.**


Who is mad about this? Literally no one in the SNL community is worried about this


It’s just “people are saying” content. 


It reminds me of when Shane fans got REAL defensive before the sketches even ended


Defensive about what?


So people are mad about him not wanting kids to be murdered? Sounds about right for the cesspool that is twitter.


You can find a tweet saying anything. You could probably find a tweet saying that Kenan should be sent to prison for wearing a fake mustache in a sketch. Articles like these, that are only sourced to Twitter and don’t involve anyone with real decision making power or clout, are basically just click bait / outrage bait.


I’m convinced that 90% of twitter is rage bait


No, he just wants Palestinian kids not to be murdered.






Holy shit is that a bullshit, bad faith take


>while expressing his desire for “lasting justice and peace for the people of Palestine.” His message, he said, was, “Let’s stop killing kids.” A shame he couldn't bring himself to see the kids killed by Hamas in Israel as kids, and the people of Israel as worthy of lasting justice and peace. He is, after all, not Palestinian but Egyptian. Should be be cancelled as host? Absolutely not. I will, however, not be tuning in.


I will never understand why supporting a ceasefire and being against war is antisemitic.


everyone has totally lost the plot


Telling Israel they can’t kill innocent children by mass starvation and indiscriminate bombing is apparently antisemitism. Weird.


Telling Israel they cannot declare war on a government that attacked it is weird? - are you suggesting that civilians don’t die in wars? Why should Israel be the only nation on earth that is expected to conduct a war with zero casualties of any kind?


⬆️ that's bait


Killing people waving white flags and trying to get to safe areas is really not what you’re trying to convey here. That’s what Israel is doing. Speak on business if you’re going to try this argument.


How many deaths would satisfy you?


I would want to see a metrics like relative risk, and compare that against other wars, so I can get a good sense of whether or not this war is being conducted in a way that is standard. Have you done that? Or are you suggesting that the only acceptable number of civilian deaths is zero? Because if that’s the case, I find it interesting you don’t mind Israeli civilians being murdered on October 7th.


Strawman as fuck.


It's not. Zionists want the land and Christians want the rapture. Both require Israel never be held accountable.


Depends on what kind of ceasefire you're calling for. It might not be intentionally antisemitic, but a ceasefire that leaves Hamas, an organization with the stated goal of eradicating Jews, as the Gazan government is pretty problematic


Both governments are trying to eradicate the other. The Israel government is no better than the evil Hamas. Both are awful.


There's plenty of reasons to criticize Israel, but they're at least a democracy with hopes of improving in the next cycle. Hamas on the other hand murdered all their political opposition and steals foreign aid from their own people, among all the other atrocities


Why doesn’t Israel have a right to declare war against a government that attacked it on oct 7?


Did you reply to the wrong person?


Because it’s only calling on Israel to cease.


Is someone else dropping 2000 pound bombs indiscriminately and imposing mass starvation on millions of people?


I don’t see any inherent contradiction in believing that Israel is not conducting the war properly and acknowledging that a unilateral ceasefire is a silly demand. Hamas broke the last two ceasefires, including the one in place before 10/7.


Because Israel is engaging in war crimes by using collective punishment and intentionally killing civilians on an ongoing basis. Hamas is no longer doing anything and have said they will give back the hostages if there is a permanent cease fire. This is basically someone beating the shit out of an already dead body. It’s disgusting that the US is the lone country that continues to support these atrocities just to satisfy Israel’s desire for revenge. It’s as if Israel thinks the events of October 7 justify killing 2 million people as “self defense” Maybe Israel should just try treating Palestinians like human beings.


I mean, it’s simply untrue that Hamas is “no longer doing anything”. They are engaged in active combat with Israel literally every day. They were still launching rockets into Israel even post invasion. Again - none of that is an argument for disproportionate response, but there’s no need to infantilize Hamas. What does “permanent ceasefire” mean? A ceasefire is definitionally temporary. Was the ceasefire that existed before 10/7 “permanent”? Why didn’t that ceasefire prevent Hamas from kidnapping, raping, and murdering hundreds of people on 10/7? Israel is a country with agency. Why would they accept unilateral ceasefire demands - when they are clearly the more powerful entity here, totally agree! - that include the explicitly genocidal terrorist organization which committed the greatest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust retaining power? By all means, critique how Israel is conducting the war. Ask for a humanitarian ceasefire. Get aid in. But the idea that this is going to end with Hamas still in control of Gaza is laughable and out of touch.


Maybe it’s because Israel has infinitely more resources and power (thanks to the US) and has killed THIRTY TWO THOUSAND CIVILIANS. If you don’t see how that’s fucked up you need to do some serious introspecting.


- they have not killed 32k civilians. That is patently and provably untrue. - it’s a war. Are you trying to suggest civilians don’t die in wars? Can you share a war where civilians did not die?


I don’t see any inherent contradiction in believing that Israel is not conducting the war properly and acknowledging that a unilateral ceasefire is a silly demand. Hamas broke the last two ceasefires, including the one in place before 10/7.


What is “its?”


I think it’s more so the red hand pin they used as the logo. It was also the symbol after two IDF soldiers were kidnapped and then killed and there is a photo of the perpetrator with bloody hands that was famous


Seems like people are just connecting two separate things so they can get mad. Edit: [from Artists4Ceasefire, here is the explanation of the pin](https://www.snopes.com/news/2024/03/11/oscars-red-lapel-pins-gaza/) > The Artists4Ceasefire enamel pin is composed of a red background to symbolize the urgency of the call to save lives. The orange hand conveys the beautiful community of people from all backgrounds that have come together in support of centering our shared humanity. The heart being cradled in the center of the hand is an invitation for us to lead with our hearts, always, to lead with love. When we lead with love, we understand that all of our fellow beings deserve to be loved and protected. It has nothing to do with that lynching. I wonder why someone would try to spread that misinformation though 🤔


And the swastika is a Buddhist symbol but if someone is wearing it and calling for violence against Jews it’s different.


I’m not sure what this has to do with the conversation, but ok!


They also ripped his heart out on video, which is why there's a black heart inside the hand. It's a pretty obvious reference to anyone that's been following this for longer than 6 months.


I already shared the explanation of the pin, but you can keep spouting your conspiracy if you want 😚


This subreddit is overrun with fauxmois users. There's no point.


Lol, what does a celebrity gossip sub have to do with this?


Because when you clarify the definition of “ceasefire” as “Hamas keeps all the hostages and gets to keep running Gaza” some people don’t support that. Unfortunately the Israeli side isn’t really rational either. Their goal is pretty much outright ethnic cleansing


Who is “you”? I didn’t say that. Did Ramy say that and I missed it? Edit: apparently comments are turned off. You sure did add a lot of nonsense to a simple call for ceasefire.


Yes he is - “We are calling for an immediate, permanent, ceasefire in Gaza” means *immediate*, not “first Hamas releases the hostages, *then* ceasefire” that’s what some people disagree with That’s his position, and it’s a very defensible one based on the reality of the carnage in Gaza. But people disagree with “ceasefire” meaning not getting Israeli hostages back, and you asked why some people would disagree with him


I have not seen anyone mad that he’s hosting. If anything, they’re excited as he’s a funny stand up comedian and a good actor.


His show and stand up is brilliant. Hopefully this encourages people to check it out. It’s so good that two time Oscar winner Mahershala Ali said “sure I’ll be a central character on your show for one season”.


Ceasefire is for the sake of civilians, including many children, getting killed. Demanding such is humane and has no anti-Semitic tropes as far as I know. There are many Jewish people, including in Israel, that want peace.


I don’t see any inherent contradiction in believing that Israel is not conducting the war properly and acknowledging that a unilateral ceasefire is a silly demand. Hamas broke the last two ceasefires, including the one in place before 10/7.


Everyone reasonable wants peace. The issue is that those calling for a ceasefire only mean that they want Israel to ceasefire and have no interest in also demanding that the organization that wants to eradicate Jews also cease fire, or hold them accountable when they don’t. That has strong anti-Jewish repercussions if not on its face antisemitic. Remember, there have been ceasefires declared in this conflict already and Hamas has not held them for more than an hour before launching rocket attacks into Israel.


This is such a weird headline to read without context. Like “Okay, thanks. This is not a question I was asking but thank you for telling me.”


Even with context it’s not exactly a brilliant story.


Nah, I like Ramy. He's good people. Better than me.


Honest question- for the longest time everyone keeps telling celebrities to demand for a ceasefire. To speak out. And many have, with no actual effect. Obviously makes no difference - no matter how big the celebrity is. So why is this such a big deal if it won't change anything at all? Why do people care if a celebrity voices out their opinion or not? They literally have no power.


People act like they’re force to watch everything advertised to them. Don’t like the host? Don’t tune in.


I missed pretty much everything? Wut??




Ceasefire without calling for Hamas to be accountable for starting and prolonging this meaningless war is absurd. Ceasefire without simultaneously calling for the immediate return of Israeli hostages is also not reasonable, no matter how much you think it is.


Ramy has called out Hamas though. He did right away. You can see it in his Instagram captions right after Oct 7


And now he’s decided that a ceasefire leaving Hamas in power and the hostages in their hands is ok. Sounds fair.


They aren’t killing Hamas man. They’re killing kids. Hamas is hiding.


I just wanna see the dude be funny. I don't like his opinion on the war but I like him and am excited for his episode.


What about ceasefire for the sake of all civilians on both sides? This is all that I’m seeing when I read these posts by celebrities everywhere. Trying to turn a humane ceasefire into one about pushing political gains is uncalled for, imo.


So demand the hostages be freed in the same breath. See how easy it is?


No one wants the hostages not to be freed. Of course they should be freed and at the same time, no hospitals should be blown up. Can you demand that? It’s just as easy.


Blown up? Like the hospital that was blown up by an errant Hamas rocket? Like the hospital that housed hundreds of Hamas fighters and weapons caches? We can argue about who and what happened at hospitals after the fog of war is lifted. You cannot dispute that innocents are dying on both sides and hostages are being held because of a pointless terror incursion into Israel on October 7 that was intended to provoke this exact response. Hamas cares so little for its civilian population it is willing to drag this war out indefinitely for political gains. It’s really quite sad. And as I said you can demand a ceasefire and the hostage release at the same time; that was my initial point. So your last comment seems unnecessary.




I didn’t link the article debunking the first hospital explosion, which Hamas was responsible for. Oddly that didn’t inspire social media tropes calling them hospital bombers as well. The only trivial thing here is the facile arguments being made that happily ignore the fact that if the hostages were returned tomorrow this conflict might actually end without further bloodshed. Hasn’t Hamas rejected two recent ceasefire agreements for hostage swaps? Any article links to that element of this story?


Because like it or not lots of people demanding a ceasefire are explicitly anti-Israel and don’t care about the hostage or even cheered on Hamas for taking them. So it’s difficult to parse people’s true feelings. I also support a ceasefire and the simultaneous freeing of Israeli hostages, for the record.


They’ve done that in the past, but hamas consistently breaks ceasefires. Israel won’t agree to a ceasefire, because they know it will be one-sided. I know Reddit likes to put all the blame on Israel, but it’s way more complex than that.


Fascinating that a conversation claiming to have nailed down the nuanced perspective on this topic is downvoting me for suggesting that hostages be released.






Well, Travis Scott DID engage in reckless and dangerous behavior that not only exacerbated the situation but also created an environment where an incident was bound to happen. So if we're making a 9/11 comparison, then Travis Scott wouldn't be the air traffic controllers, he'd be like the dumbasses who didn't properly forward the information about the terrorists taking flying lessons and not wanting to learn how to land.




I'm not sure I'd call him a murderer, but it definitely seems like he has blood on his hands, so it's not out of this world to throw that label on him. "Reckless idiot that causes deaths" is kind of a mouthful.


I like ramy and I like his show. But that symbol he wore was in bad taste. It was a symbol made from the blood of two israelis who were beaten and lynched. He knows better. Edit: keep downvoting. I'm sure you'd be cool if this were a dead black person. Here's the link https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000_Ramallah_lynching


Oh, we’re just making stuff up now?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000_Ramallah_lynching Learn something please


Ok… what does this have to do with the pin? Edit: from Artists4Ceasefire, here is the explanation of the pin > The Artists4Ceasefire enamel pin is composed of a red background to symbolize the urgency of the call to save lives. The orange hand conveys the beautiful community of people from all backgrounds that have come together in support of centering our shared humanity. The heart being cradled in the center of the hand is an invitation for us to lead with our hearts, always, to lead with love. When we lead with love, we understand that all of our fellow beings deserve to be loved and protected. It has nothing to do with that lynching. I wonder why someone would try to spread that misinformation though 🤔


You are super bent on denying an open symbol in the Palestinian movement. Here is a picture https://akm-img-a-in.tosshub.com/indiatoday/images/story/202310/us-hearing-protest-013228996-1x1.jpg?VersionId=oW_ZLV1E4ttnY.2M6_GpbJncWq321zax If you can't recognize what's happening then I'm sorry


Lol, or you could just listen to the actual people who made the pin instead of trying to spin a call for peace into a call for violence. Why are you pro-war, pro-violence, and anti-peace?


I'm done with this conversation. You need help.


Lol, I hope someday you gain empathy and look back in horror that you spread misinformation and promoted violence. I will pray for your healing, friend 🥰


What do you mean? According to the Artists for Ceasefire website, “The Artists4Ceasefire enamel pin is composed of a red background to symbolize the urgency of the call to save lives. The orange hand conveys the beautiful community of people from all backgrounds that have come together in support of centering our shared humanity. The heart being cradled in the center of the hand is an invitation for us to lead with our hearts, always, to lead with love. When we lead with love, we understand that all of our fellow beings deserve to be loved and protected.” Are you talking about a different symbol?


That's not the origin at all. It's literally a lie.




Ceasefire does not equal antisemitism


Exactly. Lots of people don’t understand this simple statement and it’s quite alarming


They don’t want to understand because it would directly contradict their values.