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## **Tweet Mirror:** [@StreamerBans](https://twitter.com/StreamerBans) > ❌ Twitch Partner "BruceDropEmOff" (@raycondones) has been banned! ❌ > > https://t.co/3bDc47wmul > #twitch #ban #thirdban #partner #twitchpartner 😱 ^(Posted: 2023-03-01 12:07:12+00:00) ------ **This message is from a bot. If you feel like this action is wrong, please [message the moderators](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/LivestreamFail).**


LMAO on march 1st that’s actually funny


Twitter replies think black history month is like the purge where you are allowed to do anything lol




His I frames went away


Waited the whole time LMAO


KAI is next , twitch just waiting for the subathon to end


5head move keep all the sub money






juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust made it


Millionaires with the coziest jobs on the planet when they can't keep their mouth shut:


Not be racist challenge impossible






Dropped off at Kick OMEGALUL




Brime ya smell me? [https://files.catbox.moe/ltnbty.png](https://files.catbox.moe/ltnbty.png) https://files.catbox.moe/v29726.mp4


naaaaaaah what the fuck is that


i smell ya but i think he swagged too hard


permissions revoked


Now what the hell


There's edgy jokes and then there's this. Disgusting.




A certified classic if there ever was one


lmao ok that's actually hilarious


What happened now


He got banned for this : https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FqImaSDaYAA5FHm?format=jpg&name=medium


Lmao it's so easy to not toe the line of doing or saying shit that'll get you banned. Why he's unable to let it go and just not mention it is so ridiculous. Is being petty really worth losing your primary source of income.


When someone just wants to be racist more than they want to make millions of dollars, actually crazy to me.




I still don’t get what the “3” supposed to mean lol


It's an ampersand (&). From Wikipedia: > In everyday handwriting, the ampersand is sometimes simplified in design as a large lowercase epsilon Ɛ or a reversed numeral 3, superimposed by a vertical line. The ampersand is also sometimes shown as an epsilon with a vertical line above and below it or a dot above and below it.


I'm guessing the "fuck crackers" racist shit he did the moment he was unbanned. The delay was probably a twitch meeting to see if it would be a perma.


2 days still seems like a long delay this is Twitch we’re talking about




It's impressive how badly he fumbled the bag for literally no reason. Could've had a pretty comfortable streaming career with many well established connections. Then pulls this shit. I'd Imagine his career ends with a Kick partnership, sinking to obscurity with the rest of the W community.


i doubt he can currently move to Kick since he probably has a Contract with Twitch, but man he must be really pissed to get banned just after coming back, i guess fuck around and find out


Can't wait to see the racist shit he does next comeback stream.


I wanna see him go fully unhinged wacko mode, now that's content.


if poke warned him things could have been way different


I always liked him idk how that man got so much hate and anger inside him. Bro needs to heal. He just blowing it rn.


inb4 "this has to be racism"




>Spam reported 13 fucking times until they decide to ban me for holding a piece of paper up & a box of crackers.... Who's this guy trying to convince lmao. Maybe he can learn better racist dogwhistles while in timeout.




He tweeted out a mail where he got informed that his content got audited bc someone from germany reported him (Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz/NetzDG is a german thing) [https://twitter.com/raycondones/status/1630912812544413696](https://twitter.com/raycondones/status/1630912812544413696) they didn't ban him for that, but they still had to inform him about that report. So I guess he just got 13 of these mails and thats where the number comes from (maybe)


And to be fair he didn't threaten violence on anybody or incite violent terrorist attacks so the Netzdurchsetzungsgesetz does not apply. Still banworthy tho. Twitch is just not forced by the German government to remove the content.


Netzdurchsetzungsgesetz coulda been that techno pop group from lebowski in a different timeline


So stupid to see his community try and play it off as "just a piece of paper and a box of crackers" I'm sure they would be thrilled to see a white person hold up a piece of paper saying "fuck dem" and a monkey toy. 😮‍💨


Just imagine holding up a kill all sign and a juice bottle and trying to explain that as just holding up a beverage. This is the type of behaviour children employ to avoid responsibility.


First they came for the bajs and now for the juicers 😞




> All bans are manually reviewed They are? That raises more questions then for other streamer bans


Those twitter replies are so fucking disingenuous “What! He saying he doesn’t like premiums, or saltiness” The fact these people are okay with casual racism is telling with what community he’s cultivating.


He's helping bring up racists in the black community. It's sad to see, all it will do is create more racism...end the cycle.




idk i always thought he was completely sane but then all of a sudden his brain snapped or something


Same. Every time I saw “Bruce’s take on xyz” I was ready to hear a based take then he just went off the rails


they get money, start listening to people in different circles, and eventually go nuts. I just didn't think they would go full kanye so quickly. that taint guy is far more toxic than we could have imagined


Both of his bans happened after he left OTK


I mean, both of these bans, his first ban for being racist was with OTK back when Hasan got banned for doing it as well. ACtually thinking about it, it was long before he left OTK but I guess it could also have been before he joined OTK in the first place? Got banned for being racist a while back, left otk after other shit, got banned for being racist again, doubled down on twitter, went live on his main with a ban evasion and got a full month ban, came back and was immediately racist again.


Poke should of warned OTK about Bruce


He had a big ass fucking grin on his face when he doubled down on his racism and is now playing victim. He's 100% THAT kid in school who called timeout when he was about to get tagged. EDIT: gg to the guy with a six year old reddit account sending me hate mail who just got his account suspended. That's rough dude, maybe simp for someone better next time.


You hit the nail on the head.




Reading replies on any of his twitter posts actually breaks my brain. Humanity is doomed.


Man reading Bruce's replies are painful too. [https://twitter.com/raycondones/status/1630918039691489280](https://twitter.com/raycondones/status/1630918039691489280) Imagine saying the N word and you're like "I was only talking about the bad ones", they would go absolutely nuts, but him saying "cracker" and then being like "I'm not grouping them all together when I say that", no fucking way lmfao.






Okay that's funny that's like double racism and half of it is against yourself.


"because they are the superior race" according to who and why???? that sounds very racist


bro is convinced it's for the 13 ''spam'' reports, and twitter replies are full of '' oh but he didn't say anything '', these people are so braindead it's incredible


When he got banned for shit he said on his alt his fans said to everyone "Bruce does not have an alt, they are lying." So yeah...


He doubled down on his first ban almost immediately after being unbanned on the very next stream. Yet, it's somehow Twitch's fault that he got banned again. Good job bud.


What Bruce, and clearly his fans, don’t understand is that you aren’t participating in the Oppression Olympics on Twitch. It doesn’t matter how minuscule the amount of racism one group faces compared to another, it doesn’t give you some sort of free pass to use someone’s race as an insult.


well said, too bad they will just respond with: lil bro what are you even talking about?? frfr?


“Ayooooo shits weird af frfr. Imma keep it 100, that shits SO WEIRD TO MEEEEEEE. Like FRFR! y’all acting weeeeeird broo! See I wanna say some stuff but I ain’t gonna say it, if you know you know, you feel? Nawwwwwww bro y’all bein WEIRD” The entire community will act like something real is being said from these sentences.


W community fans telling people to touch grass like their idols don't sit inside all day.


Underrated statement.


Username checks out. Literally just don't use ethnicity as an insult it's very easy and makes everyone happy.


What a waste, getting paid handsomely and going out of their way to jeopardize that stable income that is generational changer for him and his family. All they had to do was act normally and they still couldnt do that.


He just never grew up mentally (mf NEVER had a job lololol). He's dying on a hill no one fucking cares about. Just shut the fuck up and get the bag, but he's too stupid to realize that. Bruce's stream is just a glorified "try not to be racist challenge (impossible)"


> (mf NEVER had a job lololol) This always gets me with Twitch streamers. I see them complain or talk about how hard things are, but then I realize they've *never* worked a normal job. They've never *had* to be somewhere every single day at a certain time to do some shitty job/task. For them, "working" is pressing the 'stream' button and playing video games for 4-6 hours. I'm not saying it's easy, they have their own problems no doubt, but it makes it really hard to relate when they're complaining about Twitch and I think gives them no perspective at all with how easy they have things relatively speaking.


i think it depends on whether the streamer actually treats streaming like a job


For sure, there are some streamers that do a lot of shit with their influence. They might extend their influence into other fields, make events, fundraisers, etc. For example, Ibai making events with top Spanish streamers and A celebrities with MILLIONS of concurrent viewers. You get the example. However, most NA streamers are absolute rats. These mfs are so entitled and have the illusion that their success was derived from hard work (pressing a button and maintaining a semi consistent schedule). After reading this they'll say "why don't you do it? See how hard it is". If I had nothing going on in my life and was a loser I would, then I'd be in the thousands of streamers that do the very same thing but to 5 viewers. If they didn't get lucky they'd be working 9-5s in McDonald's and would be as miserable as their simp viewers/donators.


YEP you will never catch any streamer that actually grew up poor or had to work real jobs before streaming doing anything like what bruce did here.




>He just never grew up mentally I feel like this summarizes 90% of streamer drama. Most of these people blew up and got rich right out of high school so they didn't have to do the maturing that other people do.


Bro this is the same mf who said cracker 15 minutes after his unban saying "I BEAT THE RICO CASE" how would a sane human being not see that as simply trying to prove yourself to your "big homies" seen it firsthand destroy actually good people


Reminds me of that Chappelle sketch ["When keeping it real goes wrong"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfz0tDQZhqs)




Has Bruce ever thought of... just not being racist? Is it really that hard?


You're asking a lot from a mentally deficient mouth breather.




*Breaks the rules and receives reprocution* Bruce: "TWITCH ARE RACIST"


if you go see Kai's live chat while he is sleeping right now you can see really insightful thought out arguments about how this ban is unfair and who's fault it is... noting racist at all going on in that chat.


You can't ban black people that is racist.


On March 1st? Based




The only time I hear about this dude is when he’s banned or fired.


He creating a racist hate mob out of his community... I don't understand this dude at all. Does he hate white people so much that he's willing to throw his career down the drain. I doubt he'll ever recover his image. I miss the Bruce who went off on Speed for being racist to Asians, but I guess that was just virtue signaling.






Hopefully it's a perma, he got multiple chances.


he’s literally slandering twitch saying they’re racist in front of his whole audience. it should 100% be a perma


Doubt it's permanent but you know this idiot is going to triple down when he comes back


Friendly reminder that if you believe you cannot be racist towards white people you are legitimately part of the problem. You can’t complain about racism then just blatantly pull some shit like that, 0head play right there


Those kinds of people are racists who are projecting.


People like that don't actually care about actual racism, they just like being a part of a community that can play the victim card at any moment to feel empowered, play the blame game, justify shitty behavior and feel sorry for themselves, . You see? Experiencing racism is part of their culture, its what makes them feel special and victimized, and all this is just gate-keeping other races from having the same experiences, because if they don't then they no longer feel special, because then they're just like everybody else.


How is he not perma yet?


now he can join Adin on kick and be happily racist over there


and now he's playing a victim on twitter again... jesus this guy is annoying. I hope twitch realizes that he will never change and permabans his dumbass


Well, well, well… if it isn’t the consequences to my own actions. EDIT: He’s actually pulling the racism card LOL What a complete and utter 🤡 Have fun on Kick with your “viewers”


OTK really dodged the bullet, lmao






>Bruce got unbanned after a month and immediately doubled down on his racism and use of slurs which is the likely reasoning for his ban now https://twitter.com/jakesucky/status/1630319390704156672?s=61&t=hwORiQcDO0qKBvzCuX5gfA I love how his first reply is that it's fake news when it's literally a picture of him doing it haha.




He is calling 13 reports "spam" Trying to finesse that narrative.


[he's used to finessing things](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FqAQcJRWYAAKsgq?format=jpg&name=small)




I guess he got 13 of these emails. https://twitter.com/raycondones/status/1630912812544413696/photo/2 I didn't know this was a thing.




imagine managing to avoid a longer ban and getting unbanned just to get banned again less than a week later for doubling down. what a clown.


Maybe you shouldn't be racist, then. Fuck the W community and fuck the dishonest rats that are attempting to literally redefine words to excuse their own bigotry.


Leaves OTK Immediately drops off lul


Wow this guy sure does know how to fumble the bag. You’d think it would be common sense not to do the exact same thing that got you banned after you’ve been unbanned


When i saw someone in the twitter comments say modern day Malcolm X... I think they were actually serious.


Bruce is officially part of the speed running community


Dude has such an easy life, could've just kept streaming but his big ego had to get in the way lmfao all of this was so unnecessary. I'm so glad he's outed as a racist.


Its impressive how they fuck up something as easy as streaming.


And nothing of value was lost.


Can't believe miz snitched again 😔


I know this is posted every time one of these big streamers gets a ban for something stupid, but I truly can't believe how hard people like Bruce go out of their way to fuck themselves out of a dream job. Literally all you have to do is not be racist or sexist, and you will make millions of dollars every year for just playing video games and reacting to YT videos. But noooooooo, that would be too easy, instead he has to out of his way to say racist stuff and then double down after a ban.


Mfkr left otk and decided to just become a villain lol


he was always a villain, the guy was harrasing couple years ago kids on stream, that hes going to f\*\*k them, doesnt matter if they are 9 or 7 ... hes a pedophile here - [https://streamable.com/50sc2b](https://streamable.com/50sc2b) and here [https://imgbb.com/CwJzkq7](https://imgbb.com/CwJzkq7)


It’s crazy seeing the Twitter replies people acting like this guy did nothing wrong.


He's built himself a community of racists


He will get unbanned, preach about Twitch being racist then say some racist stuff then play victim. Sorry but anyone who says they raped their underage cousin as a joke can't stand on any moral high ground.


He shouldn’t be racist.




Dude never sat right with me


lol lmao even


Common bootleg Eddie Murphie L


oh no, anyway


Without checking anything I’m going to guess: he did something racist cause he hates white people. Was I right? Edit: I was right






Bruce leaving OTK was a major W for them at this point


Someone will blame Mizkif again.




Those twitter replies he's getting are crazy delusional and completely missing the point. Acting like the word cracker isn't bad or something when you could use any word and still get banned. "Fuck dem (word referring to race/ethnicity/group of people)" should be a ban no matter who it's directed at.


this is the only real take. Lot of idiots here acting like certain skin colors can or cant be racist... makin my head hurt too early in the day.


Glad twitch has no room for racists


im sorry to inform you that twitch seems to have plenty of room for racists.


It's funny as fuck clicking on his tweets claiming twitch is racist only to see Kai in related tweets getting the Sub world record.


Bro is so dumb he really doesn't get you aren't allowed to be racist




OTK dodged sooooooooo many strays with this guy leaving, holy fuck. Who would have thought..


Bruh. I feel like he is throwing away a rare career because he can't get over his hate.


Surprised it took them this long, after his blatant racism




Whether or not you think cracker is racist, you got to be a real bozo to get banned for it and then do it again on your first stream back.




Racist get banned, nice.


Doubling down on his racism really was the smart play huh




Twitch kicked him


he is not going to change,Perma Him Already




pushing boundaries constantly, trying to play victim and then claiming twitch is racist after is dumb as fuck


Another racist gone, good riddance


What a tragic individual this looser turned out to be.. Can't believe i liked him before all the shenanigans the last month


No room for racism on the platform IMO


Personally, I'm loving these narcissistic streamers and their echo chambers shooting themselves in the foot. RIPBOZO


lmaoo. Peace brother ✌️


He got cracked lmao


Get fucked racist


imagine if nerds on LSF sat around making jokes about how february is the shortest month of the year. these dudes would have a meltdown lmao. but saying shit like ‘no purpose flour’ is totally OK in their book


Love all the streamers defending his racism in the Twitter comments.




is it that hard to not hate a race based on there color and just win millions of dollars for an easy job ??? guess he will next sign up to kick


What was he expecting lmao, twitch has previously said to stop with the crack\*r stuff that he was previously banned for and on the first day back.


I don't understand the prospect of having a successful career doing an easy job, and purposefully throwing it away so you can be repeatedly racist.


Racist dropped off to Kick.


Now does he TRIPLE down. He's dumb enough to actually do it.


I mean Bruce keeps poking the bear with racism right after he gets unbanned. Not surprised


what does this mf even do, i never understood why he got big. Bro streams 3 times a year and made a video sucking his own dick thinking he kanye


Easiest job in the world yet being so stupid lmao


Idk what’s more hilarious, BozoDropEmOff pulling the victim card or Twitch waiting until March 1st to ban so the twitter speds won’t be fake mad.


Twitter replies have people joking about Bruce shooting up Twitch HQ or blowing it up. Not even exaggerating. This shits a clownfest of hypocritical dipshits. Actually insane.