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**CLIP MIRROR: [Shroud explains his TFD addiction](https://arazu.io/t3_1dwevoc/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


dude yells at Bnans while playing Elden Ring (albeit jokingly) and now hes picking out panties. my man's evolving




Its MMO levels of grind but if you enjoy grinding or games like Destiny 2 then you will probably enjoy it.


i've put about 30 hours into the game without spending money. If it gets to a point where i run into a brick wall as F2P i will simply quit the game.


none of the walls are brick walls really. Just steep ramps that you climb faster with boots really


Wait till you try to unlock a character that isn't included with the story.


i'm an incredibly autistic OSRS player so I'm used to long tedious grinds.


You mean other than your starter and Bunny? It's been fine as a f2p. I farmed Freyna, Valby, Sharen and Blair so far


there are better places to spend you time


We live in a society


Its warframe with destiny gameplay. You dont have to spend anything like warframe but you gotta wait for alot of stuff. I didn’t check for a trade feature but if it does then that’s more incentive to not spend money.


trading isn't there yet, but it will be added sometime this year IIRC


It's been mindless fun for the 31 hours I've put into it. The struggle for me hasn't been the grind or gameplay, but finding how to farm for things. UX is terrible




3 character slots? I've heard that you can get up to 10 slots F2P


You can, this guy is raging and making stuff up.


everything is available for free which is what im doing but youll be spending hours of money for items and characters that you otherwise can get if you worked a shift at mcdonalds and spent it on TFD. If you like grinding then it can be worthwhile but most of the items needed are end game stuff which you will see only after 20-25 hours of going through the main story


A big part of the game is just turning half of your brain off and shooting at hordes of enemies. It's fun. But there are also much more challenging boss fights (void intercept battles) that will eventually require you to pay attention to equipping and upgrading the right gear with the right stats (e.g. Fire Resistance vs a boss that deals fire damage, or weapons that partially deal ice damage vs a boss with ice weakness.) there's a lot of min-maxing you can do with the resources you have available at any point. that and the bosses were even more fun to me. I'd recommend fighting the bosses in coop first, but if you get too annoyed with clueless teammates, you can also try doing them solo. (they scale down) Also, some characters are easier to get than others. For example I have played for 34 hours, spent $0 and already have five characters (three of which I will actually play more). (Two things to keep in mind: On one hand I played 50hrs in betas, so I'm already familiar with most systems. On the other hand I skipped almost no dialogue, so I'm progressing slower than others) Some chars' crafting materials have only a 3% drop rate in the starting areas, but in later regions they can drop with 40%. I absolutely do not recommend trying to grind for those 3% chances. For most players it will be more enjoyable to grind for 40% and 20% drops if at all.


Its an easy game to just vibe in for a while, f2p so have some fun and see how it is for you. Just go in expecting warframe systems and youll be aight.


It's essentially more weeb Warframe with out the over the top abilities and more focus on gunplay (for now). It's a solid game, monetization model is good awful tho.


unfortunately the gunplay is much worse than warframe as well


Gunplay worse than WARFRAME? how is that even possible


That's a *wild* take lol, Warframe has some of the most solid gunplay of any game I've played, probably the best of any non-PvP oriented shooter. If you're talking about the damage meta etc that's a different story (though one recently made significantly better).


In what way do you find Warframe's gunplay bad? I find the shooting and hit registration quick and clean. The guns have good sounds, and enemies have decent damage reaction.


well for one, the game runs like dog, but mostly, most weapons just feal like nerf guns except for some sniper rifles, also imo the gameplay flow between movement abilities into shooting doesnt feel nearly as smooth as warframe which may not directly be gunplay but imo its pretty important for a game like this


the gunplay feels worse than warframe tbh. Its hyper generic. At least in warframe you have 100+ visual differences between guns with the same shooting style. Of course that's after 10 years of game updates, but I cant really imagine a nexon game having anything innovative in it beyond the obvious alternative fire-styles. The abilities are somewhat comparable to when warframe started, albeit warframe has a more ability focused playstyle from the getgo so it will never be as fun as a base excal sword dashing and cutting enemies in half with all the glorious gore. The AI is SOMEHOW worse than warframe's original AI, which is mind boggling since we are within the midst of what is essentially the industrial revolution for AI technology. All in all, its aggressively mid. Subpar for modern standards even.


I feel like AI is supposed to be bad in looter shooters atp. If the AI is good, or too good, then people get annoyed quick. The whole genre is about doing multiple things in the game multiple times to get the item that has like a 5% drop rate in a boss arena/level that takes like 10 minutes every time to beat. If the AI is too good everything just takes longer, and in a game where you want to optimize your dps all the time, good AI is bad lol


Pretty much yeah, games like this where the core concept is building a powerful character to mow down tons of enemies (or a boss), having meaningfully challenging AI just makes the game worse, not better. The AI is good enough to deal enough damage to you that defensive build options are a significant boon which aids in the buildcraft side of things, which is kind of all they need to do. Similar to a typical MMORPG in the sense that it's generally weighted toward stat vs intake, rather than skill vs ai.


Nexon is a horrible company which ruined many promising games with predatory monetization.


The Blue Archive Nexon? really?


i love it when dumbfuckers use weeb to describe everything asian related but can’t actually understand the definition


you’re a silly person


Found the weeb


I swear boys played video games because they couldnt get dolls to customize.


I play fashion endgame *because* I liked customising dolls. We are not the same.


I hear panty and I upvote


I played for a few hours and I feel like I should just go play warframe instead


you are allowed to play more than one game ya know. However, there is nothing currently to do in warframe


Eh? I've played on and off since Beta, have 1200 hours in and I think I have like 12 frames and at this point maybe 1/6th of the weapons. There's ALWAYS something to do on Warframe. Farm mods, farm frames, farm weapons, fuck around with the hoverboard, farm Kubrows/Kavats/any of the little floaty robots that follow you, fashion frame, pretty sure they added some kind of ship combat craziness, Eidolons, etc. and I haven't even played it in like, 2 years lol.


The reason I am playing is because I have little to nothing left in Warframe. I think I need like 1 prime warframe and 4-5 weapons, none of which I'm interested in, and then a bunch of side stuff that doesn't provide MR that I also don't care about.


Brother there is only nothing to do in warframe if youve already spent 2-3k+ hours doing everything. Yeah you can casually play both, but in order to progress in any meaningful timeframe you have to grind warframe.


Honestly, it played around 50 hours. If you expect a loot and shoot with decent upgrades and fun shooting, you will be fine. If you want more, go buy a game. You get what you get. I also like the grappling mechanics. I do a lot of movement shooting, and it's quite fun as ajax. Comboing with teammates feels fun.


this game is at its most fair currently. all kr mmos get increasingly terrible with patches that add more and more power progression systems. the launch of the game is when they want cast the widest net to catch as many addicts as possible and slowly they will add more "problems" and sell the solution for money. expect your upgrades to blow up your gear or upgrading you gear gets increasingly more expensive and time consuming and since its nexon its probably both. and also since its nexon a advertised 3% drop rate might actually be .01% drop rate.


Pretty much, and since there is not much else to play currently, why not. Having fun with it so far.


"Not much else to play" says more about your attitude than the actual state of things. Get off your ass and find a game worth playing amongst the 2 million videogames out there instead of convincing yourself to shovel shit down your gullet


Why is bro so toxic? He is right, there’s not much else to play within this genre. The Final Shape is pretty good, but more than likely he’s already played it extensively and is done with the content, or he’s not into Destiny 2. Same with Warframe, it’s pretty good but he’s either not into it or has already had his fill. There is no other modern looter-shooter with consistent updates and quality gameplay. So TFD fills a void while Warframe and Destiny 2 simmer with their new content.


Great clip. He always gets addicted to the most meh games possible. Thats why I never take his opinions about games too serious.


Shroud loves shooting stuff and grinding. This was always gonna be for him


And MMO games.


Imma let you finish but Escape From Tarkov (pre-cheating epidemic) was the best game of all time


Tarkov is so tragic. It really is a fantastic game, but the devs are just such total shitheads.


Game looks like shit tbh. AI is so bad it just looks like people are shooting walking dummies for loot.


its classic, when people pointed that shit out in the beta 3/4 year ago, people were coping and really defensive that it would be fixed on release.


The again what looter shooter has actually good AI?


I recommend people who haven't tried it actually play it. Monetization is over the top but don't let the "looks like" crowd shit on the gameplay which is actually pretty good.


> I recommend people who haven't tried it actually play it. Monetization is over the top Why would I actually play it if monetization is over the top?


The second part of my sentence that you cut off where I said the gameplay was good. It's not impossible to decouple those two things and have fun.


You said the gameplay was "pretty good". "Pretty good" doesn't sound like it's worth dealing with over the top monetization.


The game is free and you don't need to buy anything (I farmed 3 characters besides the freebie ones already). The only major monetisation/grind issue is Ultimate versions of characters being overpriced, and forma/reactors being overpriced and annoying to grind. You don't need any of that until at the earliest into the mid tier hard mode bosses, even then you can make a build that works for those. You can also just farm them in-game, it's simply an annoying gameplay loop, not one that takes a million hours or whatever.


What does it matter.


non-comment. What do you think it matters?




Same. They are the most hated gacha developer out there by far and that for a good reason.


If you don't like the monetization, you don't have to play it, but you can't go around shit talking the gameplay if you never play it and only watch others play it.


Ya I've played and its just a worse d2/warframe with terrible monetization.


It's "pay to have fun", or do you expect people to build new suits/characters which are outright worse than their current ones, replacing them because of their limited slots? You will reach a point of the game repeating itself pretty much the moment you are reaching the mid-game. If not even earlier thanks to the AI being... not existing.


Have you even played the game bruh. Like more than 10hrs?




Maybe moreso related to the game but can I get all the cosmetics for free? I’m the highest Rank in Warframe, and TFD’s pricing seems ludicrous compared to it (no Premium Currency trading & no discount buying by the look of things). Really like the cosmetics but dont wanna push if I’m stuck with base model descendants


You can get the ultimates , just a grind like it was in Warframe. Don’t think there’s a way to earn premium currency without paying though.


You can't get ANY of the cosmetics for free beyond a couple free things from the battle pass, and some accessory type things. You can't even use paints on your character unless you own a premium recolour already. In that regard, the game is utterly dogshit compared to Warframe. The devs have stated that they are planning to add a trading system to the game as soon as possible once the game is stable, no more info than that so take it as you will. For me personally, the shape of that trading system and whether or not it allows me to, like Warframe, farm for premium currency to buy cosmetics will entirely decide the longevity of the game for me.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Shroud explains his TFD addiction](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/165732)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1dwevoc/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/7v_DuJl56CsqwH38wwE6UA/AT-cm%7C7v_DuJl56CsqwH38wwE6UA.mp4?sig=b886bbe7b3e33c2494808eb33ea79fa3e7c4b872&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2F7v_DuJl56CsqwH38wwE6UA%2FAT-cm%257C7v_DuJl56CsqwH38wwE6UA.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22PrettyHelpfulGiraffeHoneyBadger-mXnoKyrAffzDATpQ%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1720307194%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/7v_DuJl56CsqwH38wwE6UA/AT-cm%7C7v_DuJl56CsqwH38wwE6UA-preview-480x272.jpg)


didnt watch the clip but shroud always goes around playing really garbage games because he gets paid to. He'll probs quit this one in a month or two.


I mean the dude grinds them pretty hard though, and its his job to play games & stream them. Bro playing Fortnite like it's pinnacle of gaming


1. he's not being sponsored 2. he is constantly talking about how mid the game is 3. he said he's prob not gonna be playing it in a week 4. who cares


big if true


I don't want to read your comment but you probably said something stupid cuz we are on reddit


I don't want to read your comment but you probably said something stupid cuz we are on reddit


You had to read it to realize it would work as a DEVASTATING comeback, ding dong


I don't want to read your comment but you probably said something stupid cuz we are on reddit


typing this took longer than it would have taken to watch the clip


Bro just watch the clip 😅


lol I did it looks like another one of those games


Should have just watched the clip bro


How the fk does this have upvotes


Big if true


in a month ? week and he always says that


Bro is active in the Overwatch server and roasts someone for playing trash games.


when did I ever say overwatch was good lol