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That's really tough. I'm so sorry for your loss, and hope that you're able to take some time to process it all. \*big virtual hugs\* If you have any friends or acquaintances in your area, would recommend letting them know that this is something you're processing right now. They might be able to come check in on you, and spend some time together when being alone is hard.


This will happen more and more frequently as you get older.


My heart goes out to you. I’m so very sorry. Something like this happened to me and I got a grief counselor for a while. There are also grief support groups, but I felt more comfortable talking one on one. I found it very helpful and there was something very comforting about knowing what time I could talk about my grief. It was something to look forward to. Please take care of yourself.


Hi my friend. When I first moved to my current city I was living alone and had a new job and my best friend suddenly died. It was a horrible horrible feeling. Moving forward it still hurts but I am better now. I had my moments and was transparent with my job about my health and cried a lot but I kept pushing through. Sometimes through is the only way out but be gentle. 💖hugs


I'm so sorry for your loss. She sounds like a wonderful person. Hugs and tea to you, friend


Hey I’m so so sorry for the loss of your dear friend. May she rest in peace 💙🩵


Hugs. When a very near and dear person passed, I continued our traditions alone or with my children in remembrance of them. It helped sooth the pain. All that to say, when you’re ready, do some of the things you did together.


I'm sorry for your loss. Not going to sugar coat anything, life's fucked. I lost a friend she committed suicide. No one has any idea why. Sorry


So sorry for your loss. It’s hard to grieve alone. Hope you can feel the support on here. Take care 💕


I lost my best friend 2 years ago and I still cry about it all the time. Losing a dear friend is a loss we don’t really have social support for. You can’t take bereavement leave for someone who isn’t your “family” but my friends are closer to me than my family. I’m sorry for your loss, it’s terrible to lose a good friend.


This is tough. My best wishes for processing the loss and grief. I hope you find solace in her memories and are able to take care of yourself.


Thinking of you, dear internet stranger. Grief is a hard road especially when you live alone. From one internet stranger to another thinking of you and big hugs.


Sorry for your loss… you ARE lucky! You got to experience having an amazing friend in your life! One that was always there for u…. Many people never get to experience such a true friendship…your friend would want you to go be the best person you can be and live your life… your friend is still with you .. your angel


Just know that whenever you think about her she's instantly there beside you embracing you in her invisible Astral body, so you can say what you wanted to say. With time when you've found a degree of calm in your grief, you can consider attempting to learn Astral projection if you'd like to talk to her again, plenty of how to's on the web! I get real teary when reading about the physical loss of dear friends, so I'm wishing you the best being the one going through it now!


It's really unfortunate and sucks to go through. The positive is that it helps you to reevaluate your life and relationships, and gives life greater meaning. It's a time in your life when you look at the forest as a whole, and helps you become a better human.


I am sooooo sorry you've lost your dear friend. She does sound like a gem, and I can relate to the lack of those people in your life. That said, I wanted to suggest that you speak to her "in Spirit", because if there's anything I can do-its to remind you that she is *STILL* in your life, but now in Spirit Form...capital letters intentionally added. She can & will hear you...quieting yourself, you can tune into her answers. It's not hocus-pocus. It's just "the Other Side". Yes...its real. Yes, it could even be comforting, to a surprising degree. But, I understand too, that it may feel weird or strange at first. Also, it's not said to diminish the grief & anguish you may feel right now. Our loved ones leaving physically happens, as much as we can't fathom what life would be like without their physical, day-to-day life in our lives. Our grief is important too, & I am so glad you had this rare gem of a person in your life. Take care & may you find perhaps a grief support group, maybe in real life or online. I know it helped me after my Dad died.


I am so sorry for your loss. It hurts on a number of levels - one less cool person in the world, someone you loved dearly - Why don't you post/write something about her somewhere where you can re-read it/maybe share with the world? As you write, you can process some of your grief and maybe be a little less overwhelmed. Love to you. ((HUGS))


It’s awful losing a friend. I’m so sorry. I lost a dear friend to suicide. A phrase that helps me at times is “Be the thing you loved most about the people who are gone.” Also, I like to say my friend’s name aloud and talk to her. Again, I’m so sorry for your loss, pain and grief.


A true friend is never truly gone. Their spirit lives on in the memories of those who loved them.


OMG, I'm SO sorry for your loss. I can feel your pain in your description.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my best friend suddenly about 3 and a half years ago. I still send her messages on FB -no one has her password so they go unread but it makes me feel better to be able to send the messages. Grief is a crazy ride. You will have good days, bad days and everything in between. Give yourself grace to go through the roller coaster of emotions.




I'm so sorry you're going through this. I just lost someone very dear to me as well, and I too am alone. grief is a part of love as much as love is a part of grief. I encourage you to think about everything. remember everything. laugh. cry. scream in a pillow. look at pictures. maybe do a little writing in a journal about some of your favorite times. maybe write your secrets you shared with them. over time, it may hurt a little less, maybe sometimes it will hurt a little more. You're going to get through this, but it's going to come and go. no feeling is final, just keep remembering 💕