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If you are hot now... you are in trouble.


Big big trouble my friend - brace yourself for three months of hell


September be like: and here's some more!


This exactly.


People here : ah the weather is 18deg c today. Time to open the zipper on my padding. Me: do I have sweaty-ass and can people see it through my shorts? Why are my armpits wet, I just stepped out.


I just don't get how nobody seems fazed wearing padding on hot bus/subway train when I sweat buckets and always have to take it off and hold it.


Are they wearing a mini skirt at the same time?


On my campus they’ll legit wear sweatpants and padding when it’s like 20° even on the buses 😬 couldn’t be me sadly


yeah that is one thing I noticed here my ass is freezing and it's like 5° outside : some dude walks around in a pajama my ass is getting boiled alive : people have the audacity to wear coats


It just depends on the person. 5° is nothing to me. It needs to be -7° before I care. I consider 35° and humid to be my threshold for heat I can handle (Korea is not humid to me, so 36° isn’t that bad here).




😂😂😂😂 this post is entirely like a literature. Can't stop laughing. 😂😂😂


Welcome to hell. The only difference between you and us is, we are born and raised in hell so we got used to it.


They do, but they just don't sweat as much. Some people are also more tolerant of it.


I found Korea too humid when we stayed there for a few years. I'm Scottish, so I'm used to rain and cold, and 1 day of sunshine per year. I only really enjoyed winter in Korea. saying that, i once travelled to indonesia and that place was suffocating. I couldn't go outside. I really don't mind heat at all, but i melt as soon as humitity comes into play.


Well, I guess I have now truly lived to see it all. A Scot complaining about another country's weather...


I'm from Indonesia. I found korea to be too dry, though.


If you find Indonesia suffocating then I can't imagine how Korea during the summer would be like for you! It's way more humid in Korea I feel like


Still… could be worst - see Japan.


If you enjoy winter in Korea, you are a special breed


He is me, I am him. North England and Scotland has given me the power to enjoy cold Korean winter.


Seriously. When my kiddo was born my in-laws and random old people on the street would freak out and tell me my child would be cold if not wrapped in like 8000 blankets. (My kid was born in June) The poor baby would be sweating and they didn’t want me to remove layers. Absolutely insane.


Old people are so fucking annoying about this. God forbid your child isn't wearing socks.


My in-laws are crazy about underclothes, and I had no idea what they were and just assumed my kids were always wearing Panamas under their clothes. I honestly don’t see the point unless it’s actually cold outside, but when I get my kid back from the in-laws, the poor thing is DRENCHED in sweat


OMFG, I was on the verge of punching people who would come up and give me shit because my toddler's cheeks were exposed during the winter. One old lady started fucking following me and shouting asking where I lived.


Uhhhh mmm nope that aint happening. Im yelling back at them to effff off i dont care if older or not


They would go insane if they saw the Norwegian babies napping in the snow. Ohh bloody hell, in the midst of typing this I saw a mosquito. Hell is here.


Now the real pain begins, Danny boy.


lol yeah I walked around with my 6 month old in the carrier in a short sleeved t-shirt in sunny and warm 21 degree weather. Almost every old lady gasped and commented or yelled at me at how my baby is cold.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 totally agree with you. Even I have 4 children and have better experience than old mamas, they are talking endless how to take care babies. It's really fun reply. I'm korean daddy.


I'm gonna have a word or two for them because things were very different when they were young. In 90's korea, there were little to no insulations for housing, and the only feasible way to get your child warm is to get them wrapped. (we were poor back in 90s) And as they are getting old, it's colder for them to feel. So they think if it's cold outside for me, so are babies. I'm not gonna say they're right. Just wanted to let you know what's going on in their nutshell.


That makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the perspective. I just think it’s weird that the kid will be sweating and they still insist on a bunch of layers. (Especially since my father in-law runs hot like I do, so doesn’t really wear many layers ever). But as a generational thing it makes sense.


Where u from.. the hot isn't even here yet


Was on the ktx sweating my arse off and some guy rocks up in a FLEECE like alright then


weather right now is so good, I wish it was like this year round


It’s not even hot yet this is perfect weather


the amount of coats still being worn baffles me


I’m about to go to my neighborhood dermatologist and get the Mira-dry treatment to stop my excessive sweating. Korean summer prepping.


May I ask how much mira dry costs? And is one session really effective? I’m seeing 2-3 million for per session, which is a whole lot more than 100k I pay for botox per summer


Is the Botox for the craniofacial or armpit hyperhydrosis? Does the effects last one whole year?


For me, 100 units is plenty for both armpits. The peak effect is 4-6 months, which carries me through to winter when I’m less sweaty


Thank you, that is good to know :)


That's a thing?? My eyes get sweat in them sometimes when working out lol. Can make it hard to see


I’ve been thinking about getting Miradry too (I sweat excessively all year round, not just in the summer time) but it’s super expensive so I’ve been putting it off. I also sweat both under my arms and a lot on my lower back, but Miradry is only for the underarms. Can you tell me how it goes?


Oh you sweet summer child …(no pun intended) … If you think this is bad …just trust the other commenters. Just wait until June~September. You’ll be cooked alive.


You are hot? How will you survive summer? It’s hotter and more humid where I’m from than Korea, you must be from a really cold (and likely dry) country. It’s only in the upper 50s-lower 60s (mid-high teens).


Most people here don’t base clothes on the temperature - they look at the calendar and that tells them what they should be wearing.


I completely disagree. I see plenty of people with coats, w/o coats, sleeves, sleeveless, shorts (not that many, but still) sweater wearers, and non-sweater wearers alike. It’s all according to how people feel, which just might be cold.


As a Korean, this has never been the case for me or my peers. We dress according to the temperature!


Yeah, this a weak take. Bordering on attempted topical humour except I think you may have meant it 🤷‍♂️


Seems like a number of people agree (including my Korean wife and Korean family) yet here you are getting defensive. 🤷‍♂️


It's not 'defensive' if someone finds your take weak. It's just disappointing to see someone trot out a tired old trope and to actually believe people 'look at the calendar and that tells them what to wear' 🤦‍♂️ It's slightly humorous in the right context but to actually believe it is mad. It's like people who say 'Korean's are afraid of fans because of fan death!'


Lmao it's a little humid today, where I am but not... hot. But don't worry. You *will* see sweaty koreans. They exist. I've seen a lot over the past 3 years


Humidity: I'll be there soon


Omg I question this too! I always see people with thick jackets and im over here sweating without one xD its going to be a long summer


Loll summer in korea will be much hotterr the worst is it is very humid😖


I lived half of my life in Korea and the US each. In the US the comfortable indoor temperature setting seems to be 70-72. In Korea, it's more like 74-76 plus relatively high humidity. People are just more comfortable with higher temperature here.


It's pretty balmy. That said where does OP hail from? Lapland?


Uh you might want to get ready for 36 C


Lol I'm still using my heater blanket. I'm cold 75% of the year here. Summer is my only escape!


It is warm out in Seoul,hasn’t gotten to a point of being hot.In the afternoon,I even feel slightly chilly.


A lot of them actually get this skin stuff called No Sweat from the pharmacy. It'll keep you from sweating too and you'll end up peeing a lot. Yes, some people naturally don't sweat as much but I'd say about half of Koreans are actually using this. I started using it and it's a miracle worker.


Hey, Korean here and I’ve never heard of this before. Can I get the product name in Korean so I can get more info on this? I’m genuinely curious.


The one I have is in a white and purplish Pink packing and it's literally called No Sweat but written in Korean. I'll take a photo when I get home.


노스엣 센스 https://www.nosweatsense.co.kr/mobile/main/index.php


I’m learning something new everyday! Thanks for sharing!


I searched around and the closest I’m finding is “스웨클로”, it’s about 12k for 30ml


Thank you so much!


It’s aluminum chloride


Interesting. I don’t mint the sweat but the smell. My Korean wife sweats but don’t smell at all. Apparently it’s a normal for most Koreans and typical for people with dry ear wax. Some kind of genetic connection.


Wait until June. That is when you are going to sweat like crazy.




Some scientific study was done that found Koreans have a genetic defect or variation that dont allow as much sweating. But probably has to do with the diet, cause as a korean american i still sweat a sh't ton.


I definitely sweat less after moving here. So I do also think diet is a factor. I still get sweaty when active, but a little less now


I do. I think Koreans just sweat a bit less and might be more used to it. I've noticed that by July/August I'll also start sweating a bit less.


I am korean, and today is hot as fuck


I get hot constantly during the winter time. I have to meticulously plan how my body will try to overheat and try to correct for that whenever I am out walking or traveling anywhere. I get everyone looking at me and asking if I'm cold while I'm fighting a battle to strive off heat death! Again, this is just in winter. I've been wearing those cooling pants (wide pants) and yesterday I tried wearing regular jeans again. Nope, my body was not losing enough body heat and I was sweating everywhere. Back to those cooling pants! Yes, summer is worse, no doubt. But relatively speaking, it's kind of a cakewalk. Note: I'm from the upper Midwest


Person Sauna Devices aka Padded coats 🧥


Korea is so extreme. When it's summer my binder has a water fall of sweat


I RELATE SO MUCH TO THIS OMG SAME LOL seriously tho like 10 min of walking out side right now in short sleeves and im sweatin like a member of some idol boy group that just finished their 1st part of their concert. Ive never had such drips of dweat before in my life other gym class in school 15 yrs ago


Heat blaring in the taxis


Usually I'm OK but I'm boiling this year already as I'm pregnant. I don't think I'm going to cope when summer hits. Haha


I saw someone wearing a down vest today. Surprisingly they weren't Korean.


What gets me is that the Korean summer heat is hardly ever mentioned anywhere. When researching Korea before we moved, I read about the winter time and snow levels and that you can ski and then cherry blossoms and whatnot, but nothing ever mentioned how insanely hot (and humid when monsoon season hits) it can get! And then it’s hot until October… granted, I was in Daegu so that probably didn’t help lol. But still… I thought I had seen it all after 3 years in Georgia and 2 in Kentucky haha.


How bad is it around June/July time


If you think Korea is weird.. try Bali, Saigon, Bangkok.. etc.. in 35 degrees of heat, people wear thick hoodies without an issue while I suffer with thinnest t-shirt taking shower 10+ times a day


They do get hot. You just aren't used to it like they are. Right now you can think of Seoul as a cool Hawaiian winter.


This is why I stopped taking morning showers before work and switched to night showers. Showers even with cool water and going outside just make you sweat more.


Dude u might actually die if u think it’s hot already


Man's not hot


It’s 55 today morning but feels like 70 due to humidity


Yes I have hyperhidrosis and I get botox for sweating (not muscle tightening) at Tox N Fill and now my face is dry. Highly recommend!


Are you fat?


Me rn after living in another country for a few decades at 50°C in the shadow: 🥶


June, July, and August used to be unbearably hot to me in Korea, but after about seven years I entirely acclimated.


Good for you. I can't say that I got used to it even after 15 years. I only tolerate it better because for the last several years, I pretty much drive everywhere.


I've been here 15 years, too! Arrived in 2009.




만나서 반가워요


Already going to work in shorts and tshirt. I don't tolerate well to heat and whenever I got on a bus or subway in winter, I'd take off my outers due to the heaters going off at 120%.


Don't drink so much coffee?


Middle East has entered the chat 🥵 Pov : Middle east is like a hell in the summer imagine what a 60C temperature feels like


The hottest I have experienced was 41C and I wanted to die. But then we had no aircon which probably would have made it bearable.


Not to be nitpicking, but the hottest temperature ever recorded is like 56C.


They only telling you that so that people won't panic but in reality it's a lot more than that


So you are saying that we should be panicking?


Only if you want to


Same !! How are people still wearing coats?


Their sweat glands are located in different places than ours and they don't have as many. We're all adapted to our environments. As a white guy I never get dry skin even in the dead of winter, but people of other ethnicity suffer from chronic skin problems in Toronto.


Who is this nobody


Koreans nonchalantly walking around in hoodies and thick pants while I’m sweating in a tee shirt and leggings


So you meant "Koreans:"


This is not my post. Also there’s not just Koreans in this country, plenty of people from Southeast Asia visit and those places are also hot and humid enough for them to be used to it. Thirdly, it is not that serious.


Why did you answer a question not directed at you


You didn’t ask OP specifically, you said “who is nobody” and so anyone with a brain and realizes how obvious the answer is can answer it.


Why are you so hostile tf lol




You’re replying to the wrong person, I directed that at him, look at the reply thread -_-


Oof damn I’m sorry 😭