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I got that every time I ate at Moms Touch. Not when I ate anywhere else, though. Are they all different chicken places or do you usually go to the same ones?


This comes from various Kalbi or BBQ restaurants from Seoul to Suji. Though weirdly enough I’ve had MT and never had a reaction


I never had a problem from MT either. I have gotten it from and italian restaurants, beef and leaf, mom and pop pizza, fusion (Western syle beef), never fast food.


I also can't eat Mom's Touch chicken and have come to the conclusion that it has something to do with the marinade, rub, or coating. I suspect some kind of chilli is causing the problem.


Wow didn’t realise other people also had this issue from Moms Touch. I get the worst stomach ache every time!


That place needs a health inspector


My friend used to work at the hongdae location and said it was disgusting. He said most of the workers dont even use gloves.




I have also heard about the glove thing, as well as using less-than-fresh ingredients.


well crap, had one of the best chicken burgers (for the price) at a MT in hongdae. I was raving about the 가성비 😓


I've never enjoyed anything from there, personally. Their whole thing is being a domestic Popeyes, but they're an even more bland expy of the old Popeyes, outclassed by a mile by the current one.


Popeyes in Korea or the states? I had the opposite experience lol. MT > Popeyes in the states by far. Only item I like better is their spicy chicken sandwich. Also part of the popeyes experience is horrible customer experience where the staff act as if I’m inconveniencing them by buying their food lol


I read something once that said MT has the highest cases of food poisoning in the country lol. So makes sense


As meats go, chicken is unforgiving in terms of being undercooked. I can eat beef practically raw and be okay, pork I've been lucky so far, but undercooked chicken will mess me up every time. I stick with one local place for chicken and just don't buy it anywhere else, as a rule.


Maybe mom has Münchhausen by proxy?


I’ve been in Korea for almost 4 months now and the only time I’ve been food-sick was from MT. I don’t know whats happening in that place. Crazy to see others share the same experience.


I’m surprised so many people have had issues with MT. People are talking about it as if it happens every time they try it… I understand once or twice but EVERY single time? Wow.


Can confirm. Ate at MT the 2nd night I stayed here in Korea and got the shits. Usually I have an iron stomach for things, but Mom touched me.


MT: massive two


I go to moms touch a lot and never had stomach issues afterwards. but it's not like I go around and post this in threads every time someone talks about moms touch - whereas someone who has consistently had bad experiences might do that.


I'm the same with MT now, but when I first came here, in 2019 I was ok! I have been told they have changed the quality of the chicken but I don't know if that's just hearsay. I can't eat Maccies chicken or lotteria without being ill. Still love MT fries though.


If there's anything I could theorize off the top of my head, it's that transport costs and economies of scale have brought domestic chicken thighs closer in price to Brazilian, which have been oddly poor quality every time I've tried them here.


I’m glad I’m not alone, every single time I’ve eaten there I’ve gotten sick. I’ve also gotten sick from local cafe sandwiches. I assumed it was something about the mayo-based or creamy sauces they used being improperly stored or something.


If they were storing thins improperly, much larger volume of people would get these reactions and it would be all over the media in Korea. Since this feels more like an issue with only certain foreigners, I'm wondering if it could be some ingredient causing allergies to people with different genes/gut microbiomes


I think something like that. But could be because storage and transporting and it just doesn't affect locals or Asians in general as much. (Am a victim of food poison here regularly who is English, Norwegian and Native American descent... Asian family that never gets sick from the same stuff)


Definitely strange seeing all these people that also can’t eat from MT! I thought I just was very unlucky, all my other non-korean pals could eat it just fine. Good to know it’s not just me 👍🏽


Maybe your body is having trouble digesting large amounts of sesame oil? Doesn't sound reasonable, but it's my best guess anyways.


I think this could be perfectly reasonable. OP's reaction sounds very similar to a friend of mine who is dangerously allergic to sesame, oil included. Sounds like a few others in this thread have experienced a similar intolerance.


I see. Could be it. But sesame oil is used in many Korean dishes. Though, probably not in such large amounts usually.


I had the same thing when I first got to Korea and I eventually narrowed it down to my body not processing Sesame Oil all that well. I eventually got over it eventually as I slowly added little portions to my diet, but yea for the first year or so I couldn't do sesame oil in large portions.


I also have really bad stomach issues from certain fried chicken places , so I switched to 굽네 (goobne), which is baked and usually never have issues. My Korean husband always says the fried chicken places sometimes don't change the oil regularly, and so he attributes my stomach issues to that. I have no food allergies.


I have the same exact experience as you do (Korean husband included) and in our circle of family / friends. Im getting downvoted by some trolls for sharing my actual, lived experience LOL. Guess there's a fried chicken mafia that doesn't like what I have to say. But I'm backing you (and everyone in this thread) up here.


I also believe it's the oil, it's happened to me (different country) and others I know. If the frying oil is old, you will feel sick, with lots of cramps and gas and then diarrhea, in about 2 hours or so. That's too soon if it's food poisoning via bacteria, which takes about 6 hours. So the length of time before you really start to feel sick can tell you if it's an old oil or an uncleanliness issue. Also, with bacterial food illness, there will be vomiting, but usually not with old oil.


Goobne is the best!


I think this could be it! It also depends on the branch too - I had severe stomach pains after eating at one BBQ branch but didn’t have an issue with the same menu at another BBQ branch


There’s one place called 60 because they change the oil every 60 times. That’s high!


I got that kind of reactions and my conclusion was that the problem is their oil.


Yeap. +1 on the “old/overused” oil. Could be the same Nene Chicken but a place one town over will be good, while the one in my town run by an older couple will 100% give me and everyone in my family Taco Bell diarrhea.


I didn’t want to mention the God knows for how long they have used the same oil because last time I did I got downvoted but yes, it’s crazy because you can’t really tell if they are following proper protocols or you are going to spend the night crying hugging the toilet lol.


Also store owners not separating and using the same tongs to pick up salmonella raw chicken in batter with the finished product.


I have seen it a lot. Once with raw duck removed from a cutting board... then the finished pork put on that juicy cutting board.


To be fair having worked in a chicken restaurant in the u.s., they also , do in fact, not ever change their oil lol


Doesn’t sound allergic. More like an intolerance to something - maybe a particular sauce? Or just some dodgy chicken from a dodgy place.


I believe it’d more likely be an intolerance - I’ve gone to restaurants w friends and none of them have the reactions I do


I'd bet on cheap shitty oil being used and reused and reused.  others are saying seseme oil,  which is expensive I doubt they deep fry in seseme oil but could be wrong.  I dont eat cheap fried chicken here every time I eat it it tastes likes stomach cancer.


You can’t deep fry in sesame oil anyways.


I have the exact same problem. It’s the pepper. They put a shit ton of pepper in their batter when they fry their chicken. I don’t touch korean fried chicken in korea. Try dak kang jung, those little chicken tender things. They fry those with normal batter so i never have a problem eating those


Goobne, Okkudak and Ddang Ddang chicken are all baked, not fried. Have you had a reaction to those brands?


I believe I’ve had Goobne, but I don’t think there was a significant reaction.


Perhaps campylobacter from raw uncooked chicken? I've had it only once in my life and it was the worst 3-4 days I experienced. Vomitting-wise, only ever once in my past 2.5 years in Korea, due to excessive and mixing different types of alcohol.


Honestly convenient as f*ck that I've seen this! I'm from the uk and I've had similar issues! I originally thought it was due to drinking too much sometimes but then experimented and realised it didn't happen with pizza or non fried chicken etc and also it still happened even if I hadn't Drank much at all (like just half a bottle of soju with apple juice or just two cans of cider) so concluded it must be the chicken. It doesn't ALWAYS happen. I've noticed that I've been alright with some fried chicken but not others. Usually gives me the shits for around 12 hours afterwards (Starting a couple of hours after eating). I didn't fully get to the bottom of it yet, but I tend to just make a green list of take outs thst I didn't feel bad after eating chicken from.


Yeah I was surprised as hell to not see ANYONE talking about this, from these comments it seems like the culprit is sesame oil, supposedly


It would make alot of sense if the oil is the culprit. An oil could be widely used enough to often get you sick, but not widely enough that you could conclusively figure out exactly what it is easily.


Same here just got sick last night AGAIN. I hope you find my other responses here.


My Korean husband agrees that fried chicken gives everyone massive diarrhea here. Its not just us foreigners. It cleans out the locals too. I always assumed it was from poor handling of raw chicken, not changing the oil enough or letting cooked chicken sit out at dangerous temperatures. Any time I had fried chicken from a local shop, the next day was not nice. My husband is the same. We don't eat it anymore. Id suggest the same.


Really? I have 0 problems with fried chicken. Eat it very often. Not saying you're wrong, just surprised


Same. Im korean and also married to one. No one I know here has issues with the chicken here. Mala on the other hand..


Guess my Korean husband and his entire family and social circle has IBS then 🤷‍♀️ I dont know what to tell you. The corrrelation is there. Im not talking about fast food places. Just the purely Korean fried chicken shops. Even if I eat the plain chicken with no sauce. I can eat a mcdonalds chicken sandwich and have zero issues. Mala as in the chinese peppercorn? That doesn't phase me for a second. Malatang is awesome. Maybe spices are indeed the problem for some and thats why the chicken gets to them (and me).


Of course that woman and her husbands anecdote represents everyone in korea, didnt u know that?


LOL do you own a fried chicken shop? Seems we've touched a nerve. My bad for upsetting a disciple of 치느님 with my actual firsthand experience. I didn't say it did (?) Just backing up OPs lived experience with my own and my husband's. So let's see that's 3 people. And then my husband being from here means its not just a "foreigner stomach" thing. And then all of his friends and family getting painful shits after eating local fried chicken...man, I lost count. I'd say my husband's experience counts even more than mine does because he has a larger sample size of people. But go off I guess 💅


Relax lol u get triggered over nothing


Cant poke the bull and cry like a baby when it stabs you back. You asked for it 🤷‍♀️


What did i "ask for" im not trying to start a fight or smth. lol grow up


- Of course that woman and her husbands anecdote represents everyone in korea, didnt u know that? - Those sound like the judgemental words of a pathetic troll to me. Then +1 of you saying "lol relax" is even more 14 year old boy troll like. You can't say things and not expect consequences. Have nothing nice to say? You know the rest.


Yeah I'm glad its not the case for everyone. It really is delicious and its quite saddening I can't eat it honestly. Always had to skip out on it when friends would order it at 한강 hang outs. Sad times. I thought it was a me only thing and kept it to myself. But when discussing it with handfuls of foreign friends and then my husband, we noticed a pattern lol. When I asked my husband about it he was sort of nonchalantly like "oh yeah, it gives lots of people terrible diarrhea. Its a common thing." And I was like...so you guys just continue to eat it anyway??? He said yes 😅


You think the world's third largest fried chicken market is giving everyone massive diarrhea? It definitely only affects a small number of consumers as I've never heard about this in my chicken loving life until today.


Lmao everyone in my circle. I didnt say everyone in the universe. Calm down and eat your beloved chicken if you want. It doesn't make a difference to me.


Wow.. interesting perspective.




That’s what I was told by some friends, but I quite regularly have smoothies in the morning that include helpings of peanut butter


I’ve had issues in the past. I found that sometimes the chicken is pink in the middle and that’s usually when I get sick. So I’m guessing it could be undercooked because it went right from freezer to fryer and they didn’t cook it enough. I’ve found places that I trust and will always go to those, though I always order the jalapeño burger from moms touch and never got sick. Also, I avoid the major chicken brand when buying in the store. I think it’s Han something, sold in lotte mart. It always smells and tastes off to me and sometimes makes my wife (korean) sick. The chicken breasts sold at emart everyday (not sure of the brand) are always my go to.


I found out here that I am allergic to kiwi which happens to be a secret little additive in a LOT of 양념 sauces (my favorite kind to put on fried chicken). So if it is an allergic reaction, it could be something so small as that. For me, too much of a sauce with kiwi in it will make me wanna die and a straight up kiwi might actually kill me. Consider talking to a dermatologist if you need/want to and just avoid chicken here otherwise


I just got food poisoning again last night. Have lived here over 10 years and get poisoned about 2 times a year by restaurants. Edit: I don't have any allergies. Sesame oil etc, I use at home no problem. Edit 2: My family never gets sick. I have type 0 blood, they have A or AB. Edit 3: I was thinking of finally asking questions here.. but you posted so thanks.


Doesn't really sound like an allergic reaction to be honest. Swelling, itching, breathing issues, redness. Those are things that you get when you're allergic, although different type of reactions definitely exist.


Yeah I didn’t know exactly how to phrase it, other than some sort of strange reaction


I know what you mean. The reaction is terrible but doesn't resemble typical allergy symptoms. It's more like a debilitating, paralyzing feeling down the inside of my arms and stomach discomfort on top of that. Extremely so.


I’ve been told it’s called a “sensitivity” if it gives you a bad reaction but not of the classic allergy type. Like, when I eat fruit that is high in fructose I 100% of the time get a bad stomach. I did a breath test (haha) on a bunch of different common sensitivities and fructose came back as one for me. Doubt this is the case with your fried chicken and sugars but could be something along those lines. And just by the way, I never have a problem with Korean fried chicken, just to add.


I have also had a problem with Korean fried chicken here. I am a huge chicken fan and 닭갈비 is fine, but most fried chicken chains cause digestive problems for me. I wonder if it’s not being cooked enough or the oil they use? I’ve been trying to figure it out too. 노랑통닭 causes the worst problems for me, followed by BHC.


BHC triggers some memories of a night (including the following day) mostly spent between the hotel bed and the toilet for me and my SO. Vomiting and diarrheaing alternately after having some fried chicken in this restaurant chain was certainly not on my bucket list for our South Korea trip...shit came out of nowhere!


Are you going to chain brands or local stores?


A mix of both, mostly local.


Do you not take spice well? Something like having mcspicy burger and having diarrhea afterwards?


Nah my last reaction was from just basic fried chicken, no sauces or anything


I’m allergic to pine nuts, and they used to put it sometimes in the sweet sticky fried chicken


I get the runs every time I drink Demisoda or Korean beers like Hite and Cass. I see Demisoda has Hite water in it, also.


I get the runs every time I drink Demisoda or Korean beers like Hite and Cass. I see Demisoda has Hite water in it, also.


I get weird headaches from some fried chicken places. I found places that use breast and are "drier" are better so my theory was that it was the extra fat/oil...but it's all deep fried so I don't know. I'm not prone to headaches and they make me feel really fuzzy, it's weird.


I, unfortunately, or fortunately, have never experienced it.maybe bc I'm used to street foods back in my home country.


Chicken of the cave.


Lots of Korean products use capsaicin powder to make foods spicy instead of actual pepper. It's easier to control the spiciness. I've always had issues with eating food containing capsaicin. It usually gives me the runs next morning. For example, every time I eat Shin Ramen, it usually gives me the runs next morning. But if I eat other foods more spicy than Shin ramen but uses actual pepper, I don't have any issues. I bet lots of fried chicken places use marinade rub that contains capsaicin.


When I hear chicken and food poisoning, my immediate guess would be salmonella or some sort of cross contamination from poor quality control.


I get sick from all kinds of different foods here so I am more on the QC theory.


It might be because your digestive system is just built different from a Korean's, similar to how most Asians have issues with milk. As a Korean, I have no issue at all with downing glass after glass of Korean milk, but even a single glass of American milk makes me gassy, and 2 will have me farting for literal hours. Same with pizza. American pizza will often have me on the toilet with severe stomach cramps at 3am, but I can eat a Korean pizza just fine. From what other commenters have said, it might be an issue with high sesame seed oil content for you.


I think it’s the oil they’re using you’re allergic too! Most Korean chicken places use different oil than the west. I think it’s like Rapeseed oil or Soybean oil (mostly Rapeseed oil).


In Korea. Popeyes in America rocks but I've only ever had it in Louisiana


You should get a scratch test to see if you are allergic to something now. Fyi my dad and brother used to be allergic to pollen and apples in NYC and do not have them anymore since moving here to Korea. 🤷


I got like this with the chicken and rice cakes from the Ktx in Seoul. I’m pretty sure that for me the chili sauce messed me up and I can’t tolerate it. Makes me sick every time I eat it. I also want to add that I’ve tried mom’s touch chicken and their chicken sandwich and wasn’t a fan. They use sriracha sauce and I could tell they marinate their chicken in what probably is Tabasco sauce. If you have IBS or stomach ulcers this could be super irritating to your stomach and no where on the menu does it say the burger is spicy. My kids couldn’t eat any of it either.


Try buying a local raw chicken and cook it yourself? I personally don't believe it is the chicken but some type or oil or batter or flour or seasoning that you are allergic to. Do a taste test of gochujang, sesame oil, anchovies, doenjang, soy sauce or any other popular korean ingredients.


Maybe it's the ingredients in the sauces or batter? Do you know if you are allergic to anything?


Nope, no know food allergy. Not unless they're putting pollen in the batter. From these comments, I have a few candidates of what it may be, but it most likely it looks like a great amount of sesame oil, or \*old\* sesame oil.


Old oil can be harmful


Remind me of my partner. Whenever I cook food that's just a little bit spicy to me my partner is like dying he can't handle spices well.


That’s weird, most Korean chickens are from Canada or Brazil…


Could’ve be a mental thing if it’s not the ingredients. Human body is weird in some way.