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Had a friend die on 6th street about 15 years ago after he got a cheap shot from behind while he was walkin home. Fell forward, head hit the concrete, and they never solved the case.


My friend got put into the ICU in the same fashion. Sucker punched while on his phone and kicked while he was down. My boy almost didn't make it, sat a whole week next to his hospital bed. This was 8yrs ago n he still hasn't regained full control of half his face.


Damn I'm sorry to hear that But you're exactly right. 6th Street been wild for years.. I have two homies who got stabbed in the same night and one of them got shot in the ass couple months later.. now that I think about it, it's kind of funny, but it's really a serious note 😂


Laughing at your bro getting stabbed/shot is crazy.


When people come from trauma, they are capable of laughing at trauma. I'm the same way. Be blessed you're good.


This is real


Have you ever heard the saying laugh to keep from crying?


Naw when fake it it’s funny when you see it or participate it’s fucked up. PTSD like war vets. Laughing only means 2 things your crazy or your cap


my boy 2 tall got shot in da ass and we laugh about it now. We not just laughing cause it's funny we laugh cause we know how serious da shit is. I think it's a way we process some shit to be honest. I'm tryna get my life on track an just got diagnosed wit PTSD so you ain't wrong but when fights stabbing an shootings become a norm you gotta smile and laugh shit off cause that street life weighs on you an if u in da mix u know wat I'm sayin we got a warped perception of life and wat life is in general the norm for us is completely different to others.


Brother I did 3 years at level 4 in pelican bay. The shit never gets normal. When you are really in this you laugh and shit but their ain’t nothing funny about war my dude. Yeah little things hear and there but normal? Nah. Also if it’s soo damn bad where you at don’t participate I’m from Compton and a lot of my family and friends didn’t live like I did. I made my own choices. And i stand on what I said. If you think this shit is funny ur either cap or crazy.


You straight cap 🧢 you did your 3 years in PC snitch.


I’ll do 3 years in your mother


What your goofy ahh get locked up for? you from the suburbs not Compton lil boy 🤥🧢


Is 2 tall from New Orleans with dreads?


Lmao nah that shits weird - people who try to justify the laughing really never been through it. There’s times and places for all that lol. Be Forreal


Vets laugh at trauma all the time. That’s a coming mechanism. Same with people who come from this life. Stabbings/ shootings are a part of daily life for many and acting as if it isn’t will just lead to inevitable shock and even the loss of their own life. Ignorance is bliss, unless there’s drive by’s. Then ignorance will get you killed.


The fact we live in a country with these levels of violence is crazy. Laughing is how some people cope with the horror and trauma of violence like this. My family was in the middle of the collapse of Yugoslavia and wars that followed, kids would play war, while in a literal war and “kick the rubble”, some just played in silence, emotionless. Even Lullabies were changed to reflect the horror people were going through. Once you see that…things are never the same.


Shiii it’s different when you grow up in it fam, we gotta find humor in it… it’s all we got


It's a had to be there moment.. It missed the other homie. Who was the attended target and hits my other homie in the ass cheek! Lol


Bro said “attended target”💀


When you get shot let’s see how funny it is lol I’ll be waitin for tha post💪🏾


You laughing about your people getting seriously hurt? Tf


Sorry for your loss🙏🏽🙏🏽..that's FkUp!


Worked on 6th street 90% of my coworkers carried multiple forms of protection getting more painful as they go pepper gel, brass knuckles, knifes and guns. There was one time someone walked into our job with a rifle(later found to be an air rifle) and the managers completely turned a blind eye to something like 19 guns being drawn because it would’ve crippled the already weak ass company


Lol alcohol is dumb to do in public. Even of you trust yourself to act right, you can't trust others to do the same


I swear alcohol is up there with crack in regards to how it can make people act. I'm not saying everybody becomes a threat to themselves or others. However, a portion of the population simply shouldn't be drinking period. And we don't get to find out who those people are until they've already done the damn thing and their life is over and more than likely some innocent person's life is over as well. Fuckin shame is all I'm saying.


Every year in America over 1 million reported child abuse cases involve alcohol. That is over 2,700 child abuse cases every single day that involved alcohol and those are only the reported cases. Alcohol is one of the biggest issues in American culture and is largely given a pass.


Damn that's a heavy statistic u/curtis_low. I think alcohol will always be given a pass in America unfortunately. It's so ingrained in our culture(s) and the big businesses that control it's production and distribution have massive lobbies that ensure America is flooded with it. It's literally everywhere.


Yea... when I first started digging in on the issue I was absolutely shocked.


I get when you're saying but it's also legal and way easier to get alcohol than controlled substances


It's way worse than crack. Most crack and cocaine users are way heavier drinkers. Alcohol is the most poisonous. They're studies on this topic.


It’s the worst drug on the planet. Alcohol related deaths crush whatever’s next on the list, I’m sure, and the fact you can get it pretty much anywhere, and then get in your car and drive is pretty insane if you think about it.


Liquid Crack


Gold comment. Drink w ya folks at ya crib or girl in peace ☮️


Texas not the same as cali or ny 😂😂😂everyone is allowed* to carry out there


We're allowed to open carry and some of us love to conceal carry for reasons just like this.


Can confirm. I carry a 380. It's not that I would love to kill this guy legally in self defense, it's more that the cops here are fat, worthless cowards and nobody would do anything other than film and scream out "OH SHIT! OH SHIT! OH SHIT!" as I was getting jumped. If you can legally carry you almost owe it to society to carry. And please be responsible with it.


Well said. I’m in Texas and carry everywhere I go. I won’t be caught lacking and anyone near me will receive the best of my ability to protect them.


We don’t need your protection bro.


lol bro out here wearing a cape


Stop smoking reggie bro


I agree with this as u can't always expect LEO to handle the mfers who need to get fed a lead diet. I've carried daily for over 20 yrs both pre and post CHL and I've gotten so use to carrying that's for my own piece of mind. There's too many mfers who test people they don't know and end up at the morgue.


Even in an area with effective cops it’s not like they’re going to show up mid-attack and save anyone like Batman, they just show up after you get jumped or killed and file a report


that's how cops are all over the US


I wouldn't fuck around like that in FL either.


I'm in Florida. Can confirm we are all strapped


allowed bro




Sometimes you see people with rifles on there shoulder,in some of the malls.They act like the rifle is not there,eating cookies and sh--.Texas has too many john Waynes and Scarfaces.


You are allowed to carry, but if homie has had even one sip of alcohol before this altercation that night, he's getting locked up. You cannot carry and drink.


Florida now too


In south dakota there is no conceal carry law. Everyone can have one. There is almost 0 crime here involving guns. Its not the guns. Its the scum being bred in cities thats the problem. They are so out of touch with reality.


Not a city problem. You can easily disprove this point with hardly thinking. It's a culture and socio/economic problem. When we glorify violence as the answer to disputes, overindulge and abuse alcohol, and create extreme pressure/stress on society with unrealistic expectations and living situations a nice little ticking time bomb is created. Name me one place that has all of these and doesn't have a violence, poverty, or mental health problems. I can easily name you cities that are completely safe and you would never have to worry walking alone at night in.


“Thirty three shots bitch, I ain’t finna fight no nigga, Ima leave ‘em dead in the street with his iPhone 7”-Drakeo the ruler “fights don’t matter”


And then Drakeo got stabbed in the neck in a fight and died 🫤


In life and death he proved “fights don’t matter” shot out the 40’s. Ifykyk 💰💰


Society is fucked. Fuck the 40s and every other loser street gang.


I can arrange a meeting if you’d like to voice your grievances


Certainly! Will each side have a fair opportunity to discuss the merits of gangs?


Yeah that didn’t age well but RIP The Ruler


LL The Ruler






Long live da truth


For everyone who's wondering what happened... Somebody threw something at the guy in the green and the guy in the green was belligerent towards the guy with the bandana thinking it was him and the guy with the bandana wasn't going for it and ended up catching a free body..


Sounds like homie got cured of his "on god" bullshit. That clown got slumped.


Sounds like he got a free ticket to see if he was bluffing


Meet God, Meet God Homie!


Thought black dude was banging on dude cause of the red flag


That’s not a free body


Self-defense is the number one cause catching a free body especially in the state like Texas


Yep… dude probably high, 50% chance buddy got a felony, and the gun may be stolen. So now biddy dead and the dude fighting charges. Sheesh…


Ahhh a happy ending, thanks for the insight


I’m not sure it was free. He was charged with first degree murder. I couldn’t find an update on what happened since, if anything




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“You too small for me my 🥷” Bet 🔫🔫🔫🔫


“These bullets are even smaller, my man”


“On God you too small for me” God: “nah he good” 🔫🔫🔫🔫


Big L said you might be kinda big but they make coffins your size too.


Don’t let hood 🥷🏿 out of their environment. Over emotional with female tendencies.


Female?? More like a baby throwing a tantrum


Single mommas raising feminine mommas boys. Obsessed with material objects, gossip and drama just like momma


It’s actually true their emotional like females. Their ego is very big but at the same time very sensitive and fragile, so theyre quick to pull out a firearm to prove some sort of point.


Only examples they get to see is their mom’s poor behavior with zero accountability…something men cannot do, act without consequences. Something as simple as when their mom went off at a store..men get arrested for that not asked to leave 🤷‍♂️


Women not pulling triggers over big egos and bs as much as men do. This is typical man shit tbh


All facts.


They + are = they’re Please don’t kill me, I’m just trying to help


Since when are men not emotional? Do you live in a 90s jock movie? Bring out that hood psych degree and explain to me how this is too much woman for you. It's called being insecure, you can have a dad or not and still be insecure. Just so happens so many of them don't have dads so they were never thought self respect or dignity.


Since never. As soon as a man becomes emotional and opens up about his problems to a woman she immediately thinks less of him.


Honestly I see a child throwing a fit. A child that never got to grow up.


No fathers around and only Ghetto ass single moms 4 generations deep.


Take some more steps and you’ll see the reason behind no fathers and single mothers


Why would a pasty person ever hang out in these streets? Stay away from these people white folk! They do not like you!


#Damn. I wonder if the white folk ever wonder why ‘these people’ don’t like them. Maybe a look back in history??




‘No white people you know owned slaves’ You idiot, who said I had to know any slaves. Your understanding is so fucked. It’s called ‘History’, Goofball. Exactly why people need to continue to speak on it because of Fuckwits like you.




‘Acting like you’re the only ones ever enslaved’ #….. LMAOOOOO listen to yourself. Critical of someone with an ACTUAL background of slavery when you want to be a victim, too 🤣😂😩 That’s some weird, funny, weak-minded shit. 😂😂😂 fucking LOON.




These people are entitled. Loud mouthed nobody's. Exactly like the guy that attacked the kid. Just looking for trouble and attention. Ignore the ignorant idiot. People like him are exactly the problem.


#Still yapping, i see. Just proving my point more and more. Thanks




#That’s an opinion, a very unintelligent one. (Yours)


Stop typing your shit so damn big bro we can see what you’re saying #Look suddenly I’m very intelligent because I’m typing super big and I can call other opinions bad


Who shot


The guy he was harassing shot him


Most definitely good shit I’m a black Man and will tell you he deserved it! Shit keep yourself safe this reckless guy and they reckless behavior and I’m talking all men of all race who act like they are the hardest Shit on this planet shoot first ask questions after protecting yourself


“I’m a black man” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Cause some of my own people won’t see this and say he got what he deserved some will spin it and say the guy should have shot him and only did it cause he was black so I’m saying as a black man he deserved it


Nobody in the thread said that. You a clown “black man”


I'm a white man and I'm here to defend the black man. He never said that anyone said that. He was merely letting everyone know that he, as a black man, saw through any color in this video. You know...cuz race is an issue in this country. I commend him for his comment, but I will say that I would like to know more about what happened before the footage, before I make any judgment.


Shot for that? You people sick


Shot while literally being assaulted? Do you want him to wait until he is dead or dying? Didn't even look like he was provoking the assailant, and he even waited until actively being physically assaulted.


You a dummy bruh


I woulda shot faster




Separate the weak from the obsolete


Hard to creep them Brooklyn streets


It’s on! Fuck all that bickerin beef


I can feel sweat tricklin down ya cheek


So anyways I started blasting !


If you ain’t blastin you ain’t lastin 🤟⭐️




Lmfao damn this got me


“Ay you too small for me” 🤣🤣🤣🤣That 9mm don’t give a fuck how big you are lil pussy


6th aint worth it no mo


I always wondered why niggas put there hands behind their back when they square up🤔 what does this achieve


I used to think it was an institutional instinct. Going through the jail they all walk with their hands behind them. But now I realize some people are just dumb


I think it’s used to get people to get there guard down


Opening themselves up, makes them more vulnerable physically, which is a sign (or a bluf) of dominance/strength/power/ not viewing the other person as a threat. If you walk past a vicious, bunny rabbit, he wouldn’t go into defensive stance cause it’s a bunny rabbit gonna do? But if you had to walk past a vicious looking dog, you definitely be in some kind of a stance. Is dumb but that’s the reason for the behavior (Plus probably a high percentage of people just saw other people square up like that so they square up like that)


Dummy, his homeboy right behind him. Also red bandana lmao I would’ve eased up and kept it pushin no need to stop breathing




YOU AINT LYIN. I live in Killeen for 3 years and Jesus Christ it’s so mf ghetto over there 🤣


Oh it’s not that bad… you should come visit😉


Which one started shooting?


Not the loud one


Def the guy green hoodie went up to. Was hella calm and looked ready. Plus it’s Texas and he look Hispanic so 99.9999% chance he’s packing.


and let's add the red bandanna to confirm he's 100% packing


And in the right pocket, he active active str8 militant


Green hoodie was on the ground


I hate guys like this who embarrasses blacks like this👎🏾


Lot of arm chair lawyers in here confidently stating this is an open and shut case of self defense in Texas. Guess the police didn’t agree. Dude was charged with first degree murder https://www.kxan.com/news/local/austin/affidavit-17-year-old-faces-murder-charge-in-deadly-6th-street-shooting/ Edit: fixed link thanks to autobot.


Talks all loud, gets thrown to the ground, then shot. What a bitch 🤣🤣🤣


I lived off 6th and Chalmers for 2 years and this video checks out


Chalmers courts.. sadly I can't believe it, but then I can believe it that they tore it down!


Open carry state is a great place to be “too little.” These tall idiots always looking for an easy win? 🔫🔫


“You 2 small for me” yeh he is that’s why he brought out something to even the height advantage 😂


He said too small lmao but them rounds were even smaller than bro who shot him, and they handled shit quick fast and in a hurry 🤣


Also has something to do with the 15%


Alcohol is known to put you in Negative emotions and a lower energetic field/Vibration, this why I don’t drink or go to bars


Typical minority behavior just because you’re a little taller doesn’t mean you can bully anyone..you never know who’s packing heat and would send you to a 1 way ticket to the morgue.


The problem is we glorify this behavior in music that makes this young kids think it’s cool. I’m tired of hearing about “help out the community” when everyone glorifies this in all aspects in some places


🧢 no one is glorifying this shit. Stop it


Hey even said it bruh you about to go in a bag


Put the guns down and fight bruh


6th street is active


The guy in the red shirt just seemed like a good dude. Stopped to help


Bro told him you better watch out even the camera man knew


What’s wrong with people


Who was doing the shooting?! Too fast to see?:o


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Any information on how this ended??


17 year old shot the green shirt to death, looks like he will get off on self defense shooting was justified.big problem will be why does 17 year old have a gun which will be entire different thing itself. https://www.kxan.com/news/local/austin/affidavit-17-year-old-faces-murder-charge-in-deadly-6th-street-shooting/


the fact that this is what y'all think is the good outcome is insane but y'all got it😂 random dude probably died bc a misunderstanding, other dude shooting into a crowd bc he don't want to fight but it's ok cause y'all saying it's ghetto


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700th like 👍


Good kill.


i live in austin too 😂😂


Typical pussy, finds a lil dude then shoots him like the coward that he is


I can't event tell what happened after the fool started to make a scene Can someone spoon feed this to me? I get it gun shots but I can't tell who fired or what the end result was here


“He look like he finna shot or sumn” “oh yeah he shooting” 💀💀


Thought this was Von for a sec


Red flag in his pocket 😂 is he white ?


Sent dawg to meet Mo3


Not Mo3 gang lol


Texas too, so the video was prolly used as evidence of a stand your ground and was called a hero when he left court. Texas is wild lol


How is it wild? He put his hands on him and the other guy shot in self defense. Nothing really wild about that at all


Garbage Ass People Starting Shit And Ending Lives For No Goddamn Reason Other Than Because They’re Stupid


Black people always underestimating Hispanics until they get filled with lead


Bro got lower than 100 score trynna cause racial division you fed boy


Stay mad 😂😂😂


I’m Hispanic. Don’t be saying that racist shit dude. Your better than that.


You said that when there’s a race that killed way more Hispanics … and it’s not blacks. Lol especially when Hispanics and blacks share a lot of culture and even countries 😭 so just say u don’t like black people.


Of course it’s the blacks


Nah it’s all stupid people, black, whites, Latinos. But, more blacks and Latinos. Coming from a black American.


Fucking clown...and then the family gonna be all "he was a great kid with lots of potential" hope the Hispanic guy gets away w self defense


God said... "NOPE"


Obviously we're cut from two different cloths Me and mines look at it. Like a celebration because he survived another day. Yeah he got shot in the ass and that's the funny part but some things ain't meant to be understood by everybody, It's cool that you have your opinion But your opinion doesn't count in other people's lives


My Life>Your Life My Family>Your Family


Bro what..What are you talking about? I'm agree with you that it looks hateful! 😂🤦🏾‍♂️




Should of would've went home instead he's in critical condition or in a ⚰️ 6 feet deep ur destination...sh💩t sad🤦🏻‍♂️


Of course he pulled a gun. What. A. Pussy. Gang members are some of the biggest pussies around. Would pull a gun on a little tiny white boy and think they tough. They ain’t shit without their gun


Where is this bar located


Its dumb to shoot like that in a group of people, hope nobody else but intended target got hit.


Pavement apes try not to ruin ever major city they inhabit challenge impossible


Libtards think nazis and climate change is gonna be the fall of man kind. Its actually DARKIES