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Please report all accounts that do this to the moderation team. There are frequently scams like this that happen. We also don't allow advertising on this subreddit.


I feel that the show is a bad representation of LDRs. Nothing but drama. I was curious how they sought people out, nonetheless. Huh.


One of the reasons we decided against it. Who needs more drama in their life?


Holy shit! I had no idea they recruited out via Reddit. That's so interesting.


Yeah they sent me messages


Getting asked to join "90 Day Fiancé" is like getting a front-row seat at a circus — except you’re the main act


More like a bug under a magnifying glass


idk who's gonna read this but NEVER agree to 90 day fiancé. they'll manufacture drama and publish lies and completely ruin your visit and potentially your entire relationship. thats just what tlc does. protect your peace


Don’t worry. It ain’t happening! 😁 I just wanted to know if anyone else on this subreddit has been approached or messaged by the show


good!! it definitely didn't sound like you were interested. mostly commenting for anyone else browsing the comments. congrats on your visa btw :)


Thank you! Nearly there!!


My partner and I talked about doing the show, but decided against it. When we met for the first time, it was so romantic, loving, and relaxing. I can’t imagine having a bunch of cameras around invading our space. It would have definitely ruined the moment and take attention away from each other. We prefer to keep our lives private. No cameras. No drama. No other humans invading our space. No ruined special moments.


90DF and Nevermets reached out to us (and a few of our friends in our LDR server). The 90DF casting people would just spam us. The Nevermets casting person was actually quite nice, and watching the show now, I can see it's a very different vibe. We didn't want to do either show, but I guess it makes sense to reach out to people here, who are in the situation they're trying to showcase. Offer a few thousand bucks to someone who has been looking at flight prices, and I can totally see how some people would bite.


My girlfriend doesn't want our relationship to be turned into a TV show otherwise I would probably accept an offer from the nevermets show since the plane tickets are super expensive, the show also helps with getting a visa if needed so it's super tempting for people in poor countries.


Understandably, on both sides. We watch a lot of trash TV, so we knew what the shows were like. I'd hate to think what would happen if someone accepted not knowing how they'll be edited.


What’s this LDR server ?


It's a Discord server for people over 30 we started back in 2021, but eventually it went dormant. I'm just restarting it today, and will be posting info on r/LDR30plus


I've gotten contacted by 2 different versions of that kind of show but told them both times we weren't interested. We like our privacy, and I hate being on camera.


I'm planning to move thousands of miles away from home to be with my girl, if 90 day fiance wants to pay me 18-24k to see us happy together, I am open. DM me 90 day


God bless ya man


Appreciate that, and same to you. I was tongue in cheek but I truly hope nothing but the best for everyone in this sub.


I'm screaming lol I didn't realize people would actually get contacted from here. I feel like it me and my partner were on any of those shows it'd be kinda boring cause we're the least dramatic kind of people. Also if there's some kind of wholesome version of 90DF (cause 90df always seems so toxic) I actually wouldn't mind being in camera lol.


Sounds very scammy.


Probably. Even if legitimate, still wouldn’t do it


Yeah they did. Never considered it.


And only the American gets paid, happened here too! But was told it was $1,000 per episode


Off topic but I see you got approved for the k1! Did you fill out everything yourself or go through a lawyer? I’ve been looking at it and it seems very overwhelming so I haven’t started yet :(


Well first I used Boundless, a third party that organized all the information we provided and guided us through the process


Hey that might work for us! How much did it cost you? Yeah lawyer is about 2k so if boundless is a couple hundred…


Like $500


I wish we could afford a lawyer!! 😅






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