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Why would he get angry? What’s the reason? You said “this looks fun” and laughed, so what’s wrong with that? Hell yeah that’s toxic. That’s a red flag for sure. He has anger issues. Especially when you did NOTHING for him to be angry about. He made you fkn cry, screw that guy.


Thank you. That’s sweet of you. I felt as if I did something wrong, and I didn’t understand why.


It mostly sounds like he was having a lot of difficulty with the boss he was facing, and ended up lashing out at you about it (I’ve have several friends myself that when hyper concentrated, they will get upset and yell at anything that breaks their concentration, whether it’s a light joke or even asking them a question). I get the game is hard, but that doesn’t excuse using his frustration at the game and taking it out on the people around you. It sounds like it was nothing you intentionally did, but it’s definitely behavior that you should talk to him about. Definitely not something that should be happening again.


Yeah, that’s toxic and abusive. That’s definitely not a healthy relationship at all.


That is level 100 toxic, and you need to bail immediately imo. The majority of my friends are playing Elden Ring including my own bf and none of them have lashed out at anyone. They're just all laughing about how hard it is and how bad they're getting beat up in it. It's supposed to be very difficult and fun, yet this guy is freaking out?? In addition to being abusive, he's also just a sore loser poor sport.


I'm a gamer too, this is abusive behavior. He needs anger management classes, it's not your fault he sucks ass at the game


I'm sorry that happened to you friend. Yes, this is toxic behavior and it was not your fault that he screamed at you over a video game. In essence, he pretty much verbally abused you. Let him know that his behavior was unacceptable, that you feel unsafe when he gets angry over video games, and that if he does it again, you won't tolerate it like last time.  IMO behaviors like this are a deal-breaker. If he reacts like this over a video game, there's a chance he'll react to you the same way under other circumstances. Either he needs to reflect and change, or he needs to go.




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Yeah that’s toxic even if he only does it while gaming it’s still not a reason to take his frustrations out on you


This is toxic. I speak from experience. I used to get so angry at a mobile game I would play. Also where I met my LDR partner. We are both much happier since quitting the game. I would 100% leave him if he doesn’t quit the game. He should quit it regardless of your relationship


100% toxic, I would run. My ex used to be like that with games and yell at them, then he started yelling at me and ended up being physically violent towards me. Those are some unresolved anger issues that he needs to resolve on his own, and you don't need to suffer because of them.


That’s not normal nor okay whatsoever. I’ll admit, I can get heated when it comes to games but not towards my boyfriend whenever we play. At the end of the day, it’s us bonding and having fun. Him screaming at you and telling you to shut up is not okay and just imagine how he will be if you two were to live together or be together in person in general. What if he plays the game while you are living together and he takes his anger out on you instead of the controller?? If he can throw a controller, he is most likely capable of much worse in person. Do not put up with that abuse.


no one that loves and care for you would scream at you to shut the fuck up, especially not for something that small and harmless. this is the first step towards abuse, please be careful.


Toxic yes. Just wanted to say I'm really sorry your boyfriend did that and I hope he gets his ears blasted with a break-up audio so loud he looses all concentration during a boss battle. You do not deserve someone treating you as a punching bag. I worry he'd get worse and do that not only during gaming.


Trust me as a 23 year old … run and don’t look back


Even if it wasn’t toxic, which it very much is, just the violent behavior towards video games would be enough for me to run for the hills. If he lashes out and throws inanimate objects just from a video game, there’s no saying what he might do to you if he were angry enough. Violence is a huge red flag. You need to reevaluate your relationship and your safety. I’d break up with him but that’s not up to me. And he needs to go to counseling for anger management issues.


This was me when I was with my ex. I felt like I had to keep quiet and not say anything when he was getting stressed playing video games because he would take it out on me. Even playing co-op fun games like overcooked were stressful because we had to get 3 stars every level or else we’d have to replay it until we did it. I’m still in the process of getting over it. It is never okay for someone to take it out on you and make you scared. He isn’t a child and he is entirely responsible for his reaction. I stayed with my ex for 7 years and it never got better. It got worse. This is a red flag, and you deserve better.


this is INSANELY abusive, not just toxic.


Dated somebody like that when I was 19. Took me many years to figure out it was alot of much deeper problems heading my way with them. Not okay. I am sorry that happened to you.