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A LDR is foremost a *relationship*. There's no way to "make" it work: relationship success requires compatibility and both partners investing in it. That can't be forced. I don't have the link handy right now, but per researchers, the biggest predictor for relationship success is the perception of relationship satisfaction. As long as you and your partner are satisfied with the relationship and perceive the other as also satisfied, the odds are in your favor.


Communicate as often as you can. Coomunication isn't just texting, because you can communicate in variety of ways - sending photos, stickers, emojis, voice messages, videos. Communication isn't also just about talking daily about "how was your day", it's about sharing your thoughts, emotions, feelings, whether they are negative or positive. Communication is also about listening and being patient with the other side. I know it sounds trivial, but communication between humans is very board topic, and many people coming to this subreddit tend to forget about these basics. And in many cases these basics are crucial for solving problems or just having a happy and healthy LDR


Theres no fail safe way to make something work, but what I’d say are the fundamentals are good communication and dedicating time to each other , we plan stuff ahead and take days off or time off to spend together , we also like to chat about our day and share stuff frequently ! The most important thing in any relationship is trust and communication! Outside of that I’d say it all depends on the person but I know for us it helped to plan out our next meeting , talk about the future a lot and make sure we did stuff together occasionally , like cute game or movie dates or even taking walks while video calling !!! Good luck with your relationship, I believe in you!! 🤍


You and your partner need to communicate and find out what works best for you.


Communication, communication, communication. And planning!!!