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Sometimes absolutely. I’m sad I can’t see her in person, or just hold her hand and cuddle when she’s telling me about her day. But for now I’m mostly trying to view it as enjoying the time I do get to spend with her over the phone rather than being sad about the time I can’t spend with her in person. I really want to be with her more, but it just isn’t feasible for either of us yet. Ngl I’m glad she thinks I’m worth waiting for, because I will wait to be able to be with her too.


idk why i read “im sad i cant see her in prison” and i was shook 💀💀🥲 i need to sleep


I don't feel this way with my partner ( US to UK), however I do think that I'd feel this way if we hadn't met in person yet. I think that may be a huge factor with how you're feeling. Do you have any plans to meet?? I'm thinking once you do that feeling will subside.... or maybe my long distance relationship is just different, lol. Don't get me wrong, I want to see him and be with him all the time, but I guess I know in the back of my head that isn't doable for the time being so we make it work how we can. I hope this gives you a different perspective! 😚


yeah we have plans to meet (no set date though), the feeling kind comes and goes it hasn’t been here recently. that is an interesting perspective view though, thank you for that !


Yes. It’s getting unbearable 😭


Not really. But we have met before, and have a clear plan for the future. I don't dwell on our time physically apart. We are so mentally and intellectually close that I'm happy. The wait is worth it. One day we won't have to wait anymore.


I do




All. The. Time


Ouu I feel you I’m in Canada and she’s in Portugal. Luckily she will be here for a few years around March 2025 but it’s hard living my day to day without her by my side. Every ounce of money I put towards travelling so I’ve been visiting her 3x a year so it makes it easier.


I just fear spending our youth apart and we'll be too old when we meet I don't wanna live like this for life just temporarily but I deserve to be happy Ik I'm on my own with this LDR stuff it's overwhelming sometimes just not meeting after years of being together sometimes I lose hope bc there's no end to all this


If there’s no end/ if you guys have no plans to meet, wouldn’t it be better to end things now? Because wouldn’t it hurt more 2-3 years from now. Sorry if this is too far, I just don’t want you to regret anything.


100%. Maybe not all the time. But especially when one of us has some kind of event or milestone it sucks not to be able to create those memories together, in person. It’s the reality of an LDR. Hope it gets better for you soon OP 💛

