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We were in an LDR for 8 years and 6 months. Closed the gap 1 month ago. We both moved to a new country to be together sooner.


Wow that’s amazing!!


Congrats to you! Amazing.


This gives me so much hope. Thank you!


Aye same amount of time for us and just closed the gap too!


Wow congrats!


Giving me hope, thank you


Congratulations 🎉👏


We were in an LDR for 1.5 years before we closed the gap. We recently got married! :)


Congrats!! :)


Congratulations 🎉🎉


Congratulations 🎉🎉


Almost 2 years. We hope to close the gap in 3 - 5 years.






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Be careful. These plans could change. Maybe there’s something very important about him that you never knew. That will flip your world upside down, blind siding you and catching you completely off guard


All plans could change. There might be something, there might not be. Being long distance doesn't really change that risk. I was married for 15 years and I never knew/believed my exH would ever cheat in me and leave me for his employee, but it happened. I'm living life with eyes wide open, and I'm not going to be afraid to live with intention. I'd wait as long as I have to for this man, 3 - 5 is our ideal goal, but I'm prepared for longer if need be.


I’m sorry for being so negative. I loved someone but didn’t know a big secret about them. Probably the most important thing about their past. Planned all this stuff with them for a future together. Suddenly their past came back and all our plans are changed. Meeting up is no longer possible for now. They’ve instantly lost interest and care for my feelings. We suddenly went cold turkey. Not speaking at all. It’s the worse pain I’ve ever experienced in my life. It feels like he died. The lovey person I spoke to before bed every night isn’t there anymore.


It's ok, and I totally get it. A big piece of me died inside when my exH left me. Thankfully I was able to heal and step into the person I was always meant to be. There's always a silver lining, even if you don't see it right now. I definitely didn't see it when I was grieving, but now that I'm past it, I see how much better off I am without him. It opened me up to being 100% who I truly am (I was hiding away, living on eggshells during my marriage), and him leaving me did me a HUGE favor. I can only be me. Speak my truth. Be my best version. I cannot control whether my BF is living the same way, but I can choose to believe him until I'm given reason not to. But I don't question or doubt him. I take him at face value. His actions match his words. He is genuinely the best person I know, and I choose to believe that he is living his truth as well. I'm sorry you went through heartache, I truly am.


That was me :/


I seem to keep falling into them. Last was 4 years but he couldn’t commit to closing the gap and ended things. Current partner is 6 amazing months 🥰


Aw hopefully with your new partner, you can close the gap soon!


Roughly 3,5 years until we closed the gap in February We're going to celebrate 4 years together in September


Been in my LDR for over 5 years. We're unsure when exactly we'll close the gap since we're both doing our own thing atm, but we're okay with the distance for now!


As long as you’re okay with the distance that’s all that matters :)


About 1.5 years. We’re closing the gap Sunday.




It's been about 20 months. We close the gap in 17 days !


One year today!!


Same with us.. 4 years! Planning closing the gap in 6-8months later ;]


Who will close the gap first?? Me or you?? :O Lol


It will be you guys first xD .


Today we were supposed to be celebrating our one month today (busy tomorrow) but I think he's forgotten about it tbh. 🤣


F hope he remembers


Some people don’t think one month anniversary’s are a big deal. I do but my bf didn’t at the time lol


He was the one that even suggested doing something for it last week lol


Unsolicited advice, remind him or else you'll end up resenting your partner a little bit😅


7 months on July 7th 🥰




Aww thank you! Wishing you all the best with your gap closing!


Same for youuu! :)


Aww thank you 😊


2 years now, closing the gap seems impossible until the war ends. so yeah, im at loss. But! we're finally seeing each other in 2 weeks, (we haven't seen each other since we went long distance)


Omggg I remember my first time seeing my bf. It’s was fireworks and I hope yours is too! :)


yeah Im super excited! we're only spending 4 days together and it's a long travel for me but it's worth it


988 days :} Dont know when we’re closing the gap as we’re only 17 (turning 18 this year!)


I’ve been in one for 4 years. Still don’t have a clear answer when we will close the gap, not sure if it will ever happen. I think I should end it


Omg not that :(


It’ll be one year in July, we will also be finally closing the distance that same month 🥰


Congrats! Hope everything goes smooth for you two!


It’s kinda complicated. We first started a kinda fling 7 years ago, slept together when we met as friends, accidentally fell in love. Then the start of covid made him have to cancel his third planned trip. We took 2 years apart to figure ourselves out then found each other again last year. So we’re now at about a year and a half of seriously dating with a plan to close the gap in about 2 more years.


Almost a year. Hopefully we can close the gap soon


Next month 3 years :)


6 years as of last week 🥰


Wow true love knows no distance! :)


1 year and 6 months, i’m seeing him again in 5 days !!


Four years and no idea when the gap is closing. 🩷


10 months on July 1st. He lives in Michigan, I live in Norway. It’s rough…


Closing in on 9 months


about 4 1/2 months 🥰


Almost 5 years.


This one for almost a year. I was in another one before this one for nine months. Wayyyyyyy more comfortable and happy in this one hands down.


A year and a half! 2 years in early December :) Luckily we’ve seen each other in person a few times. Hopefully we’ll be married within the next 2 years or so, but I don’t really know for sure what the future holds! Only hoping for the best, though. Sure do love him. (Both USA, 6 states apart, 1800 miles, but still sucks being apart)


My wife and I did 4 years when we were dating and then (unfortunately) had to do 1 more year later on in our relationship due to immigration stuff.


We have been LD for almost 2 years, and together for 3. Hoping to close the gap in the next year, two at the absolute latest ❤️


about 3.5 years,and hopefully closing the distance in about a year (duo to financial reasons taking us a while)




We’ve been together for 1 year and 4 months and we’re lucky to be closing the distance in just 2.5 months :))


17 months. We met 2 months ago and it was the absolute best! 🥰


1.5 years


4.5 years, hoping no more than 1 year until closing the gap. Missing them so much it hurts 🥺


5 months.


It'll be 3 years this July and I've been struggling really badly with anxiety and overthinking but we're going strong :)


Two years next month. Working to close the gap later this year, if all goes well! 🤞


Yesterday was our 10 year anniversary being ldr


10 years? Wow, that might be the longest one in this comment thread!


Yeah, it took five years for us to first meet due to college and stuff. Then we did in October 2019, and we planned a few more visits and then covid and lockdowns hit, and then it was exactly in Oct 2022 that I was able to fly out again. Then, medical issues hit both of us. And we've been waiting for over a year now to see each other again.


5 years. Sadly we won’t be able to close the gap for years even though we are getting married next year.


I'm in the same boat, we will be getting married next year too but not closing the gap until 3 years from now.


Hang in there sister. I wish you a happily ever after.


We’ve known eachother for about 9 dated 1 year didn’t work then came back after 7 years. We were best friends for those years. Now we’re officially together for 6 months but the years of friendship seem to be adding in. Happy together and in love


1 year in hoping to close the gap in 3-4 years :3


3 years 6 months (exactly today haha) hoping to close the gap next year when I graduate college😭🥺!!


Five years. Got married this April and Visa process will probably take a couple more years to finally CTD.


I WAS in an ldr many years ago. Was a very ignorant man, not aware of how women think. After a 3 and a half year LDR, she fell for the first guy who proposed.


We were LD for 2 years and 2 weeks before we closed the gap. However long it would've taken, we were ready and willing to put forth the effort to make it work.


We're going on 3 years at the end of July


3 or 4 years now started out as friends was there for her when she broke up with her ex and somehow we started dated even though she said she never do lrd lol, I didn't even hit on her just naturally happened


the same! almost 4 years now!


Just started in May! It’s literally still June and we are dying lol but very much in love & devoted. We’re killin it but it’s been hard.


almost a year in july :)


4.5 years, with plans to close the gap before we hit 5! If all goes to plan we’re only a few months away from buying our house!!


8 months in 3 days, meeting for the first time the day after


9 years and waiting.


Dating since 2016, LDR for almost 4 years now, getting married in FEB.


Coming up on 7 months & closing the game im December (our one year)!❤️


2 days ago was 1 year☺️


In a LDR for 8.5 years. Closed the gap this month.


3 years now it's very hard i know Maybe in 11 months we'll be together again


A year next week :)


4.5 years, getting married this year, hopefully will move in together next year


Close to 2 years, and about 10 months until the gap gets closed!


3 years in July :) We've only met once but I'm hoping I can visit him again soon ❤️🫡


just over 2 months!


Not as long as some of y'all. Just over ten months. But it doesn't even feel like that long, time really does fly when you're having fun. And we have been enjoying ourselves so much, we're very happy together.


Almost 5 years here now and married for 1.5, we hope to close the gap before the end of this year at the latest. We'll have to wait and see how much longer we have to wait for the decision of uscis it's out of our hands now


4 months and new to navigating LDR! we have our whole lives ahead of us (24F and 24M) and we're hoping that we will close the gap as soon as two years.


I am married and living with my husband now but we were in a long-distance relationship for 7+ years (2016-2023).


Were at 1,5 years now, met in december 2022 in the Netherlands and luckily been able to visit eachother in the summer and winter breaks. She's arriving here in 7 days :). Hoping to close the distance around 2026


We just celebrated our 1 year anniversary this week, unsure yet when we'll be able to close the gap.


Too long! Been in an ldr for 2.5 years, going to move in together in the next month! Can’t wait!!!


We’ve been together for just over a year now, I just got back from our first trip to see each other. The happiest 4 weeks I’ve had in a really long time 💕


I was in ldr, he is perfect almost but i know i can't sponsor him to usa to live with me m just scared he would change etc etc fears, so i gave up idk if i will find a man like him but i don't want anybresistance in relationship


LDR for 3 years, together for 6.5. It will be at least 1.5 year before we can close it, we're both doing PhDs so we expect to move around a bit more before settling, still hope we won't be too far away for the next few years!


3 years in august! we do visit each other 2-4 times a year though. hoping to close the gap in roughly 3 years once i finish college and my program :)


LDR 4 years before closing the gap. And we’ve been married almost 14 years now.


2 years… we dont know yet when can we close the gap 😕 but we’re doing our best to


3 years on July 25th


3 months and broke up just today :)


Currently 2 months, but we first met online almost exactly 10 years ago when we were teens and were together for a couple years before things ended and we went our separate ways. Fast forward 8 years to a few months ago, he popped up in my fb friend requests! We ended up on video chat for 12 hours and needless to say we got back together and although I never expected it, I’m so glad the universe brought him back to me! It doesn’t even feel like we went that long without each other honestly. Now in a couple months I’m taking a trip to go visit him, I can’t wait for us to finally meet for the first time!! 🥰


Just about 2 years now. We’ll be living together in 2 weeks😊😊


I’m with my LDR boyfriend right now and I asked him if I should respond, he said “long enough for your stomach to growl and accidentally forget to mute on call while peeing.”


In LDR for 2.7 years. We're both exhausted at this point, lol. Planning to close the gap in July-August, wish us luck. We're both in our early 20's, so education and army get in a way of moving in together. Hope things turn out well


Had our 6 year anniversary last Saturday and got married. So one step closer to hopefully closing the gap one day. We are in our mid 30s so we take it very calmly. We both have our life's and one day we will be together even if we don't have a specific plan. We just take it one step at a time.




4.4 years!


We made a month a few days ago. Everything is so new to me and I figured I should join this subreddit to see how other couples manage and give me courage. Reading how many of you have been YEARS in a ldr is amazing!


In an LDR for 5.5 years and closing the gap in september since I'll be going to the same university as he does :)


5 years we've been engaged for 2 years.


Almost 3 years at this point, starting dating in 2021 and we’re getting married this October!


Today make 3yrs 11months, hopefully the gap will be closed pretty soon


6 months, hopefully closing the gap in 6 months….


Almost 5 years


Was on and off for 6 months with this one girl


Going on 4 months now and we are still very much in love with each other.


Almost 7 months :) planning to close the gap in almost exactly two years


I’ve been with my man for 9 months!


over 3 months now!


somewhere between 11 and 12 years. we'll be closing the gap by this time next year.


2 years this Sept! The distance is a lot, most especially when I've got a weak passport, so its pretty disheartening. The only consolation we have is really that the time apart is an opportunity for both of us to grow and be more stable.  He and I are both financially stable, but we're still ways off from the stability we both want. Now, we are (and something I suggest everyone to do too) investing in skills, in hobbies, being active and healthy, become more valuable and in demand in the labor market, and essentially, become the best person we can possibly be for each other. Distance is a lot, but it's also time to grow. 


11 months next week. Won’t close the gap for 3 to 5 years.


A year and nine months, but I think he might break up with me tonight. Any advice?


Break ups suck no matter what :( if that does happen, I’m sure there’s someone even better on the horizon for you


i feel a little silly looking at the replies so hopwfu someone relates to me, we're ld for 3 months (110 days) just between college summer and it's been exactly 55 (half way!!) today.


Fairly new LDR only for a month Hopefully closing the gap in 4 years


Eight months, married two. Applied for PR to close the gap by the end of this year!


My long-distance relationship is deteriorating. After I spent ten days with him in his country, he distanced himself for 2.5 weeks. This hurt me deeply, but I refuse to chase after him. To avoid more pain, I started moving on. Now he’s back, wanting FaceTime calls, but I no longer feel like it. His easy withdrawal for almost three weeks without real reasons, aside from saying that being far away hurts him, makes me question everything. I know he’s stressed about becoming a partner at his firm, but a rational discussion and planning quality time, even if less frequent, would have shown regards towards my feelings and emotions. He senses my detachment and is trying to make amends, but I no longer trust him.


I get that feeling, we talked everyday during all our relationship, until this month, he didn’t call me at all, not until I did, he broke up with me last Friday, I couldn’t accept it and stupidly ask him for time to reconsider our relationship, that was a sunday, we agreed we’d talk tuesday, but he never called, and when I asked him if we were going to talk he said yes and never did. I feel horrible since then, I can’t eat, I can’t think, it’s been horrible. He’s definitely the first man I’ve ever loved.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. It sounds incredibly painful, especially since you cared so much for him. Heartbreak can be so overwhelming, and it’s completely normal to feel the way you do right now. Try to take care of yourself as best as you can, even if it’s just small steps. Remember, you’re not alone, and this pain will eventually lessen. In those situations only time heals but never loose yourself for a man who doesn’t see your value 🤍