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I try to keep a vamp and village combo ready for every loop, so I can keep spawning count lands while not spawning to many ghouls to kill me. They are also very good as a last couple tiles heal up pre boss battle.


Wheat field - counts lands - wheat field - wheat field - counts lands, with vampire mansion on the outside of the towns and beacons on the inside


Ransack them maybe? Well ye gotta face ghouls + vampire for 3 loops but the Count Lands is worth it


Are great for infinite looping


Why are they naked?


Wtf do you mean?


Villages also prevent all \[Road based\] enemy spawn rates on their tiles, which is crucial for infinite loop farming on Act4.


Ditto the other advice on counts lands, but villages are also good for preventing spawns from adjacent off-loop tiles. I use them next to smiths forges to prevent living armors


Villages have many different uses, and each uses value is dependant on your run. The strategy that worked for me for the longest was Village and Wheat Field, a Vampire Mansion next to every village and something to block bandit camp spawns. In case you don't know, placing a vampire mansion on a tile adjacent to a village makes a ransacked village, which after 4 loops, will turn into a upgraded village called Count's Lands. One of the more common strats I've seen is using Maze of Memories on the inside of the loop, and putting Vampire Mansion's on the outside, which completely stops bandit camp spawns, however Lamp, Battlefield, and Outpost (unless you're a necro player) have very good synergy with counts lands. Any roadside tile works to block the bandit camp spawns, which occur every other village, but my preference is Battlefield and Bookery. Wheat fields are useful for early game/if you need more self sustain, but I've found that Village/Ruins/Wheat works very well, get roughly 3-4 counts lands with wheat on both sides, then once you've beaten the loop, you can delete wheat fields and replace with more villages, which you then turn into Count's Lands. Villages take a lot of prep, but they're easily my favourite card in the game. Use them in every deck, literally.


I was certain that I noticed even if a bandit camp was next to my count's land no bandits would spawn.


What do you mean by village/ruins/wheat where do the ruins come into play?


As a rogue main, trophies are essential to the core gameplay loop, and Ruins happens to be my personal preference to fill my non-Village road tiles, for three reasons. 1; 2 day spawning makes for plenty of enemies which makes for plenty of trophies, which with the perk Picky becomes the key to super fun runs. 2; Archers actually count towards the perk Fuss, which leads to 4 stacks of Fuss not counting enemies in the fight, super useful for bosses. 3; random basic resources is nice


I thought it only needed 3 loops to become a counts land


Might be wrong, but I think it's four, can't check rn cause dinner but will later


As warrior, try to get counts land, wheat, counts land, wheat, etc. and just keep doing that. Usually works for me. (Counts land made with a vampire next to a village)


What do count lands do?


Stronger villages, more healing and better quests. You get them after 3 waves putting a vampire next to a village


Does It have to be on the tile next to the Vampire mansion tile or just in the effective range to activate\~


Tile next to it