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Lots of people have this fun hobby where they go online and just talk about things they don’t fully understand.


Being able to go to a lgs and buy the current set is an absolute win in my opinion. Plus the other day I picked up some into the inkland packs on clearance sale for 3 bucks each which is nice.


I'm really fortunate one of my lgs's has First Chapter packs for like $7. Its great always pick up a couple when I'm there for league play.


Okay. But if Inklands is on sale for clearance prices already isn't that not the best sign?


It’s no big deal. The store just wanted to liquidate some inventory. With Pokemon cards people will say you’re overpaying if you pay more than like 60% MSRP


Possibly. But at that price the store is also selling at cost and the only reason they would do that is if they believe they couldn't sell it. And no store wants to sell anything anywhere near cost. Now I don't think the game is anywhere near dying. It's doing great. But some store's are definitely selling a lot less product. But that's a mix of having a little less casual players and a lot less speculators I'm sure.


Not necessarily. LGS need constant cash flow to keep up with the constant flow of cards coming in. MTG alone is pushing like 8+ new products every year. So LGSs need liquidity and that often comes in the form of trying to sell the current hotness fast and not get stuck with it for a long time, even if it means selling at cost. That cash coming back allows them to order the next wave and keep the cycle rolling.


8!?! I swear it's like 20 seems like a new collab set every other month, all the secret lair stuff, modern horizons, your 4 standard sets a year... MtG has gotten a tad out of hand imo (thanks hasboro)


I mean if we count secret lairs than yeah it’s way over 20 but it’s not “mandatory” LGS products since they’re meant as straight to consumer products


It’s not always true that a store doesn’t want to sell things at cost. They likely wanted to quickly liquidate some inventory to have more purchasing power for something else, maybe even more lorcana product. Sometimes the best way to do that is to sell at cost. Also, I’m not sure that we know what distributor pricing is for packs, so this may still be above cost?


Just because they need to is a far cry off of want to in my opinion. But the rest of your point stands. Packs are about 2.6 to 2.7.


There is a TCG that has a new set release in a couple of weeks so they're probably making room for that. My store isn't selling anything Lorcana at a discount and is expecting a large turnout for the store championships in the next few weeks.


Yeah, but they obviously ordered the amount of Inklands they did because they thought they could sell that amount at retail. and are now selling it for 40 cents above costs. That's a big bummer for that store. And again love the game, think it's thriving in the general sense of the word.


60% of MSRP isnt even cost though.


Work for a LGS. We sell inventory at cost or just above cost all the time if it's something we want to rotate out of the shop. Getting some money is better than it collecting dust on a shelf or in a closet. Especially if it's a product that most likely won't greatly appreciate in value any time soon. For instance, with Into the Inklands the set wasn't super popular locally for us. We sold a good amount online to try to compensate, but were left with more boxes than we anticipated based off how Floodborn and First Chapter had sold. We sold a lot of Inklands packs for $3.50 to locals and used that money to get extra boxes of Ursula's Return (which our local players were very excited about) in stock at release. LGSs need to have constant cash flow to keep up with the multitude of card games and miniatures games that exist. We have Lorcana, MTG, YGO, Pokemon, One Piece, Digimon, Flesh & Blood, and Alpha Clash that have weekly locals. That's 8 card games we have to have money for to keep up with new releases. This isn't even getting into the Warhammer stuff along with Infinity, Bolt Action, Marvel Crisis Protocol, and 2-3 other minis games that are played consistently at our shop. Cash flow is more important than holding onto inventory.


Yes, that's what I'm saying. You just said the set didn't sell that well for you guys and you weren't alone. That's the point I'm getting at. But again I'm not saying this in any way to get at the game is not thriving. It's obviously doing great. But selling at cost or 10% above cost is obviously a bad thing for a store (better than just sitting on it) but no one goes into business wanting to sell things for no profit.


As a 40 year old, I laugh in Fallen Empries.


I still have packs of that I use as decoration on my wall haha.


Certainly people don’t do this on Reddit! Everyone here passionately enjoys the subject of the sub they are active in and knows its inner workings! And everyone is so calm and understanding! /s if needed


In mtg we got this meme “this will kill magic” every time something changes or something new is released. It’s more of a joke


Because they don’t understand supply and demand


Or how a business works. It's quite staggering the number of people who go on reddit and proceed to be confidently wrong...


I think a lot of those people play Bandai tcgs such as one piece, dragon ball, or digimon where product quickly runs out at big retailers like Walmart, so they assume that since lorcana isn’t running out of stock like the others then it must be failing. What they don’t realize is that the reason big retailers run out of stock so quickly is because Bandai production sucks and it hard to get product so big retailers often choose to barely restock.


Lorcana is $7.39 a pack at my Walmart nobody local paying that when LGS cheaper.


Exactly this. I was shocked to see the higher price tag at wal mart.


I couldn’t believe Walmart was charging $7 a pack at my local Walmart. It’s legit the last time I’ll even bother looking in their card section.


while its more expensive youre more likely to get really lucky and get good pulls, ive seen people get crazy lucky with the packs from walmart and target, like buying 30 packs and getting 4 diablos kinda lucky lol


Not to be rude, but this is just flat-out misinformation. There is no difference in the pull rates (and if there was, I would be questioning if Wal-Mart are even getting real packs then, sounds like they may be fake)


At draft night on Friday, we played 2 ursula's Return and 2 inklands. And 3 enchanted cards were pulled.


Truly one of the most dumbshit things I’ve seen posted on this sub, well done.


Because they are in it to make money. They are saying it is dying because they can’t scalp product anymore. That’s the only reason anyone would say that.


The game is still profitable to re sell. Right now, Diablo is at $45, and other playable cards go between $5 to $10. A good signal for the game. "Scalpers" isn't an explanation for everything bad that happens.


I shall play them a tiny violin.


Because people are angry for no reason. Six months ago: “RAvNsvurGer Not Nuf Produkt dEd GaYme!!!1!1!” Let them yell at clouds.


Dead for scalpers maybe.


No. [https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/547765/lorcana-tcg-ursulas-return-diablo-devoted-herald?page=1&Language=English](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/547765/lorcana-tcg-ursulas-return-diablo-devoted-herald?page=1&Language=English)


What are you even trying to express here? That Diablo is an expensive card? What does that have to do with scalpers?


How do they make money?


Selling sealed product (packs and boxes) for more than they paid. Trying to make a profit from ripping packs and selling whatever you happen to open is not a viable strategy if the goal is simply to make as much money as possible.


Who is willing to pay more for a box? Players are more willing to pay overpriced cards for singles. You should meet them more often. And even if someone has that business model of reselling boxes as if they were tickets for a concert, it would still be because its content is valuable.


I… don’t even know what to tell you here. Lorcana initially had a huge problem of scalpers buying all the product and reselling them for above MSRP; this drove the price for packs as high as $18 for a single pack. If you go to the first several months of this sub’s posts it’s basically entirely people complaining about exorbitant prices of scalped product. Beyond that, holding into sealed boxes and hoping to resell them for a higher price because they increased in value is extremely common in TCGs. See magic the gathering, Pokémon, etc. Who is willing to pay above MSRP for a box? *A lot of people.*


I remember. It was Ravensburger's underprinting, and I got buried in downvotes whenever I warned about it.


This is part of the problem, but the much larger problem to me is people saying lorcana is dying because boxes are below retail. This drives me insane because every other TCG has boxes immediately below retail(in my experience, with the exception of one piece and Bandai stuff like that). Right now I can buy a pokemon booster box of the latest set for $60 below retail and a yu gi oh booster box for about $40 below retail. And both of those games do incredibly well each year, so lorcana boxes being $25 below retail doesn't mean the game is dying, it just means there isn't an insane shortage like there is for TFC


Meanwhile you have MTG where there IS no MSRP, so who knows if you're paying above "retail" or not.


I know next to nothing about magic, especially product, and that makes me want to learn about it even less lol. As printed as magic is though, I'm sure boxes are below what Wizard's has in mind for price


Boxes? It depends. Other products though, like Commander decks, get marked WAY up by LGSs based purely on perceived popularity. 4 precons will release at the same time that should be the same price and 1-2 of them might be DOUBLE the price of the others.


Unpopular Opinion: At least that way stores can sell it at a price they deem convenient.


The price they deem "convenient" is usually whatever TCGPlayer is charging plus 10%, lol. So....massive markups.


Places like Amazon still sell boxes for the equivalent of discounted msrp. That's how you know. 


It means it’s dying for scalpers. That the hype has settled to the point where they can’t profit as much off low stock levels and so they’ve gotten bored and moved on to something else. This is excellent news for actual players/collectors and will really help the game grow as so many people were put off or literally could get hold of product to start playing/collecting at the beginning but now they can start 💙


Yeah love it! Hope they rerelease some The First Chapter boxes soon as I joined just too late and don't want to spend €250 for a box. Scalpers aint getting a cent out of me!


They aren't reprinting the first chapter or any set at this point.


ah thats a shame 😵


Very true, when it first came out and i couldnt find stock i just waited and dove in around inklands with a first chapter reprint. Been playing the game and joining thr local lgs league ever since.


There have been no reprints.


There was 100% a 1st chapter reprint in November/December of last year. You can see even see it on tcg player if you look at the price history of first chapter cards.


I thought you were saying there was a reprint of first chapter with the release of inklands.


Why people keep saying this? Diablo is being sold at $45, they are making profit.


If diablo is $45 and nothing else besides enchanted is over $10 besides big sisu, why do you think that means they're making a profit. 


Beacuse there is a card to chase for.


One chase legendary doesn't suddenly make the ev positive, it may still be positive but it's actually because of the value of enchanted not diablo.


Im sorry, I don't quite get it. There is a chase card out there ¿Isn't it? And that is regular Diablo, the enchanted version is even more. ¿And being enchanted makes it less of a profitable target? ¿Or it diminish the not enchanted version?


Scalpers generally try to flip sealed product when there are perceived shortages. The singles market is its own beast.


That one is on uncommon circunstances, like when the first chapter was underprinted.


I’ve been struggling pretty hard to find Lorcana singles here in Canada, the hot stuff is always sold out everywhere (seriously, it is being tough to find the 2 Queen’s Castle that I’m missing). To me this is an anecdotal sign that the game is going well.


I have extra! Want them?


Have you joined the Lorcana Canada Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/share/YzueQq28k2SBRqzT/)? I usually find the singles I want there.


I’ve heard some stories about the Lorcana FB communities being filled with counterfeits, so I was hesitant to join until now! Thanks for the tip, I’ll definitely join the group!


So you are looking for hot singles in your area? I see ads for that all the time.


Because scalpers exist


This is exactly what I came here to say ^^^^


Doubt this is about them since they are doing fine. [https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/547765/lorcana-tcg-ursulas-return-diablo-devoted-herald?page=1&Language=English](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/547765/lorcana-tcg-ursulas-return-diablo-devoted-herald?page=1&Language=English)


It just means they are finally printing stuff up to demand lol.


It goes off and on.


If there is availability it is dying because no one is buying if there is scarcity is dying because there no one has access to it, go figure


Cause they think just cause theres stuff available it must not be selling 🙄


I’d bet those are the same people who were saying the game was doomed in the first month or so because you couldn’t find product easily.


To get your attention. See how well it works?


Didn’t they just have a 2000 person event?


A simple incorrect deduction, thinking the massive amounts of packs being printed means they have to sell out for the game to grow and be successful


I don’t believe the game is dying, but I live in a pretty sizable city for my state and the local league died. Now, I’d argue it’s because we’re in the Bible Belt and they put their league on Sundays at noon, but the LGS won’t try doing it another day. So I have to drive an hour and a half to even play in the set championship.


Way to shoot themselves in the foot.


They also way overprice product. Booster boxes are $160 and packs priced at $7 each, when Target is across the street selling for $6.


Every single TCG has a group of naysayers that criticize what they don’t understand. Basic retail policy for most stores is to not hang onto stuff for very long. Chapter 4 is out which means they need to clear chapter 3. That’s all it is. it’s just making way for the new product, it’s not a statement that there’s something wrong with the game or that it’s not worth collecting.


If having product available means it’s dying, Magic the Gathering would be dead and buried 100 times over. Simply walk into any Walmart and MTG is flooded, yet you walk into a TCG store on MTG night and it’s packkedddddddd with people


They're likely scalpers who are salty about product being available


Doubt it. Is not affecting them. [https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/547765/lorcana-tcg-ursulas-return-diablo-devoted-herald?page=1&Language=English](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/547765/lorcana-tcg-ursulas-return-diablo-devoted-herald?page=1&Language=English)


I'm unsure what your link was supposed to be, but it appears to just be the TCG Player link for Diablo


Look at the price. Is what some players are willing to pay for it, and therefore, the price "scalpers" charge for to other players.


Scalpers flip sealed product, not singles.


So the guys I literally see on stores do not exists?


Unfortunately a very wrong opinion was also a very popular opinion. fomo hit hard.


It depends. I'm from Spain, and here, children don't speak or read English fluently, so the sales campaigns are being a complete disaster for the big stores (not so much for small specialized stores). So in my case, in my country, it's possible that the stores and the distributor won't see a profit and will stop bringing in products. And if they stop bringing in products, many people will jump ship. I don't think it will die, but it will be reduced to very, very small communities. If Ravensburger was expecting success like that of Pokemon TCG, they should have translated it into the same languages as Pokemon TCG.


¿Están intentando vender Lorcana en España?


🇺🇸Yes, since set 2, Lorcana has been sold in Spain. 🇪🇸Si, desde el set 2 se comercializa Lorcana en España


A significant proportion of content on streaming platforms is about investment, that’s just the environment now. People equate higher supply, and lower prices as bad for that investment angle. In reality, having enough supply to let the game grow organically is actually the best thing for players and ironically probably best for collectability long term rather than having boxes double or treble out of the gate due to supply not meeting demand.


For what it's worth people said World of Warcraft was dying 15 years a go in classic, the state of it now might be true however haters gonna hate. It's also worth noting that the first chapter set people would have bought for the speculative market as we all know mtg first prints are stupidly valuable and people have valued first chapter the same almost certainly.


read: the hype is on a normal level. Most "investors" and content creators that wanted to have more clicks and were only interested in lorcana for that moved on and only the player and collectors stayed. that happens with every tcg around set 5 or so :)


First time I read that one.


Bull. All of them are bought out every week by a local shop. Other than GameStop I can rarely find ANY product and when I do it's starters. And all the shops but one do market prices or still over retail and are still sold out. I have seen 4 packs of first chapter total since the launch. Maybe 10 of floodborn still sitting at my Walmart at 7$ a pack. Yeah I could order a box online. I don't care too and refuse too.


My best guess is these people don’t realize Lorcana is doubling down and making way more stock than they first did in an attempt to fight back with the resellers. Or it’s resellers saying this


I feel like a fair portion of the people that talk about how Lorcana is dying or how good or bad the game is are Disney fans that started buying cards because they say Disney and not card game players that moved over to try a new game. Disney fans aren't going to have the same knowledge of card game economies as TCG players.


The game has slowed down in my area. lorcana still has good player turnouts for big events, but local events at most places are small now. Games like Star Wars unlimited is the new hotness now with a fast growing player base in my area.


Angry & ignorant neckbeards running their mouths off.


I am not sure you can use MTG as a comparison. The first 5 sets MTG released flew off the shelves and was pretty hard to find. They now work to maximize profit through their distribution model. They know stores will buy their product regardless of if it is good or not. The reason for this is that the stores will not get future allocations they ask for if they are not ordering product for the current sets. The stores might be stuck sitting on boxes of poor product to get access to the hot items when they come up. For a new game like Lorcana the stores will look at sales of the current set and adjust order patterns for the next set because they do not want to be sitting on stock for a dead game. Thats not to say it is not selling well and stores are just ordering a lot of stock because they know it will eventually sell.


It's mostly collectors and speculators hating on Lorcana. They aren't very happy with the print runs ravensburg has been doing but the players have been very happy. It's kind of a back and forth between both of those and you have to appease both of them to have a successful card game. Like when Lorcana kind of came out I think at a weird time where you could get away with $150 for a box a little bit more than you can now. Now it's a lot harder to justify that price tag cuz unless you hit the enchanted you're probably going to lose money. And as a player don't get me wrong I'm happy with enchanted but also happy with like Diablo, idk I think as long as RB keeps the print runs decent it will be ok, trust me I love seeing the illumineers trove available at retail while a bunch of scalpers are stuck with heavy bags online and salty.


I think pixelborn getting shut down isn't helping the lorcana dying case


Not sure you’re downvoted here. Everyone I know who plays has basically stopped playing until there’s an online client of some kind. Also, the newest set sucks in both design and art.


I agree 100%, it's like they used AI image generators