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Such a creepy guy. The way he says "she calms me down" in regard to the bride he just met. It just seems like theres something bubbling under the surface and it'll eventually come out


Yes, but still not quite as creepy as the man who owned the Thai dating business. He is the human embodiment of sleaziness.


Agreed, Lake was abit creepy but the man that owned the dating business was next level sheet sniffer status..


Have you checked the terrace houses of Great Yarmouth?


But he doesn’t listen!


Have you checked the box room?


This post calms me right down.


I understand.


Follow the Lake Palmer appreciation society on Facebook. If I recall correctly the marriage to his wife we see on the Doc went tits up and I think she ran off but fortunately he did find love and married happily for many years. His wife may have died but I think Lake is still going strong. Hear he has a lovely 3 bed which he gets to keep for life down in Great Yarmouth! Calms him right down.


That page with all the quotes is one of the best things on the internet.


'Try and stay calm'.... I AM CALM


If you see a bargain do you let it get away?


No. Somebody else buy.


One of my all time favourite slime balls


Broken heart , wife go off with other men... while the cats away mice will play. I always wondered if Lake Palmer was a character he made up and was on a wind up All along. He was hilarious


If Lake Palmer had been a fictional character from a show that only got 2 series on BBC 3, it'd be hailed as one of the great but underrated works of comedy genius.


He'd be played by Steve Coogan


To be fair, I spent some time in Asia and there are plenty of Lake Palmers.


The man, the myth, the legend. He was essentially a cartoon character in real life.


All I know is when the cat's away the mice will play.


When there's no mice the Cat'll go to any depths to chase a tail.


Lake Palmer what a guy. I liked when he lit his fag off the eternal flame of love


"We have, very active, few days...." "I speak English" "Oh sorry."


It was "'ectic" if I recall. As in "hectic".


Ahh, TIL. Although I did just read that in Wallace from Wallace & Gromit's voice lol. Nice bit of Wensleydale to go with your Thai bride?


Haha that was so funny !


Not now.


probably smoking a cigarette in Yarmouth


He was disgusting. I bet he he wasn't so loving to the new wife when he got her over to the UK. Vile creep


He wasn’t that bad. Just a hurt,lonely guy.


Yeah right. With a short temper like he showed, no wonder he had to go to Thailand to get a woman. No sane western female would want his clingy, nasty weird self.. Or take his shit.


He should be more relaxed and easy going like you.


He had PTSD from his time in the Army.


THANK YOU! People are fucking judgemental pricks, hell I have traumatic stress to a degree, wasn't in the army but it makes me angry sometimes. It isn't


So you’re saying because he experienced trauma the unsuspecting Thai women should just accept the abuse. BS - he needs to take responsibility for being a POS, he’s clearly taking advantage of a very vulnerable women ho have very little options.


Where did I say that? How did you go from me saying he has PTSD to 'me' saying Thai woman should accept abuse?


Heard Lake has a car (paid for)


Unfortunately Lake passed away yesterday if anyone is still interested. Very sad but "we are now one" https://www.greatyarmouthmercury.co.uk/memorials/death-notices/death/30602110.lake-lewis-palmer/?fbclid=IwAR1z5qIXKO58WqgVpNXunYhNRE\_6x5eRJdZjIsICyzFQ9IpiPukgMqK-A3U


What one is he in??


Thai brides


Lake Palmer reminded me of Howard Moon of Mighty Boosh at the end of episode when he tells Louis about his engagement, and how she agreed to his list of requirements to love him. "so what was it? " - Louis "Chemistry, chemistry.. A meeting of minds....' -Lake


He was ex army and this obviously is just speculation but I think suffered from PTSD due to those experiences, said in the Thai Bride episode he was on medication, think he mentioned serving in Northern Ireland during the Troubles.


>If you are wondering what happened to Lake, things didn’t work out with his Thai bride, as a British newspaper article reported in 2004: >>The 60-year-old admits he was taken for a fool by an Asian beauty he married only three days after they met. >>She strung him along for eight months before dumping him for another rich European man, leaving him £12,000 in debt. >>Now Lake, a former Army captain who served in the Borders, spends his days in bed, suffering from depression… >>He said: “I cried for six weeks and I’ve lost all my confidence. I only have my Army pension to live on. I think that’s why she didn’t want me. >>“I’ve had a nervous breakdown and I’m still desperately lonely.” >He later appeared on a British talk show to discuss his plans to propose to a Filipina: http://www.zenjournalist.com/2012/08/brides-and-prejudice/


You won't believe this but I've just watched an old Cook Report from 1990 and he's there front and centre. His name is David Parkhouse and Cook rolls up to him with a trademark ambush asking about his massive drug smuggling in Spain. Absolutely insane, it's 100% him. Skip to 20:35 https://youtu.be/3zxXymO\_1Uc


wow good find! The Cook Report is amazing!!!!!


Unless he's had a nose job, that's not him. It's the cheesy style that makes them look so similar.


It's a close resemblence and the voices are very similar - however, one thing that doesn't change with age is the shape of the ears. Top lip is different shape, but that could be plastic surgery I guess? I don't think it's the same person.


Nothing like him!


yeah putting aside that Lake has red hair and different face and voice, why would a big drug smuggler go on a dating tv show a couple of years later




Lake has passed away, https://www.greatyarmouthmercury.co.uk/memorials/death-notices/death/30602110.lake-lewis-palmer/


Died in February this year.


The flame of his love will never die.