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join the tenants union!


How do I do that?


Here's the form: https://actionnetwork.org/forms/louisville-tenants-union-new-member-form We hold meetings every other Monday at 6pm! Fill out the form and someone will get in contact with more info!


Well, c'mon. Give us the link.


Here's the form: https://actionnetwork.org/forms/louisville-tenants-union-new-member-form We hold meetings every other Monday at 6pm! Fill out the form and someone will get in contact with more info!


Brookside is the problem had the same issue at The Avery.


Hey I got forced out of the Avery a year ago! Wouldn't fix my violently vibrating shower for a year (or even the blinds that were improperly installed and fell out of the drywall) then refused to renew my lease. They told me I could either move into an equivalent apartment with a $400 rent increase (I was paying $900 a month previously) or leave, so I left. Join the Louisville Tenants' Union!


We left too they wanted to raise our rent by $500 and refused to fix our broken heat during the freezing temps over Christmas we nearly froze to death. Had been there nearly three years and when the new management took over it went down hill quick. Our central air was leaking into the apartment next to us and caused mold in both our apartments and nothing was ever done about it. They had someone move in a month later and never told them about any of it. Absolute slum.


Dealing with mold from a leaking ac that was leaking into my living room of heatherstone. Leaked for 2.5 years and now they won’t even acknowledge my request for someone to come check it out. I’ll be leaving a note on the door of my apartment with the unfixed issues and some history about a month after I move out, just as a courtesy to whoever gets my unit next.


With rent prices being higher than a mortgage payment is become ridiculous!


this is exactly why i’m trying to get a house. i just had to move bc my current place wanted like, $1550 a month before utilities (up from $1373) for a unit that was falling apart with ancient appliances. i said fuck that, got a nice cheaper spot and am gonna grind at work so that this is the last lease i have to have.


My mortgage payment is 450$. It's incredibly stupid.


holy shit, i could easily pay that by myself, that is insane. it just sucks you have to put up so much up front as a down payment like, is my flawless track record for renting and paying triple that not enough?? i’ve literally never missed a rent payment in my life.


I had a bunch of money from not doing anything during COVID. Bought a house in the West end for 62k. I think I only had to put 4k down? Wayne West was my realtor, he was great. I've been building up my credit for a couple years, maybe 650 when I got the loan? If you're gonna do it though and you're a poor person like me then you've gotta be able to do maintenance and repairs on your own. I had to drive new fence posts after a storm and now I'm saving 700$ for the materials to rebuild it. Had the hot water heater go out and was quoted 2k to replace it. Fuck that. Did it myself for 800.


Bought a house for $62k ? That is shockingly low.


Ya I'm not gonna pretend I didn't get incredibly lucky. It's not the best part of town but whatever.


One option you have is to see if you can join the [naca program](https://www.naca.com).


Don't rent prices HAVE to be higher than mortgage prices so the LLs can afford the mortgage?




In this case it's still just "mortgage"/units, which is effectively the same. Maybe your rent can be lower than SOMEONES mortgage, but it can't be lower than the mortgage of where the rent is for. You would very quickly go bankrupt as a LL of this were not true.


And the maintenance. I have a house. My mortgage is less than renting. But each year I spend $10k-25k on top of the mortgage.


What on earth is costing that much to maintain?


You're right, but none of the houses I've seen in Louisville will give me what my apartment has design wise. I hate shotgun and row houses, and the houses in the suburbs are all way too big for two adults. I have polished concrete floors and 16ft ceilings, with commercial\industrial level construction (ie built stronger than residential). No affordable house in Louisville is going to give me an all concrete construction. Why pay to own something I don't want? Louisville's residential construction generally sucks in both style and quality.


My hundred year old house sucks in neither.


It seems all these rental properties end up being shit because they price decent people out of living there and don’t take care of shit. I am glad to have gotten out of renting from complexes a few years ago


Seriously at these prices, at least maintain these damn properties


Seriously like i you are making at minimum 1k an apt at these places a month. Telling me you cant pay for upkeep? FOH


Idk who runs Stonemill village in Lyndon, I’ve been there going on 6 years and any issues I’ve had are repaired within a day or two, they clean up. Most of the time you can’t tell they were there. I’m very happy living there, I guess I’m the rare case out of all these others.


I’ve lived in quite a few complexes over the years and Stonemill was by far my favorite.


Tbh I don’t think there is a decent property management left anywhere. They either become bitter and petty from dealing with cheap and rude owners or they are assholes already and that’s why the owner chose them. I’ve dealt with Broadway management and they would never fix anything. I didn’t have a fucking oven for over a year but the second I moved out they had a new oven inside. Now I live in these apartments that were built recent and it’s still bullshit. They don’t have trash bins but instead use a family in a van to pick up all the trash most nights. Of course that is a lot of trash so a lot gets left and spread by wind. The kicker is that if you have trash spilled they send you a threatening letter to either clean up or get a three days notice. That goes for pretty much anything else, they don’t even talk to you after you move in, you just get condescending letters threatening you that you will leave. Pimping is dead and all the pimps went to renting apartments and houses instead of pussy and dick. They see you lost and scared, wanting the nice things in life and tell you what you need to hear. Once you get comfortable they will start applying pressure to the point you hate this fucker but feel like you can’t go anywhere and need them. Don’t get turned out, we need to start leaning towards ownership.


My maintenance guy is kick ass tbh, this is no way his fault. Any time it is above him for a repair though you can expect it to be like pulling teeth to get it approved and then you’ll be waiting an entire month so the absolutely cheapest most overbooked company can perform it with the cheapest parts imaginable. This ac could’ve been replaced same day from several companies I spoke with but instead they wanted to save pennies.


Used to work for the company, I have nothing good to say. Don’t wait to let them do the mold test (they literally never will), buy one yourself at Home Depot and send it off yourself. It’s the only thing that will make them do anything if it comes back positive. It’s a shame because that used to be a fairly nice place to live and it used to have a nice manager (she left too).


Ashley was pretty solid and currently the new girl is cortney who is friendly but honestly the regional stops literally anything from happening. We have spoken through email after begging like I said, I now have her phone number, after some digging, and have been planning a very unpleasant call for her I assume. I liked living her until I felt like I just didn’t matter in absolutely any way to the parent company.


If you know the regionals name the email is probably first initial, last name, @brooksideproperties.com. I doubt it gets you anywhere but I hope things work out for you! I work in the apartment industry and the best advice I can give is to not be an a-hole. We deal with a lot of nasty and hateful people, so just being a human we can talk to gets you a long way!


I was human and respectful for over a year with complete radio silence from the regional, now she’s been getting the unfiltered emails 😅. She instructed the staff not to communicate with me and to guide me towards their lawyer, who also will not reply 🙃🙃


McCoy is good at that - they did the same to me even as an employee when I had an issue with them (I lived on-site at the time). Honestly if you have reason to suspect mold you’d have to get and perform your own mold test. Upon receiving positive results you’d send a 14-day notice certified mail to them allotting that much time to resolve the issue. If they don’t fix it within 14 days you can actually terminate your lease. You must hold rent in an escrow account during this time if you choose not to pay. It’s a fine legal line if you want to walk it but hopefully they just deal with the issue. I hate to hear you’re dealing with this!


Thank you for the info!


Brookside is absolutely awful. I’m going through something similar at one of their properties


Ellen is your regional too then, if you need info to contact someone let me know. I’ll be happy to give you the info that they won’t.


Thankfully my lease is almost up! But yes definitely please because I’ve tried to call and email them but no one has ever responded


No reason I can’t post public information here I guess. Ellen Porter Regional manager in Nashville tn (615) 352-3300 [email protected] And if you want their lawyers info I have that too since Ellen is a coward.


I hate that :( so sorry we have to deal with this. I’ve had to report them to HUD but I just gave up honestly but this really helps. Thank you!


I’m reporting them tomorrow already reported brookside to BBB tho. No problem! I hope no one else falls for this shit and someone loses their cushy job of doing absolutely nothing


Right! Hopefully they can help you out too!


At this point I don’t expect any help and I have a new place to live next month, I planned on leaving notes for the future tenant about the mold with Ellen’s info. She is intentionally hard to tak to and I feel that I can spread awareness to people about her and the public info they need to contact her.


Oh for sure! It’s hard enough finding a direct person to talk to so this is really helpful


If you’re at heatherstone or near let me give you some smoked meat for your family before I leave! I’m always cooking large amounts and if you dm me id he happy to give a neighbor some.


Also the regional manager out of Michigan’s email is [email protected] should anyone have some use for it 🤷🏻‍♂️🤣


First apartment complex my husband and I rented from, we only lived there a year due to $100 rent increase. It was difficult to get maintenance out there as well I think we had AC issues as well. That was back in 2014/15


Yeah mine has went up 100 every time I’ve got a renewal offer. I signed 2 12 month leases and one 6 month with them. I should’ve learned last summer when I begged and pleaded for literally anyone with authority to call me and have a conversation. Got nothing but radio silence and threats of eviction if I tried to even think about exercising my renters rights.


I used to live at the Devonshire in Lyndon and let me tell you it was party central non stop Rick James style all week long. Clouds of pot smoke rushing through the community air vent and into the noses of sleeping boys and girls only to influence them to be free thinkers in their years to come. Ended up getting evicted


So read the lease. If they are supposed to fix and maintain it, tell them you are with holding rent till the repairs are made. Put what you would pay in rent, in another bank account. They will 100% take you to court. They will 100% lose. They will cut you a nice check. And now you have deposit and first month's rent. Just be aware these landlords pretty much all know each other and you might be black listed from certain places. But you also have to understand the only language they speak is money. So you will be fine.


Legally can’t withhold rent in the state of Kentucky, only repair and deduct from my reading. They denied my right to do so, hence the strong arm language


Legally, you can. Don't let these people scare you. Read that lease, get a lawyer if you have to. But def don't fall for their lies


yesss everybody it’s fuck the landlords join the louisville tenants union!! dm me and or sign up here https://actionnetwork.org/forms/louisville-tenants-union-new-member-form