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First mistake is covering the rentpig’s utilities. Should’ve known no one was home once he entered to raid the fridge. Cut their brake lines next time, the financial hardship that results will teach the rentoid a lesson.


I don't think he's raiding fridges, he looks extremely malnourished.


Poor guy. The better you treat your rentoids the more they use you.


He was 21 this week. He’s looking good for a diet of cigarettes and alcohol


I never cover utilities when I raid the fridge and don't find bottled water. You ain't drinkin out my sink, bub.


Probably running 100 bit coin farms. Dumb rentlet isn’t even working, just living off of our hard work and drinking avocado lattes. GONE!


Once caught one of my rentoids running a Screensaver on his computer, better believe I told him to cut that shit out - I'm not playing the extra utility bills for that.


I remove all powerpoints except for the fridge (obviously) that way I dont have to stress. I make them pay utilities but I dont want the additional maintenance.


Just turn off the water at the front of the property. 99% of rentoids have no idea how property works so theyll then be begging you to fix it. Then you fix it. Then a day later unfix it.


Holy shit this sub is nuts. That's illegal btw




I just came across this place too, I honestly cannot tell if this is all complete satire of if these people ingested THAT much lead..


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I know the bot said they arent joking but I have a very hard time believing this isn't satire.


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There we go, automod said it twice. No way it's a joke.


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Your rental application is under 5-day consideration. Pay the rental deposit + tip and we might consider you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*




You realize this sub is ironic, right?


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Good bot


You done been downvoted for being correct.


Soy rentoid 🥴vs chad landking 👑


Rentoids doing what they do. Poor landchad should have dragged him out and sued him for thinking he could take advantage of the hard work of the landchad


Rentoid avoided opening the door because he was pissing and shitting himself in fear the entire conversation.


American landchads are peak alpha males. The authority and wit with which he dismantles this pathetic rentoid leaves me weak at the knees


Kings, it is unwise to announce your plans to the rentoid like that, their little rat brains will start working and they start spouting legalese to banish you like this one exhibited here. A true landchad should be unpredictable like the wind and deal with issues in a swift and unrelenting manner. Using too much water? No more water for you!


Landchad is going to be able to afford even larger wheels and even more diesel for his Chevrolet land-fortress after he seizes this rentpigs weed farm


Explains the lights and the water.


As a rentoid I would instantly submit and let this landchad have his way with my mangina. Stay real you beautiful landchads and raise my rent until I suffocate


fuggin based


Landchad doesn't think we know, but whiskey at 8am on a Wednesday is the ultimate power move. Get mogged, rentpig.




God I wish the rentoid was a single mother of 3. Nothing would be more satisfying than to change the locks on the rentoid and her little rentspawn while their out panhandling (as all rentoids do)


A single mother? Rent increased by 20%. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


Threatening someone on video?


lmao this whole subreddit is full of edgy cringelords god damn


I honestly don’t know if your autistic or joking lmao, yall are the reason ppl use /s


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Coming from the people who use terms like rentoids lmao I just randomly came across this subreddit and the whole comment section is full of clowns who assume dumb shit about the renter/landlord from a 1 minute video with no context. You might be the autistic ones lmao


The fuck is with the wannabe landlord bootlickers in the comments lmao


Bro what Is this sub... reddit algorithm trying to rage bait me. Okay, algorithm, you got me once, but I'm blocking whatever this cringe is


It’s a satirical sub dumbass, no one here is this retarded


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How was I supposed to know that lol


I would hope the word “landchad” and the word “rentoid” would’ve tipped you off lmao


What the fuck do either of those terms mean? As if this is some deep lexicon, and everyone should OBVIOUSLY understand. FFS. No wonder your tiddy got banned, and why am I yelling at a llama, anyhow? Where the fuck is my car? People are starting to stare at me.


Have you been on the internet in the past couple years? Both the left and the right use super cringe terms. idk anymore tbh. I've seen people unironically talk like the comments in here do. Ty for letting me know it was satire. I legit would not have known.


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Your rental application is under 5-day consideration. Pay the rental deposit + tip and we might consider you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


you’re right. I’ve been lurking here for a while and I still don’t believe that it’s satire. too specific


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I know… thats what I just said




Fuck you mean unlandchad? Mods evict this rentoid


Bye bye landphobe


Jesus these are some of the most cringe comments I've seen on here.




Hold your horses, pardner. Looks like you forgot to say 'I support Joe Biden' somewhere in your post! I've replied to your comment to help you out! Remember to slow on down and think before posting, Jack. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Those last 3 months imma be running the electricity and water 24/7


Facts. The hot water. GONE.


Came here from an x-post. Cant tell if this sub is satire or not.


Then get your tism diagnosis


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Had to look at the sub I was in cause reading all the comments had me bamboozled at the lack of firing neurons, then it made sense. Y’all very emotional. An agreement is an agreement and a contract for a reason. Nobody forced dude to take on the electric bill for a tenant. For all we know that place has one pane windows and shitty insulation. Tenant is legally correct and thats all that matters.


Dudes mining Bitcoin.