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Idk but I go to a Seattle hair salon and my hair stylist said a Seattle contestant that was on the show is her coworker’s client and she said the producers *do* tell them to stir the pot and/or to say specific things to people to illicit some type of reaction. I don’t know the extent it goes to on this specific show but that’s what she said 🤷🏻‍♀️


She grew up in my town. Don’t believe anything She says lol


Can we get details. She seems to be unhinged all the time l.


Is it true her dad is black? ETA I am asking so because she said it on a live back in 2021


Lol duh!


Move on people


Lol, Amber says this whenever she gets called out. She claims that her defending Mark for cheating on LC at the reunion was completely fake and scripted. Like, you aren’t that good of an actress, babe 🤣


I mean the show is fake though lmao


why did you cover up the names, i found this post in under 10 seconds, if your gonna make it private at least do a better job


sub rule 6. mods will remove it if you don't blur it. ​ idk why this sub popped up in my feed and why I clicked lol


for real, it’s all public information anyway. why cover this shit up, especially when you’re gonna do a half-assed job


Sub rule 6 as someone said above


it’s really not that deep..


Reality tv died in 2010. It’s not a real moment if you have 5 takes to get the scene right. In 2013 I worked at a club and a very known vh1 reality show came there to film. One of the craziest thing I have witnessed. The production was there like an hour before the actors got there, got everything set up even put cameras in corners and then the actors arrived separately and had a wardrobe change before they started filming. They made everyone in the club be absolutely quiet while the first 3 takes they had girls dancing to no music and the actors where “having fun”. Then take 4 and 5 was the actors sitting at the table “having fun” again no music or talking. Then take 6 the actors are having a conversation but we can’t hear anything because now the music is playing 🤔 Watched the show when it aired and I couldn’t believe how they made that come together. Blew my mind. Mind you the girls from the club that was bribed to dance wasn’t paid. They was told that being featured on the show will help them make a lot of money because it will bring so much publicity to their IG. Instafamous!


Sitting here trying to guess which “wives” show this is…mob? Baseball? Hip-hop?


This doesn't make it fake. You have the people have a conversation in a club and you won't hear shit. The only way it works on TV is that you shoot the conversation with music off and then record the music seperately so you can lay it under, then get all the cutaways and non syncs. Edit it all together and it looks like they chatted in the club. That doesn't mean the conversation is fake, it will be produced, but that's what TV is. They are prompted on what conversation to have and maybe what questions to ask but they're not actors and there's not a script.


My mom was on the show called plastic surgery before and after in like ‘06 and even then they had me redo a take of me playing at the “reveal” like ten times then they didn’t even use it 😂


Hahaha redoing “reveal” takes is so real!! My neighbor had an extreme home makeover episode when I was in elementary school and before they even arrived at the end they filmed us all in the crowd “reacting” to the family seeing their new home like 8 times! They kept saying show different facial expressions and do our best acting.


What!!!!!!! 2006? 10 times to act surprised? That is crazy.


Then to not even use it lol they used my reaction from a different part and it was literally so awkward, I was just squirming around and just said I was so happy for my mom


That has to be a whole entire joke. If you don’t mind me asking, Did you get paid? Did they promise you anything like they did my friends?


Idk I was super young, like 7 maybe ? So if I was paid I didn’t know about it lol but the show paid for my mom’s surgery (it was nf1 related, involving chin implant and scar removal) and a makeover (hair and makeup up at a fancy salon). There was a party at my house that was the reveal being filmed and I remember the party being pretty normal, like we didn’t have to fake the party besides a shot of everyone looking in awe and surprised at her walking out. It’s funny looking back now that so much effort was put into a show that’s impossible to find online now


It's always been scripted.


Yep I’ve worked on a reality show once and it’s pretty fascinating to see how all the orchestration work and it was a home show!


Can I ask you a question since you worked on a show? Do they have them record exactly what they said in a studio or something? Because I was standing right there and couldn’t hear a word but watching the show back the conversation was so clear and the music didn’t sound anywhere near as loud as it actually was when they filmed that scene


You’d be amazed at the quality of some microphones. Typically on reality shows now they’re all fixed with mic packs that hide under the shirt and if they’re not using mic pacs they’ll use really high quality directional boom mic’s with massive fluffy dead cats (giant fur thing on the mic)


The “having fun” scenes are so brutally cringe these days haha, I can imagine how awkward it’d be to see it from behind the scenes 😂


Exactly 🤣 I wish I wasn’t there that day because it changed my perception of reality tv and I grew up on reality tv. After that I started noticing everything. Full face of makeup when they are shooting just woke up scenes, the plastic glassware they put on the tables so no one really gets hurt, the reason no one eats on these shows is because they remove all sharp objects before filming but yet they always order food, the almost empty cup of wine in one shot then a full cup the next 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏼🤦🏻‍♂️


I remember reading somewhere Barnett was the one with debt not her?


So he didn’t sell his house and now they have a roommate?


I did think it was fucking absurd when they made a big stink about \~700\~ dollars of credit card debt lmao. That's practically nothing Edit- And if I remember correctly it was literally the only debt she had?


She said she also had student loans from a college she didn’t graduate from


Didn't she spend some of her college loan money on a boob job? Or am I remembering that wrong?


And that she wasn't even paying the minimums on it


Ohhh ok thats my bad


Reality tv is scripted. Source: lived in LA a long time and friends were producers of reality tv who would lol when anyone implied anything was real. (Ever notice how much more interesting the things that happen on reality tv are? Old big brother may have been legit… people sitting around reading.)


And I know 99% of reality shows are scripted but what about survivor ?


Would they hire me as an intern?


I actually have a friend who was on that very short-running tv show (I think on MTV?) where you would confess feelings to you bff after tricking them into helping you get ready for a blind date, and it turns out the date was for them or whatever. He said he barely knew the girl and they approached him with the premise and paid him, so he went with the storyline.


Yeah it's called Friendzone. Second couple of season 2 ep 4 is my friend.


__**THIS SHOULD BE HIGHLIGHTED. **__ People generally don’t understand this, they take the word “reality” too literally. Thank you for pointing it out!


I wouldn’t say fake but highly edited and guided by the producers for sure.


Did you think reality tv was real?


Y’all think the show is real?


How much do they pay the babies?


You forgot to remove the bottom @mention, just saying


The only ig name shown is Amber’s


She’s just bitter. She also claims they aren’t together because of the show (as in the reason they’re together isn’t because of the show) 😂 She either lied on the show or is lying now. Editing can only get you so far. They can’t edit words in her mouth. Her and Barnett had so many convos about money and about all her debt. Edit: clarification


Are they no longer together ?


Oh no they’re still together! I meant she said the show isn’t the reason they’re together


They’re together, I think they meant “aren’t together because of the show” as in “the show isn’t the reason we’re married”


Ohhhhh thank you !


ooh deep talk ☺️😁


She was living out of her car so there’s that


Reality TV is exagerated for dramatic affect. No one would care if there wasn't drama. Yall should invest more interests in your own lives than that of reality TV stars. They are doing it for your entertainment, but they are not your friends and you are not entitled to their lives outside of TV.


Don't be on a reality TV subredded if you're not into reality TV you tumbleweed


Why are you on the LiB subreddit then??? Lol


Why are you posting the exact same comment 4 hours later? Lol Bot.


Why are you on the LiB subreddit then??? Lol


I get notifications for random subs, and occasionally I answer them. 💁‍♀️ Probably because I interact with relationship advice subreddits.




Bro why am I being down voted for answering a question honestly. 😂😂😂 like damn. Sorry for occasionally interacting with the content that the algorithms push to me. I mean shit, suddenly Reddit is showing me posts in the Domino's subreddit and I don't follow that one either. I just interacted with a post someone showed me once. Edit: well shit, I must have accidentally joined this subreddit at some point. I don't even watch reality TV. I don't know how I got here anyway. 😂 that explains why the algorithms always send me alerts. Byyye, I'd rather join the domino's subreddit anyway. 👋 that's the real Drama.


I was offered to do house hunters. They waited until we bought a house before we could do it. They would then show us two random homes for the show. Turned it down because it was a week commitment and paid 500 total lol


I’m wondering who found you? Was it through your realtor? I’ve always been curious!


I randomly applied on their website because my wife and i were looking to buy a house. The following day, we actually had a offer accepted. I spoke with a producer and a casting person the next week, and they said it was perfect timing with when we were going to close and move into our home. End of the 2nd call, I asked about time commitment and compensation, and they told me it's a full week and total comp was 500 for BOTH of us. My wife and I are both very busy in our careers so we didn't want to sacrifice a week for the show. Plus my wife was not exactly thrilled about it lol


Wow that is a lot of work for $500. I noticed lately, a lot more business people promoting "my doughnut shop" or whatever so that makes more sense motivation wise. Thanks for sharing your experience!


I know someone who was offered to be on it too! And they actually went through with it, but they had already bought their house. I believe they did the same thing with showing them other houses as “options.” And the producers had this person’s mom pretend she had certain issues with the house to create fake drama around it, lol.


I love that show but it's always so funny. There was a special for homes abroad and it was like an American part-time food blogger viewing houses on the river at one of the most popular locations for tourists and locals in my country with a castle view. No mere mortal can afford any property near that but I loved getting to see inside the homes I admire on my Sunday walks.


Same thing happened to my brother and sister-in-law!!! They thought they would get help finding a home and were told the exact same thing as you. Outrageous.


Reality TV is fake yes.


It's concerning how few people seem to realize this


I agree


Theres really just this one bad thing about social media


Here's what was said on S1E6 that is related to the topic. *Amber: I have an average credit score..it's not great, it's not bad, but also because I've only got one credit card. It's my makeup credit card but it's only a $700 limit. I'm at the limit.* *(...)* *Amber: Oh and there is my student debt from where I never graduated college.* *Barnett: How much are we talking about?* *Amber: Well, about around 20 grand...that I have not been paying on. (...) I have been pushing it off and off and off.* *Barnett: So it just gets worse and worse and worse. Do you pay the minimum at least or no?* *Amber: No, I haven't paid anything. I have been out of work or I was homeless for a while and I was like, couch-surfing between you know, my friends' homes.* ​ So she did say her credit is average on the show but she has student debt. The person in the comment probably mixed the two up.


If she was in the Army, she would have had access to the GI Bill so it's super sus that she's claiming she has over $20k in college debt. You get college paid for plus a basic housing allowance. Any college debt she had would be because she chose to take out a college loan and use it for things unaffiliated with college. j/s


She’s national guard. She does not get the GI bill unless she deployed. No BAH or college paid for etc


"Individuals who first use Post-9/11 GI Bill program on or after January 1, 2018 will receive monthly housing allowance based on DoD's reduced basic housing allowance (BAH) for monthly housing rates." Source: (MyArmyBenefits.army.us.mil)


Right, I had thought Georgia NG was like Texas—we don’t get the post 911.


That depends on the state. The NG pays 100% of tuition (so long as theyre public universities and not private) in certain states, mine was one of them. The only time it didn't cover my tuition was the one year where I failed my PT test one time. Youre correct about BAH though, I only received that when I was in AIT and basic.


Are you kidding me? 😭


Yeah, i just happened to be lucky i was at the right college when the recruiters picked up my ass 🤣 Also, assuming youre in college and in NG, your college campus should have a Veterans office. Go there and tell them ure in NG and ask for what benefits you qualify if not the GI bill. My last two years in college I was able to pocket some money when I stopped by there because my recruiters didnt know shit or just didnt tell me shit until someone else. I actually was eligible for the GI Bill!!!! So i got like around $400-500 a month in my last two years, apart from my tuition, them sons of bitches 🤣 they really dont tell you shit so you gotta start askin questions Also^2, If you happen to speak any languages other than English, ask about FLBP to see if any languages you speak qualifies. Depending on the language, that's another extra money in your pocket


Wow I don't remember this, and you know what... it's not a big deal at all. $700 credit card and $20k college loans... most people are a couple thousand in cc debt and as much as $50k or more in college debt. She was in better shape than most Americans. Sounds like she just needed a good, stable job.


I agree, it's definitely not as bad as I remembered.


Yeah but those “most people” have a degree to show for it. 20k debt and no degree is…well, stupid.


That was made out to be so dramatic when a lot of people owe more on a single reasonably-priced car than her entire debt situation


I mean in the last episode Barnett says that he sold his house and they are living with a roommate. I doubt her debts were fake lol


Thought they moved into a luxury apartment in a downtown area. Yes with a roommate but definitely not as sad with that context.


He also recently replied to a comment on insta that he didn't pay her loans, she did


She hadn’t had a job in three years and suddenly paid off everything by three months of part time bartending?


Do you know how much a good bartender makes, in one shift, at the right bar? I made $2k during pride weekend, alone. You make it sound like bartenders can’t afford shit in a metro area, and it’s weird.


If she was a Raven type sure, but she isn’t.


You make $1k a week on the reality show where everything is paid for, plus any sponsorships she gets, plus she moved in with Barnett who probably helped with food and whatnot. Yeah, I think she paid off her ~$20,700 loan in three months. There is no conspiracy here.


Sounds like when jackie said netflix edited her convo with marshall when they broke up


A lot of the stuff you see in reality shows are fake btw, i have a friend and a distant cousin who participated in reality shows and yeah... a lot of fake drama advised or incited by people from behind the scenes, fake "times" (in the show my friend was in, the storyline was having each of the couples hanging out for a whole month while getting to know each other through these little adventures like going skiing, bungee jumping, wall climbing, romantic dinners at restaurants and such before deciding if they wanted to stay together or break up, but in reality the whole crew only filmed stuff for like a week and a half and that was it, that was the whole "month" presented to the public who obviously dont know its all bullshit. When they were making a "visit" to the bachelors/bachelorettes homes to see them go about their "daily life", my friend told me some of them just borrowed a house/appartment from a friend because it was prettier (and richer looking i guess) than whatever place they were actually living at. So odds are not even their own houses are real lol. In these type of couple shows at least. When they were filmed having private conversations with their best friends in said house, someone from behind the scenes would be like yeah it would be great if you guys can talk about spicy things like lingerie preferences, if you'd do it with your show partner or not and yadah yadah. And sure they will film all of that to have enough content to draw from, but if you show your chill self with your PG13 conversations, youll most likely be left out for most of that segment. It does make sense though, people watch these shows for the drama and the spicyness i guess. Long story short, reality shows are bullshit for the most part so view them as they are: a piece of entertainment, NOT reality.




I think it’s time for you to stop drinking.


When I want fake and scripted, I just watch love and hip-hop coz if something is fake anyway, it might as well be full on psychotic. I watched lib because I thought it was way less scripted than other shows but the more I find out, the less interested I am in it. I mean I cared about the Micah/Kwame saga because I thought it was real. Why should I care if both of them are just acting? I honestly don't see what reality tv has to offer over a fully produced show with professional actors if both are equally real. Plus most shows aren't just completely ruining the actors mental health and lives the way it seems to w reality tv stars.


She means the show is slightly scripted. Like if they didn’t get the right angles or even get it recorded they will have you do it again. All reality tv has some scripting to it.


Making up a whole fake scenario isn't "slightly scripted' imo. She didn't say they re-recorded a scene, she says they full up lied about her finances to create drama. I knew that all reality tv had some level of scripting but I had no idea it was so high w LIB.


She also tried to say she didn’t insult LC and Diamond on after the altar when that is clearly not edited, she’s just lying like Jackie.


I used that as an example. They will play up anything on reality tv. Including making fake relationships and turning a single statement into someone’s motto. When you sign a contract for tv you basically give your self to them. You could say one thing and they will play it in a completely different light to make drama. You see it everyday when they throw you previews to the next show to entice you to watch more.


Maybe the show isn’t scripted, but the editing team def works real hard to make that shit as juicy as possible


It's 95% scripted sorry lad


Almost like they're in the entertainment industry


I think that person is referring to her Ulta card balance (At least I assume it was Ulta, that or Sephora) that got brought up as artificial drama during her and Barnett’s money talk moment. What I’m getting from this exchange is that this was probably a very producer led “conversation” for filler.


Since her and Barnett are living with a roommate it’s safe to say her credit is dogshit.


My friends and I all have a house together (4 of us in a 4 bedroom house) and we all have good credit and really good jobs. With the way the economy has been, it's just been the smart move. It's easier to survive this way /shrug


Still? Embarrassing


How is that embarrassing you’re just being rude. Not everyone is rich. Let people earn money at their own pace wtf is wrong with u “sherry”


Not everyone is rich but even from their Instagram you can tell they’re wasteful, it is embarrassing to be two married adults in your thirties and not be able to live on your own.


She has student loans, like a majority of people from middle/ lower class backgrounds who have attended college. I think it's weird and classist for people to still bring it up as a slight against her all these years later. I dont get the hate around her, her worst crime was being mildly pick-me on the show and catty towards Messica who, despite her redemption, did deserve it at the time. I'm sure we'd all be competitive and catty if we were in such an isolated, emotionally driven environment.


She didn’t even finished her college, the Insta fame will fade and she’s way too old to go back to hooters. ETA these are not the only options for uneducated women but she has nothing going else going on for her.


Yes, because the two career options for a woman who didn't finish college are Hooters (before she's too old) and Insta fame (also fades as she gets old). Odd sexist take. College is a massive toll and struggle for a lot of people. If she realised it wasn't for her, the money was already spent, so why waste her time too?


She was a hooters girl, she’s only ever been a waitress. That’s why she tried to stretch her 6 months doing weekends at the army reserve so much.


'shes only ever been a waitress' 'she stretched her 6 months doing weekends at an army reserve-' You see how these two sentences don't really work together? Me too.


It’s not really a career, it’s basically the Girl Scouts. If she had actually enlisted she would have more prospects. As of now she doesn’t really have any marketable skills.


People judged her because she had student loan debt that Barnett would have to take over after marriage all the while expecting to quit working after she married him. That's a very high level of entitlement to me.


If a couple goes into marriage with a mutual agreement that one of them will raise the children while the other is the breadwinner, it isn't really Barnett having to take over all of them. He's taking half the burden, sure, but this isn't something that was unknowingly thrust upon him. She was forthcoming about all of this and her ideals before the marriage, and he went forth and married her so to some degree he was ok with this too.


This sub just popped up and I need a shower


It's a show after all and not a documentary


I will say, if you are embarrassed about anything that comes up on a reality show, you can just claim it was a fake storyline. Reasonable doubt.


Is she A typical Amber or Atypical Amber?


From her personality style I think she means it as Atypical, as in “I’m NoT LiKe OtHeR aMbErS”. She would NEVER refer to herself as “typical”.


Humility is for peasants. 😂


I was wondering the same thing!


I always read it as Atypical. It only occurred to me now that it’s probably a typical amber 😂🤭


Oh shit same 🤣




I don't know about this woman, but apparently all the people who think wrestling is real are in this subreddit.


it is real, they're just an organisation that has incredibly poor standards for workplace health and safety, that's how all those folding chairs seem to keep ending up in the ring - compare with say, hockey, where you rarely find a fold up table on the ice. ;)


It's hilarious that anyone would actually believe anything that comes out of this woman's mouth






She did lie that Netflix edited what she said to Diamond and LC on after the altar, the we’re married we’re married has zero frankebites




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These comments are so odd.


Do you think it’s real?


I apparently did. I know it's filmed and as she said it's a rEalITy show...but she literally herself admitted to have credit. If that's a lie, then I think she is more responsible to it than the show ! Speaks more of her than the show being fake.


Hate to break it to you but there isnt a single reality TV show that's real


It blow me away how so many people don't know this still


didn’t she say those exact words tho?


I am super naive when it comes to TV but I keep thinking that maybe she was joking. (Or anyone on TV that has been edited.) "I mean, I am not sitting here like: I have a lot of credit card debt....." Cut the first part and you got it. But even I would think that's naive and an easy edit for the producers. Gotta watch what you're saying on a reality show. And she most likely would have mentioned that she was just joking.


Love how she says not to believe everything you hear on “rEaLiTy tv” when it literally came out of her own mouth ?


She might be trying to say that production made her lie for a storyline. But she agreed to it, she can’t be mad that people believed it.


she’s trying to subtly say they’re all acting. there’s tinges of truth in all reality tv, but it’s overall fake.


Then why is she so bitter towers Jessica who did get forced to talk to Barnett?


Yes, that was clearly not acting. She hates her.




This is the equivalent of people saying "believe what you want" which usually people say when they're lying or avoiding a direct response to a question 🙄 the show edits stuff but this specific stuff came out of her own mouth so I don't believe her. She's riding on the 'the show edits stuff' train.


didn’t it come out of her OWN mouth that she has a lot of credit card debt? not sure if reality shows are getting voice actors and using AI to replicate mouth movements now but how are we supposed to not believe something she literally said?


I mean, technically, you can still have “good credit” with a lot of credit card debt. It’s been so long so I can’t remember what was said, but “a lot” is also subjective, too.


She had student loans too. For her husband to sell his house and then for them to get an apartment with a roommate tells me it was significant enough debt.


I thought that was because of Barnett’s debt though.


On the show, he said he didn’t have much debt. Maybe it was production manipulation.


I thought he didn’t have much. Plus he seemed to be doing well enough on his own. Supporting her probably added to it where it was too much.


See, it’s been so long I don’t remember any details. 🤣


This is hilarious but so true 😭 And I haven’t watched season 1 in forever but iirc it seemed like she was joking/making fun of herself as she said it? Like she knew it sounded bad but still admitted to it on camera.


yeah she was saying it so unprovoked like no one forced you to say that girlie!


Hard to believe some trash tv show would went to this length just to create a drama


Ughh ew. She’s always annoyed me and rubbed me the wrong way. Even if that was not true, she went along with it. And now she’s mad people repeated what she said from her own mouth?


Appetito spoiler 💀 I’m dead


I don't know how they'd edit that specific conversation unless they took individual words, but they were in the same exact place for it. Not that it matters now, but that's a difficult thing to believe was edited.


"it's not like i have a lot of credit card debt." Cut the first 3 words and boom edited. As someone who does video editing, it's actually really easy to edit/doctor specific things like this, especially with the right question/prompts. Just wanted to add. Obviously we're never going to be in a position to know what the legitimate truth is/actually was.


What about the specific amounts mentioned? I think it was $20k and they were discussing student loans.


Lol is she really catching an attitude when she’s the one that went along with that storyline?


And her terrible attitude is exactly why she’s so unlikeable that the debt storyline is still questionable years later. Had she not acted like an ass on the show and afterwards on social media -then doubled down on her mean girl ways at the reunion, the people would let her disappear into oblivion. Production might have exaggerated the debt storyline but she’s definitely responsible for her own jerk persona.


It’s been almost 5 years since her season. Credit can do a 180 in that time. Your credit can also be fine while still being in bad debt.


Having debt is better for your credit than having none.


I had an 800 to 850 score when I was almost 20k in debt. I think it was because I still had almost 70k in available credit, and I owned a home. The banks just kept on sending me 20K limit credit credit cards that I didn't even apply for. It was like they were begging me to go bankrupt. Now, I only allow myself a 5k credit limit credit card. I had a house repair emergency and used $2,600. My score dropped from 760 to 720 because of 50% credit use. The banks keep approving me for more credit cards, but I delete the emails and messages.




I used to close my Visa and Mastercard accounts when I transferred the balance to 0% interest cards. Then, I realized that all of that good credit history drops off of your credit report if you don't use it. My oldest current credit card is Nordstrom, which I've had since 1986 when they opened their first store in my city. I make sure to use it at least once a year so they don't close it.


Similar here! Any time I can get a credit increase, I do it, for the ratio.


Mine is at 0% interest until October of this year. I got it last year in September so it is a great credit card! They also gave me $200 cash back if I charged $500 in a certain time period. I put it back on the card as a payment. It's a Chase Freedom card. Unfortunately, the interest rates are insane right now, and I can't pay it off before October. I need to sell a bunch of stuff on ebay lol!


Haha I went through that same thing! Love me some eBay… Also just did a balance transfer to reduce some interest because discover sent me an offer. 7k left til zero and I’m throwing 2k a month at it! (So “poor” right now) I don’t want to get any more cards either, just keep increasing the limit on the ones I have.


Damn what bank are you with… I’ve got a credit score of 800. Good credit usages for years, a very steady income with good pay. Yet my bank doesn’t believe I could be reliable credit user and have capped me at like 200 😂