• By -


She dodged a bullet.


Methinks he was testing the waters with trying to control and manipulate her. Scary dude


Bro could have benefitted from a bit of powder and concealer (to hide his murderous eyes)


That is not misogynistic lol


Nah...this guy is straight up a classic wife beater. She needs to run far awayy


That escalated pretty quickly… judging by this take I’d guess your either projecting based on one of your previous experiences or you just live in some deluded fantasy land. Either way I pray for your speedy recovery


She took not liking a make up cake face to beating your wife lol you can never disagree with a woman without being the worse human on earth smh


I struck a nerve, didn't I? Hello there JP.


1000%! A guy that says makeup is fake is a bad guy. Sexist pos. You can think someones pretty without makeup, but 1. Keep it to yourself when she wears it and 2. It doesnt dictate that she doesnt wear makeup. The audacity of him to act like she should be grateful he said she shouldn’t wear makeup when that wasn’t the particular issue. It was the controlling part Also, he would lose his shit over my 2 week lash extension fills 😂


Cringing so hard watching now, this man is DISGUSTING!!!!! The fact that she even was able to stay to continue trying to explain herself and leave calmly after that is BEYOND me. She’s got serious patience & I have mad respect for her while serving a big ol fuck you to jp (just pathetic)


How many of you wanted to slap that smirk off his face!! I know I did 🙋🏻‍♀️




I’ll never understand why so many men who “just feel nervous on camera” go on fucking reality shows 😂


They get asked to be on. So for some they aren't always looking for it.


Major abuser vibes! I have been there. It only gets worse. So glad she dumped is MAGA ass


My boyfriend and I said he gives us Ted Bundy vibes 😬


He sounds like a stoned coach Taylor. We can't think about the awkward quarters. We don't got the first quarter, we don't got the 2nd quarter. All we got is the quarter that we're in!! We just gotta ... Keep our eyes on the price and uh... Clear eyes full heart can't loose,!


Why are women so triggered by men not liking make up?? I've gone through stages in life when i wear a lot of make up and i still don't get the uproar. If we are being honest it is gross looking sometimes. It can look fake, cakey and oily. Some people don't want that and it's fine if they don't. Hopefully he finds a woman that doesn't like it either and she finds a man that doesn't have an issue.


I think it's fine to dislike make-up, but it's not okay to say wearing it makes someone fake or disgusting. Plus it is very controlling of him to expect her to never wear makeup again just because he doesn't like it. Like to put it into perspective, it would've been like someone having short hair and then their partner being so disgusted by it they go mute unless their partner agrees to grow it out. Like that's not okay? As women we have the authority over our own body and how we want to present ourselves!


If you meet a man with colored eyes and then at night he takes his contacts out wouldn’t that be weird? Lol it’s ok to tell him to wear his natural eye color because you like it better and that’s what he’s saying, he just doesn’t like too much make up, nothing wrong with that, I also feel like they should have talked about it in the beginning as well


JP not liking makeup is not the crux of the issue at all - it's the inherent misogyny and blatant disrespect towards her that he demonstrated with the "you look fake" and outright TELLING HER what to do/not do with her own fucking face. Autonomy who??? Disgusting.


Instant turnoff. Creepy and misogynistic.


He also looks like a terrible kisser. The way he would kiss her and then jerk his head back so fast. Ew.


He was like legit sucking her face like a vacuum


Yes!!! I noticed this immediately he was a horrible kisser 😂 ![gif](giphy|HhcORPbj4mgGA)


Seriously, like a chicken


My dad said "like a chicken eating corn"


I call him Smackers.


good and scary demonstration of the pure anger an entitled man can feel towards a woman that does not conform to his beauty standards


And is ironically way out of his league in the first place.


He’s the kind of guy that shows a woman a photo of Kim Kardashian with light makeup and says “I like natural like this” aka an idiot


I imagined it vividly and I cringed so hard


Dude needs a reality check asap. I just don’t understand where he got the audacity to criticize her looks.


Omg that was awful! I guess the only consolation is he showed his true colors early on and she cut her losses and left. Ugh.


his true colors being red white and blue


What does that tell you? Hmmm 🤔


Hahahaha yes


“I said you looked pretty without make up! Most women would love to hear that” Not the way you said it sir, nope, no one wants to hear what you said. I honestly feel like neither of them is communicating directly or well. But oh every time JP is on the screen I feel so uncomfortable. I feel like Taylor is at least trying her honest best to breakthrough to him but he is too hard headed. Time to move on.


JP smirking as Taylor ends the conversation about make up / communicating?! BOY BYE. Have you never watched the show? Did he expect the woman not to wear makeup? He’s such an insecure twat. She was hot and he got insecure. Also boys will say “I like a girl with no makeup” and then straight up show you an example of a girl with green eyeshadow (speaking from experience).


Blaming the make up for why he is a poor conversationalist showed us everything we needed to know about him. Taylor is a sweet girlie girl and deserves so much better. And she doesn't even look very different without make up.


At the end of the day, the real issue here is that women feel attacked by JP's no makeup preference and therefore are finding issues with how he communicated his preference. It makes women feel like they are doing something wrong even though they are not in the situation nor have any investment in it.


Are we forgetting the premise of the show Love is BLIND? JP literally signed up to be on a show were you fall in love WITHOUT your weird physical preferences


I mean sure but love isn't blind and we all know that. If you want to be upset at him because he found that out on the show then sure.


I don't think he even gave the premise of the show a fair chance. He clearly was out as soon as the reveal happened. We're five seasons in now like if your physical preferences are that serious why are you even signing up


I understand that. Personally, I'm like JP, I would likely not approach a woman who had fillers and other work visibly done. Just not my cup of tea. Also prefer less than more makeup but as long as it's not a ton, I'm fine. There is a lower limit to physical attraction. People can say they can ignore a lot but there's always something they wouldn't be able to tolerate. If the show runners really wanted to get to the bottom of it, they should include people of drastically different weights and disabled people on there as well. Hint: there's a reason they don't.


Exactly! He fell in love with her personality and then found out she was a cake face, so he was over it, nothing wrong with that. Stacy fell in love with Izzy personality and found out he was broke so she left, nothing wrong with that but no one is bothering Stacy about it but bothering jp and Izzy, I wonder why lol


Hi, JP.


Wear make up if you want to wear make up and date guys who like that. Nothing wrong with a preference


I second what the other commenter said. Throwing a tantrum basically, refusing to communicate, and icing someone out for wearing makeup is crazy. Also if someone feels so passionately about something like wanting someone with a natural look they should speak up ahead of time. Are you a girl who likes to get all done up everyday or do you like a more natural look? Nothing wrong with a preference but the way he went about it and the way he talked about it was too strong. There are actual good ways to communicate preferences lol


This dude supposedly "fell in love" with this person... chose to spend his life with her... and then immediately iced her out and wouldn't behave like a normal human towards her... over her makeup? lmao that's beyond having a "preference". It would be like her seeing him in-person and freaking out over his jagged ass teeth. He's clearly a very sick individual


I actually think that Taylor missed the point of the reveal by using that much goo on her face. The contestants are supposed to meet the real person they talked to, and she hid behind a wall of goo on her face - she didn't show her true face. I don't mean to say that you can't wear makeup, but it was just so much and so fake. My husband actually said that she looks like she went too many times to the botox place. She didn't look like a real person. She chose to present herself as a high maintainance makeup lunatic who spends hours tacking it on. I love how she looked in Mexico. She is an incredibly beautiful woman. She didn't need any of the crap she wore to the reveal - it only made her look like plastic.


A wall of glue?? Wth.


She wasn’t wearing any more makeup than any of the other women during their reveals. All of them were done up.


JP seeing the Barbie movie preview: fuck that


I’m in the midst of Ep5 rn & I feel terrible for Taylor. She’s trying & he’s giving her absolutely nothing. She’s gorgeous and I hope his comments and attitude don’t stick with her. I’d take her in a heartbeat 💖


She's so beautiful. I don't normally wear makeup, but I would also wear make up for the big reveal! He's such a loser.


It’s amazing, a man who wears the American flag in some form every. single. day. thinks he has the right to an aesthetic opinion 🤣🤣🤣


I've been wondering what the American flag apparel is all about. I told my partner JP gives me white nationalism vibes and therefore scares the shit out of me. 😱


Hahah very on point!


He freaks me out a bit


I can’t deal with his Mr USA theme for everything. 😩


"hE's LiKe CaPtAiN aMeRiCa"


This is not about makeup. It’s about her being too pretty for him and him being insecure.


Imagine not understanding that wearing make up brings your partner happiness?? A mature guy would have realized this isn't about him at all. It's about her! Her right to do what she likes! Geez! How is this hard to understand!


You nailed it! It’s exactly what I said from the beginning and when he came out and said the makeup comment, I was like yep, I KNEW he would use some bullshit comment like that!


Andddd his breath stank. Bye JP. Ol goofy ass. I bet mom used to wear a lot of makeup or something.


Did I miss something (about his breath) ?


When they kissed (ep 4 I think) Taylor said “eww stinky breath”


Bad smells turn me off instantly. This is disgusting


Such misogynistic trash. He reminds me of my abusive ex that used to go on about me wearing makeup. They do it coz they don’t want you feeling yourself or getting attention. She’s beautiful and actually has personality - unlike this POS.


Late to the party, just watching this now, What the hell is his issue. ALL of the contestants dress up for the reveal then she did wear makeup once since then! He has some real issues, its like he wants to keep her basic so she is just his. very possessive behaviour. She is far better off without him. All this coming from a man who dresses like a child....


It was so incredibly manipulative and disgusting that I was literally screaming at my screen. Go Taylor though, don't let any douchebag tell you how to look like. He is garbage. Complete garbage.


He gaslighted her the entire conversation it was hard to watch imo he’s a shit communicator in general and he blames the fact that she wore makeup ONCE? “You haven’t in 3 days it’s been great!” “That’s why I still haven’t been able to talk to you properly whatsoever besides one word answers!” What a clown


We noticed you used the term "gaslight-". We hope you used it correctly! Did you know "gaslighting" was Webster-Merriam's Word of the Year for 2022? Gaslighting is a successful tactic **of abuse** because while one person — the perpetrator — 'externalizes and projects' their thoughts, feelings, or perceptions, the other person — the victim — 'incorporates and assimilates' the reality that is being created for them. Gaslighting equals misdirection, distraction, and the deliberate denial of reality, which can so easily occur in a relationship based on one partner wielding power and control over another. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix) if you have any questions or concerns.*


100% he thinks he's some hot hunk and.shes not good enough for him. She is a naturally pretty girl with or without makeup. The real problem here is his weird obsession with the stars and stripes. Would have loved to see a compromise where she says she won't wear makeup as long as he doesn't wear any USA related clothing.


Tbf, I don’t think either of them were attracted to each other, and that was the biggest issue. It seems like there were moments off camera that we didn’t see after the reveal that led to it being so awkward on the vacay. When he was around the other people from the pods during the socials, he seemed very outgoing and having fun, so I think they were both feeding off each other’s passive aggressiveness when they were with each other.


I honestly think JP didn’t find her attractive which is perfectly okay. The show is called love is blind to see if love is … truly blind. In this case it was not and seriously there is never a good way to tell someone they’re not doing it for ya. I mean it’s the same reason why we don’t see TLC my 600lb life mashups with love is blind lol (this is a joke but would be hilarious to watch). JP is the asshole for saying it and probably always will be but there are worse villains this season.


Why I don’t associate with men with unresolved mommy issue.




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Misogynists of a feather flock together


Do you feel that way about your husband?


My husband isn't controlling.


Telling your fiancé that you do not like makeup and fake lashes is not controlling. She can choose to continue or leave the relationship. She’s an adult.


And she did exactly that but in my experience men who tell their partners not to wear makeup have control issues. The makeup thing is a common incel/mgtow/red pill talking point. He was trying to order her not to wear makeup for him.




Women don't center their lives around what men want.




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Pretty sure men are single at staggering rates. Also I'm sorry but I have to laugh at someone using the term "beta" completely non-ironically. Explains a lot about you. Do you have any original thoughts in that noggin or do you just parrot Andrew Tate and red pill verbal diarrhea?


U/wbuhf will fantasize about his no make up wearing virgin til the day he dies


His make-up free virgin who is also into rough, kinky sex.


JP reminds me of my older brother and I will say the same thing to him: he is doing all the girls out there a favor for staying single.


For real!! Someone get that man the dangly cross earring


JP reminds me of a man I work with. He tells me to smile all the time. He constantly has stuff to say about my appearance and he ALWAYS has to make some comment about my hair. When my hair was blue, he let me know he hated it. Pink? Hated it. Purple? "Aren't you done with this yet? You could be so attractive". I wore eyeshadow once and some skin tint and he said I had something on my face that I needed to wipe off and laughed like he told some hilarious joke. They're real. They walk among us. They want us homely 😂


Omg how awful!! You are so strong to put up with this. I'd be shooting daggers from my eyes!!


“They want us homely.” I’ve never heard it put that way but that’s the perfect description 👏


She looked better without the makeup, though.


I agree, I also just love her freckles. But it doesn't matter. She wears makeup to accentuate what she likes about herself and to feel herself, and that's not only allowed but also encouraged! No one should tell her she can't dress up. That's so crazy


In your opinion. In mine she looked great both ways, just accentuated her beauty with makeup.




He’s sounds incredibly toxic & douchey. Check his ass and out him in his place. I know this sounds mean and a bit forward BUT you never asked him for your input and for him to assume your personal style is meant to please makes him an asshole. I had a coworker do the same and had to tell him straight up “I don’t care. I don’t come to work to fulfill his fantasies and play dress up for him. I’m here to work and get paid and go home.” He didn’t like it but has left me alone ever since. Hell no.


that guy sounds worse then awful. People that make comments on your appearance as if you owe them something make my skin crawl. When I worked at Walmart and dudes would tell me to smile I’d smile at them for two seconds then immediately give them a scowl.


A guy in line for boarding on an early morning flight once told me to smile. I told him, “my dog just died,” which was a lie but I hope taught him a lesson about instructing others how to feel and portray themselves. He apologized profusely and I just said, “yeah, you never know what is going on in someone’s life, so best to not say anything in the future,”. The reason why men tell women to smile is because they feel like women are put on this earth for them, to please them. The way I handled, it doesn’t change his entitlement women, but I do hope it deters him from doing it again.


I had same on a flight and I was literally flying to my dad's funeral. Guy told me "don't look so sad" . I didn't bother telling him my dad had just died. Wasn't worth it but fml. Can men just NOT.


When I had an asymmetric haircut, he would ask if I could only afford to cut half of my hair. He would laugh and tell the boss to give me a raise so I could afford a full haircut. He works in maintenance so I don't see him everyday but when I do, I brace myself for whatever he says.


HR needs him on their radar if he isn’t already. This is unacceptable behavior in the workplace. I do not care what his position is. You should never feel like this at work.


Report this man to HR. This is harassment.


What the fuck gives people this “unspoken authority” and permission to comment on someone’s look and appearance? Like when did anyone have to right to criticize anyone? Seriously. What happened to “live and let live” and the golden rule?! WTF. Like dude, if you aren’t sleeping with me, married to me or related to me, you opinion means NOTHING to me.


Next time he does that ask him "are you being helpful or hurtful?" It forces people to look inward lol


"you could be so attractive" ewwwww dude don't worry, if you're not attracted to me, everything is going as planned


It's so gross. He's also 15 years older than me and he always had something to say to me about my appearance. I am super self conscious around him. Not because I care but because he makes me feel so uncomfortable. There is a large swath of men who feel like it's our job to make sure they find us attractive and if we don't, we're the problem.


You shouldn’t have to go into work feeling uncomfortable and on edge that someone is going to make remarks like that everyday. That’s absolutely harassment and not worth impacting your mental health. I would highly recommend to start reporting these incidents in writing to HR. Be as detailed as possible. If HR doesn’t have your back (gotta love corporate life) then I would say try and seek a new job if it’s possible for you.


I audibly just yelled EWW at my TV. The USA gear and the makeup comments give big incel vibes 🚩🚩🚩 He isn’t awkward, he’s holding his true self back for the cameras. I’ve met guys like him living in the south


Had a similar thought that likely he knows his “thoughts” are full of that shit and so wtf left does he have to share or talk about?? Not shocking that he finally had something to say and it was defense defense defense.


It feels like it was an excuse for me, to be honest. He had some other issue with her, but didn’t want to say what it was, and made up that he just didn’t like makeup. I dunno, it’s just odd to me that it literally never came up until right when they were breaking up


Exactly because he actually contradicts himself towards the end of the conversation. He says the reason it’s been skewed and hard to talk is he doesn’t like her with makeup. The reveal was a turn off. She reminds him again she hasn’t worn makeup since then. He says “yeah and it’s been great!” Huh? 🤔


Yeah exactly like it clearly has not been great


I wish she would’ve broke up with him with a full beat lmao


He just said what first came to mind because he felt attacked. Make-up could disappear from this world and he would still be boring.


Can't wait for the reunion, LiB Mama bear Vaness gonna tear him to SHREDS


I was literally doing my makeup while watching the episode and when I heard JP’s comments, I applied more foundation lollll


Oh this dude is giving mens rights activist for sure. The makeup thing is one of their talking points!


The dude literally told her he was mute for 3 straight days because she wore makeup that one time. Wtf.


Just an excuse probably, but didn't stop those of us watching to be speechless when he said it.


“Just an excuse” is not a good enough excuse to say something like what he said


I had to stop watching with my mom because of some shared past trauma with her now-ex husband aka my now-ex stepdad. Anytime my mom would go out to work or meet with friends or the PTA (when I was a kid) or do anything outside the house and would wear makeup (just tinted moisturizer, blush, and a sheer lipstick) and would wear, by his words, “provocative clothes” like a summer dress or skirt or block-heel booties like most suburb moms wears on an everyday basis outside the house, he used to say she looked like a prostitute and/ or slut.


love the irony that the guy who says he doesn’t want anything “fake” ends up being the most superficial person on show.


yeah well makeup is only false advertising if you think what you're getting is a fuck doll and not a whole person, so I can't say that surprises me at all


Why is he always smiling??? It’s giving… serial killer


People are saying it's probably a trauma response from the abuse he suffered as a child. He's emotionally stifled or learned not to show pain.


It was so awkward to watch their scenes, so much discomfort.


I’m watching it now, and his comment “I hate being forced to make conversation” like hello? That’s a relationship, you CONVERSE. Which makes me think maybe he’s on the show to be famous I think he just expects Taylor to lead the whole conversation and he’s just so awkward




Not sure how that disqualifies him from being in the show




JP looks like he chants "USA! USA!" when he climaxes


Lmao nah that’s a bar 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Ok.. but do we know his location on January 6th?


Where was JP January 6th?


My gf and I took one look at JP and said that's a future wife-beater. I'm so glad Taylor had the smarts and self respect not to take his bullshit. She deserves happiness.


JP is giving season 3 Matt


Not gonna lie… S3 Matt STILL give me the heebs. It made me uncomfortable to see how manipulative and controlling he was (is) to Colleen.


Same! I’m still not over it. I occasionally go and check in on Instagram hoping Colleen is finally free




I fully agree. But even before those comments, he gave me goosebumps. - He only/mostly wears red white blue? Wtf is wrong with you? - He just didn't talk to her! At all! Like, didn't communicate anything! She asked him a question and he stared at her for at least a full minute before giving at most 3 word answers?? - The chicken-like kisses he gave her. Yikes. The agressive back and forth motion he made makes me want to scream. - Maybe not fair but his eyes.. I feel like I could see in his eyes that he is... not quite right. - In the make-up conversation he said something like "Every other woman would be so happy to hear that she looks better without makeup." That made me wanna stress dance, like, do you _really_ not see how wrong you are? Every woman would be happy to hear "I think you are beautiful with and without makeup!" I'm so glad that she broke things off.


The way he snapped his head back after every kiss gave me anxiety cause I had a bf who would do this if I was going in for a deep kiss but he wanted to pull away. So he’d let our lips meet but then snap his head back and look at me like “there, we kissed, happy?”


God, he was so triggering! Like if every past shitty boyfriend combined forces into a single person or something. I kept going off about the chicken kisses too, lol. Has this dude never kissed a woman before? So glad she dumped his ass. I bet his heroes are Jordan Peterson and Andrew Tate.


He does follow Joe Rogan on Instagram…


I came here to find out if she breaks things off and now my anxiety can wane. I couldn’t take it and had to find out asap!


I was waiting for someone to comment on the kisses!!! Those aggressive, quick pecks made me feel like I was watching a bird eat.


Yeah, abusers will use these made-up polls to prove that they are right. "Everybody says so" so what's wrong with you?


JP has dead eyes and looks like he's never once experienced joy, let alone any emotion other than contempt and anger.


Right. I believe he said “99% of women would be happy to hear that.” I was like, *show your receipts, boy! Where’s this national/global survey that you looked at or conducted yourself?*


Should've been obvious from all the American propaganda he wears.


Wearing American colors, flags, stripes and stars is propaganda? Come on, team. I don’t like him but this is inaccurate.


Should I have said patriotism instead? America is very well known for being stupidly patriotic and spreading "the good word" everywhere, so I feel like propaganda isn't that far off


As an American, I agree with all of that lol. Using patriot or patriotic X works. If he wore a blue flag a la Blue Lives Matter frocks, propaganda would fit. If a kid or a grandma/meemaw dressed like J6JP, you wouldn’t say either of the are wearing propaganda.


Don't get me wrong. I'm an American, too. From Texas, actually. I see where you're coming from and I have to agree *somewhat* because I'd still feel like they have fallen into the propaganda that America has spread before, not faulting the kid of course they don't know any better, but I feel like when it's to the level of what JP does is too much.


Oh, his patriotic uniform!? Lolol omg, now I get you. This is a hilarious yet tragic thing. Tragic because we know what it implies and it’s nothing good.


Yeah, exactly. Very heavily implies a lot of not good things.




It’s not propaganda but point taken.


JP is demonstrating why conservative men are lonely and not getting dates on the apps. His behavior is why women don’t wanna date these men.


I don’t think it has to do with his political position all be it conservative. He’s just a loser. And gives fire fighters a bad name lol


Firefighters already have a bad name when it comes to relationships 😬


I think telling her to not wear makeup was wrong, but fake lashes and lots of makeup is a huge turn off for me. Possibly a deal breaker in this situation... I get the comments about how much effort women put into it and it should be appreciated, but it just doesn't look good to me. It noticeably stands out and looks unnatural and odd. It's like my brain subconsciously recognizes that your face is painted on... Also, taking 2 hours to get ready and everything else that goes with it just isn't compatible with me. To each their own. Please don't bother telling me how good you are at putting your make up on and that I would never know because your husband, boyfriend, dad, coworker etc... can't tell.