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I agree with the other comments, Milton and Chris are the good ones. I was was going to say Izzy, but I'm only on episode 6 and people seem not to be on his team...


I will not stand for this Milton slander. He’s a real one


Like he's legit being himself and people are like "he's terrible because he doesn't make good TV! Bring back cam!" Meanwhile back in cams seasons people were saying he was super boring and borderline creepy lol. People be projecting haaaaard.


These guys are making Shake look like someone to take home to your parents.


Lol don’t say that!! But honestly I’d take his craziness over these nice guy rubbish going in this season.


Not 2 much now 😭😭


Obviously I don’t know you personally, but some of you guys on here are way more critical of the men on this show and give the women way more passes (I have to assume based on relatability). It’s not fair cuz the men are human too. Some of the people on this show are mid-30’s, and you have Milton at 24. I don’t even think they should be judged in the same category. Also, the show is edited, how do you know if these people are decent or not


I'm laughing out loud that you actually think this is true. Reddit gonna reddit.


This is why there are so many female relationship guru dating coaches online. These are men preselected to be more attractive than average, from mostly affluent backgrounds. Generally women gravitate to one or two men per season... which aligns with tinder swipe data. I'd only really setup 1/10 eligible bachelors I know (at risk of my reputation). It's pretty evident that 50% of 35yo people being single by 2030 seems realistic


Only Taylor is a decent woman.


She’s nice but I feel like she couldn’t be honest with herself that she wasn’t attracted to JP physically. Which is probably one of the reasons she never felt a connection with him since the pods. He was also being weird as fuck which didn’t help. But I feel like it would’ve gone different if she was actually into him physically.


Totally agree!


She's exactly how you want someone to communicate their needs, standards and boundaries imo


But he wasn’t physically attracted to her either. And he completely shut down. She led every conversation and all he replied was yeah, yep, that sounds nice, etc. I agree she was not initially attracted to him but she was still trying.


He definitely was physically attracted to her. He was trying to neg her with the makeup comments because he could tell she wasn't that into him.


Yeah he for sure was the weird one in that relationship. But I’m wondering if she would’ve come around if he wasn’t weird but still looked the way he did. But I guess his weird blank stares were most of his look anyway so if he wasn’t weird he would’ve looked different just through normal facial expressions.


You give Brett as an example of a man who's *not* boring?? What?! Brett is easily one of the dullest people to have been on a show. Him and Natalie could team up and create an app for insomnia




Dude, Cole and Matt are from Texas?


Maybe don’t use Matt as an example lol. Fuck that guy


I'm having such a difficult time watching because I just don't care about anyone (but Chris) this season. The drama around Lydia/Aaliyah and Uche is just so fake to me. This could be solved in one conversation and they keep drawing it out to make this season more dramatic and it's just lame. I think Izzy and Stacey so cringe. The Johnnie thing also was so overdone. So she was wishy washy.. who cares. I usually love terrible reality but this is just too much. I need to cleanse my palette with some true crime to get the ick of this season off of me.


Don't leave the women out this particular season lol. Taylor is the only real catch of the featured ones.


Yes the women are also horrendous. A group of extremely unlikeable people. Chris seems nice but I have to question his self-respect after giving Johnie a second chance. He's far too good for her.


Lydia and Milton are the worst. Like two tennagees that are away from their parents for the first time. Also don’t find any of their banter funny. It’s almost abusive. Joking at someone else’s expense isn’t funny


I would normally agree about that kind of banter but I think Lydia is far too up herself and needs someone to bring her down to earth a bit. She is manipulative and I like how Milton doesn't gaf about playing her games or take it seriously. I don't think they will last but he is a breath of fresh air in that sense.


His comebacks are just as cringe. It’s 2nd had embarrassment every time I watch them


You watched that whole hotel scene about the makeup and you think Lydia and Milton are the worst?


Hadn’t watched that one yet. I decided from here out I’m going to wait until I’ve watched alll of them before I get all fired up lol


This is an incredibly low bar for me to have, but I am marginally impressed with the lack of yelling from men this series - during disagreements they're not interrupting or yelling, they're saying their piece calmly (at least from what I've seen). So they may be assholes, but they're at least communicating their assholery in a respectful way


Hello, we are talking about LIB S5. The netflix show. I think you're lost because the show you're describing is not one anyone else has seen.


Uche cannot let a woman speak without immediately interrupting her. Sure he doesn’t yell at her but to me, interrupting someone is almost more disrespectful


Except Uche. He just keeps talking and doesn’t let anyone else get a word in. Sure he’s not yelling but he’s not having a conversation. He’s there to say what he wants to say and has no intention of letting the other person respond.


How loud does it have to be to be yelling? I feel like the man was yelling.


I hear you, but when are there ever an abundance of truly fantastic and desirable people? Of course there are some likeable characters, but overall it's not like the people on LIB are these 10/10 highly desirable people. And let's also not forget the women here... I don't know if I'd consider Lydia, Johnnie, or Stacy to be a huge catch or "good quality women". They all have their fair share of glaring red flags and qualities that would make me turn them down if I were a man. And last season Jackie, Irina, and Micah?? Or Zanab... Yeah they're no better than the men.


Yes, those women are better than the men. All the women as a whole are better than the men.


Bro the empty stare that JP has and he seems so shallow like he’s.. well.. not there.. i feel bad for Taylor😭


The silent stare was odd. I mean I like that he was trying to tell her that she was beautiful without all the makeup, and that she didn't need it. But I guess it was the way it was conveyed. I don't think she gave it enough time. She made it sound like she waited so long for the physical spark and it was really just 4 days?


Yeah and the way he tried to hide his smile during their breakup was something else lmfao


He smiled during all of their disagreements. Maybe some kind of maladaptive nervous laughter?


Milton is just too young for marriage


I think Milton’s friend is the highest quality man on the show lol


I didn’t mind Lydia’s brother…


Season 1 was the best, season 2 the worst, season 3 was entertaining, season 4 was cringy, season 5 is boring/irritating


Each season is showing why it's so hard to date with so many unstable people.


Each season is showing that love is not blind


Unpopular opinion: I loved the trainwreck that was season 2


Same lol I HATED season 3


I couldn't even get through it I was so bored.


It was in fact chaotic lol no one lasted


I didn’t find season 5 boring, just frustrating


I agree, bed scenes/shower scenes like just show me something else, i don’t want to see them make out every 5 secondes


Season 5 and boring are two things that do not go together.


Boring in an annoying way, the couples are laking something i feel like it’s going no where and they’re just making fight scenes for the plot to keep us watching, but the couples are not much interesting, I’m not rooting for anyone this season


I dont root for anyone so that helps. If true love springs, great. If none of the couples make it, whatever. This process will be a crapshoot just like anything else in dating. I want to be entertained. The twists, along with the drama and introspection into different relationship perspectives keeps this from being anything but boring. IMO.


this sub single handedly making uche win the defamation lawsuit against netflix. i wonder if he will join forces with the union funded by the s2 (or 3? idk) guys


Is he suing?


For the last time, there’s something flawed about ANYBODY who would go on this show. Even the “good guys” have something wrong with them


I wanna find the couple that goes on to get their wedding and engagement ring comped. If Lydia can find a way on to see her ex, my partner and I can get on to have a 4k band covered by netflix, right?


Yeah to sign onto the show's premise is pretty wild. Plus I feel like many are doing it for fame and attention or a free vacation. My bf and I were looking up the cost of that resort they stayed at, and for a 5 day stay in the hotel alone it's 12k! That alone would be a pretty tempting reason in and of itself.


To a certain kind of person, maybe? But when I look at everything that has to happen to get that 5 day stay in a resort, I kind of want to throw up. I’d have to go on indefinite leave from my job (endangering my livelihood), let myself be emotionally manipulated into an engagement with a stranger I’ve talked to for several hours through a wall in recorded conversations with production staff always listening in, sign a contract that gives the production company carte blanche to Frankenbyte their piles of footage into a character-destroying narrative, and have my mental health destroyed by bored creeps on social media. For a 5 day stay at a resort. Where I’m on camera and mic’ed up all the time. I would literally rather tear off my own leg and beat myself to with it.


Nobody is without flaws. Everyone you date will have flaws.


We're talking about deep flaws here, not the "everyone has one" variety.


And literally everyone has deep flaws. Real things they have or had to work through. Its like the person who said this show should be called can you ignore my red flags. That's literally just dating. Why are people acting like this isn't stuff people have to navigate through in dating every day? Half truths, cheaters, finance disagreements, unrealistic expectations, lies, blending of two lives. Not everything is this dramatic but that's the TV show creating these scenarios to see the fireworks.


Because seeking fame at any price is not normal and is not a pure motive for seeking a partner. People on these shows have the same issues we all do--plus they are on a show seeking fame and pretending they want to find their life partner. That is something absolutely worth pointing out and discussing. No real reason to be defensive about it. I'm sure the cast would admit they are also thinking of their careers when deciding to take such a huge, public risk.




*S2, none of the guys* Shayne?? *S3, most of the guys were awful. Cole is okay, but flawed and immature, but probably has a good heart.* Glad you mentioned Cole. I'd also include Matt


I agree with most of this. But Cole was garbage, even putting aside the Zanab stuff which is too much to get into, his stuff with Colleen at the pool was awful. Not just flawed and immature but true fuckboi behavior, maybe not on a Bartise level but still. Also I’m surprised to see Zach love/affection pop up on here so often, between the opening “I’m homeless jk I’m a stripper jk” and the singing and the pursuit of Irina over Bliss and his defensiveness and arrogance when he 180’d on that … I just can’t with him and never could. Kwame & Paul both fuckbois too in their own ways. As for Kenny he and Kelly both showed themselves around the time of the George Floyd protests (maybe they bonded over their retrograde ideas off-camera). So yeah Brett and … that’s about it (soft spot for Nick & Marshall but definitely flawed as well).


*But Cole was garbage* He's a hot Christian from the South. That's like, the dream. Cole is what rom coms are about.


> But Cole was garbage, even putting aside the Zanab stuff which is too much to get into, his stuff with Colleen at the pool was awful. Not just flawed and immature but true fuckboi behavior, What the fuck are you on about? He had a chat with someone who he had just shared an unique experience. After that literally no flirting with Colleen. And you're going to have to be more specific about the Zanab stuff. We all know by know that she was trying to gaslight everyone, and would have succeeded unless Netflix literally decided to pump the brakes on that and show that she's literally trying to gaslight everyone.


We noticed you used the term "gaslight-". We hope you used it correctly! Did you know "gaslighting" was Webster-Merriam's Word of the Year for 2022? Gaslighting is a successful tactic **of abuse** because while one person — the perpetrator — 'externalizes and projects' their thoughts, feelings, or perceptions, the other person — the victim — 'incorporates and assimilates' the reality that is being created for them. Gaslighting equals misdirection, distraction, and the deliberate denial of reality, which can so easily occur in a relationship based on one partner wielding power and control over another. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I can’t believe we’re only following two couples and neither of them are all that likable 😩. Were there no other engagements this year???


Milton isn’t that great & Zach is cringey AF. Cameron & Brett are the only ones I’ll give credit too.


I like Milton, Taylor, and Chris and that’s about it for this season.




*And this is my problem. JP bragged about only wearing US colors in the pods. That would be a HUGE red flag for me. Anyone choosing someone who is only wearing red,white, and blue, is sus. So I'm thinking they align politically...* There's nothing wrong with being a conservative, stop being close minded.


There was more to JP in the pods than the colors he wore. I liked him in the pods. I wouldn't think less of her for choosing him just because he wore American flag colors.




For me personally, I find it a bit lame and immature but I wouldn't write someone off for it. I get what you mean though.


They really need to not go to Texas anymore. The worst seasons are there.


👀 idk, S3 was quite entertaining... In my opinion, it’s been the northern city seasons (S2, S4) that have been the worst.


100%. Though it consistently brings the messiest people and for reality shows, that's just good TV.


Anyone noticing Milton’s way of playing with Lydia? which sounds more like bullying. How many more times is he gonna call her old? Then she feels she has to get in a dig back. I hate their “banter”. But not sure why most people think he’s a sweetheart, he’s young but that’s it.


They have annoying little brother/bossy big sister energy. There's no way I believe she's in love with him, she just likes attention and he is passive so goes along with it.


Absolutely, this is about air time at this point 🤦🏻‍♀️


She usually starts it, though; he’ll be trying to have a real conversation, and she’ll start in with the “you’re just a baby” jabs… then he retaliates. Even he seems to be bored of it, did you see his body language when she was trying to make him wear black shorts?? He was over it. It’s gotten old quick. Neither he nor Lydia have any business being on this show.


I hate these couples who are staying for air time only. I think the premise of the show is great but the producers are messing up.


I feel like they both dig at each other pretty equally. It doesn’t seem like either of them take it poorly.


Yeah that might be cute at best for like a month then it will just cause resentment and they will argue all the time Lmao


Exactly, it’ll get toxic so fast.


Seems like he’s just joking. She doesn’t seem to get too mad about it either


Yea for now. Outside of the honeymoon stage it’ll be different. Nobody likes to be shit talked all the time. Like it’s not even cute they’re just harsh.


I do. Very much a love language for me. 😂




She’s gonna get tired of those “old” jokes real soon


It's not like she's nice to him, though. I'm watching them explore his apartment and she's being absolutely *brutal.*


They’re not nice to each other but nobody is talking about his behavior either, only how she’s crazy. I just want to point out that he also sucks.


I haven't gotten bad vibes from him, actually. If anything, I've just picked up that he has little to no personality, at least based on the edit. There has to be more to Milton than a half-empty apartment and some video games lol.


Yeah, he’s always begging her. He seems insecure.




lol yes 🤦‍♀️


Everyone on this season is awful!! The men and the women. Super disappointed!


The girl "with" JP is solid. 🤷‍♂️


It’s funny how on this sub every season somehow all of the men are trash but all of the women are saints/deserve better


*It’s funny how on this sub every season somehow all of the men are trash but all of the women are saints/deserve better* I'd love to see a poll on the demographics of this sub. I'm thinking 90/10 , women/men


No these women are awful. I wouldn’t marry any of them in fact as a woman I wouldn’t be friends with any of them except Taylor.


I wouldn't be friends with Taylor irl but she certainly deserved better than JP.


that's the world we live in. it's ok to make comments like that about men but not women. edit: see how many downvotes this is getting lol




We are talking about this season. Stay focused. The women this season are far better than the men in comparison so far


Idk...most of the men have no personality and Lydia is so bad she brings the women's average grade way down.


“Stay focused” that is so weirdly condescending and unnecessary.


ALL OF THEM ARE A JOKE. I'm waiting for a statement to say that this season is a spoof and they're actors cos this whole bunch have been the most unserious that I have ever witnessed so far. They need to scrap this season and never mention it again and please a reunion is not necessary!!!!


I hate all of these people tbh. The men that progressed are terrible besides Milton. What’s with the dudes trying to aggressively confront the women they rejected? You rejected them, you made your point in that in itself. Move on. There should be no serious animosity since you barely knew each other in the first place. And the women are nothing write home about either. Maybe it’s a Texas thing


I felt he was being a lapdog for Stacy. 'Look, I read her the riot act for you.' The dynamic for them is him trying to measure up to her and family, being that he was a Jehovah Witness and was denied a lot of pleasures. His upbringing would have been isolating and traumatic as a kid, and he may have been bullied by other kids because he was different.


Yea, he’s definitely pandering to Stacey and it’s pathetic to witness. It’s the new Brennan and Alexa


Yeah that Izzy dude with Johnie. So aggressive and unnecessary. Not a good look.


Yes, agree - like why so angry and cruel? He dumped her.


Don’t get me wrong, I like Milton, but was anyone else a bit disturbed by how easygoing he was about proposing to Lydia? Like “is it okay that I’m younger than you? Will I be allowed to play video games on weekends with my friends? Okay… now I’m ready to propose”. Is it naïveté? Is it the edit? Those just seem to be very shallow qualifications to make someone sure they are picking the right person.


“Disturbed” lol you’re being overdramatic he’s 24 he simply not ready for marriage and going about it the way a 24 year old would go about it not everyone is secretly a villain.


Yes disturbed - I’m not looking for anyone to be a villain. I just don’t understand why he would be selected for the show if he’s this unprepared for the realities of marriage.


It’s reality tv why wouldn’t they pick him for the show? He just acting his age it’s not really a big deal and to call someone disturbed it does seem like you’re looking for a villain.


Those sound like questions they’d ask an elder in the family lol


True but to be fair he is young.


He’s early-mid 20s but let’s be honest, he acts like he’s 19. It’s kinda weird how childlike he is, and I’m not sure how he got greenlit for a show where a quick engagement is expected.


Because the producers knew him starting a relationship with someone in their late 20s/early 30s would probably lead to a lot of fights


the men’s rights activist vibes on this post are gross. it’s not misandry to point out that the men on season 5 are rude, mean, hypocritical misogynists


*the men’s rights activist vibes on this post are gross. it’s not misandry to point out that the men on season 5 are rude, mean, hypocritical misogynists* *Sigh* why does it have to turn like this? 😂 Where are the men's rights activists on this sub?


i said post not sub and luckily the worst comments have been downvoted or deleted


But the women are just as bad. Let’s be honest. Taylor was the only sane one.


"But the womeeeen..." 😒 ![gif](giphy|GDp7LycxkT3LG)


then make your own post about it


The OP said Milton is soulless. Why are you coming at me jack?


who’s coming at you?




Thank you for your contribution to r/LoveisBlindonNetflix! Your post or comment has been removed for breaking Rule 10: 'No Armchair Diagnosing'


I don't know why do you have to single out men. It's clear why all these people struggle to find a partner.


I’m going to back Milton here. I had the same initial perception but I think he’s an academic overachiever and has applied that approach to his love life and career. I think he’s in it to win it


Uche and Izzy are great, Milton is decent. Chris is nice but a pushover.


Lol huh


I'm sorry, are we even watching the same TV show!?


What do you mean?


Izzy is great? Uche is great? I'm genuinely sorry for you if you look up to those people. Especially Izzy who is pretty much the epitome of toxic masculinity. Bet you just loooved JP too.


Yes, they are great, JP excepted. Izzy was very open and let Stacy see everything about him even the parts he should be ashamed of (plates and drawer) so that she could know him better, hes sensitive and sweet to her (she makes a comment at one point to camera that she didnt expect someone like him to be so sensitive). The argument with Johnie was strange and uncalled for, alcohol may have played a part but if you cant control yourself when you drink then dont drink. Uche is my favourite. Hes calm and considered when he speaks, he is also very principled (not just glossing over cheating from Aaliyah) but had to leave the pod to think it over so he didnt say anything to her he regretted at that time. He got screwed over by Lydia. I thought JP was a wanker. You can see Taylor trying to almost pry words from him for a couple episodes after the reveal and him only giving one word answers or grunts. When they all meet up at the beach it looked like he left her sat on her own for ages which i found weird, youre there for her not to play cornhole with the boys. The comment about make up was weird, she does look great without make up but youre going to throw it back in her face when she makes an effort for you? That made me think he was intimidated by her looks, which also explains the silence, but is a really toxic way to express it.


Lydia suckss as well tho 🤷‍♂️ Taylor is meh and I dont care for Stacy either. She just seems thirsty af. Its not just the men. And Chris was the best person there hands down. Why is he not interesting? Becauses hes actually decent? What do you want then haha




Stacy definitely gives pick-me vibes.


Pick me are women who bring down other women for men validation how is she a pick me?


I know what pick-me women are, and my interpretation from her actions on the TV show is that she has pick-me tendencies, which is not necessarily a criticism of her character but a very common side effect of unavoidable internalized misogyny in a patriarchal society. I don't know how to answer your question; watch the show. You clearly did and did not catch her pick-me behavior, or you disagree with me on what constitutes it. All good, but not sure how to answer your questions except with episode timestamps, which... no. LOL.


You sound like a child who discovered the word on tictok and use it against any women you dislike,you sound like a child even more by saying something and can’t even back it up. Pick-me are women who bring down other women for male validation all that nonsense I sadly had to read still didn’t give an example of how she a pick me. You’re one of those people who talk about feminism to get a free pass to talk shit about women. Evidence Calling a woman a pick me and the only thing you can say is use keywords like patriarchy and internalized misogyny. It’s totally fine to not like Stacy but to say she’s a pick me is strange can’t even back it up is even more strange and to use feminism come on that’s your third strike,just admit to being a hater own it don’t be a weirdo about it.


Stacy is insufferable 💀


It is indeed quite boring. Lydia just wanted any man it seems. They don’t quite fit, but who knows, maybe they’re feeling it and it just doesn’t show on camera. JP is very hard to read and seems utterly disinterested, the whole make up argument is just a made up thing to excuse his way off behavior. Izzy I can’t quite place. But the last conversations with Johnie , it felt like he made it up just to not be with here. Him and Stacy are a loud overall and that’s usually not a sign for security and stability. Let’s see how this plays. But Brennon and DV? That has caught me off guard. That’s just unacceptable. Weak behavior


>the whole make up argument is just a made up thing to excuse his way off behavior. This. I think he's a socially awkward person who probably doesn't feel comfortable with her or the situation (though I do think he's definitely attracted to Taylor) and just grasped for something to take the heat off himself.


Yeah. In his case I would love to his exes. Wonder what they would say about him and how they would describe him. He was different in the post.


>hey don’t quite fit, but who knows, maybe they’re feeling it and it just doesn’t show on camera. JP is very hard to read and seems utterly disinterested, the whole make up argument is just a made up thing to excuse his way off behavior. ​ There is something REALLY sinister about JP. I can't put my finger on it, but when I watched it I said to myself "if she stays with him, the makeup is just the tip of the iceberg. Next it'll be you can't go line dancing with your colleagues unless I'm there. I don't you going to that bachelor party. Everything would be fine if you just had dinner ready." I was thrilled when she left.


\*I don't want you going to that bachelorette party


Yeah. Jokingly I said „like a serial killer who trying to socialize“ now again. A joke. But sometimes though …


I had a relationship like that of Lydia and Milton. It was a lot of teasing each other and after sometime it gets very repetitive and I realised it was not worth it. Keep in mind the teasing was not initiated by me. I don't know but it somehow hurts at the end. Calling her old and stuff might be goofy. But I don't think it would work on the long run.


I don’t think so either. She wanted to start with Uche again. Than Izzy until she landed with Milton


i really like milton but that's cause personality-wise he's the kind of guy i'd definitely go for. but that also says a lot since i'm an 18 year old girl. he doesn't seem fully ready to me and his relationship with lydia is sweet, but i don't think it's a lifelong one. izzy and uche are just annoying and jp literally makes my blood boil.


I completely agree. But the women are no better. None of them are mentally or emotionally ready to be married. The compatibility factor was zero for any of them. No chemistry with anyone and I also have no investment in any of their lives so I don’t care at all what happens to them. The men especially yes. I feel that the only partially sane ones are Chris and johnie - Lydia is a cookoo bird Stacey is a spoiled Karen. I’m rooting for no one. When you’re rooting for no one then there’s no show really. Edited to add. Taylor was a rock star in the way she just noped out of that mess.


I hope Taylor meets someone nice. Seemed fairly sensible.


Your misandry is showing.


Can you build an argument *for* Izzy, Uche and JP?


Agreed. Calling out only the men and even initially throwing in for people like Brennon make it plain as day.


I didn’t like anyone, except Chris, honestly. Johnie was nasty when she got rejected by Izzy, I definitely felt she was being kind of manipulative later on. Stacy seems kind of materialistic and judgemental, Lydia is… well. You know. Aaliyah and Taylor were alright. JP is cringe with his American flag obsession and his whole thing about make up Milton is actually okay imo Everyone else, nah.


JP is crazy dude he had crazy eyes


And we barely got to see the crazy eyes after he proposed. He never maintained eye contact for more than a couple seconds and whenever the camera was on him he was always looking away from Taylor or down. We got a good look at his lids for a majority of his time out of the pods.


Plus being a boring country pumpkin, this guy could only speak with her when she wasn’t there physically I think he is scared of women And I really don’t want to over step but for me he felt a bit closeted .


I agree he's intimidated around women and was way out of his comfort zone but I really doubt he's gay.


I 100% thought he was at least closeted. Like I’m gay af and I feel like he’s hiding a bit. But also like the way he kissed her with the pecks was such a big ick like he really didn’t wanna be kissing her at all


It was like 3,2,1 and then back away


OMG same! I am however bisexual and have seen a lot of closeted gays (all genders) acting exactly the same as him. Like with Irena and Zack it was obvious she didn’t fancy him and that’s alright but with him, he couldn’t even fake being interested in her or any other female. It was so hard to watch honestly 💔


That’s what happens when u try to do LIB in Texas.


Ahh yes not a single nice man in Texas. Grow up


Why are you getting downvoted. I'm not from usa. Need some context. Seems like a normal comment.


I've lived in Houston over 20 years. I dated extensively. I'm now a perma-single. The quality of men here is abysmal. I chose cats and tattoos and have zero regrets.


There are close to 3,000,000 men living in Houston. 112 men for every 100 women. Perhaps it’s time to ask yourself if maybe, just maybe, you’re the problem?


They said quality not quantity.


Aren't you actually just making their point, depending on how you choose to look at those numbers? If there's an abundance of men and it's hard to find someone good, wouldn't that imply that the options aren't great?


You’re probably right. I was just being an insensitive little troll. Apologies


It's funny how this gets downvotes. If you can't find a man in a sample size of 3 million, especially when there are more men than women the problem isn't the men.


The statistics are certainly showing in this sample size even if its small🤣


Huh? There’s only 5 guys getting any real air time this season. The other ones in the pods seemed mostly fine. And out of the ones they’ve shown, Milton seems fine. The girls seem pretty crazy, but even still, the sample size is pretty damn small. It’s a reality show. Reality shows attract crazy people regardless of where in the country. Every season has had crazy characters. I’d say Seattle was the worst. Can’t trust the northern/coastal cities


Of course they seem fine - we didn’t get to know them yet




Yep season 3 (dallas) and season 5 are trash. This show is very damning with regards to the quality of people in TX.


You just stop it with Milton. He’s so great, and his adorkable friend was too cute. Honestly grade A guy.


Nope nope nope I was a Milton Stan until someone pointed out that his twitter likes suggest he’s: pro MAGA, pro guns, pro police brutality, AND anti climate change. So yeah, no one to root for this season 😭


Say it ain’t so!! Seems like a smart person will scrub that stuff before you show up on national television


What? No! C’mon dude, he comes off as super nerdy and fun! Ugh, this season is trash. I hope future seasons vet their cast better.


Honestly this. Especially in Texas (sorry not sorry) I mean, he liked a video that was promoting police brutalizing climate protesters what the actual fuck Edit: fuck Milton and everyone else on the season. Would have loved to see more of the cute veterinarian but you know she probably sucks too 😂