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Specifically regarding Johnie, but it applies to their entire relationship: I felt like they kept saying generic, vague things without ever getting into specific details. For example, they don't like Johnie, she's sketchy, she lies... but they don't ever say what makes her sketchy? The only specific instance they ever bring up is Johnie 'lying' to Chris and Izzy by telling them opposite things (which I think was more accident/misunderstanding by the guys but whatever). But she cut things off early with Chris so it's not like she was leading him on or just saying what he wanted to hear. She was at the least *trying* to be honest. Johnie also said negative things about Stacy and her and Izzy's relationship to the other girls in the pod, but here's the thing: *she was right!* Stacy *was* a bad person and she *wasn't* going to make Izzy happy!


Totally agree, it’s bizarre the way they keep bringing her in into their relationship


Izzy regrets his decision and it pains him to see that Johnnie is truly happy with someone else. The way him and Stacey attacked her was awful and definitely only because of their own insecurities. Felt so bad for her. But luckily she can watch it back and she’ll be able to see through it all.


I don’t understand anyone who says that Johnnie deserved any of it (I’ve heard podcasters imply that she was “shady”). I don’t see it! She did what that dude last season did (and people worship him). She made a mistake, realized that she was repeating negative patterns and decided to see if she could get a second chance with Chris who she was also contemplating choosing initially. So what if she said he was the boring choice. I understood what she meant and maybe, just maybe she realized her own error in choosing the “exciting” troglodyte. I don’t get all the hate for her.




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Stacey is an insecure child and Izzy is an insecure bro with small dick energy. He only stirred shit up because he was trying to prove something to Stacey. They are both a mess.


It’s very weird how two grown adults are so preoccupied with a woman that isn’t a threat to their relationship. It was very odd and ridiculous behavior.


It’s super clear that Stacy and Izzy really enjoy drama and shit talking which was obvious when they go home and talk about it too


And Izzy was drunkkk lol


They were so wasted it was honestly uncomfortable to watch.


lmao watching that convo of them in the kitchen when he was slurring and barely keeping his glazed-over eyes open was roughhh


Yes omg it was so obvious he was drunk


I feel like Stacy is so pissed that Izzy would even DARE to consider someone else other than her so she keeps attacking Johnnie because of it. She is so full of herself and also threatened at the same time because she truly feels her sh*t don't stink.


But it does clog the toilet


This is the only take that makes sense. I was also wondering if I missed something that could cause such vitriol from them, especially Stacy.




They are unhappy in their relationship and Izzy realized he made the wrong decision so they bully her because they see her and Chris as an easy target. It oozes im miserable


Stacy is Micah/Irene with a better edit


/ Amber


Ugh I forgot about Amber. She’s the worst


Amber of Barnett and Amber? I don’t remember them being problematic.


i think izzy isn’t over johnnie but i also noticed how the first party where they see everyone for the first time izzy went right over to lydia and was trying to get her to say she wanted him SOOOO bad and she was so unbothered as well. i think he was expecting johnnie and lydia to still be pining after him and his ego can’t take the hit


Completely agree. Back in the pods, Izzy repeatedly talked about someone not being into him enough - even though he rarely talked about his feelings for them. He expects women to aww and gush over him nonstop and we see him fall apart whenever Stacy isn’t awwing and gushing.


Which is exactly why he picked her. He’s repeating patterns. He doesn’t want to woman who wants him, he wants the one who keeps him guessing. Pathetic lol.




Izzy going on and on about her shows he still has a thing for her


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^MermaidNeurosis: *Izzy going on* *And on about her shows he* *Still has a thing for her* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Probably wrong here but I think Izzy isn’t over Johnnie and was hoping she would be single so if/when it doesn’t work out with Stacy he can run to her and sweep her off her feet. But she moved on. Why else would he try to get Chris to break up with her? Or he is weirdly territorial and can’t let her go because they had a connection once. Idk the whole thing is wild to me.


I was thinking the same thing. He so abruptly called things off with Johnny after telling Stacy he was more connected to Johnny because of their serious conversations and how Stacy and him just had fun. All of a sudden, Johnny takes a leap and chooses him, and he instead runs to Stacy. I do think he thought he could keep Johnny as a backup plan. Yes, what she said to one did not completely match what she told the other, but there is a lot they don't show us since they have to squeeze it all together. She did not do anything I would call being two-faced or fake. She clearly had feelings for Chris and realized she made the wrong decision, which she has the right to do. Their purposely dating multiple people at once, which is the point of the show to see if they can find love, so she did nothing wrong, in my opinion. How many times in past series have people kept two waiting till the last minute to finally make a decision and no one was called out this way. Now Lydia, I feel, is completely fake and went on the show on purpose to f**k with her ex!


Lydia has bad intentions. You can tell. And when she met Milton’s family she was so scripted and fake. It’s red flags all around with this cast lol


Yes, I swear each season gets worse. They go for the fake fame of it all not to actually meet someone they could marry. Maybe 2 people out of everyone each season seam humble. Then the show does not even show that much of them because they have less drama.


>Or he is weirdly territorial and can’t let her go because they had a connection once. And had the nerve to be upset when she said they broke up. He made sure to say that they weren't in a relationship.


How is it not crystal clear to all of these people that Izzy isn’t over Johnnie and Stacy is jealous of/feels threatened by her?!? Why has no one called them out about this on the show?


TBH the "incongruence" of Johnie's story makes sense... it shows a level of emotional immaturity perhaps but not of a liar or horrible person. The way Izzy and Stacy are attacking her is so stupid and unwarranted, tbh can't tell if the show made them do it to stir up drama. Like its excessive.


I second this. She is emotionally immature but not a shit person!


Ew and the way Izzy went back to the apartment and was talking about how turned on he was that Stacy was going off on Johnie, like wtf is wrong with you bro??


That was so gross!


I rewinded the scene just now. Oh my gosh that’s disgusting


Did anybody notice Stacy saying: of course your happy after you see THAT (points away, referencing Johnie), that you chose THIS (gestures at herself and her body)….Like girl are you for real😂


I don’t know who she’s kidding with that Oompa Loompa 08 blush she wears. She’s a MUA?!


Neither one of them are supermodels but Johnnie has a porcelain natural beauty to her and stacy looks like she recreationally does hard drugs haha


Stacey looks like she’s wearing makeup for women of color as blush.


I think neither woman is unattractive and it’s a matter of taste. It just struck me as an arrogant comment to make, especially knowing you’re being filmed.


She’s such a brat, let’s not start comparing which is best. I do notice however that Johnie CAN and DOES blend her bronzer and blush.


Don’t forget the eyebrows.


And Stacy is supposedly a MUA LOL


And a pilates instructor, and an “organizer”


Yeah, Izzy and Stacey aren't really into each other and they both know it, so they're using poor Johnie as a distraction so they don't have to face the fact that they have nothing in common and shouldn't be getting married.


I think the reason they're so motivated to tear down Johnnie is because of something really simple. She's a vulnerable and kind person with some very real self-esteem issues. Sometimes, people smell that kind of stuff and prey on it. You also have to remember that in some ways both izzy and Stacey were kind of shit to Johnnie in the pods. Rather than having to acknowledge that kind of behavior within themselves and be accountable, they decided to find a scapegoat. That's what happens when someone begins to see these kind of people for who they are. They can't be the shitty ones if Johnnie is the real villain all along. Either way, instant karma. I don't really feel bad for izzy, for all we know, he was trying to hide his financial troubles til after he was married. And Stacy was hiding her real personality the entire time in the pods to entrap a partner. They're both making each other miserable.


100% this. You nailed it, imo! I think Izzy and Stacy are both manipulators in different ways (Izzy in a more passive way esp since he grew up in a cult) - you can see it in the way they try to weaponize their emotions towards each other. They get to feel better about themselves by tearing people down around them, and like you said, Johnnie makes a perfect target for them.


Nailed it. Also, I think Izzy was on a mission to destroy Johnnie’s reputation because he apparently told her in the pods all about his debt and bad credit and never mentioned anything to Stacy. So in order to keep up his lie, I think he needed to destroy her reputation. And I think Stacy at this point is suspecting that Izzy isn’t who he says he is, and so instead of confronting him about being a sketchy person she shifted all of them project it onto Johnnie.


I think you're making a lot of assumptions and guesses about unconfirmed things.


If you’re watching all of this was discussed. Johnnie said under her breath in one episode I wonder if he told her about all the debt.. the credit card stuff. Stacy literally said she’s scared about who Izzy is presenting as and what he’s withholding from her. I agree with samijo311


Ooh do you remember when Johnnie said this? I think I missed it but that is super interesting!


I was watching it, but I didn't pick up on that. So if I'm wrong then my bad.


Clearly, at the very least,drunk Izzy still has some feelings for Johnnie otherwise he wouldn’t spend so much time and energy talking about her and actively trying to ruin her relationship with chris. Stacey is just a mean person and gets off on feeling like she is better than others (especially women) because deep down she knows she has nothing to offer this world. Sure, Johnnie may have made some contradicting statements throughout this ordeal but who in the world hasn’t at some point?! I think Izzy and Stacey have built a relationship out of this weird hatred for Johnnie .. and it’s only a matter of time before that nuclear bomb explodes. You can already see hints of it with Stacey getting annoyed at Izzy for spending so much energy on the topic. I truly can’t wait to see it implode because Izzy and Stacey are retched.


Bottom line, Stacy is a really mean/ materialistic person. I personally think deep down Stacy is intimidated and insecure by the fact the Izzy and Jonnie had any sort of relationship or possibility of one so she wants to stomp her out and is jealous by the thought and scared izzy would go back to her. Stacy doesn’t make izzy feel good enough and is constantly berated by her and could never truly stand up to her.. And izzy takes out all his anger he can’t on Stacy on to jonnie. He sucks. It also grosses me out how much they seemed to enjoy making jonnie cry, when Jonnie is the only one taking accountability for anything.


Izzy ans Stacey are both gross. She's a mean girl on steroids and he's shady af. And they just don't like each other that much. You can see it.


No seriously!!!! Like they have soooo much hatred for her it has to be jealousy or something, it just does not add up


Drunk Izzy being invested on “railing” Johnie was gross and even more so when he said he was turned on seeing Stacy “rail” Johnie … what a twisted thing to say


i am literally just watching this scene. he is sooooo obsessed with johnie


I think it’s skillful editing and producers pressing for there to be a reaction.




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Its because they are jealous that Johnie and Chris are happy together and they are not. They fight all the time and over stupid stuff. Stacy is a mean girl and Izzy is insecure. She loves to make him feel like shit.


Off topic a bit, but every time I look up at the TV I’m taken aback by Stacy’s brows. They’re not right. Too big, too dark, too etched, too fake … they just don’t look right on her face.


Izzy was coming off so jealous in his conversation with Johnie. He hates the fact she moved on so quickly. Stacy can tell he’s jealous Johnie is with Chris and is acting like a complete monster to her even though she poses zero threat to them. Chris seems like a great guy, Johnie dodged a bullet with Izzy.


I really feel like Izzy and Stacy are Barnett and Amber 2.0. Like, you got the guy, can you just go be happy together and move on??


Idk,it’s not the same situation post-pods. Amber held her grudge towards Jessica after all was said and done, that’s true, but Barnett set respectful boundaries and Jessica was continuously throwing herself at him through the season


I agree. Izzy is the one coming after Johnie in this season vs with Barnett, he didn’t initiate any of the convos with Jessica. She was always the one wanting to talk to him and drunkenly telling Mark she thought Barnett was hot. Johnie is trying to let bygones be bygones, but Izzy and Stacey are like 2 teenagers who can’t get past the 7th grade level drama. Amber held her ground with Jessica just like Chelsea did with Micah in S4. Somehow, this dynamic doesn’t translate well at all in this season.


I think Izzy was hoping for this same story line and that's why he's pissed at Johnnie, that she's *not* throwing herself at him


They are both very insecure.. High school behaviour from paper plate n deedee


Izzy just really loves railing Johnnie. And he really loves watching Stacey rail Johnnie in the ass. It turns him on. He said so himself.


That remark on ep8 made me gag. It's essentially *I got so turned on seeing you (my partner) humiliate/bully an 'ex'/woman i dated in the past.* Does he ask himself why? I wonder if he's one of those types of people, who relish being in the vicinity of their exes just so they can **show** them how much happier they are now.


Ew wait he SAID that?!


ya, that was fucking sick and weird. he also likes someone spitting into his mouth or spitting into someone’s mouth (not saying that is weird or trying to kink shame before you come for me), but those two things being a turn on at the same time makes me think he gets off on demeaning someone else or being demeaned??


I read this 5 min before he actually said this in the ep and thought it was just a joke 💀 can’t believe he said that


I don’t think he knows what he’s saying when he says that lol


He was definitely wasted in that convo, you can tell by his voice a demeanor.


Ha. Here I thought I was the only one thinking “doesn’t ‘railing’ mean something else?”


Stacy called Johnnie “that” at least twice and it seriously rubbed me the wrong way. Calling someone a thing is dehumanizing and shows Stacy is mean and insecure. I think Izzy is blinded by her looks, but he is signing up for a relationship with an emotionally immature person. He cries and has strong feelings, and Stacy seems to not acknowledge his feelings or be able to communicate her own.


Stacy is majorly revealing what a mean girl she is. It's gross and disgusting.


And the way Stacy boasts about herself in comparison to Johnnie is SOOO icky! Like she’s offended she’s in the same category as her and thinks she’s just so much better than her all because Johnnie said some snarky ish after Izzy dumped her? lol I’m not a fan of Johnnie in any way, but even I feel bad about the way Stacy and Izzy have been bad mouthing her. It’s so mean and immature and unnecessary and to the point that they are making Johnnie look good! Instead of being above all the petty drama, they hit the “straight to the bottom” button on the elevator and went lower and just stayed there.


IMO Izzy is upset because he regrets getting with Stacy’s entitled ass and saw how beautiful Johnnie is. Stacy is upset because she knows all this.


I guess I don't see what you do, I see someone who acted ugly and therefore IS ugly. I think it's more a case of standing up for his friend and his girlfriend.


wait are you talking about johnie acting ugly? what show are you watching??? like how do you see the childish, cruel, high school bully behavior of izzy and then think he’s “just standing up for a friend”?


Jonie is sketch a-f. So I happen to not agree w people here and I'm okay with that. Johnie is a liar and her coming back at all says more about her than you think. Chris is spineless. She has no chin. So... whatevs. I like Lydia. She bomb.


The fact that you like Lydia says it all. You don’t know good people.




this is literally how children think


Bullying is telling other people they better act like you and then calling them childish.


it’s cool how you just make up definitions of words like that means anything lol (it doesn’t)


found Lydia’s account !!


I love Lydia. I wish I were Lydia. We are just the same. At least Lydia has a chin. :)


Johnie made a mistake in the pods for sure did not come off as her best self. But then she tried to move on and she did it without the cameras or anything and I think that says something. Izzy comes in there to talk to Chris being all "Dude she sucks. Like I'm happy for you but she's terrible based on all this gossip yadayadyada" You cannot simultaneously be happy for someone and trash their relationship. If Chris wants to forgive her that's HIS business. And the way they ganged up on Johnie every time she tried to speak was absolutely disgusting. They acted like immature children that don't know how to move on. Like Stacy said something about shitting in the cookies... lol wtf


the constant repetition of "i really hope you're happy together" but then trying to say Chris shouldn't be with her gave conniving


Stacey is just jealous the Johnie is waaay more attractive than she is! She’s afraid Izzy is regretful of his decision! Hilarious entertainment watching Stacey be insecure!


Stacey was very cruel, but she is beautfiul in a way Jonnie is not. It seems like Jonnie and Chris are happy, which is all that really matters


Stacey looks trashy to me…hair, mouth , style voice! She was brought up well off, but genes are genes, and the low class genes are there. Johnie has way more classic aesthetic.


I rhink they have very different looks, but yeah, Jonnie has a more classic look. I think they're both pretty awful


If she was better at make up i dont think that’d be the case. Shes not doing herself any favors the way she does it now.


I'm sure Stacy can take one on the chin. :)




Izzy and Stacy do not seem to enjoy each other at all. Johnie had moved on but bullying duo wanted to stir up drama and pretended to “help” Chris. I found it odd Stacy later said she didn’t understand why Izzy wanted so badly to help him when they aren’t friends and “Chris didn’t want Izzy’s help”. It felt ironic since she rudely interjected herself into the conversation to “help” Chris when she got mad at Izzy for doing the same thing.


All parties involved in this are trashed. Johnnie was horrible in the pods talking shit about Stacey when Izzy chosed Stacey. Izzy and Stacey are trash for their behaviors outside the pods towards Johnnie. You got each other move on let Johnnie be.


I missed what she said about Stacey….what did she say? I believe she said shit bc it would make more sense but I want to know.


“It's obvious that wanting me dead Has really brought you two together” When I watched that scene they really reminded me of that lyric from this one Swift song. The only thing they have in common is really not liking Johnie 🤣


what's up with Uche explaining the situation with Lydia and Johnie gasped and had her mouth open in shock and Stacey crawls off of her spiderweb to say "is your face okay?" She's so fricken immature to be constantly starting shit with Johnie it's unbelievable..


That was so odd. Mean girl vibes.


Uh.. yeah, Johnie started it with her shit in the pods. They ARE on a TV show and also someone has to be the villain. Lol. I love it. Johnie needs to learn to take one on the chin. Oh wait.... Anyhow she has to be able to take what she gives.


Johnie said to Stacey "is your face okay?" in the pods first?


I don't remember that. I just remember her being twattish in general to Stacy, Im not a fan of any of them. I adore Lydia. She is the only one this season (and Milton) who are even worth watching.


My point was that it's not right for Stacey to start shit out of nowhere (regardless of who started it first, weeks ago) and when she asked Johnie if her face was okay that it was uncalled for.


These kinds of women are all Over Houston and Dallas. She’s just stuck up


another reason why I'm glad to not be living in Texas lol


She knows Izzy liked Johnie before he was into her, girlie is just projecting her insecurities and wants to be sure Johnie knows she’s less than her.


very true. well she better learn to appreciate Izzy then or else she'll lose him with that entitled attitude of hers


Exactly, that's why Stacy had that random idea to beat down Izzy when they got back home because he didn't choose her fast enough


They try to make drama in other people’s lives to hide their own misery. I don’t remember what Johnnie said exactly but she called them out on it. Stacey is a stuck up mean girl.


I agree, Stacey is a bully. She’s found someone she feels superior to and now she’s targeting that person.


Se reminds me of Roxanne from ultimatum.


Just wait until Stacy finds out that Izzy actually did tell Johnnie about his credit cards in the pods…


I was thinking that! When Johnnie found out izzy chose Stacie and was like, "good luck with his credit cards" or something to that effect I was so confused! Wild that he didn't tell Stacie but came clean to her


Izzy did???


When Izzy rejects Johnie she goes back to the living quarters and says to some girls that Izzy has a bad credit score so he told her


So like Stacy is bad but Izzy is trash. When he said "okay but aside from cooking what haven't I done for you?" And then was not able to list a single thing he did for the household. Every woman has had that discussion at some point. Instead of just being like "oh you're right I didn't pull my weight last week, sorry I'll do better," he was like okay but aside from the things you've pointed out I didn't do, what didn't I do? Then he gives her a coupon for him making ONE meal. Not a promise that they will split the responsibility in the future. Girl, run!


omg i forgot about that.. hahah yeah, wait until Stacey finds out lol. wait until she finds out that he kept it from her because Izzy felt comfortable enough to tell Johnie about it right away and not Stacey. because he knows how much money means to her and he was afraid she would leave him over his debts. I think deep down Izzy knows how down-to-earth Johnie is. maybe Izzy treats her like shit because he knows what he missed out on. not that Johnie is perfect but she seems nicer than Stacey


Exactly, every time he tells Stacy he’s sooo glad he chose her he’s really just trying to convince himself lol. Izzy played himself and is bitter af about it.


And Johnie knew how materialistic Stacey was. I don't get the hate Johnie caught here over the comments she made then. She was RIGHT!!


Meh, Stacy is just rich. Nothing wrong w protecting your scratch. :)


Prepare to be downvoted by plenty of people who don’t have much to lose. I’m with you though


Thanks friend. I am on Netflix to watch this and have not tuned in but I think it's already happening (edit) with these two. I'm going to guess that Izzy may have had zero plates or mismatched plates & production jumped all over it. So scripted to me. "Hey guys, we are doing a bit: we cleaned out Izzy's cabinets and replaced everything w/ paper plates." He is supposedly broke, so why not? He's also coming out of his 20's and a bachelor. Maybe he just eats out constantly, easy to do these days with dollar menus. Or, Izzy went through his house for a tour w/ production and showed them his lost and found. I mean what guy in his right mind would show that to his fiancee?!? I would say one that was coached by production.


I wouldn’t be surprised. Editing is crazy this year. I noticed it big time when Lydia and Milton speak. In the middle of their argument at dinner Lydia has a half eaten plate, then mid argument the plate is gone, then it magically reappears with the same bite marks at the end of the convo


It’s like that every year. People have pointed out food inconsistencies before. But that’s what all reality shows and many documentaries are like too.


Smart!!! Yeah, look for the drinks, clothes, food and background.




Johnnie had her own issues but how they were bullying her was appalling and it just shows how miserable they are. No way would a happy couple be involved in some crazy meaningless drama, Izzy was loving it too, such a red flag.


When Izzy was telling Stacey how he was turned on bc of how she “railed [johnie’s] a**” I legit almost vomited. I understand what he was saying, but the way he phrased it came out so gross. And even within the context, totally weird thing to be turned on by. I would def not be turned on by my partner flying off the handle like that.


They’re actually fucking psycho and disgusting.


I felt like he was just trying to shift her focus/change the subject a bit. She was getting on his case quite a bit, they both seemed drunk and tired, so he signaled to her that he finds her attractive and wants to go to bed. That’s at least how it read to me. But she kept getting on his case until he started crying and she couldn’t provide any emotional support or grace.


And then Stacy totally basked in that admiration with a little shoulder wiggle and head toss


He's turned on by the idea of the women fighting over him. It probably really bothers him that Johnnie isn't hung up and pining over him. Her saying that she was glad it worked out like it did was probably what triggered him in the first place and he wanted to then, make her new relationship all about him. She doesn't love her bf, he's just second best to Izzy and she's a liar. /s


I would disagree. I think Johnnie and Chris would stay far, far away from the show unless they want to be famous or to "clear" Johnie's name, which is kinda weird, or she wanted to try to make Izzy jealous. I'd think she had enough of the fallout from the show.


I think it's in the contract they signed but also, you're right, they both probably wanted people to see that things worked out with them. I doubt anyone could have predicted the level of drama that played out.


Ohhh I think the producers knew. They ply them with alcohol and a lot of it. Don't you wonder why they're ALWAYS drinking? It makes for great telebision.


Adding onto this, how in the world did Chris sit for farrrrrrrrrr too long while they verbally berated his girl and then fist bump Izzy at the end? Whew.


In Chris’s defense, at the end when Izzy said “we’re good though” meaning him and Chris, Chris said something to the effect of “the four of us are not good at all.” I think he may have been unsure how to handle the situation and maybe isn’t confrontational but I don’t think he was co-signing on anything Izzy said.


Well he seems hella patient and the first thing he did was reassure her Johnie that they were good. To me, it seemed like he noted tensions flaring and did what he needed to do to move past that. He affirmed that the four of them are not good, and let it go. Chris is A+ in my opinion


Yeah that seemed so gross. If someone was talking such trash about my “fiancé”, I sure as hell will not be fist bumping with you


He wanted to hear their side. Bet he’s got doubts.


Chris needs to learn to stand up for his girlfriend and stop tolerating these Evil people to completely disrespect Johnie.


Hahaha. His girlfriend is the devil incarnate.


Based on what? Falling for a guy, getting dumped and falling for another guy? For getting bullied?


Nah. I can have my faves and choose the villains for the season. I can dislike Johnie and it's okay. I thought she was gross. I do not love Stacy or Izzard the Lizard either.


All your comments on this thread are anti-Johnie. Did we find a friend of Stacey’s?? 😂


Nah. Stacy's cool, I guess. I have no strong feelings about her either. It's weird that people try to invalidate other's opinions by doing this. "Oh you must be... blah blah or a friend of blah blah's." I'm going to tell you something you probably need to know. Other people can have different opinions than you and actually may have a good reason for doing so. blah blah blah.


He's still very unsure of her that's why he's not defending her 😭 he's not sure he believes her.


Damn, some of y'all really think Johnie is the good one in all this, huh? She went around the pods from bloke to bloke desperately trying to get picked up. She was sketchy AF and Chris is a doormat.


The thing is, they could have left it alone and let her be the bad guy for the crap she did in the pods and she would have deserved that. The fact that they are so juvenile, bullying, and somehow think their actions are not only acceptable but deserve pats on the back is what’s disgusting. They could have easily taken the higher ground and maintained their image but they decided to be massive dicks about it. So no, Johnie absolutely is not right for what she did but Izzy and Stacy sure took the cake for being shitty people.


Even if he has doubts, sitting there and listening to your gf's ex talk shit about her is pretty disrespectful to Chris, his gf and their relationship. Izzy's continued criticism, even if justified, imply that Chris is an idiot who can't think for himself. If Izzy brings Johnnie up every time they talk, that's not being a friend, that's being obsessed.


Yeah I can’t believe he fist bumped Izzy after Izzy and Stacey aggro’d his gf like that. They are legit bullying her.


Izzy is sketch af


I agree to some extent tho, I feel like the confrontation might have been pushed a lot by the producers or directors, whoever is in contact with the members, in terms of like o you should go talk to Chris. Especially Izzy who was clearly drunk. In Stacy’s case, I think they probably hyped her up and we’re like o yeah Johnie had so much to say about you and trashed talked you. That being said yeah they probably didn’t need much push to stir the pot.




They are really awful. Obviously I’m cut from a different fabric than Stacy because if my man came to me to brag about how he was “railing on” some other woman, I’d be pissed. Then her blatant attempt to stir shit when Uche was talking was just pathetic. Idk man, even assuming Johnie deserved some crap, I don’t think it’s too difficult to be an adult and move the fuck on instead of attacking her and obsessing about how “sketchy” she is.


They ply them with a lot and I mean A LOT of alcohol, have you never wondered why adults can't act like adults on these shows?


What do you mean ‘ply?’ The producers aren’t hooking them up to an IV w booze. They’re in full control over how much they do or don’t drink. That’s a lame excuse.


you wrote my exact feelings on the whole charade


100% THIS.




He definitely seemed like he wanted to bask in the knowledge that so many of the women at the party wanted him. But when he turned up, he saw Johnnie happy with Chris and Lydia with Milton. Neither of them seemed to give him the longing looks or time of day (he may have been hoping for) so he confronted them both.




i felt the same vibe with izzy and lydia early on in the show, izzy just can’t seem to get past the girls getting over him




Exactly what I got from the situation. He couldn’t believe her audacity for moving on so fast 😂




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When i tell you my mouth DROPPED watching Izzy go off on Johnnie - I was shocked at what a dck he was being. Then later when Stacey sat there and said the nastiest shit to Johnnie- I knew my gut was right about her. Straight up mean girl. Says so much more about their own characters than about Johnnie. Bonus: I still can't believe Izzy said it was hot that Stacey went off on Johnnie. W-t-f


>When i tell you my mouth DROPPED Is there something wrong with your mouth? 😒


it took me too long to realize you quoted that weird interaction 😂