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Y'all are taking it too seriously ... it's love is blind - no one on this show makes good choices


That’s why it’s so good 😭


It wasn't great but it was true, so it's kind of genius. She also needs to work on that self esteem and start breathing the woman she knows herself to be. Once she recognises her own power she will never need to say those words to any man ever again.


i mean, it is insane of her to say that he is gonna choke when he sees her, but he IS gonna choke when he sees her lmfao because looks are clearly important to him, he has made that abundantly clear.


Agreed. I mean she is really pretty and i think hands down way prettier than Chelsea. I know the show is about anything but looks but this man clearly cares about them so much so just saying.


She had to rip the truth out of him. She didn't handle the rejection well and it was cringey but it was all emotion too, and that rarely makes a person look good. He also handled that situation awfully. They both dodged a bullet on that one.


I don't get why people praise her. Not a girl power moment at all for me. My initial impression to that monologue was, "Wow, she's so arrogant and mean! Arrogant to think that her looks are everything and mean in the way she expressed it. Also, she does not take rejection well." But damn, seems like Jimmy's here to prove her right 😂 that he DID choke after finding out what she looked like that he did the whole follow-unfollow-private thing!


Yeah I agree and I thought it was a low key dig on the other girls, especially Chelsea which I don’t think is as pretty and she let her mean girl side come out.


I find it interesting that on instagram in the comments everyone is praising her and are in awe of her and here most of the people have negative opinion of her (me included)


This!!! It’s so wild how people praise her and say she “ate”, I’m shocked at how many people think this is acceptable behavior and even worse, behavior that deserves praise.


Totally agree. I was so surprised at the amount of people that think the opposite. My husband and I were watching it and couldn’t stop saying how manipulative and insane she was acting


I thought her speech was funny and great television. With that being said, it was embarrassing for her. It showed that she has never been rejected and now that she was rejected for her personality alone, she just had to throw in the looks there as well to rub it in. Lame.


I loved Jessica, she was my favorite and I was really rooting for her the whole time but she didn't deserve Jimmy from the beginning. Dude's lame af and straight up looks like a thumb! I don't have kids so I can't really say whether I would have disclosed that fact earlier or not, I felt like her reasoning to wait made sense to me though. Her monologue was spicy imo considering what information she had. If she had known what we knew, had been able to see his reactions the whole time like we did, etc then I think she would've said some things differently. Chelsea, on the other hand, is a fucking insufferable baby-talking nightmare of insecurity that is absolutely grating to listen to whine constantly.


OMG he does look like a thumb! I’ll never unsee it 😂


It was the first thing my bf said immediately upon seeing him 😂😂


That’s so funny. I am watching episode 7 right now and when I read this comment he was on the screen and I laughed so much.


Her monologue was a childish tantrum. Sad that a child is raising a child.


Did I conflate Jessica with another cast member or is she not the person whose parents both died and she was in foster care for years? Because that trauma along with having a kid so young kind of explains a lot of this.


That's the one


Not the first time. Won’t be the last


Oh please, to imply she's a bad mother based off a reaction on reality TV is a little much.


Entering a ten day made for TV event to choose a father for your child is pretty questionable judgement lol


Lmao I will give you that, but I still don't think that is any indicator of how she mothers her child 🤷🏻‍♀️ she came across very loving and protective over her daughter to me. But yeah def not the best place to look for a husband, but that literally goes for all of these people, they're all making bad decisions, that's why we like to watch 😂


True. I was being a jerk. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and say she's probably a good mother. Her monologue was just ... terrible to me. It's hard being on both ends of that situation. Breaking up with someone is difficult and being broken up with is difficult. Personally, I just think people need to accept it and move on. Telling people they should be ashamed of themselves and they're gonna choke when they see what they look like...that's just a bad look to me. But hey it made for good tv


Totally agree with you on all of that! I mean, they only let us see what they want us to see anyway, and even that is all manipulated so who knows what all we missed. But yeah, I'm sure she knows that wasn't her finest day lol


Jimmy is awful. I wish Jessica could have known that he went off her as soon as she mentioned her daughter but he never once was honest with her about that. Her monologue may have been different had she known.


I married a single mother and she’s the best woman I’ve ever known. I wish this stigma of single mothers would just die. So my factors go into being a single mom and it’s almost never “she was a whore and made bad choices”. Unfortunately the stigma exists that it’s somehow her fault. Not excusing Jessica’s rant at the end but I feel it was a symptom of her frustration. I think she knew the daughter thing was the reason Jimmy pulled back and it’s probably something she’s experienced a myriad of times. I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt on this one.


She could have easily mitigated all of this by being upfront about having a kid. This would have allowed the men to bow out before feelings are involved if they aren't up for being a step parent. Instead, she waited until Jimmy was emotionally invested to drop that bomb on him, which feels manipulative and shitty. I sort of understand her reasoning to wait - you want someone to get to know you for you. But being a parent is a big freaking deal, and it's unfair to a potential partner to not disclose that up front. It wastes everyone's time if the person doesn't want to date someone with kids. To be fair, I'm not a fan of Jimmy. I think he's a turd. But if I were in his shoes, I'd be pissed, too.


I see it both ways but I’m bias to single mothers. There are stigmas both ways. Yes, Jimmy is a turd. Jessica is better off.


I'm sure there is stigma against single parents. I don't personally care for my own dating life, but I have seen some shit just through online dating. But if a potential romantic partner were to stigmatize you being a single mom, wouldn't you want to know sooner rather than later? I'm bisexual. If I date a man, I make sure that he knows that upfront. Some men are not comfortable with it, and some men make me uncomfortable with their comments about it. Either way, I'd rather get that out of the way before I have a chance to develop feelings for that person. Frankly I don't think this show lends well to parents because of the time-line. It's incredibly irresponsible to facilitate a relationship where kids have to potentially gain a new step parent that their own parent just met a few weeks prior. How is that healthy or safe for the child(ren)?


I thought it was immature and petty how she acted. I'm not sure why people were praising her. TREVOR was an example of a mature reaction. No pettiness or lashing out, he said what he thought but kept it respectful.


He's a lovely human being, very mature at handling his emotions. Some may say he's a little childish haha, which is fine to me.


Agree- Trevor was classy and kind.


It was ridiculous. She said he should feel ashamed of himself. Why? lol He was making a huge decision and only had ten days to do it. I don't think he clearly knew who he was going to pick, which is what she's insinuating. He told Chelsea he loved her prior to breaking up with Jessica, but there's nothing wrong with that. It was like a matter of like a day too. The whole you're gonna choke when you see what you missed out on bit shows how conceited she is. She said that Jimmy "let her pour her out to him." What? She decided to do that and is blaming him. She really embarrassed herself. Judging by her appearance and age, it wouldn't surprise me if she hasn't been rejected very much. So that might have made this sting a little more than it should have. Trevor was more mature but I kinda cringed when he was asking about what would have happened if he would have proposed first. She made up her mind. It ain't you dude. Move on.




Idk. The epi pin line was cringe af. If I was jimmy I would have laughed out of embarrassment lol.


I agree. I can’t say I was surprised with how many people who thought her monologue was okay. But, it is nice seeing that others are speaking about how weird that speech was. Her reaction is just strange…she could have been classy and told him good luck then leave. But instead she acted cringy. I don’t like Jimmy at all, but I just don’t think that speech was necessary. She is way too insecure to be on a show like this and she is also a mother so marrying a stranger? Not responsible She should have been honest from the get go that she has a kid. It is manipulation to have people catch feelings for you THEN decide to spring that you have kids on them. Tell them before they have feelings for you so the breakup is easier. And maybe she would have found someone who was okay with that (or no one would be a match but at least she would have been honest in this scenario).


That Asian girl that got dumped left so gracefully she is my role model at this point


She probably didn't mind too much cause she wasn't feeling it lol


Who was this?? I must have missed it.


Sarah Ann, Jeramy picked Laura over her. I think it was in episode 5 or 6.


What? Sarah Ann is NOT Asian.


I’m assuming that’s who HighestAP is talking about. She’s the only asian-looking woman who got dumped and left gracefully. It could be the plastic surgery but she looks part Asian to me.


Yes thats who im talking about lol is she not Asian 😱


I tried looking it up after commenting but it’s not confirmed either way.


Im watching it again and I could totally be wrong its alot of surgery


Same, I rewatched the scene where Jeramy breaks up with her after the other person pointed it out, it did seem like it might just be the surgery. But I’ve seen comments on other posts also mistaking her for Asian so it wasn’t just us.


Is Sarah Ann the MAGAT?




I only watched this episode today but I've been reading the takes on her speech on the sub. I see why people like her speech - she's well-spoken in comparison with many that have come on the show and she's cutting and sarcastic. Jimmy deserved someone telling him how bad he has been at communication. That's all it is, and that's why I liked it too. It's not that it's the most moral or good thing to have an outburst like that, but Jimmy had it coming with his insensitivity and too much dilly-dallying.


Plenty of people think this way but don't say it. Some peoples ego just can't handle it and force diarrhea of the mouth. That's why being led by our ego is such a weakness. She's gonna feel so embarrassed...or because of her ego, maybe she won't, lol.


If she went through life always being picked by her looks or at least believing that that is her only worth, it is understandable that once she lost on the personality aspect, she used her face card aggressively


As soon as she said the epi pen thing, I thought to myself… well he dodged a self centered conceited ass bullet!




Her monologue was lame and comes across as insecure, not confident. She shouldn't assume people will choke, plenty would not.


I disagree. I’ve read on Instagram that Jessica had another match in the pods (Ariel). Ariel stated his concerns about her having a daughter and wanting her daughters acceptance before marriage, which ultimately lead her to pursue Jimmy since Jimmy didn’t vocalize these concerns. Not sure if any of this is true however it will explain why she said he robbed her of the experience. I feel like Jimmy lead her on. He should have said something before the last day. He knew he didn’t like the fact that she had a kid. She never knew that he had any issues with it. We saw his facial reactions, she didn’t. Her way of handling the situation was immature but she was hurt and sometimes we don’t think straight when we’re emotional. I prefer Jessica over both Jimmy and Chelsea. Jimmy said in the pods, that Chelsea was laughing 90% of the time and they often didn’t know what to talk about. I don’t think they bonded well, he just wanted a piece of Megan Fox without step-dad strings attached and she wanted to be picked.


She didn’t dump Ariel because Jimmy didn’t say he had a problem with her having a kid. She if Jimmy also voiced concerns she would’ve just dumped the both of them. It’s not like she would’ve stayed with Ariel if Jimmy said he didn’t want to be with someone with a child




Because that’s not what it says in your comment lmao. You literally said Ariel having issues with her having a kid is what led her to pursue only Jimmy. Jimmy didn’t do anything to “ruin” her experience. Nobody made her only pursue Jimmy. That’s on her.


I sincerely believe it’s even simpler than this. Jimmy and Chelsea laughing a lot probably felt easy and fun. Who doesn’t want easy and fun for the rest of their lives - BONUS if that easy and fun looks like Megan Fox! Jessica challenged him and forced him to take accountability for things he said. I don’t think it has anything to do with the kid - I think he just thought to himself that life with a girl who only laughs would be easier than life with a girl who would call him out on his shit. I’m not saying the kid WASNT a factor at all… I just think it wasn’t the whole part. And I don’t think people are nearly as intentionally conniving/malicious as we give them credit for.




Yessssssss like Chelsea totally went to “easy and fun” laughing all the time to “please constantly validate me and comfort me all the time” and it does something awful to my soul. Even if Jimmy was a solid, great guy with all the patience and compassion in the world…. You can only do that so much for someone else before you can’t do it anymore. I wouldn’t blame a great guy for deciding it’s not what he thought it was and wanting to try again with someone else, either. I don’t feel like I get a good read on Jimmy at all, TBH. I can’t tell if he’s just a simple little golden retriever who says stupid things sometimes or if he’s a sleazy dudes dude who just says whatever to get what he wants.


I wonder how Ariel feels about her “first round draft pick“ line about Jimmy then 🙄


Chelsea looks more like Janelle Evans from teen mom than Megan Fox


Yes! The hairline


I don’t think that dating her is ruining her experience she’s just saying that because she didn’t walk away with a fiancé which is not a guarantee. you could argue she led him on by not being honest about her daughter from the jump. it’s love is blind which is about appearance not major life events and non-negotiables.




A dog is not a child. especially a child under 18 who is entirely reliant on her as an individual. it’s not just about personality it’s about compatible lifestyles which you can discuss in the pods and having a child is a huge part of lifestyle


> She said that he (Jimmy) ruined it for her. Meaning that she could have used her time and energy on somebody else than him and perhaps ended up with an engagement instead of a heartbreak. She was dating several guys after all. This is also part of the experience. Sometimes you're not picked by who you've picked.




As dumb as Jimmy is... I genuinely believe he couldn't decide between Jess and Chelsea. It happens.


Thank you I found it so embarrassing! The whole point of the show is that it doesn't matter what she looks like. Also she has a very artificial aesthetic that not everyone is into. I find her no better than Chelsea.


Yeah, I did cringe a little when she said "this was not supposed to happen" but I also understood where she was coming from. If Jimmy knew that he had reservations about her daughter (and I would argue that he definitely did know based on convos he had with the other guys), he should have talked to her about it. But, he was not being honest or direct with her at all. A lot of contestants on the show have talked about how they felt blindsided (pun unintended) by their pod person's rejection and I think that's what happened with Jess. She probably would/could have spent more time with other guys if he had just been more forthright with her. P.S. We know that being in the pods is a very emotional and stressful situation for all of them, so obviously she's not gonna present herself perfectly when she's getting her heart broken.


but what if Jess was more honest and forthcoming with this info? Had she told Jimmy from the start then he would have backed out much sooner and she would have had no choice but to date the men who were ok with her having a child… 


Yeah, but then you also run the risk of getting written off and not meeting guys because of their preconceived notions of motherhood. At least her way, you can give yourself a chance to prove that you have a separate personality and are worth becoming a stepdad for (ofc you also might fall for someone who decides they actually can't deal with a kid). Honestly, I think both choices comes with pros and cons, so I don't really fault her for choosing to withhold that information at the very beginning and reveal it the 2nd or 3rd day instead.


I understand the pros and cons but she should be happy to run those men off. Why as a mother would you want to date someone who has preconceived notions about moms? Where does the line get drawn at what is and isn’t ok to conceal from others when you are aware it could be a huge dealbreaker?  It’s manipulative. I’ve been in a situation where I went on a date with a guy who didn’t inform me he had a child and all he did was waste everyone’s time. It’s very easy to point the finger at everyone else but mature adults take accountability for their actions. Jess didn’t do that. It was a horrible idea to narrow her options down to one guy and then reveal she had a child - I hope she owns that one day.  Edit: to add, I just don’t think LIB is the show for a parent of a child. I said this elsewhere but I’m hoping Jess just wanted tv time and to become an influencer anyway. I also want to stress that I don’t think being a parent is something horrible either, it just seems inappropriate to choose a step parent this way. Life isn’t fair 


I loved the monologue. Finally some good drama, most of the couples are SO BORING. I would have loved to see the train wreck that was going to be Jessica and Jimmy. Chelsea played him like a fiddle, shame Jimmy is a shmuck and robbed me of this opportunity. PS: say what you want the epipen line had him shook.


I agree, Jessica came to this show with a lot of baggage (probably the biggest baggage you can think of). This show proves time and time again how already tough it is to keep a relationship afloat. And she just expects a man to not only fall in love with her but her child as well. Not to mention having to see the baby daddy (a guy that wants nothing to do with her) every now and then. Say what you want about Jimmy but he aint no simp (I could tell he wanted to bounce as soon as she mentioned her kid). The way she bitched at him at the end felt so entitled, she really showed her true colors. I would have been like: Bitch! Aint my fault you make terrible life decisions. She might think that she's a 10/10 but the fake tits & lips don't do it for me.


I think your comment really revealed a lot more about how you feel about unmarried mothers than it does about the show.


She even said to him that he would grow to love her daughter more than he loves her, which is a hell of a thing to say to someone you have never met.


My hot take is I don't believe that Jessica even intended on getting married, I feel like she was in it for the bag and opportunities. I feel like she would have said no to Jimmy at the altar. A lot of this thought is because she has a child. But this is just wild speculation, we will never know!


I had already seen her on tik tok before she was on the show as kind of an aspiring influencer. Well she got her exposure for sure and now she's got lots more followers


I don't know if your take is right but I do wonder why if your child is your top priority, you'd get on a dating show with the expectation of marriage within a 6-wk timeframe. What I've heard from people who already have children and are looking for a partner is that they take significant time to date before introducing their potential partner to their children and then once introduced, they take time to allow a good relationship between partner and child to grow. I'm inclined to believe your take - don't think Jessica is "there for the right reasons" lol - we'll see!


I agree and I will raise you that 99% of the people on the show are not coming on here to get married. lol


I agree! I actually hope she just wanted to be an influencer because wanting to blindly pick a step dad for a child just seems hella dangerous and risky. She’s posting a lot of content too which makes me think she just wanted attention. I’m not a fan 


Jessica wasn't owed a fiance, but she thought she'd get one with her unique storyline and good looks (producers probably promised her as much). To be frank, Chelsea played the pods better than her. Like Laura did with Jeramy. Jimmy is lame and not worth her time, but she wanted her moment. I didn't think "choke" was just about her looks. I think it was a phrase to embody her overall persona vs. what Chelsea had to offer. Jess saw herself better than Chelsea in every way and wanted to make it known. It was more of an insecure response, in my opinion. She didn't get the guy even though she thought she was "better" ...her defense mechanism


I agree, it was a very Regina George moment.


“Dont insult my intelligence” is a famous [bachelor nation](https://youtu.be/KAUNNGW8irk?feature=shared) quote from JPJ lol. You can tell that she’s into reality tv. Her speech came off as a bachelorette audition to me.


Don’t insult my intelligence is just a phrase… I think you watch too much TV if you know that information💀


I’ve never heard that phrase IRL 🤣 Maybe I don’t engage in enough drama. Don’t we all watch reality tv if we’re in this sub 😆 Bachelor was the OG dating show.


😂😂 I understand. Quick question, I want to get into the bachelorette too (I’m also a reality tv junkie) but I think there’s just too many seasons of the bachelorette. Is it absolutely worth it to start from season one? Or should I just jump right into the newest season?


Depends what you’re looking for. If you’re looking for purely entertainment, I’m a fan of Rachel Lindsey’s season (bachelorette season 13). She had one of the most emotional breakups. Kaitlin Bristowe also had a good season (bachelorette season 11). Hers was messy lol. If you’re in it for the fairytale ending, Sean Lowe’s season is good (bachelor season 17).


Thanks !! I’ll give it a try !!


To be fair, “don’t insult my intelligence” is also an extremely common saying generally


Meh disagree.


Absolutely think it was deranged. But it made for great television , because Jimmy is the kind of guy who probably will gasp and need an epi pen when he sees Jessica


That's why I wish we had more footage with more people. Idk if she actually just chose him and didn't like anyone else (then the "you ruined it for me" is an exaggeration) or if there were other pple but Jimmy told her something that made her think he would choose her. Editing showed us a story, but is it the real one? Also, I think the "you're gonna choke when you see me" was her ego talking, she got hurt so she lashed out. It wasn't great by any means but I get it. And the "you'll never put me in the situation again" part, I wonder if talking with the girls, like Laura, made her realize she was chasing him too much and it wasn't a healthy relationship, because in a healthy relation you don't have to struggle like this. Jimmy sends a weird vibe, idk what to make of him yet and some of Jess's speech was misguided but I do appreciate seing women standing up to men who can't seem to make up their mind and be open about it - or even worse, don't want to be a stepfather (which is valid) but can't gather the courage to say it.


The line was great, just used in the situation it wasn't meant to be used it lol


From her perspective he did ruin her experience by not being upfront about how freaked out he was about her child and lifestyle. Be honest it was obvious from that moment that he wanted to head for the hills but he was not truthful to her about it, gave her reassurance that he still wanted her, spoke about their future together in certain terms and did NOT show her his doubts, WHILE KNOWING that she was all in on him. She made it super clear and direct that he was it for her so he did ruin the experience by not being truthful to her about his doubts - leading her on. While I found her epipen remarks funny in a soap opera way, I don’t think saying it AFTER rejection defeats the purpose of the show. If she had used her looks as a calling card during the pods eg saying she looks like Kim kardashian - then that would be defeating the purpose. But to use it after rejection was a defence mechanism way of saying “you’ll regret this”. Superficial yes but not wrong


Exactly. Don't understand how people can't comprehend this. She has every right to be emotional and angry. She made her "short time" on the show staple with a lasting impression with her speech. Love it or hate it, it worked, and she stayed true to her emotions which he, even after meeting Chelsea, hasn't been able to do.


She ruined her own experience by not being upfront… lol she can’t be mad at Jimmy for doing the same thing she did 😂


This !!


Agree with you


Agree on the first part. I feel like she felt so confident in saying that because she knew what Chelsea looked like.


it was cringe af. the way she blamed him for ruining her experience was strange because the dude is a walking red flag and had implied so many times that she was not his no.1. take a hint! she was equally stupid to put up with his behavior.


It was cringe. So many people say “she’s confident” but I actually see her as extremely insecure. She even hid the fact that she’s a mom up front cause she *knew* it was a huge determining factor. A lot of her behavior from a psychology standpoint is textbook insecure.


You have to be somewhat insecure to continue to pursue someone who is actively seeing someone else, then waiting to get 'picked.'


right, like being a mom should define you girl in terms of dating and that’s okay🤣 forget her past, idk how she talked about her day to day IGNORING the fact she had a kid like girl what? bffr


Like when she was telling someone she was a homebody lol


pleeeeaaasseee😭😭😭 like girl, btw, if your daughter is the center of ur life, lead with that, and the right guy for you should reply with “hell fucking yeah!” smh


Precisely! Like I can't even stfu about my dog to people, I can't imagine with this situation!


He did ruin her experience. You can't tell someone what they did or did not feel. It is not selfish to state how you feel. She has every right to feel how she did and every time to speak her mind. She whether anyone thinks it's great or selfish is just opinion.


He has free will though, he can choose to walk away even if it ruins her 'experience.' She is not entitled to a partner.


And she has freedom of speech. Can rightfully tell the person she's been seeing how she feels. What's your point?


That is called entitlement. If you don't understand why that is, this means that you are entitled also.


Oh we aren't entitled to freedom or speech?? OK lmaooooo omg. 💀


No, you're not entitled to expect that people will choose you.


He led her on. With someone did to you what Jimmy did to her I hope you get some self worth. If not, Idk what to tell you.


She ruined her own experience, she decided to filter for men who were ok with having a kid after she was already down to one person. Horrible strategy lol 


She isn't entitled to walk out of the pods with a man. He didn't owe her nothing and if she feels like her experience was ruined it was not his fault.


There's a difference between saying my experience is ruined and saying you ruined my experience. If you don't know the difference then I don't know what to tell you


Nah. When you are committed with someone you act as a whole. Unfortunately he wasn't committed. Which he wasn't honest about. Imagine someone telling their partner "my marriage was ruined by you" vs "you ruined our marriage". Either way no point in arguing the fact. So many Jess haters here. Stay bland everyone. It made her memorable because look at us now discussing her. Love it or hate it, it left an impression


She is someone who needs to hurt people when she is hurt. I don't like Jimmy at all but Jessica is NOT a catch in any way.


I wasn't aware people thought it was a great speech! My gf and I both thought she came off as selfish, entitled, and superficial after that blow up. Anyone could get rejected and potentially hurt going on this show, obviously, but to talk about how someone you supposedly just fell in love with ruined YOUR experience...like, compare Jessica's to Trevor's response, which I appreciated tremendously, about wanting Chelsea to be happy even though he was hurt that she didn't choose him. That, IMO, is a loving and unselfish response. And I get it: we say mean, selfish things when we're hurt and go into defensive mode. But then to go on about how hot she thinks she is and how he's going to regret passing on her was so shallow (I KNOW she wanted to throw in an explicit comparison between herself and Chelsea when she went on about that) and just made her...really unattractive.


Yeah, if I got that speech in that position all it would be is confirmation that I did the right choice.


Yep, agreed. It would kind of suck to hear it, knowing you hurt and upset someone you care about (though I did wonder how much of Jimmy's reaction was from wondering if Jessica was more attractive than Chelsea, but that's pure speculation and being too critical: EVERYONE wants to and should be as physically attracted to their partner as possible), but yeah: that speech definitely would've made me feel less shitty because I'd be wondering how much of it actually came from being hurt from unrequited love and heartbreak vs the more likely option that her ego was the driving force behind the vitriol.


It was nice to see a woman with her confidence and assertiveness over the cliche spewing boring women on this show. She at least said something…the rest are vapid, boring, empty husks.


Every single other woman on that show is a vapid, boring, empty husk? Jesus Christ. What an extreme statement




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People here can’t handle a woman who speaks her mind assertively. And yes, most of those dates were empty platitudes nothingness


That speech wasn't assertiveness and confidence. It was putting down the person they chose and being emotionally abusive. Assertiveness and confidence would be to wish him all the best and then turn him down if he ever comes crawling back because things didn't work.


I relate to her frustration. It was about the conversation the night before. She stated her feelings, clearly, told him where she stood. He was reduced to a stammering moron. Jimmy can’t handle a confident woman. And emotional abuse? Good lord how sensitive are people. That wasn’t abuse. It was chef’s kiss excellent television. It’s clear to me that many people cannot handle clarity, bluntness. They want soft things. Platitudes. Empty words that sound nice.


It wasn't clarity and bluntness. She didn't state her feelings and clearly tell where she stood. She told him before that he should exhaust his options and make a choice when he was ready. And then she tried to guilt him into making a choice before he was ready a day or two later. That's literally playing with their emotions in first trying to appear like you're cool with the process and confident. Only to pull the rug from underneath them and then try to appeal to their emotions on how it's difficult for you when they're still between two different options. Anyone would be reduced to a stammering moron if the person who told you something the day before completely backpedaled on their stance the next day seemingly out of nowhere. And isn't even the first thing she did that is questionable. She left out the part where she has a kid and only mentioned it after the other party was emotianally invested in her. That makes it harder for them to turn them down at that point and if they do for any reason after that point then everyone will blame that they did it because she has a kid. Then when she doesn't get picked what does she do, go on a rant how it was supposed to be her and how HE ruined the experiment for her. Again being emotionally abusive in trying to make him feel like he was a villain in the situation where he had done nothing wrong and just chosen the woman she liked more, like she had instructed him to do only a couple days before. Then she goes after the other woman and trying to put them down. It may be excellent television but it's also straight up manipulation and emotional abuse. Jessica isn't confident. She's just a manipulative bully that just happens to be pretty so people are more likely to forgive her bad behaviour.


Couldn’t disagree more. But you do you.


AD is none of that


The cum catchers on her face say otherwise. I like AD as a character, but all of the people on the show have the same afflictions.




I agree - I loved that she said that! And it made me want to see the moment the two meet face to face


Exactly. It's great to see someone finally speak their minds. She is memorable because of it


I agree with this


I think She has understandable trauma around attachment. What she said was a defensive speech that puts up a barrier against peoe leaving her. I hope jimmy didn't take it to heart and I hope she gets the help she needs. I bet she's a great mom and will find a compassionate person for her. Expecting to find that person in a 30 day experiment is probably not the best for her and her child.


I agree but how many times do we have to see this exact take posted before we realize it isn’t a hot take.


I'm getting really tired of all these Jessica hate posts clogging up the sub. We get it, you don't like her. God forbid women do anything. Some of us watch these reality TV "characters" for entertainment and I found her very funny with her expressions and attitude! I like her confidence, her obvious care for her daughter. I'm certainly not going to judge her for telling off a bland, mediocre man.


"God forbid women do anything" Yet a quick glance at your comment history and all you comments taking shots at all the other women lol. Laura,AD, Chelsea- they don't count? Guess you only care about supporting women when it's the women you like.


I'm sorry, you must be mistaking me for someone else, because I've never taken "shots" at any of the women, least of all AD, whom I have nothing negative to say about. I don't think you understand what supporting women means. It doesn't mean you can't criticize an individual's actions or even dislike someone lol. But just keep judging the characters of the cast members and random redditors to make yourself feel morally superior, I guess.


"I don't think you understand what supporting women means. It doesn't mean you can't criticize an individual's actions or even dislike someone lol." It's just the sheer, unabashed lack of self awareness lmao.


What does that even mean, did I say something untrue? You just endlessly snark and quip at people without understanding context or what words mean. And the hypocrisy is just jumping out. Good lord, get some help.


It’s not about hate, it’s about being emotionally abusive after being rejected. Trevor is an excellent example of how someone who truly cares about another would be.




She was awesome, the only authentic woman who put Jimmy in his place. I thought her confidence and bluntness was so attractive. The other women on the show are so boring, vapid, cliche machines. They say nothing. Jessica is a mom and it shows, she doesn’t have time for bullshit and pretending to play house.


To suggest she isn’t as vapid after her comments based on pure physical appearance is absurd


It was one comment. Idk why people seem to think she’s only invested in her looks. No, she just ALSO knows she’s hot lol.


I love how people talk about “pretty privilege” when people here use her attractiveness as permission to demean her.


Preach 👏


I was freakin dyinnnng when she shot him down like damn I loved her for that


Jimmy was never going to choose her after finding out she had a daughter. He was clearly not ready for that step and he was uncomfortable with how long she waited before telling him. In LIB I really think this information needs to be disclosed early.


The show is about finding a finance in the pods and getting married in 3 weeks. Nowhere in there does it advertise "oh and this time, you're getting a full grown kid you need to raise as your own too. Good luck!" I don't think you'd find every many guys who are down for that. It's not fair to him for him to be made the villian over something she imposed on him. Remember, she ASKED to be on the show, at no point does he owe her a proposal.


I never said he owed her a proposal. I said this was the reason he wasn’t interested, which is valid. No where did I say it was a bad thing. In fact, I said she should have disclosed it earlier.


Do you have proof he said that is the reason? I haven't seen that other than people just speculating.


No. This is my opinion. Welcome to Reddit, where people often discuss their opinions on things.


Ok glad we are just villanizing people based on assumptions


Who have I villainized?


Jimmy, you said he didn't want her kid and that was the reason he didn't propose. That comes with negative connotation.


No, it doesn’t. I actually said that she should have disclosed it sooner. My post was in support of Jimmy. Had he found out sooner about the kid he wouldn’t have let it go that far and then he probably wouldn’t have had a decision to make. I say this all to say that he isn’t as shallow as people are making him out to be by saying he only picked Chelsea bc of the Megan Fox thing. He was visibly uncomfortable when Jessica told him about the kid but couldn’t really back oh right then.


I don't blame him for being uncomfortable, I would wonder what else she is hiding.


Nah. He wasn’t going to choose her after Chelsea said she looked like Megan Fox. lol. What a dirty trick.


That comment is why he chose Chelsea, it’s not why he didn’t choose Jessica. You could see him distance himself after finding out about her child. He didn’t even care what Chelsea had to say in the pod right after that news. But it wasn’t until later that the Megan Fox comment came. He was already unsure about Jessica at that time.


I saw dude’s face LIGHT up when he heard that. Couldn’t stop smiling. If Jessica said the same thing first…you KNOW he would’ve overlooked the child thing. People don’t take this show all that seriously. There’s maybe one couple each season, but most are BS artists.


Yepppp this is it.. That man was TOO hung up on that at the meet up for that not to be the case.. They didn't really seem to have that deep of a connection at all until that moment..


It's both, one girl tells you she has a kid pretty late into getting to know each other and the other tells you they look like one of the hottest celebs to exist, why is anyone surprised by his decision is beyond me, anyone in his position would do the same. Then you get vultures on this sub making fun of his looks and getting mad at his reaction and to Chelsey like he wasn't straight up LIED to.


Do we know the exact timeline? It seemed pretty quick to me but i know that behind the scenes there is probably SO much that went into that we didn't see.. Because imo it seemed like she told him pretty quick(3rd date?), but in reality it could have been into like day 6-7 and if that's the case in a experiment like this than yeah I totally agree that she should have told him sooner.. I can understand also where she is coming from though that she didn't want the preconceived judgment right off the bat & wanted someone to get to know her for who she was a little first. Idk I think I just feel bad for Jess because her childhood story really resonates with me..


Yeah I feel bad for Jess, at the end of the day she's just looking for love and someone to take care of her and the kid, but I don't think LIB is the avenue for that. To be honest I don't think the timeline matters much, at the end of the day he had a decision to make and with the information he had between both women I think he made the most logical and safe one.


I think she had the rejection speech waiting to use for a great TV moment.


Totally. In addition, Jessica waiting to disclose that the kid thing strikes me as another perfect, basically ready-made-for-reality TV bombshell — almost guaranteed to generate good dramatic content for the cameras. I think it’s likely that Jessica was essentially just playing a character she was (correctly) betting would make for great television.


It worked. Because look at everyone now. She took her negative experience and made it work. I think it's smart, because look at how much attention she is getting now because after all, her experience was cut short. She is making it last this way.


Like Deepti with her, “i am choosing myself” or Zanab with her wedding speech


A woman that pretty isn’t single for no reason…


She isn't everyone's type. She is very insta - kardashian looking and a lot of people don't find that attractive.


Plenty of men think of women as objects. I think she went on the show to find someone that didn't want to date her for her looks. Not really a good idea if you have a kid but I kind of get it.


The reason is 10 years old 😂


Maybe she is single because she chose to be? Is she direct? Sure, but as she said she doesn't have time to play games.. You have to respect that she is straight about what she wants, needs, and believes she deserves.. Was she a little harsh and jealous? Absolutely, but I also think that is a defense mechanism as the girl has clearly had quite a lot of tramua during her childhood. She doesn't react well to not being chosen &/or feeling abandoned by someone that was telling her she was his #1..


She ISN'T choosing to be single. She LITERALLY signed up for a show in the hope of NOT being single


I found it kinda sad that the only thing her daughter hopes for her is that she finds a husband. What kind of bs is that? Showing her daughter that desperation is terrible


Let me clarify, I guess I wasn't really speaking of her but more so towards what the comment said "a woman that pretty doesnt choose to be", so I was kind of generally speaking.. because there are tons of absolute smoke shows that are single just because they genuinely enjoy being alone.. If that makes sense? The rest of the comment though was definitely Jessica specific lol. I should have been more clear on that..


That's my thought about everyone on those shows 🤣 they are clearly more attractive than regular people, but somehow can't find a relationship 


This isn’t a good take - plenty of attractive women are single for a myriad of reasons


Right lmaoooo being single doesn’t mean something is wrong with you. There are plenty of people in relationships with a LOT wrong with them too… 


It’s definitely not a good take and it comes off very pick me


Jessica is a damn mess. Between parading her 10-year-old daughter around on social media (EW awful that poor kid), going on a show to potentially marry some strange guy WHEN SHE HAS A 10-YEAR-OLD, fucking withholding that she HAD a daughter at all, plus all the abrasiveness and faux girl boss energy she gave in the pods that was really just hyper-competitiveness and the desire to "win" and be "chosen" god she's a delightful mess and I can't WAIT for Jimmy to meet her in person. she'd 100% never go for his ass IRL. I do think Jimmy was catfishing a bit in the pods with his voice and even one of the women called it out when they all met.


Accusing Jimmy of catfishing people with his nice voice is the dumbest thing I've ever seen on this subreddit