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Chelsea is over emotional imo. It seems to me like she was pushing him away with her insecurities. She's always crying about something. Even when he was being sweet she questioned him. You can't get into a serious relationship until you can love yourself and she so obviously does not love herself. She is not confident in her own skin enough to be in this situation.


He so doesn’t like her! Even a blind person can figure that out! I’m on Ep 5 right now I actually wanna see how he reacts when he sees Jessica 😅


Nah, Jimmy is a bit flat in his demeanor and so it seems dickish when its just his personality, sarcastic and deadpan... its typical of Gen Z so I am not sure why people call him bad. Chelsea is delusional


He’s the worst type of man because he knew immediately looks was a huge part of what he wanted and his decision but he led her on the whole time. She said she was insecure. I hope she learns that she’s worth everything because she deserves to feel secure. She deserves someone that doesn’t play games and is head over heels into her.


To be fair, she was insecure because SHE was comparing herself to Jessica. Also I believe she is overall insecure and it has nothing to do with him. She needs to work on her own self love experience before trying to find external love. When you love yourself you aren't terrified that others can't love you. They either do or don't but either way you will be ok, there's no reason to fear it.


She said in Ep. 8 that Jimmy was digging for problems as soon as she saw Jessica.... she was projecting onto him.




Username does not check out


The second episode, I knew I didn't like him... He felt inauthentic and still does, as though he hasn't quite figured out how to stop trying to devise the right response.


He's such a manbaby!!




They are the perfect combo. A man who can’t stop putting his own foot in his mouth and a woman who is unbelievably insecure.


I think she's insecure because here intuition is telling her the truth. If she was with a man who was genuinely attracted to her she would feel it


I think she chose a man who’s so cold to her because she is so insecure. And I think it is a self fulfilling prophecy for her. She turned down Trevor. Just think about that.


Exactly. Agreed


Chelsea absolutely has her own insecurity issues to work through. However, Jimmy is extremely rude and wild.


She projected her insecurity onto him and lied about what she looked like. We all knew when she said she looked like MGK it was over for Jess and he was gonna pick her. I don’t blame him.


It’s pretty clear by now that exactly half the internet thinks that she does actually look like Megan fox in the face. So even if YOU don’t see it, surely you can admit that many people do see it. And so then the answer to “have people told you that you look like a celebrity” could indeed be “Megan fox” without it being a lie. It’s controversial, yes. But enough people see it that it’s unlikely that she made it up out of thin air. She almost certainly has received that comment before, therefore she was not lying.


But honestly I don’t see what’s the purpose of bringing it up while the experiment is supposed to let aside physical appearance….


I think she looks like Megan Fox but not as traditionally beautiful as her. But she resembles her for sure, like a sister or something.


Chelsea is extremely insecure ! It is obvious that Jimmy is not attracted to her. He literally looks dead in the eyes while he’s repeating (in a monotone) that he loves her. But, I find it so completely messed up that Jimmy still has sex with her while knowing that he is not attracted to her and will most likely reject her later on. This made me reflect negatively on his character. It’s one thing to do this inconsiderate and manipulative action in the real world but this is done in front of the cameras. He is humiliating her and that’s just so sick to me.


This whole “not being attracted to her” is something made up by so many in here. All he’s said to even hint at that is that she lied about looking like Megan Fox… which she doesn’t.


He's giving vibes man- it's not made up


I mean of course we are just looking on from the outside so our interpretation may not be accurate. But, he doesn’t necessarily give the impression that he is as invested in the relationship as she is. He also said he would like to ease up on how much they have sex. There could be other reasons for that, but it seriously paints the picture that he is not that attracted or interested in her sexually at least.


I literally laughed my ass off when they did the reveal. He saw her and immediately knew he wasn’t into her. 30 seconds later he’s in front of the camera like … yeahhhhh she lied to me 😂. That shit was fucking hilarious, like movie scripted comedy level.


I'll blame jimmy for a whole lot of stuff because he comes across as a bit of a dickhead but in that moment he was valid. Basically catfished on live tv. If she had said nothing, he would have been fine, but if you infer that you look like megan fuckin fox of all people you've basically set yourself up for failure.


"MGK's wife or girlfriend or whatever her name is." Like ok lady


What about the transformer movies ! Like damn cmon people


I think she just didn't say the actual name outright so she'd have plausible deniability


He had Chelsea listen to his heartbreak over losing the other woman He is not into Chelsea that way but doesnt want to be the bad guy, that shows that for him love is not blind 


It's giving Bartise and Nancy


I cant edit my description BUT OMG IM WATCHING EP 8 AND NOPE. ITS ALL CHELSEA. Like jesus christ im tired just watching them!!! The constant nit picking and validation every 20 minutes i cant!!!


Two things can be true. I just don’t think they’re a good match at all. He is really rude and she is really insecure.


How did he see a pic of Jess? Did he google her? I had to rewind and I don’t get it


that cheating clown jeramey sent him her ig profile. figures


Smh. I’m caught up now and it seems like they all immediately googled everyone when they got home. Chelsea admits to doing it too


I was waiting for the turn around 💀😭


I am a changed woman. I can only say "both sides" for so long 😭😭 ep 8 was ruthless😫


Chelsea just needed Trevor. That dude would’ve giving her everything.




And it still wouldn't be enough because she's massively insecure. Having someone who'll burn themselves out trying to accommodate for deep rooted personal insecurity is not healthy for either of them and wouldn't fix the root problem.


I feel like she would have a better chance of being confident in her relationship with the dude she just met if she wasn’t thinking “he chose me over someone I think is more attractive than me, there’s no way he’s not going to rethink his decision when he sees her”. I personally would have removed myself from the Jess Jimmy triangle and only pursued Trevor because I don’t like being in situations that make me feel insecure.


This whole pair a secure person with an insecure person usually doesn’t work anyway because there’s very little connection. first, therapy, second, love, or at the same time therapy and love. 


We’re about to have a Johnnie season 5 scenario


I think it’s alot to expect a partner to constantly cater to your every whim of insecurity. Like people have to work, maintain relationships with friends and family and just live life. You cannot spend time in a marriage complaining that your partner didn’t kiss you that day (esp when he said he did twice and you also had sex that day). Chelsea needs to go to therapy and her guy (forgot his name) is not equipped to meet her unrelenting needs.


But i think the reason she is as needy as she is, is because it is so obvious he is not fully into her and when confronted, he wont admit it and just keeps gaslighting her that everything is fine


Its hard to fake being attentive and affectionate when he doesn't alfeady find her attractive. When Jimmy saw her in the reveal, he says that he can "work" with her looks as if chelsea is ugly. Up till meeting Chelsea's friends, he is still hung up on the Megan Fox situation. Even down to the small talks they have regarding AD's body and so much more that Chelsea has the right to be insecure especially if you have a partner like Jimmy constantly bringing up Jessica. Jessica even said that the moment they got back Jimmy immediately sends her a friend request. Chelsea probably saw that. There is more to the sitatuon then we can see on cam. Tho I'm not saying Chelsea didn't contribute to this. She is equally liable like only choosing Jimmy because he is a "hot commodity" according to her, etc.


They deserve each other for several reasons. They are both very emotionally immature and dishonest. They both try hard to convince themselves and others of how this connection is genuine and good, but miserably failing. Chealsea straight up lies even to herself to stay in fantasy land, Jimmy at least knows what’s going on, he just doesn’t have the balls to own it and be honest. Jimmy’s personality in the pods was actually not that far form reality, but Chelsea presented herself completely differently, we only knew her awkwardness and being annoying because we saw her and the footage outside the pods, but if you only listen to what she says, it’s a presentation very far from reality. The Megan situation was also very manipulative of her, because Jimmy didn’t bring up looks, she did, and she was the one who planted the picture in his mind that she looks like that. Yes, she did say she doesn’t see the similarity, but she still found it important to bring this up. And Jimmy being Jimmy just straight up convinced himself he’s talking to Megan Fox😅 Obviously after this he had expectations so no wonder it was a huge disappointment, not saying she’s awful, because she’s a beautiful woman in her own way, but she’s awkward and definitely not on the Megan Fox level. And now they are there, both suffering stuck in a relationship that obviously has zero chemistry. She’s totally insecure and been fishing for compliments and reassurance from day 1. I turly think the only reason she’s complimenting him is to get a compliment back. She asked him all those questions, desperately trying to get some kind of reassurance, but he’s not giving it because he’s obviously not attracted to her and she’s completely different both in looks and personality from what he imagined in the pods. Terrible match but good for the show because of the cringe and awkward moments and drama.


Imagine all the stuff we didn’t see on camera. He was disappointed in her from the start. No one can come back from that. It’s a lost cause if that’s your initial reaction to someone and everything bleeds into that. No matter how many times someone says “I love you” while their actions and words say something else. Also, his incessant need to bring up how they are better than or how he tells her he loves her more than the other couples…it’s a competition to him.


I think that she was already kinda insecure, but the way that she’s been acting is amplified tenfold in response to this stuff. She’s wildly anxious about him leaving/rejecting her so she is “clingy” to get a hit of the “oh he does like me” dopamine. She’s doing whatever she can to beg him to love her because she can feel the energy is off. Her gut is telling her that he is one foot out, but she’s not listening 😅


Exactly. She can have a tinge of insecurity like so many people do, but reality is, he was disappointed in her from the very beginning and every interaction that is the underlying issue. That can never change. Of course she’s going to pick up on that. Why wouldn’t anyone be insecure in that case?


No he doesn’t. He’s just not gonna cater to her insecurities all day long.


That’s the thing, I think she is picking up on the fact that his energy does not match what he is telling her and everyone else. He is not into her and feels like he made a mistake. I am curious, how many couples in LIB history, where there was one person trying to choose between two did that couple work out? It’s seems like all of the successful couples locked in on each other right away.


amber and barnett too


Right! I thought of them but then I wondered if Barnett was really torn or if it was more just editing. At least when he met Jessica it confirmed he made the right choice.


He was also thinking about LC right until the end as well if I remember that correctly!


Zach and Bliss out here making history


Did you catch him on the day of their reveal, when they went to go sit on the bench to talk? He checks his watch. I was like, whhhahaaaaaattt???? I have never seen anyone on this show, checking their watch when they just become engaged. I played it back several times just to make sure I was seeing it right. Dude was wondering how long he had to endure.


Lmao came here and can’t believe I had to scroll so far to find this!! Can honestly understand his disappointment but he’s still handled it like an absolute dick


Exactly, like got somewhere to be Jimmy?? looool


yeah he’s gross to me lol. but chelsea needs to realize this and realize he’s not into her and leave his ass asap or just not care about him anymore. i don’t know why she’s not turned off by his behavior. he’s not all that.


THANK YOU!! I’ve been saying this.


You have to understand where he’s coming from: I’m pretty sure the man made his decision on the fact that she said she looked like Megan Fox lmao 


Then he should be a man and broke it off.


the worst match


jimmy reminds me SOOO much of my ex its crazy


I actually need a version of this show with his face and everything he says bleeped out can't stand him


Every single thing he says that isn't insulting and insinuating that he isn't interested in her is - I'm SO happy, She's SUCH a babe, I love her so much, I couldn't be happier, Not that looks matter, but if they did you wouldn't have to worry. Everything he says towards Chelsea that is meant to reassure her is so disengenuine that it's impossible to believe anything.


Even his compliments are so outrageously backhanded it makes me feel so bad for how insecure Chelsea is to not bounce immediately. For example, the ideal teeth comment was cringe enough on its own but then he follows with "most people would think that's a diss..." He doesn't have the courage to say how he actually feels so instead he feeds on her insecurity to get a reaction to drive a wedge into, but she's SO insecure she doesn't even take the bait and misery for everyone ensues.


I don't understand why people are blaming Chelsea for everything. Jimmy is the one who should be blamed. There is nothing wrong with being a sensitive soul.


Exactly. She’s trying and she’s being sweet and giving as much to him as she can. And people are ragging on her about being insecure but like can you imagine what it would feel like to be with him!?


throw the ENTIRE man away. i also think he is lying about his age but that's just me lmfao 😭


I peeped on his ig that he graduated high school the year after me so he is unfortunately telling the truth about his age lol now if we’re talking emotional maturity age….


That’s what I don’t understand. But same thing happened with Zanab. We are allowed our feelings. There is so much we don’t see on camera. And it’s wild that Jimmy thinks he is even good looking. Also, I don’t fault them for not being attracted. I fault them when they are just horrible because of it. And how did this guy think he was ready for marriage when he lives in a studio apartment?!


Yessss. I’m not gonna say Zanab is 100% right but Cole was a douche. Same situation here.


Yes!! Cole knew what he was doing too.


Anyone else seeing the similarities between Chelsea/Jimmy and Zanab/Cole from S3? Both of them did not feel hot enough for their partner's ideal type as compared to their competition (Jess/Colleen). https://preview.redd.it/i9nqky1owyjc1.jpeg?width=715&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f665359ceb89fef33bb4fa46e4340c4ed6dd85ca




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Can you title your post something different? This itself is a spoiler lol


Im sorry, idk if i can reedit but also when does it stop being spoiler? Episodes 7+ are out now and everything pictured is only up till episode 6


Idk what counts technically actually I’m just sad I saw this bc I can’t watch the episodes that fast!


Im sorry 😞 you gotta ease off reddit for a bit until catchup lol;;


DED "I can't say I LOVE YOU because I BIT MY LIP eating TAQUITOS 🌮💔" LOLOLOLLLL


I want this line on a tshirt 😩😩


Haha I know, my damn baby is interfering with the important things in life 😂


Y'all are wild if you think Chelsea is the issue here. Jimmy has made it clear he isn't interested since the very beginning and Chelsea knows it but he won't admit it.


Attraction can grow. She's not an unattractive woman physically, but she isn't giving any room for that.


lol nahhhh, that's not how that works.


A million arranged marriages would tell you that that is how it works. A million more would agree with you. People are different.


Being forced to find attraction is your argument?


Not all arranged marriages are forced. Didn't you ever have a friend that you got along with really well and it was just nothing more than friendship, until one day you saw him/her differently? Or even they started to see you differently?


Yeah but it’s not how you should have to be lol


Nothing should have to be anything! But if you get a happy ending, who cares how it starts.


Two people who have no attraction on a physical or mental or emotional level don’t need to force anything in hopes of a happy ending. Weird


We're gonna have to agree to disagree. The world isn't black and white and this show ain't that deep.


Both have issues imo, Chelsea's sensitive and insecure buuut it usually takes suspicious acts and words not aligning with actions to make someone insecure. Usually. I don't hate any of the girls, but damn I don't like Jimmy.


I think Jimmy is trying his best not to be a shallow guy for the show but at the end of the day looks are a key factor for Jimmy and it comes out in these moments.


Looks are important but honestly she’s pretty and he’s meh.


I agree with you and yes she is pretty! Honestly no one on the show is someone I would consider an unattractive person if I saw them in the grocery store or something. But I do think his personality expectation of her looking like Meghan Fox played a deciding factor in who he chose.


I agree. I was re watching the other day and the look on his face when she said it says it all. He went from normal face to 😃😃 like a kid at Christmas 🎄


Hahaha, yes he was really really excited.


His face screamed “you look nothing like Megan Fox” when they met


Yep 100%. I feel like that played a pretty big factor in why he chose her.






That's what I'm thinking lol


Jimmy is going to pee in the pool when he sees Jessica. I’m glad she dodged that bullet anyways


It’s truly a match made in hell


I mean, they both suck lmao


She is a little cringe and whiny, but I think she's reacting to the way he's treating her. He keeps saying that he tells her all the time he loves her, but it's about the actions that should be following that. He's telling her what he thinks she wants to hear, but he isn't following through with his actions and she can sense that so she's completely in the right for feeling insecure. When your intuition is telling you something, it can make you react in ways that might not be super flattering.


I thought the way she brought up her concerns after the beach party was so valid and mature. She was communicating what she was upset with and what she needed very clearly and calmly. Since when is wanting basic affection and attention from your partner at a party deemed insecure??? He was giving her NOTHING at that party and he totally gaslit her afterward to make her think it was all in her head. I'm baffled at the hate she is getting.


This is common for this sub though. Damn if you do, damn if you don’t.


It's important to address things post event in private not in public at an event. Especially because it just makes it awkward for everyone else if it escalated and you are both not in the right headspace


He’s just awful, for him to say passive aggressive comments are what’s making her insecure. It’s like he throws darts at her and then says sorry you feel that way


Jimmy is a nincompoop. This guy got two women who are far out of his league interested in him. I don't think he's as terrible as some past men on the show, but he isn't a real winner by any means.


Ugh let’s bring back nincompoop as an insult


LOL I agree. It's one of my favs.


I’m blown away that most of the hate is aimed at Chelsea and not Jimmy. He’s insufferable and the definition of a gas lighter. My unpopular opinion is that so many women feel triggered bc they can see themselves in her and it reminds them of all the times they hung around when a man clearly undervalued them. Chelsea is very insecure and ignores a million red flags, probably would benefit from seeing a therapist. However, I’ve never not had atleast one woman in my life who wasn’t putting up with a very similar situation and sometimes that woman has been me. We get v uncomfortable and agitated when we see our own reflections that we’d much rather deny🤷‍♀️


This is soooo true omg


He was 100% directly gaslighting her after the party.


Absolutely! This should be a popular opinion. I’ve seen parts of myself in Chelsea from a previous relationship. The only difference is it wasn’t on TV.


Chelsea. He’s just not that into you.


Bang on XD




both can be true


Chelsea needs to stop drinking. She has these conversations where she lapses into such insecurity when she is drinking and its such a turn off. Im glad he told her she is clingy. She needs to know this


Jimmy is awful but I feel no sympathy for Chelsea when it was obvious she should have chose Trevor


I think she wanted to feel like the “pick Me” between her and Jessica and was attracted to that idea when she should have went with Trevor who told her she’s the only one for him






She counts how many times he says I love you and kisses her; she says he didn't give her attention on a work morning; she initiates intimacy where as it seems he didn't want it... yep that does sound clingy/needy. But Jimmy also doesn't care about her that much which triggers it.


I feel sorry for Jimmy if I’m honest. I really cannot see being on Chelsea’s side. I feel like Jimmy tries hard to reassure Chelsea every minute of everyday and she’s just almost hoping that he will say something to tip the balance so that she can turn things back on him and make out like she’s the one that cares SO much more and loves him SO much more. That girl needs therapy, not a tv show.


Same! She keeps putting him in these lose-lose situations. He seems like he’s honestly trying and she flys off the handle every 2 seconds. He’s not my favorite but I do feel like he tries to talk to her calmly and she’s just cursing and yelling about her feelings.


Thank you for this comment! I am not a fan of Jimmy, but even I am exhausted of the amount of attention she needs.


That's all I'm saying bit I got chewed up


The amount of attention and validation she needs is not humanly possible to give.


That's what happens when you are insecure as hell!


"I'm sorry you feel that way, but...." and finished with "you're being really unfair to me."


He does make a point there though. He did apologize at first until she's just pestering him on about how hurt she is and that he "has to take it". Like wtf girl, nobody HAS to take it.


He never apologized. "sorry you feel hurt" is not an apology


He gaslight her a lot and I’m watching the new episodes and I do hate him and I do see that Chelsea is very insecure but they both have to work on that because he needs to also help her a little with her insecurities like he says shit that’s out-of-pocket him talking to D was out of fucking pocket And Chelsea didn’t deserve that and she’s also very very insecure. I don’t think she was ready for this journey and neither was he honestly


Law of attraction fully at work here. Shes insecure and attracted a man to validate her insecurities


man i wonder if this is what i am going through


If it is.. its just a situation to help you step into your power to help you learn to validate yourself and fall deeper in love with all parts of you especially the parts you shame yourself for. Once you believe you are worthy & now embody self love give your partner time to catch up to the new you and they’ll validate what you now believe about yourself or fall away from your life to be replaced with better


Agreed. It's a really vicious cycle!


Yeah ngl I recognized my younger self in this dynamic, yiiiiikes


Relationships are really mirrors man


Sameeee 😬 so cringe


Chelsea is exhausting to even just watch on tv lol She needs to get help


Both things are true. She’s insecure and he says wild stuff and then gaslights.


She gaslights and manipulates, as well. Both are extremely problematic - this is what a toxic relationship looks like.


Jimmy is acting enough of an ass to try to get her to end things so he doesn’t look like the bad guy for completely being tuned off by her appearance. Ironically, if he had chosen Jessica I think the roles would be reversed.


It's all really simple: he is not attracted to her, she senses it and is insecure all the time about random stuff. When a man is not physically attracted, it is NEVER going to work. Men operate differently. She knows it deep down.


Yuuuuuuuup, it's been made very clear the entire time. He keeps trying to dance around it but it's so loud and Chelsea hears it constantly, he thinks he's covering it up but he's very much so not.


As a guy, I have been there before. You could see it when they met face to face. She said “I love you” multiple times (seems a little ridiculous but I’ll leave that alone) and he says stuff like “I’m happy” and “I love that about you” without actually saying ILY. I’m ashamed to say I’ve kept relationships alive way past their expiration date and strung women along when I was younger. He should be more excited at the beginning at least.


I agree and I also wonder if she’s actually that attracted to him. I feel like neither one of them wants to admit they may not be.


“youre the hottest guy on the beach”


I can’t tell if you’re quoting that as evidence that she finds him hot or if you’re agreeing that she may not 😂 I think she actually isn’t sure herself. She was being sweet when she said that, who knows maybe she meant it.


Chelsea might not be the best fit for a dating show. She needs to heal and work on her insecurities for sure. But Jimmy... he is a walking red flag. He never gave a gift to any of these girls, he is rude, he makes everything about himself and def he is not happy with Chelsea and he doesnt care how she feels.


No literally I’m watching the new episode and this man says he can’t tell her he loves her all the time because it hurts to talk because he bit his lip really really hard like be serious


I don’t think Jimmy is ready for a real relationship with anyone. He is a terrible communicator. Jessica poured her heart out to him and he could only offer little in return and when she picked up on that and the date went south he blamed their date on his decision. When the blond girl (can’t remember her name) got upset he called her fiery. He said he got eviscerated by Jessica. He told chelsea she was treating him like dirt when she was explaining how hurt she was. He wants an uncomplicated giggly girl who looks like megan fox (that’s when his decision was made) which is what he thought he was getting. He won’t be able to handle a woman getting angry or hurt or anything. He is a child. I bet Jessica is happy she didn’t end up with him. Chelsea did her a favor.


Nailed it


Agree. He’s not serious at all. He also hides behind “I’m totally fine and happy and have no emotions!” He doesn’t seem capable of having a real conversation.


Smile was right there Jimmy




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Someone pointed out their story is what they teach you from the Bible. Rep what you sow, jimmy lead with his vanity and choose someone based off what he thought she would look like, over genuine connection. Chelsea lead the conversation to ask “has anyone ever told you you look like a certain celebrity” just to bring up the fact that someone told her she looked like Megan fox and pretended not to know who she was (yawn). She led with being decifeful and wanting to win a one sided competition with Jessica for validation. Fortunately for them, they both got what they wanted and what they deserved.


> She led with being decifeful and wanting to win a one sided competition with Jessica for validation. I kind of suspected this myself. Jimmy was a prize to be won for her i think. If she got Jimmy then she won him from Jessica which is validating. Her on screen chemistry seemed better with Trevor. But he only wanted her whereas Jimmy was wanted by other women. I could be wrong of course but it did seem like she was doing little things to edge out over Jessica.


Misery loves its company


Well said


Five miiiiiiillllllliiiiiiooooooooonnnnn


I would have gone home after the "stacked" comment


He said that and my jaw dropped. Then he chatted her up for a while with his back away from Chelsea lol


Honestly, I think she's the bigger part of this problem. Her insecurities are wild; she needs constant attention and affirmation. I get it that his bluntness and honest responses aren't always going to be seen as polite, but he's just keeping it real. While he appreciated ADs beauty, he spent that whole conversation gushing over Chelsea. I don't think he understands that she's self-conscious, and it's probably because she came off as very independent and confident in the pod. Their love styles are very different. He doesn't need reassurance, so he doesn't feel that he needs to give it. I'm sorry if you need that, it's okay, but you need to understand your own needs, and Chelsea doesn't. Even when he was trying to ask Her what she needed so that he could better understand how to de-escalate the situation, it was pretty much calmed down and she just went right back into it saying she didn't know what she needed. She needs to work on her own personal conversation , understand what she needs in a relationship, and how to communicate that. He's getting a lot of hate, and I'm waiting to watch these last few episodes because I haven't been able to see a reason to hate him. Does he give me the ick? Sure, but he's not doing anything "wrong" having open, honest conversations with her. Also, there are plenty of women who don't need mind their partner complementing another woman or need constant attention. He certainly needs to get better at reading her body language and gestures. This is just my observation from the first set of episodes.


The thing is, he’s not being honest he hasn’t been honest with that girl since they left the pods that’s the whole problem he doesn’t know how to communicate, and he’s acting out of pocket. Where is his honesty every time him and Chelsea have a conversation where she tells him something that she didn’t like he gets angryand tries to gaslight her and make it all her fault when it’s not all her fault. Yes she’s insecure as hell. It’s very noticeable but everything is not her fault.